Fight 4 Us (Book 5): Agreement

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Fight 4 Us (Book 5): Agreement Page 16

by Grenda, Brian

  I look at Eric and say, “Have fun staying with these people. Hope you don’t turn into a douche.”

  Lauren, Phil, Jon, and I leave Brad, and we walk towards the docks.

  Brad, Eric, and Julia follow behind us.

  I look at Phil and say, “These people are fucked without us. I’m not sure I will stop Jacob from hurting these people. Fuck these pretentious assholes.”



  Phil drives into Bobby G’s driveway and parks his SUV.

  Eric drives by my house and takes Jon and Julia home.

  Bobby G comes out of his house and walks over to me.

  Lauren says hello to Bobby G and goes into our house.

  Phil starts unloading his SUV.

  “How did it go?” asks Bobby G.

  “It went okay. We met a new community, but they aren’t people we will be seeing anytime soon.”

  Bobby G asks, “Why’s that?”

  Phil shouts, “Because they are rich snobs! Their leader wouldn’t see us without getting a present from us first!”

  “What did he want?” asks Bobby G.

  “I’m not sure. Never got to meet him. A lieutenant of his talked with him, and I never made it inside to meet the guy.”

  Bobby G replies, “It’s probably a good thing it didn’t work out. We don’t need any more trouble or headaches right now. We have enough on our plate.”

  I agree with Bobby G’s statement and am partially relieved it didn’t work out. Between Jacob, the Big Club, our neighborhood, Bo, and the Warriors, I have enough to worry about right now.

  “They control an area of downtown Tampa, along the waterway, port, and bay. It would have been nice to have a connection with them and some seafood.”

  Bobby G says, “It will work out one way or another. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Right now, it’s not meant to be, but I’m sure that group will be back around again.”

  Phil asks, “Is today the today for World of Trade?”

  I look at Phil and say, “Yes. Today’s the today.”

  Phil and I unload the items that we took from Davis Island.

  We got some good stuff from the abandoned million-dollar homes on Davis Island.

  Phil takes out a black wooden baseball bat and says, “I’m keeping this baby safe inside. No zombie brains on this thing. Can’t believe I found this bat in DJ’s mansion.”

  I close the trunk to Phil’s SUV and look at Phil.

  “We have to go back there and get those electric vehicles. I saw an electric truck and car. Electric and hybrid vehicles are what we need for the future. Gas won’t last forever.”

  Phil and I say goodbye to Bobby G and head into my house.

  “We have to meet Jacob today. I don’t remember him saying a time, but I would like to make our way to World of Trade in an hour.”

  Phil puts some of the belongings we got from Davis Island in the living room, but keeps the black baseball bat.

  Phil walks towards my front door and says, “I’m going to tell Matt and Shaun to be ready to leave in an hour. I’ll see you later.”

  “See ya. Bring items that you are willing to trade.”

  Phil says, “Okay, I’ll see you in an hour.”

  Phil exits my house through the front door and heads across the street over to Matt’s house.

  Lauren asks, “What are you going to bring to trade today? What are you trying to get from this trip?”

  I think about Lauren’s questions, and I don’t know the answer.

  “Mostly information. I want to get information about this World of Trade place, Jacob, and what’s going on around Tampa Bay. I don’t need any more useless crap around here, that’s for sure.”

  Lauren asks, “Can I make a request for something?”

  “What would you like sweetie?”

  “If possible, can you see if they have some dark chocolate? The Big Club only has milk chocolate. I like milk chocolate, but dark chocolate is my favorite,” says Lauren.

  I can’t help but to smile at the request made by Lauren.

  I look at Lauren with a smirk on my face and say, “I’ll see what I can do sweetie. Anything for you.”

  Lauren says, “Thank you, honey.”

  I check the house for any final items I would like to bring with me, and then make my way to my SUV.

  TJ and Janet loaded my SUV with tons of different items that should bring a lot of value at World of Trade.

  I look at the items in the trunk of my SUV and see diapers, toilet paper, batteries, soap, cases of water, aspirin, feminine products, and alcohol.

  A truck comes down my street and parks in the street at the edge of my driveway.

  It’s Eric.

  Eric gets out of his truck and walks over to me.

  “What’s up Eric?”

  Matt and Phil come out of Matt’s house carrying boxes of things that they are willing to trade at World of Trade.

  Eric looks at me and says, “Ryan. I appreciate all that you have done for me and Julia. I hope you don’t hold anything against me for wanting to live at Channelside.”

  Matt and Phil walk over to me and put their boxes in the trunk of my SUV.

  I look at Eric and say, “I don’t have any bad feelings towards you, Julia, or Brad. I just don’t have any time for people like the ones we saw at Channelside and their Captain.”

  “I don’t like what happened at Channelside and with the Captain either. Julia and I will be gone before you come back from World of Trade. I want to keep our lines of communication open and want to work with you, your people, and Jon still,” says Eric.

  Phil jokes, “You must give us each something in order for us not to hate you.”

  We all laugh at Phil’s joke.

  “Honestly Eric, I would like to work with you, Brad, and everyone who sees the living as a viable resource and values our skills. I will keep in touch with you and Brad. Feel free to come back here to Citrus Oaks if you need us.”

  I shake Eric’s hand and say, “I will see you again. Stay safe, don’t become complacent and too comfortable at Channelside.”

  Shaun comes out of his house and brings a small box of items that he is willing to trade today.

  Shaun asks Eric, “Where is my riot shield?”

  Eric replies, “I gotta clean it. It’s got zombie brains on it. I’ll leave it with Jon.”

  Shaun replies, “Okay. Thank you.”

  Eric looks at me and says, “I will try to see what’s going on at Channelside, with their Captain, and with Jacob. I will keep the lines of communication open between us.”

  Shaun shouts, “You ladies ready or what! I got deals to make! Bring on this World of Trade!”

  Shaun puts his box of items in the back of my SUV.

  “We have to get going, but thank you Eric for your communication and the willingness to keep us connected with Channelside.”

  Eric gets in his truck and drives back to his home at the far end of the neighborhood.

  I look at the guys and say, “I’m going to talk with my dad before we go. Only bring stuff that we are willing to trade. They might take our ammunition and maybe our weapons. Only bring what you are willing to trade or give them.”

  Shaun, Phil, and Matt talk near my SUV, as I enter Bobby G’s house.

  “You awake in here?” I shout as I enter Bobby G’s house through the front door.

  “Yeah. I was taking a nap,” says Bobby G with a half a sleep tone of voice.

  I walk into Bobby G’s bedroom and find him lying in his bed.

  “Get up old man. We are leaving for World of Trade now.”

  Bobby G replies, “I’m not going. I need to get my beauty rest.”

  “I know you aren’t coming, and you’ll need a lot of rest to turn into a beauty.”

  “Always with the wise cracks, to the very end,” says Bobby G.

  I look at my dad and ask, “But seriously, we are leaving for World of Trade, do you need anything?”

  Bobby G replies, “No, I’m good. Just be careful with Jacob and at the marketplace. World of Trade sounds like it could be pretty rough.”

  “I will. I’ll see if anything catches my eye for you at the marketplace. I need you to keep an eye on this place, and to help Lauren around here while I’m gone.”

  Bobby G gets up out of bed now.

  “Okay. I will watch over this place, while the four horsemen are gone. Lauren and I will secure this place,” says Bobby G.

  I give Bobby G a hug, and we both walk out the front door of his house together.

  Phil and Matt get into Phil’s SUV.

  Shaun gets into the passenger side of my SUV.

  I’m about to get into my SUV, when Lauren runs over to me.

  “You weren’t going to say goodbye? That’s fresh,” says Lauren.

  I give Lauren a hug and a kiss.

  I tell Lauren that I love her and then I get into my SUV.

  Phil pulls out of Bobby G’s driveway and drives to the South entrance.

  I reverse out of my driveway, give Bobby G and Lauren a goodbye honk, and drive out of the neighborhood through the South entrance.

  I make a left turn out of my neighborhood and start our journey to the World of Trade.

  Phil speeds down the road, and I follow behind him.

  As I’m driving down the road, I see four people walking down the sidewalk towards Citrus Oaks.

  I look closer at the people and I ask, “What is she doing out and walking around?”

  I slam on the breaks and stop my SUV.

  I honk my horn for Phil to notice and he stops.

  The four-people walking on the sidewalk are Sam, Jerri-Lynn, Kiersten, and Andre.

  I roll my window down and shout, “What are you doing out and about Jerri-Lynn?”

  She replies with her Kentucky accent, “I just wanted to say thank you for helping us and give you something in return. You saved my life.”

  “Is it that awesome pickaxe or knife that you have on you?”

  “No sir, but it’s these patches I made for you and your four friends,” says Jerri-Lynn.

  Sam walks over to my window and hands me the patches.

  “We were on our way to come see you. She insisted on thanking you today, and she wanted you to have these,” says Sam.

  I take the patches from Sam and say, “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do anything like that. I’m just glad you are okay.”

  I hand the patches to Shaun to hold.

  Shaun looks at the patches and asks, “Owls? What’s up with all the owl patches?”

  Sam laughs and says, “It’s a long story, but they are a symbol.”

  “A symbol of what?”

  Jerri-Lynn says, “I’ll explain what they mean another time, but keep them on you and you’ll be safe.”

  I look at Jerri-Lynn and say, “Thank you for the patches. They are a real hoot. I hate to cut this conversation short, but we have a meeting to get too.”

  Sam says, “That’s okay. We are just glad we saw you. We will see you again. We know where you live.”

  Shaun and I say goodbye to Sam, Jerri-Lynn, Andre, and Kiersten.

  I honk my horn and drive towards Phil’s SUV.

  Phil starts driving and we continue on towards the World of Trade.

  After our 20-minute ride, we make it to the gates and the heavily guarded borders at World of Trade.

  Shaun and I carefully examine the borders, the people, the area, and everything we see as we pass the South entrance, and drive around to the East entrance.

  We drive to the East entrance at World of Trade.

  The South entrance is far more congested and busier than the East entrance. It looks like the South entrance is where most people enter from, and the East entrance is used for higher level access.

  Phil pulls up to the security guard checkpoint station, and the guard talks with Phil.

  The guard looks back at me and starts walking over to me.

  I see the guard coming and roll my window down.

  “Let me see your ID badge, Level 2 access card, or other form of identification,” says the guard.

  I look at the guard and say, “I have. We have never been here before. I was told to meet my friend Jacob here. I have the badge he gave me, and my Florida driver’s license on me.”

  The guard says, “Put your Florida license away. I...”

  Before the guard can continue talking with me, he gets a call on his radio.

  The guard picks up his radio and asks, “Can you please repeat that?”

  The guard listens to the person talking over the radio, looks at me, and then looks at Phil’s SUV.

  The guard walks away from me and Phil’s SUV and yells something to the guard controlling the security gate.

  Shaun says, “I don’t know about this man. That guard looked pretty pissed.”

  Suddenly the large metal East entrance gate opens.

  The guard shouts, “Move along! You two!”

  Phil drives through the gate, and I follow behind him.

  Phil is directed to drive over towards a truck.

  I follow behind Phil and park in the next parking space next to Phil’s SUV.

  A man taps on my driver side window and shouts, “Out of the vehicle now! We need to check you!”

  Shaun and I get out of my SUV.

  Phil and Matt get out of Phil’s SUV.

  Three-armed gunman are standing outside of our vehicles.

  The man that shouted that he needed to check us outside of my SUV comes over to me.

  Other armed men come over to Shaun, Phil, and Matt.

  Before the men can pat us down and check us, a man shouts, “They are with me fellas! You don’t need to check them!”

  Jacob comes around Phil’s SUV and walks over to me.

  The armed men look at Jacob and say, “Yes sir.”

  The armed men walk away from us and go check out other vehicles in the East entrance parking lot.

  “Welcome, Ryan. I have been patiently expecting you,” says Jacob.

  I look at Jacob and say, “We didn’t say a time, but I just figured we should get here early. Earlier the better.”

  Jacob smiles and says, “Early bird gets the worm. Right? I like that. I like a man who is punctual.”

  Shaun, Phil, and Matt walk over to me.

  Jacob sees how Shaun, Phil, and Matt walk behind me and says, “Hiya fellas. Glad you all could make it. Ready to see the craziness that is World of Trade?”



  “Usually you have to get checked and patted down. Some of your weapons would be taken. All your ammunition would be taken, and you would have to give something for collateral, just to get inside World of Trade,” says Jacob as he looks at Shaun, Matt, Phil, and me.

  I’m not sure whether to thank Jacob or just leave. I don’t like the idea of owing Jacob anything, as I think he would use the debt against me.

  “Thank you, Jacob. We appreciate your connections and hospitality.”

  Jacob says, “You are welcome. I’m trying to work on us Ryan. I want you to trust me. We can help each other in this world.”

  We hear a loud rumble come from the crowd at the vendors, and in the distance from the parking lot.

  “What’s going on over there?” asks Phil.

  Jacob says, “Hard to tell, but I’m sure something entertaining. World of Trade is full of entertainment.”

  One of Jacob’s men comes over to Jacob and whispers something in his ear.

  I can’t make out the conversation between Jacob and the man, but I see that Jacob is very interested in what the man is saying.

  The man stops talking in Jacob’s ear, and Jacob looks at Shaun, Phil, Matt, and me.

  “Okay guys. Since this is your first time being here, I recommend that you check everything out first. I will give you a tour of the outside vendors,” says Jacob.

  “Whatever you think is best Jacob. We will
listen to you.”

  Jacob smiles and says, “Good. I like that. I would leave anything that you aren’t willing to lose here at your vehicles. People might try to steal your belongings.”

  “How will we protect ourselves if we leave our weapons?” asks Phil.

  Jacob replies, “Good question. The better question is what happens to you if you get caught using your weapons in there. Trust me, it’s not good.”

  Two-armed guards come running by us and run into the main outdoor vendor trading area.

  I look at Matt, Phil, and Shaun and say, “Keep your guns inside the vehicles, but keep your knives on you. I don’t want to go into the chaos totally vulnerable.”

  The guys and I leave our guns inside our vehicles, but we keep our knives concealed under our shirts. I leave my katana inside my SUV as well. I keep my body armor chest plate on, and so does Phil.

  Jacob says, “Good idea to leave the guns. If the Master of Trade, any armed guards, or vendors see you as a threat or causing problems. It usually results in death.”


  A rifle shot is heard inside the trading section of the outdoor level one vendor area at World of Trade.

  Matt looks at Shaun with a concerned look.

  Jacob starts walking towards the trading tents and tables and his men follow.

  I look at Phil, Matt, and Shaun and we follow Jacob.

  Jacob shouts, “We have, and everyone who is allowed to enter World of Trade has level one access! Level one is the outdoor vendors, merchants, shops, stores, and dealers!”

  We make our way into the center of the main level one trading section.

  The guys and I are amazed at the amount of shops, merchants, people, products, supplies, and deals that are all around us.

  The level one marketplace is like a Middle East trading market. There is a lot of open tents, tables, drapes, sheets, and makeshift stores that are open to the outdoor elements of Florida weather.

  The outdoor level one vendors, merchants, dealers, and shops are open to winds, rain, sun, and the unpredictable Florida weather and storms.

  Jacob shouts, “Let’s walk to the doors inside the mall that require level two access!”

  The level one marketplace is almost too much to take in. My senses are working overtime as we walk through the marketplace.


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