Fight 4 Us (Book 5): Agreement

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Fight 4 Us (Book 5): Agreement Page 18

by Grenda, Brian

  Janet leans towards TJ and the guard and says, “Hey there Ryker. He’s with me.”

  The guard Ryker says, “Oh hey Janet. No problem Janet. I’ll let you right in.”

  Ryker walks back to his security guard booth and hits the button to open the MacDill entrance gate.

  TJ drives through the gate and shakes his head side to side.

  “That guy Ryker was going to check my military ID again,” says TJ to Janet.

  Janet laughs and says, “Yeah he was. Maybe one day he will just let you in.”

  Bo looks out the rear passenger side window and is amazed at all he sees.

  Janet directs TJ to the helicopter wing on the base.

  TJ parks his jeep and removes the keys from the ignition.

  Bo says, “This place is packed. Tons of people everywhere. Airplanes, jets, helicopters, I guess the military and government is still going strong.”

  Janet, TJ, and Bo exit TJ’s jeep.

  Janet sees Ramano over by his helicopter and walks over to him.

  Ramano is fueling up the helicopter and going over any last-minute safety checks.

  TJ and Bo get the bags and gear from TJ’s trunk.

  TJ asks Bo, “You ever been in a helicopter before?”

  Bo says, “No sir. Never. I’m nervous and excited for it though.”

  TJ and Bo walk over to Ramano and Janet.

  Ramano says, “Hey guys. We are just about ready to go. Start gearing up, and I’ll let you know when we are ready to go. I just have to do one thing first before we leave.

  Ramano grabs his radio and says, “They are here. They just got here.”

  TJ is not sure what to make of what Ramano just said over the radio.

  A car comes speeding up to the helicopter area and stops right next to Ramano’s helicopter.

  Ramano looks at TJ and says, “Someone wanted to give you something before we left.”

  TJ looks at the car and sees four people get out of the car.

  “You weren’t even going to say goodbye to your father?” asks Rich as he exits from the car.

  Rich walks over to TJ, Janet, and Bo.

  Rich is followed by three armed military soldiers who look to be geared up and ready for a mission.

  TJ looks at Rich and says, “I was, if we had time. I didn’t want to disturb the ultra-busy Captain Bailey.”

  Rich says, “Never too busy for my best son. I got a present for ya. I think you can use some help on your trip today.”

  TJ and Janet look at each other.

  Rich points to the three-armed military soldiers and says, “These three gentlemen are coming with you today. They are Delta Force commandos, and they want to help today.”

  TJ says, “Thank you, but I think we have it under control though. Don’t want these guys getting hurt on a trip that they don’t need to be going on.”

  The lead commando says, “All due respect TJ, but we can help you. We have been in worse spots than this before. Myself and my two men are coming with you.”

  TJ notices that the tone of the commando that was just talking, is one of anger and persuasion.

  That instantly pisses TJ off.

  Rich tries to intervene and says “Son, Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts are good soldiers. They will cover your back and help you. I’m not risking my son’s life on this trip or any trip.”

  Janet senses the tension between Armstrong and TJ and says “Welcome guys. We should be leaving shortly. Make sure you take a piss before we leave.”

  Rich and TJ walk away from the group and talk.

  “How did you know we were leaving today?” asks TJ.

  “Son, I know everything that is happening on my base. I okayed Ramano to leave today. I want you coming back alive from this trip. Armstrong can be a pain, but he’s good at what he does,” says TJ.

  Janet and Bo finish gearing up and are ready to get moving.

  Armstrong comes over to Rich and TJ.

  “Sir, we are ready to go. We won’t let you down. TJ, I won’t let you down either,” says Armstrong.

  Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts get on the helicopter.

  Rich looks at TJ and says, “Make sure your group has your orange badges for this trip. More and more military keep trickling in to MacDill. The higher ups haven’t given the full kill on sight command yet, but some of these guys are looking for an excuse to kill someone.”

  TJ shows Rich that he has his orange badge underneath his bulletproof vest.

  Rich asks, “You and Janet are a thing? Who is that cowboy with the boots and black cowboy hat?”

  TJ grabs his shotgun and his duffel bag from the ground and says, “Yeah, I guess so. Janet is living with me now. Her place didn’t have power, and the cowboy is Bo. We are looking for his brother and girlfriend.”

  Ramano turns on the helicopter propellers.

  Rich shouts, “Take care son! I’ll see you when you get back!”

  TJ nods in agreement and gets into the helicopter.

  Armstrong and Rich make eye contact.

  Rich mouths the words, “You know your orders.”

  Armstrong shouts, “Yes sir!”

  Armstrong shuts the side panel door of the helicopter.

  TJ sits between Janet and Bo and puts his seatbelt on.

  Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts are sitting on one side of the helicopter across from Janet, TJ, and Bo.

  Ramano says through the helicopter headset, “We are ready to roll. Here we go.”

  Ramano pilots the helicopter straight up in the air, and away from MacDill.

  Bo gets instantly nauseous.

  Armstrong looks directly at TJ and asks, “Your boy alright?”

  Bo throws up into a trash bag.

  TJ says, “I hope so.”

  Ramano says through the helicopter headset, “You might want to see downtown Tampa, and how bad it is from this view.”

  TJ goes to the window and looks out.

  The view is of destruction, chaos, death, and fires.

  Buildings have holes in their windows and roofs. Some of the massive high-rise buildings downtown have broken windows and look to have suffered major damage from people, weapons, and zombies.

  Ramano flies over the University of Tampa campus, the bay, the river, the hockey arena, Channelside, and is coming up on the zoo.

  “Next stop is the Tampa zoo,” says Ramano over the helicopter headset.

  Janet looks at Bo and says, “We are going to be landing soon. Get your stomach and mind ready for it.”

  Brimley whispers something to Armstrong, but Janet can’t make it out.

  Janet looks at Brimley and Armstrong and asks, “What’s up guys? What’s all the whispering about?”

  TJ comes back and sits down next to Janet.

  Armstrong says, “Nothing Janet. We are just curious about your story.”

  Janet says, “My story is none of ya damn business. The only thing you need to worry about is this trip and making sure we all make it out of here alive.”

  Armstrong smirks and says, “I’ll do my best.”

  Bo checks his two pistols and his rifle.

  Janet checks her handgun, knife, and shotgun.

  TJ removes the bullet magazine from his assault rifle and sees that he has a full magazine of bullets.

  Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts all have the same gear, vest, weapons, helmet, and boots.

  They each have a M4 carbine rifle, two handguns, two knives, and two grenades.

  Ramano shouts, “We have a problem!”

  TJ goes over to Ramano and asks, “What’s up? What’s wrong?”

  Ramano points to the area inside the wall.

  “I’m not sure where I can land in there! The area inside the wall is rough and dangerous. I don’t see anything open for me to land on!” shouts Ramano.

  Suddenly, machine gunfire is heard.

  The side of the helicopter is hit with bullets.

  TJ shouts, “Move away from here!”

  TJ po
ints and shouts, “Over there! Just land over there!”

  Ramano shouts, “You sure! but that’s…”

  Before Ramano can finish, TJ shouts, “Yes! Just land this thing!”

  Ramano moves away from the machine gunfire and puts the helicopter down in a large open animal exhibit.

  “Gotta move!” shouts TJ.

  TJ, Janet, Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts exit the helicopter through the side door.

  Bo throws up one last time in the trash bag, gathers himself, and exits through the side door of the helicopter.

  Ramano flies straight up and exits the zoo.

  TJ notices that they are directly inside of an animal exhibit. There are large trees, sand, and a large covered dome structure for animals to hide in.

  Janet, Bo, and TJ look for a way out, but they can’t find one.

  Armstrong shouts, “We need a way out of here! We are sitting ducks in here!”


  A loud roar is heard from behind a tree in the middle of the exhibit that TJ and the group are standing in.

  “Holy shit!” shouts Janet.

  TJ says, “Janet, slowly come here. No sudden moves. They might chase you, if you run.”

  Armstrong shouts, “There are two of them!”

  Janet slowly walks back to where TJ is standing.

  TJ isn’t sure what to do as these two huge animals are walking towards them.



  Two huge roars are directed at TJ and the group.

  The roars came from a lion, and a lioness as they are slowly stalking TJ, Janet, Bo, Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts inside the lion exhibit in the Tampa zoo.





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