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  Smiling a bit at the comment, Tage laughed softly against Jason's lips. "Okay, Jason."

  The soft pressure of Tage's lips met Jason's as Tage's arms snaked around his neck. Jason hummed happily, sliding his arms around Tage as he opened to the gentle kiss. He licked at Tage's lips, relaxing back against the wall. The press of Tage's body kept him there as Tage's tongue teased his own. A sound somewhere between a moan and a sigh escaped Jason and he practically melted right then and there. It wasn't often Tage took such initiative, but when he did? God, it took all Jason had to keep from going to his knees. Sucking hungrily on Tage's tongue, Jason slid his hands up Tage's sides, loving the way the muscles moved just beneath the smooth skin. Pulling back slightly, he rested his head against the wall and just looked into Tage's eyes for a moment.

  "You really have no idea how special you are, do you?"

  The comment earned Jason a quizzical look. "I know most won't allow a full contract, and I think that makes me something to be acquired by others."

  "Let me rephrase that," Jason murmured, pulling Tage close again. "You have no idea how special you are to me."

  The startled look in Tage's eyes was clear before Tage dropped his gaze back to Jason's chest. Plucking at the material of Jason's shirt, it was obvious Tage was confused. "I'm not sure what you mean, Jason."

  "I'm saying that this is about more than just sex, Tage," Jason said softly. He lifted Tage's head and kissed him softly.

  Apparently that was enough. Startled eyes met Jason's before they closed, giving in to the kiss. Parting his lips, Tage's breath warmed Jason's as Tage opened to him.

  "Bed," Jason whispered. "I want you, Tage. Want to touch and taste every inch of you."


  "Dominic, please have a seat." Andrew gestured toward the one empty chair at the counsel table. All the other members were already present.

  Dominic sat down and looked at each of the other elders in turn. They were his peers. He'd sat at this particular table for longer than he really could remember. "The Counsel of Elders does not call a meeting without reason."

  "We've had a petition requesting the return of Griffith St. James to his creator, Dominic. That's why you are here." Andrew glanced down at the official document before he picked it up and handed it to Dominic.

  "What?" Dominic read over the paper and felt his blood run cold. "No."

  "No?" Jacob Littleton blinked over at Dominic. "This is not a matter of choice, Elder Marcellus."

  Dominic looked up and glared at Jacob. "You have no idea what Grif has been through with that monster."

  Andrew spoke up quietly. "The counsel sees no reason not to grant Quinn St. James' request. Griffith is his creation. The law is clear on the matter." Pausing, he held up his hand to silence any more outbursts. "If you have some reason to dispute this, the counsel requires an explanation."

  Tightening his hands around the paper, Dominic reined in his temper in record time. "Quinn was abusive to Grif—in every way imaginable. Grif is not safe with that bastard."

  "As an elder of this counsel, I acknowledge your statements and concern, but the fact remains that we must honor Quinn St. James' request." Jacob sat back in his seat and drummed his fingers slowly on the varnished wooden tabletop. "Do you have proof of this abuse?"

  "I have Grif's word," Dominic said dryly.

  Leveling a grave look on Dominic, Andrew shook his head. "That won't be enough for us to set aside the law. You know that as well as I."

  "But nonetheless you may further explain what you know, Marcellus. If it warrants further investigation, the counsel will see that it is undertaken." Jacob glanced around to the other counsel members who each nodded their agreement in turn.

  "What the bloody hell do you want?" Dominic glared at Jacob. "I can bring Grif in, but I don't know what good it will do unless you go into his memories."

  "You know we cannot do that without Quinn St. James' permission, nor would he likely give it," Jacob said with infuriating calm. "Would you object to an investigation?"

  "What sort of investigation?" Dominic did not like the sound of that.

  "If the situation warrants it," Jacob carefully stressed his words, "we will send a servant of the counsel into St. James' household. But you have yet to give us any particular reason to do so, Marcellus."

  Clasping his fingers together, another elder—Lawrence—rested his chin on them as he spoke. "In order for us to bypass the clear legal right St. James has to his creation, there must be severe abuse to Griffith St. James. That is the law."

  "But there is!" Dominic gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. "There is severe abuse in Grif's past with Quinn. Send someone in, have them report it. If Grif goes back to him, there's no doubt in my mind that Quinn will return to his old ways."

  Looking around the counsel, Andrew asked, "Is there any opposition to this?"

  Each of the counsel members voiced a nay except for two of them.

  Nodding, Andrew looked back at Dominic. "Then we will begin the proceedings to investigate your claim, Elder Marcellus. Until we've gathered proof either way, Griffith St. James will be returned to his creator."

  Dominic was sick. With nothing more than a nod, he stood, bowed his head, and walked out.

  * * * *

  Chuckling, Grif relaxed in his seat, watching Jason and Tage play. Both had to wait for his permission for their orgasms, yet they were intent on attempting to send the other completely over the edge. Reaching for his brandy, Grif took a drink as he lightly ran his fingers downward over Tage's back. His slave straddled Jason, rocking his hips slowly back and forth with Jason's cock inside his ass.

  The tight grip of Jason's hands clung to Tage's hips as his own bucked upward, driving himself deeper into Tage's ass. Low groans of pleasure sounded from both of them. Grif studied their features, understanding how lost they were in each other. After they had tortured each other for long enough, he spoke quietly, "I want you both to come."

  No more than a few seconds later their shuddering bodies and groans answered Grif as they came. When Tage collapsed against Jason, Grif reached over lightly slapping his sub's ass. "Very good, both of you."

  "Master Griffith, there are some gentlemen here to see you." Egbert announced as he entered the room.

  Setting his brandy down, Grif nodded as he stood and left the room. Walking down the hall, he got a clear view of Quinn standing in the foyer. Shock rushed through him and nearly froze him on the spot.

  An unpleasant smile crossed Quinn's lips as he saw Grif. "It's taken me long enough to find you, Griffith."

  "Get the hell out of here, Quinn. You have no business in this house." Grif snarled out the words, trying to suppress the cold chill of fear rising inside him.

  "On the contrary…" Quinn took a folded sheet of paper from one of the men standing behind him. "I have every right to be here."

  Grif knew, he just knew. He'd been afraid Quinn would find him. Unable to get too close, Grif stopped several feet away from him.

  "Is something wrong, Master Griffith?" Egbert asked as he moved up behind Grif, his posture taking on an aggressive edge.

  "No, it's all right, Egbert. I'll take care of this."

  With a nod, Egbert had no choice but to retreat toward the back of the house.

  "What do you want, Quinn?" Folding his arms against his chest, Grif forced himself to a brave front that he didn't feel at all.

  "You are to return to your home," Quinn said, opening the letter. "By order of the Counsel of Elders, Griffith St. James is to return to his creator and master, Quinn St. James."

  "No. I will not return with you, Quinn," Grif said between gritted teeth.

  The menacing smile widened on as Quinn moved toward Grif, grabbing Grif's arm in a bruising grip. "You have no choice. And these gentlemen are here to ensure that, Griffith. So do we do this the easy way, or will you make it difficult?"

  Looking quickly over at the three guards who stood near the front door, Grif knew he had no
choice. He'd known it the moment he saw Quinn in the house. Nodding with whatever dignity he could muster, Grif didn't even flinch with the punishing hold on his arm.

  "Very good." Quinn sneered and tilted his head toward the door. "Go."

  Masking the sheer terror he felt, Grif walked through the door when one of the guards opened it for them. In silence, he moved to the black limousine parked in front of the house. The chauffeur opened the door for him and he slid into the seat. When Quinn got in, Grif pressed up against the opposite door to keep distance between them.

  "Marks, take us home," Quinn said as the door closed. "Now, come here, Griffith." He patted the seat beside him in a far from loving manner. When Grif refused to move, Quinn gave him a piercing stare. "You should know better, my toy. Or have you forgotten disobedience gains you nothing?"

  Holding out his hand, Quinn's fingers curled to Grif's wrist, pulling him closer. Cornered, Grif growled, jerking his arm away from Quinn.

  "Very well." Quinn scowled at him. "Perhaps a night spent on the block will change your tune."

  The sound abruptly faded, bitten back as Grif closed his eyes and shifted closer to Quinn. If anything, the bastard knew exactly what would get to him.

  "Ah, that's better, my little pet. But there is still much for you to make up for, and you know that." When Quinn's fingers curled around his hand, the nails dug into Grif's flesh. "Now give your Master a proper kiss."

  Quinn waited silently for Grif to obey and when a second too long passed, one of the nails pierced Grif's skin. Leaning in toward Quinn, Grif lifted his face slightly, presenting himself to Quinn as he parted his legs.

  "Yes…much better." Quinn's other hand came up to hold Grif's chin in a firm grip as the older vampire's lips molded over Grif's, Quinn's tongue forcing its way in.

  As Quinn's mouth claimed him, Grif shuddered, but not in pleasure. Fear and loathing nearly choked him. He desperately wanted to escape, wanted to fight, but he knew what Quinn would do to him if he did. Divorcing his mind from the reality, Grif slipped quietly into the part of himself where Dominic resided. It was all he had.

  * * * *

  The front door nearly snapped off its hinges as it burst open. When Dominic slammed it shut, the impact shook the entire entryway, causing the suit of armor to sway slightly on its stand. He stormed into the library and with a thunderous roar and one swipe of his arm, he sent everything on the desk crashing to the floor.

  Egbert, Tage, and Jason came running to the doorway. Egbert blocked the way when he saw the state Dominic was in. Motioning the other two away, he entered the library silently.

  "He's fucking gone!" Dominic screamed, throwing the bottle of scotch against the far wall. Glass and liquid rained over the floor, wall, and bookshelves.

  Egbert closed the door, taking care to lock it. "Master."

  Dominic spun around and glared at him. "They took him from me!"

  "What happened, Master?" Egbert stared calmly at him as he moved to clean up the mess Dominic had made.

  Within seconds, Dominic had Egbert's shirt fisted in his hands and he slammed Egbert up against the wall. "Do you fucking hear me? He's gone!"

  "Dominic…" Egbert whispered. "I'm sorry. Please…"

  Blinking, Dominic seemed to return to his senses. He loosened his hold on Egbert and set him down on the floor. Then Dominic turned away. "Quinn could easily kill him."

  Feeling helpless, Egbert laid his hand on Dominic's shoulder. Not knowing what to say, he tried to impart some calm and order to Dominic's thoughts.

  Dominic sighed, the sound ragged. "I'm sorry." He reached back, laying his hand over Egbert's. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

  "You didn't hurt me." Egbert exerted a bit of pressure, getting Dominic to turn around. "I love you, Master. We all do. We all love Master Griffith."

  "I know."

  "No matter what happens, you'll get him back. I know you will. And you have to believe that as well."

  Dominic nodded before he looked around. "Christ, I made a mess. I'll help you clean it up."

  "I'll get it," Egbert said. "Tage and Jason need you. They're terrified."

  "Oh, God…" Dominic hurried to the door, unlocked it, and headed for the kitchen.

  As Dominic entered, Tage didn't even look up from where he sat huddled next to Jason, clearly terrified.

  Even Jason was shaking, though not nearly as much. "Master?"

  Dominic knelt down in front of them both and looked down at his lap, working to gather his scattered thoughts. "I am sorry, to both of you. I never wanted you to see me like that."

  "It's okay," Jason said quietly, reaching out to touch one of Dominic's hands. "What about Master Griffith?"

  "We're going to get him back," Dominic said with renewed determination. Looking at Tage, he added fiercely, "that I promise."

  Tage clung to Jason with one hand as the other reached for Dominic's. He didn't speak, but the tears spilling down his cheeks said everything.

  "Come here," Dominic whispered. He pulled them both close, pressing a soft kiss to both of their faces. "I love you both. So does Grif. We will get him back."

  Tage pulled Jason with him as he scrambled to get closer to Dominic. Clearly needing reassurance, he buried his face against Dominic, hugging tightly to him. "You will. I know you will."

  "Come on. Let's go to bed. It's almost dawn." Dominic stood and helped them both to their feet. "Sleep with me. I don't think any of us can handle being alone tonight."

  Making a visible effort to calm himself, Tage pulled away from Dominic. Leaving the kitchen, he headed up the stairs to Grif and Dominic's room. Dominic and Jason followed behind him.


  Dominic had to do nothing more than turn around. Jason was suddenly in his arms, shaking uncontrollably. "Shh," he murmured, "I'm so sorry, Jason."

  Before he could say another word, however, Jason's mouth was on his, the kiss sharp and hungry, desperate. Although sex was the farthest thing from his mind, he opened to it, stunned at the barrage flooding him through Jason's kiss. This one would take time to heal.

  Sitting heavily down on the bed, Tage just stared silently at them before he turned his back, curling up on the bed. Pulling away from the kiss, Dominic glanced over at Tage.

  "Stay here," he whispered to Jason. Jason nodded. Dominic released him and went over to the bed, pulling the blankets up around Tage. With a soft kiss to Tage's temple and a quiet thought, he put the young man into sleep.

  "Can we talk?" Jason asked as Dominic turned to face him.

  Dominic walked back over to Jason and nodded. "I think that's a really good idea."

  He followed Jason into his sub's bedroom, closing the door behind them. Jason sat on the edge of the bed, looking everywhere but at Dominic. It seemed to Dominic that he would be the one to initiate this line of discussion. He'd been expecting it, though he'd hoped for a time less troubled. Sitting in the chair near the bed, he did his best to appear relaxed. There really was no easy way to approach this.

  "Turning isn't something to be considered lightly."

  Jason nodded. "I know."

  "How long have you thought about it?"

  "A while, actually," Jason said with a shrug. His gaze fixed on the door and he sighed. "Several months."

  "Look at me." When Jason's gaze met his, Dominic continued. "I am not saying yes." He held up a hand when Jason started to speak. "But I am not saying no, either. I will think about it, but I want to know your reasoning for wanting it."

  Jason got up and walked over to Dominic, kneeling between Dominic's legs. "I wouldn't want it…if it was anyone else. I become a part of you—and you become a part of me—in a way that can't be undone." As Jason looked up, the expression on the sub's face reminded Dominic just how strong the bond was between them. "It can't be challenged," Jason whispered.

  Ah, and there was the truth of it.

  Reaching out, Dominic carded his fingers through Jason's hair. "I understand. I'll give it some serious
thought. For now, go to Tage. He'll need you when he wakes."

  "How did you know…?"

  Dominic smiled and slipped his hand down to cup Jason's face. "It would take a fool to miss the love there, Jason." He leaned forward and kissed Jason softly. "Now off with you. I need to speak with Egbert."


  Sometime the next day, Tage had gotten up and wandered to Grif's old room. Shutting down proved to be no problem for him. Jason had Dominic, and Tage only had Grif, and his master wasn't there. Curling up in the bed, Tage's tears wet the pillow until he'd fallen back asleep.

  Jason stood in the doorway, feeling more helpless than he ever had before. He wanted to be the one Tage came to, but he knew that wasn't the case. And now he had his own troubles to deal with. Moving quietly, he approached the bed and finally slid under the covers, spooning his body against Tage's. He draped his arm around Tage, holding him close.

  Tage stirred, mumbling in his sleep before he began to wake up. He turned his head to look back at Jason with a wan smile. "Hey."

  "Hi." Jason hugged him and sighed. "I wish I could make this all better," he said quietly. "I wish I could bring you back."

  "I'll be all right, Jason." Rolling onto his back, Tage's hand reached up to touch Jason's face. "And Master Dominic will get Master Grif back."

  "I know." Jason nodded and pressed a soft kiss to Tage's fingers. "I talked to Dominic after you were asleep."

  "You needed him."

  "I asked him to turn me, Tage."

  Completely confused, Tage stared at him blankly for a long moment before he asked, "Why?"

  Propping himself up on his arm, Jason looked down at Tage, smoothing a hand over Tage's chest. "Quinn created Grif, Tage. If that alone gives him the right to take Grif, then what protection do you and I have? If we are turned, then no one can take us away from here."

  "Did he say he would?" Covering Jason's hand with his, Tage frowned slightly, still clearly puzzled. "Are you really sure you want that? It's not something I've ever thought about."


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