Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 6

by Jaime Marks

Lauryn stepped forward. She had been hovering quietly near the door. “Is she in danger, my lord? Should we be concerned?”

  Cymeryn grimaced but he would not lie to the female. “We have reason to believe that she may be targeted by the Shade. You will take me to her quarters. I need to determine if her disappearance was staged in anyway. I will know if she left of for her own reasoning or was taken against her will.” He reached out to Demytria. It was fortunate that she was still in the Realm interviewing Securine recruits at Guardians Academy.

  She appeared at his side causing Alyric to jump. “Is everything alright, Praefect?” She asked with the shrewd knowledge of experience as she sensed his tension.

  He motioned for the Fae to lead the way as he spoke to Demytria. “No, Astryn a Alyric is missing. I want you to take a squadron and head toward the entryway. Spread out and search for the girl. If you find her let me know immediately and return with her to the Realm of Balance. She needs our protection.”

  “Yes Praefect,” she bowed and misted away.

  They stopped in front of a suite and Alyric motioned him inside. “She was locked in here but nothing is disturbed aside from her closet.”

  “Care to elaborate on what you argued about. Or would you like me to guess?” Cymeryn’s voice was deadly calm.

  Even as a Shade he had revered the strength of females. He may have manipulated and enjoyed them for both their beauty and prowess, but he never thought them inferior. If anything he saw the females of the species as the more dangerous adversaries. They had the strength to Redeem their mates or destroy them. It was why the Shade always targeted the females. Without them the males caved far more easily.

  The Fae cleared his throat. “We had a disagreement regarding her suitor.”

  Cymeryn grunted, “And what disagreement would that be precisely?” He allowed his essence to search the room and breathed a sigh of relief though it was only marginal. “There is no trace of Darkness. She was not taken by the Shade and no Shadows have been here.” It did not mean she was not in danger but in the least there was a still a chance they could reach her before Lazurys discovered her existence.

  He crossed his arms as he studied the Scholar who seemed to have paled and shifted uncomfortably. He was starting to form a fairly decent idea of what had occurred. It was clear the male knew Kyle was Astryn’s mate and did not approve. Apparently he had taken measures to prevent their further interaction but he needed to be aware of what exactly he was attempting.

  “I expect an answer, Alyric.”

  “She no longer wished to see him and when I informed her I intended to make their Courtship official she refused,” he replied curtly.

  “She knows who he is to her then?” He demanded, already knowing the answer but wanting to lead the male into revealing the full spectrum of the issue.

  “Prince Kyle is not her mate!” The Fae spat.

  Cymeryn smirked, “Oh, the arrogance of the Scholar. Who are you to suppose you know the will of the Divine?”

  “I suppose I am no greater than you,” Alyric scoffed.

  “That is where you are wrong High Scholar Alyric a Alyrion, member of the Council. I am the King of the Night Throne of Balance, Protector of Night, bonded mate of the Queen Reyana a Mythion, the Incarnate of Lunya, and I am Sacred Borne. I have been in the audience of the Divine Being and sought his guidance and even I, former Supryn of the Umbra, would not purport such arrogance as to suppose I know which souls are meant to be one as you have outside of Divine guidance.”

  He ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I am only trying to protect her.”

  Cymeryn shook his head. “Regardless, your daughter is under the protection of the Lucerna Lines from this moment forth. You are going to have to find a way to come to terms with this, Alyric. Your actions have driven her to flee from here and she may very well have placed herself in harm’s way as a result. If you attempt to keep them apart it will only drive her further from you.”

  Without another word Cymeryn misted to the entry way. He had no further time nor patience to manage the male. If need be they would find some manner to deal with him once the girl was safe. In truth if they did not manage to free Kyle the argument would be moot, but he refused to entertain that notion. He would reclaim his son.

  Crossing his arms he surveyed the area around him as he allowed his essence to reach out, sensing for her. It only made sense that she would try to reach the Realm of Balance considering the issues she faced with her Father. Hopefully he was not too late. The Shade were often found lurking near the entryway, seeking to find some way to breech the realm. He could not allow them to reach the girl first.

  Sensing her presence he breathed a deep sigh of relief. She was there but there was Darkness nearby. Time was short. “I know you are here, Astryn.”

  She stepped out from behind a tree a few yards away all but mirroring his stance. It was rather amusing. When he had met her before, she came across as prim and proper, a refined and cultured Fae as she was. Now there was a cunning and strength to her that he had sensed briefly when she had been with Kyle the eve of the ball. It was clear there was a strength to the female and that would suit her well in the days to come. It was not easy to be a member of the Lucerna Lines. They were consistent targets and their lives were always scrutinized.

  “I’m not going back,” she replied matter of factly. “I was trying to find a way to come to see you before I made a final decision of where I should go, but I promised Kyle I would tell you if I was...”

  Before she could finish a Shade suddenly misted behind her grabbing the girl, but Cymeryn had anticipated it. He was on top of him before the fool had a chance to realize the threat he faced and slit his throat without a second thought. The girl rolled forward and rose to her feet as she stared at him in shock. Realization crossed her face as she stared at the body of the Shade, wiping some of the blackened blood that had dripped onto her shoulder. He could sense her fear and disgust but she did not run nor shrink away. She was a brave and fiery female, quite perfect for his son.

  “You wished my attention, Astryn?” He nodded with a smirk and extended a hand for her to take. “Come then. More Shade will follow and my son is not saving himself. I would assume you would be highly put out if I did not retrieve him shortly.”

  She took a deep breath, looking him over before pulling back her shoulders and walking forward to take his hand. “Let’s do this then.”

  Cymeryn chuckled, “Indeed.”

  He reached out to Demytria letting her know he had Astryn and that there were Shade hunting in the realm before misting to his study in the Palace Lunya. She looked around slightly disoriented and jumped when Marcus misted in beside them.

  His twin steadied her a moment. “I apologize, Astryn. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Marcus smiled warmly at her before turning to his twin. “Kato is on his way. I’ve already briefed him on the situation you encountered. I figured due to the nature of the issue it might be better to have him act as Custyion although it is on record that the Lucerna Lines as a whole will see to her directly. Grifyn’s plate is already full and Mythos has already petitioned for the right. I approved Kato through Devyn. I figured it would placate the issue later.”

  He nodded. It was the best means of managing the situation. Kato and Demytria would care for and protect not only the girl’s wellbeing, but her rights. They both understood the scrutiny she was facing personally. If her Father continued to contest her bonds to Kyle they would be more adept at advising her than any.

  Motioning to couch he addressed her, “Please Astryn, sit. We have much to discuss and very little time.”

  “I think better on my feet,” she replied crossing her arms again. Her lips pursed as if considering something but did not meet their eyes. “Prince Kyle, I feel him…here.” She rested her hand over her heart. “I believe…I believe he is my true mate. I know it’s too soon to know, but I can’t deny what I feel and if I go home my Father is going to make me accept
Talerys. He’s given me a month to come to terms with it, though I doubt he’s had the chance to make it official.” She met him directly in the eye and there was no mistaking her conviction. “I refuse to be forced into a Bonding Ritual I don’t want. I despise that male. It’s my right to decide and I’ll only bond with my true mate. I’ll only bond with Kyle…if he accepts me.”

  He watched her as a fragile vulnerability emerged and he realized this was Astryn, not the bravado she had exhibited since her found her at the entryway, not the prim and proper Fae of culture he had met last week. Those aspects were part of her too, but this was her honesty, her truth coming through. She was fire and passion but also very insecure. She had been broken down and they would need to foster her strength. She was by no means meek, but it was clear she was uncertain of whether they would hear her, take her seriously.

  “Before he left Kyle made me promise him that if I got into trouble I would come to you. I don’t really expect you to help me, but I’m fulfilling that promise.” Her resolve hardened and her fire returned. “Either way, I’m not going home. If need be I’ll leave here and make my own way in the Earth Colonies.”

  Cymeryn could not help the amused grin that spread across his lips. “She is a spitfire is she not?”

  “She’d have to be bond with Kyle,” Marcus laughed. “He’s almost as stubborn as you.”

  “Hmmm.” He shot his twin an annoyed glance but turned his attention back to the girl. “We will not allow your Father to force you into a Bonding, Astryn. I believe you when you say that Kyle is your mate. I saw you that eve at the ball. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who believes you may be Kyle’s mate, which I why you must remain here. It is not safe for you outside of the realm.”

  She watched him carefully. “What do you mean?”

  He knelt in front of her and her eyes widened at the gesture. The Kings were not meant to kneel for anyfae save Alysse and they bowed only to royalty, but Cymeryn needed her to hear him. “You have to understand that Kyle has lived a difficult life. There are very few the boy cares for. When Lazurys breaks you, he exploits your every weakness. Kyle has very few that he would be able to exploit. Princess Staryana, myself…and you Astryn.”

  He watched as realization and determination set in. “So what you’re saying is that because I may be Kyle’s mate I’m in danger. The Dark Lord wants use me against him?”

  “Yes. Whether you are his true mate or not there is a definite connection between you. As his blood I can sense it. Lazurys will pick up on it in Kyle’s mind and if he can obtain you, he will use you to break him, cementing his hold on you both.”

  Taking a deep breath she nodded in understanding. The door to the study opened and she jumped a mile high as Kato stepped through. It was clear that the occurrences of her day had shaken the girl but in truth she was managing better than he would have expected. Being told the Dark Lord wished to twist and torture you alone was enough to shake even the strongest of Shade, let alone a refined female such as Astryn who had likely been sheltered from Darkness most of her existence. Considering she had faced off with her Father, escaped her own home, survived a near abduction, and witnessed the death of a Shade as well? He was impressed that she was not cowering in tears.

  She cautiously watched Kato walk over to Marcus before turning back to Cymeryn. “So what now? What does all this means for me and what do you expect of me, Lord Cymeryn?”

  “As of now, you are under the protection of the Lucerna Lines,” Marcus interjected.

  She would need to become comfortable with all of them and in this moment she was attaching herself to Cymeryn out of loyalty to her mate. He had no qualms being there for the girl, but he would not be here most of this eve and they wished her to feel safe and comfortable here.

  “You believe yourself to be Prince Kyle a Cymeryn’s mate and there is evidence to support this claim. If the Prince were here I’m sure he would see to your protection himself, but until he returns High Councilman Kato a Kacyion, former Praetor of the Guardians of Light, will personally ensure your safety.” Marcus motioned to Kato.

  Stepping forward Kato bowed taking Astryn’s hand. “My lady Astryn a Alyric, it is my honor to be of aid to you.” He rose releasing her. “You will be staying with myself and my mate, the Lady Demytria a Grifyion, daughter of Lucerna. I am aware that you prefer your freedom, and I shall endeavor to provide you with as much privacy as possible, but at least until your Prince is returned to you, you will be in the company of the Lucerna Lines at all times.”

  She rose a brow but nodded. “Thank you, High Councilman Kato.”

  Cymeryn guided her to the sofa and sat beside her. “It will not be long before Kyle returns. Once he is back we can reevaluate the situation and better accommodate your privacy. I know this is far from ideal and you have already proven you can be resourceful when you do not wish to be confined. I ask that for now you grant us your patience, Astryn. You are linked to my son. I can sense it in you and in the bond I share with him. I would not be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you. I need you to remain close…” He hesitated trying to figure out the best way to explain this to her as he gently took her hand in his. “When he returns, and he will return, Astryn, he may need you. Males gain strength and Light from their mates. Even if all you offer him is friendship and companionship until we sort this out. It will help him in ways that you cannot fathom.”

  She seemed to be weighing everything out, glancing between them. “Alright,” she finally conceded. “I won’t deny that I’m uncomfortable with the security detail but if you really feel it’s necessary I’ll deal with it for now.” She paused chewing on her lip a moment. “I may not fully understand what everything means, but I care about Prince Kyle. I’ll do whatever I can to help him.”

  Cymeryn nodded. “That is all we can ask.”

  Kato smiled warmly at her. “It is almost time for eve meal. Let us get you settled so that we may join the others.”

  She nodded and rose into a curtsy. “I’ll see you at meal, my lords.”

  “No, we will be otherwise detained this eve, Astryn. Hopefully by the morn I will have news for you of your ma-…of the Prince’s wellbeing.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she stood but she gave him a nod and followed Kato from the study.

  “Well that went better than expected,” Cymeryn scoffed sarcastically.

  “Actually I would say it could’ve gone a lot worse. I can’t believe Alyric would try to force a mate on his daughter. We need to rewrite the old laws to protect females from being placed in these positions.” Marcus shook his head.

  “It will never take. They will say that the system is balanced because no Fae can be forced into the Bonding Rituals, however the truth is, if you threaten any Fae enough they will agree to just about anything.”

  “Perhaps. Is everything ready?”

  Cymeryn nodded. “Reyana? I do not wish her wandering off in our absence. She is too vulnerable at the moment.”

  “The Divine Being will keep her there until we return for her,” Marcus replied. “He wanted no risk to her and the young while we are distracted. Normally he wouldn’t be able to make such a concession but he was the one who decreed we both must go so it granted him some leeway. Although I do not exactly understand what that means…”

  Suddenly Ryo burst into the room out of breath. “My lords…the Prince and Princess…throne room!”

  Chapter 5

  Byryn blinked in disbelief clutching Staryana to his chest in an attempt to cover as much of her body as possible. He would have misted them immediately to their room but he barely had the strength to make it to the realm. He hadn’t even believed it would work and for all he knew the effort was useless. They had both consumed enough of Lazurys’ essence that he would be able to easily pull them back.

  Guardian Aryn ripped a curtain from one of the windows and wrapped it around them. There were voices everywhere but he couldn’t make any of them out. His focus was on Staryana a
nd monitoring Kyle to see if and when Lazurys discovered their absence. It had taken everything he had to get them there. He didn’t have the strength for much else. Grifyn, his Dad, knelt before him and met his gaze. He was talking and Byryn could only assume he was asking if he was alright so he nodded but remained silent.

  Suddenly Cymeryn and Marcus were in front of him. Marcus moved to take Staryana but he turned and held her tighter as he shook his head. Cymeryn rested his hands on them and in a flash they were in their quarters. On shaky legs he forced himself to stand with her, refusing to let her go. Marcus and Cymeryn guided them to the bed as he all but collapsed still clutching his mate to his chest.

  He breathed deeply maintaining his concentration but opened his mind to the only two Fae who would probably be able to help them. The only ones who could help Kyle.

  “Byryn can you hear us? Are you alright?” Cymeryn’s voice echoed through his mind.

  “Tired. Concentrating,” he managed out still monitoring Kyle.

  It was strenuous at this distance, through the veils of the realms, but it shouldn’t be. Lazurys must have some way of blocking Fae from sensing his realm. Luckily their connection went too deep for him to block it completely.

  Marcus rested his hands on him and he could feel his strength flowing through him. “Thanks.” He breathed slightly easier as he felt their Light ease him.

  “What happened, Byryn? How are you back and where is Kyle?” Cymeryn’s voice was gentle in his mind but it was clear he was demanding the information.

  “Shared essence. Kyle suggested misting…no way to find him…surprised it work…” He hesitated, forcing his vocal chords to work, “Must protect Astryn…”

  Marcus watched Byryn carefully as he monitored his mind. There was a thick Darkness permeating through them both and they were greatly weakened. Star was unconscious and her mind was unresponsive to him. The situation was far from ideal but at least they were safe for the moment. Though he had no idea how to keep them that way.


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