Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 25

by Jaime Marks

  She sighed. “I trust you, Byryn. Completely. Anything you feel like we need to do is fine.”

  A soft knock sounded at the door and he righted her skirting, gently caressing her thighs as he did. The door knob jiggled and he smiled at her. “Someone’s been rather impatient to see you.” He opened the door and scooped up Kylion, nodding at Hyracen when he bowed.

  “Sorry my lord, but he would not settle in class today. I knew you had meetings but he was becoming disruptive. He said you shortened his schedule for now?”

  “Right, sorry I should’ve mentioned that. We will discuss your behavior though, Kylion.” He gave his son a stern look and he ducked his head into his shoulder. “I think he needs some more time with us for now, Hyracen, but at the same time I’ve been thinking about it and I don’t want him having too much free time. Cutting his schedule too much is unrealistic with our duties. I’ll make up a schedule for you of when we want him in class. For today can you pick him back up before we have to be at the Council Elect meeting?”

  He bowed. “Of course, your majesty.”

  Byryn shook his head at the Fae but he’d given up trying to correct their formality at this point. Now that he’d been crowned everyone insisted on it. “Have you spoken to the Lady Demytria yet?”

  “No, my lord? Should I seek her out now?” He requested.

  He nodded. “The entire Personal Guard division in this realm is being moved to the Night Branch of the Securine. She wants to meet with each of the Guard personally to discuss procedural differences, uniforms, and titles. I’m still head of the Personal Guard but it’ll be more efficient to run things this way. It’s not a mandatory change. If you wish to remain with the Guardians, you are of course free to do so, but it will be under a new assignment.”

  Hyracen bowed again. “My place is to serve in the protection of our race, my lord. I do not care what title I take to do so. I rather enjoy my post looking after the safety of the young Prince and the Royal Lines. I would like to continue to do so if you feel I am suited for such rank.”

  Byryn smiled feeling a touch of relief. Getting his son used to new guards took time and he hated the idea of shaking things up for him like that right now. “I was actually hoping you would feel that way, Hyracen. Kylion takes to you well, better than any of the other guards, and you seem to anticipate him better than most. I’m glad you’ll be staying on with us. Really I was hoping you’d accept appointment as his primary Guard.”

  The Fae smiled at Kylion. “I would be honored, my lord.”

  “Great. I’ll talk to Demytria about it and we’ll make it official once things are more set with the division. In the meantime, go ahead and see her, take care of the necessary requirements, and we’ll see you in a bit.”

  He closed the door and carried Kylion to the bed handing him to Staryana. She wrapped him in her arms but he held his child-like posture. The boy looked so defeated. He hated disciplining him at all while he was like this, but he needed to prove to the kid that things were back to normal.

  He watched as Staryana kissed his head and whispered in his ear soothing him. “Kylion, come here a second, little one.”

  He wouldn’t looked up at him as he scooted over but Byryn saw the dried tears on his face. “Yes Daddy?”

  “Why weren’t you behaving in class today?”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to see Mama.”

  Byryn nodded with a sigh. “I know that right now you don’t feel safe, Kylion. I know it’s difficult to trust things, but do you remember when you first came to me at the stronghold?”

  He shivered. “It was really scary.”

  “It was, and you didn’t trust anything then either, but after a while you trusted me. Do you still trust me?” He nodded looking up at him now.

  “Good. Do you trust your Mom?” He nodded again with a small smile at the corner of his lips. He was so happy to have them both home.

  “Then can you trust us enough to give the rest of this a chance? Grandpa said you won’t play with the other kids anymore.”

  “I don’t wanna lose anyone,” Kylion replied quietly looking down again.

  “It’s hard to lose someone,” Byryn agreed as he rubbed his son’s back, “but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever make friends, Kylion. Your friends miss you. One or two even stopped by Grandpa’s to try to see you, right?” the boy nodded. “And you always had fun with them before, right?” He nodded again. “So now that we’re home I want you to stop worrying. Ok? I promised you I would bring your Mom back to you and we’re here, little one. I promise you, everything else is going to work out, too.”

  He looked up and smiled the first genuine smile that Byryn had seen since the unawakened had kidnapped him. “Can I stay with you and Mama today?”

  Byryn ruffled his hair. “Not all day. You don’t like sitting through boring meetings any better than I do. You find too many ways to get into trouble during them but...How about we all play a game or two together before you have to go back to school?”

  He laughed as Kylion bounced on the bed then hopped up gabbing his hand, dragging him towards his room. Things might be uncertain in so many ways, but this felt normal. Spending time with his mate and son was exactly what he needed to do.

  Chapter 22

  Demytria looked up as Felycia walked in. She looked a lot more confident than she had ever seen her. Devyn was good for her. He pushed her when she needed it and supported her regardless of the situation. It was pleased her to see the girl coming into her own. She was a strong female and it was about time she was given the chance to own it.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Devyn but he just shook his head and pointed to Felycia. Well that was good at least. She really didn’t like dealing with Devyn directly. She would have to get used to it, of course, considering their positions, but this felt like it had more personal overtones.

  “Hey Felycia, what can I do for you?”

  “Hi, Aunt Demytria. I, ah, I haven’t really spoken to Byryn about this yet, but I want to enroll in the Securine Academy. I thought I should maybe talk to you about it and get things started at least, since you’re getting everything set up. I mean, I know I probably need his approval and all, but…”

  Demytria cut the girl off but offered her a smile. “Byryn wouldn’t stop you from enrolling in the Academy. All of the Lucerna Lines, even the females, went through either the Guardians Academy or formalized training with Commander Cerulyion. It was required for our safety even if we chose to receive training in other specialties as well. You need proper training to remain safe in our world, Felycia. Besides, if you intend to serve and he gives you crap we’ll go over his head to Cymeryn.” She winked conspiratorially.

  Felycia laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll love that.”

  Demytria shrugged. “He would respect the strategy of it, though it would annoy him, but I doubt it would even come to that. Byryn’s always been pretty forward thinking regarding females. He only gets overprotective because he’s your brother. Cymeryn would need to approve your appointment regardless and he would only deny you the right to serve if he felt you weren’t ready. All that would mean is you would have to train to his standards before he allowed it. He’s your Grandsire, as well as Byryn’s. He wouldn’t let either of you place yourselves in danger unless you were completely prepared for it. Besides, I believe your mate has final say as to whether or not you pass the finals at the Academy so that should count for something,” she explained as she pulled out the proper forms. “Have you tested out of Advanced Studies yet?”

  “I have the test scheduled this week.”

  “Good. Take this form with you and give it to the Scholar. They’ll forward your results back to either me or Devyn depending on that state of things at that point.” Really it would be a relief once the Academy was up and running. Fielding all this paperwork was annoying. “In the meantime just fill out these forms. I have all your info already, obviously, but it needs to be documented. You can bring them back to
me when you’re done.”

  “Thanks.” She nodded and rose.

  “Felycia?” Her niece stopped and turned to her. “I know you’re a badass fighter. Show these males that a female can hold her own with them. I don’t expect you to hold back anymore. Just be sure to follow instruction and the rules.” She smirked up at her. “I’m really proud of you.”

  The girl smiled but left quietly. It was a good fit for her. Any female without formal training that could break a Guardian’s arm with little effort, especially as unawakened, needed to be in the Securine.

  She added her name to Cymeryn’s list and wondered what sort of reaction she should expect. It wasn’t as if he had requested to be informed of his line enrolling directly, but he had specifically recruited Wycelion and Trycen. She would be surprised if Kyle wasn’t on the enrollment list before the end of the week. Then again, he’d likely be training with the Kings and Byryn directly.

  A knock sounded at the door and she looked up to find Wycelion standing there. “Hi Wyce, you can come in. I’m just going through enrollment and recruitment lists. What can I do for you?”

  He came over and sat in the chair across from her steepling his hands as he leaned on his knees. She waited for him to talk. It was clear something was bothering him but it was better not to push him. “First, I guess I should say congratulations on solidifying your position. I knew Grandsire would ensure it when I saw how well you handle all this. In all honesty, you are the only Fae that has the ability and it would have been wrong of them to deny you simply because you are female.” He shrugged absently.

  “Thanks.” She studied him. Something was definitely wrong. His praise was sincere but he was using it to stall as if he were calculating his position on something.

  He sat back and crossed his ankle over his knee seeming to consider how to start. “Look, I do not trust anyone easily. The only one here I would normally talk to about anything this personal would generally be Byryn, or maybe Cymeryn. Perhaps I should have even addressed this with my brother first, considering the role I have asked him to take, but I need a female’s advice from one who I know will understand what I’m talking about and not look at me like I’m a complete ass because she has no clue about the world we come from.”

  Demytria set aside her work and folded her hands on her desk. “Is this about Perylia?”

  He nodded meeting her eyes for the first time. “I’m worried about her.”

  She nodded. “I know we weren’t ever close, Wycelion, but I was basically the closest thing you boys had to an Aunt. I saw the world you lived in and as a female I know more intimately what it’s like from that end of the spectrum. If you need to talk I promise to keep it between us as long as it doesn’t place anyfae in danger.”

  He sighed, “I love Perl. I always have and I always will. I didn’t come here for the opportunities I, myself, would have. I could have cared less about any of it. My position with the Brood was secure regardless of who held command. I came here because I love Perl and I want what’s best for her. She has never had anyone to protect her or show her a better way, but her soul was always so pure. She would have been tore apart if she’d stayed to awaken Shade. They had her so groomed that in public she still immediately reverts to submissive behavior. When we were at the group home I was with her as much as possible. I worked with her constantly, having her read human history of all things, but learning about the Woman’s Rights movement helped her. I really thought bringing her here would make things easier on her and teach her that she doesn’t have to bow to any one simply because she’s female.”

  He shook his head. “Instead she’s over in that building across the courtyard isolating herself when I’m not with her and you all keep me decently busy. I’m not complaining, well I kind of am. I always want more time with my female, but really I am just worried about her. I am not sure what I can do to help her transition.”

  Demytria smiled. “I can understand that. I think we can fix this if you don’t mind involving your Grandsire and Byryn.”

  “If you think they can help. I have nothing to hide from them, but no one else.”

  She nodded and summoned them. Cymeryn appeared looking slightly haggard and Byryn appeared a moment later. They both looked between her and Wycelion then waited. She rose a brow at Cymeryn but he shook his head. She knew better than to push when he was in that mood. The essence pulsing of him was nearly toxic with pain and rage.

  “I think we need to make some changes with Perylia. She isn’t adapting well. She’s isolating and retaining submissive behaviors,” Demytria explained.

  Cymeryn eased slightly studying Wycelion. “You are worried about your mate.” He nodded.

  Byryn scratched his head and turned to Demytria. “What do you suggest?”

  “I think she needs to be closer to Wycelion. Unless somefae is disputing their status as mates, or her lineage suddenly pops up to make a request, Declarations of Courting and such fall to you as Liaison, Byryn. I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t hold the formal betrothed status and be able to share quarters since we all know they would already hold that status if they were born Fae.”

  Byryn ran his hand through his hair. “I really hadn’t thought of that. The situation hasn’t come up yet.” He looked over at Cymeryn. “So how do we handle that? Does he need to make the declarations to me?”

  Cymeryn rubbed his jaw. “It has never been an issue before. We would need to run it past Marcus and Mythos to ensure we are all on the same page, but with your status as both Liaison and Prince it would seem the best way to manage it. Mainly it would just be a formality, but it also ensures that we can verify that things are…proper and as they should be. We do not want to restrict their rights in anyway but we need to ensure the rights of the females are adhered to as well. I believe in a respect this situation ties in somewhat to Astryn’s. The laws regarding Courtship and Betrothal need to be updated to give the females more power and control over their own destinies. We in the Lucerna Lines immediately grant that courtesy, but it needs to be formally granted to all females. I believe Kato added something to the meeting this noon to address it. We should be sure to bring up these concerns then as well.”

  “I agree. It isn’t right that females can be forced to mate someone they don’t want to be with or prevented from mating someone they love just because their Line does not approve. I have been arguing that on and off since Kato and I bonded,” Demytria added.

  “And I have always backed you on it even though I did not approve of your mate at the time so let us no rehash such events,” Cymeryn snapped.

  She raised a brow at him. “I can see that you are having a rough day for some reason so I’m going to let that slide…but subordinate or not? You will not address me in that manner again, especially in public, or we will have an issue. Are we clear, Cymeryn?”

  His face softened in realization. “I am sorry, Demytria, you are right of course. I am a bit…off at the moment. Alysse revealed some information that shook many of us. I am sure Kato will fill you in later, or myself when I calm enough to address the matter with both you and your brother. It is not your fault, however, and you do not deserve my ire so please forgive me.”

  She nodded then turned back to the situation at hand. “Regardless of the formalities, unless you see some reason you wouldn’t grant the request, Byryn, I think she needs to be moved up here. I also think she should be in classes instead of studying on her own. It will force some socialization. There is space in the class that’s held in the east conference room. There are no males in the class and there is a good mix of Fae and unawakened Shade. I think it would be a good place for her to start.”

  “That would help a lot, I believe. I don’t want her sitting idle and alone while I’m attending to my duties,” Wycelion added. “I also want to teach her how to defend herself but I am afraid to force it on her. She is so timid.”

  Byryn scratched his head a minute. “We’re running into a lot of that with th
e females and they probably need it the most. Maybe Felycia would be willing to train with some of them. She said she wanted to help and she fights better than most the females in the Palace, even the Guardians.”

  Cymeryn nodded. “This is true, but she lacks formal training herself. I believe she needs to complete a course or two before we ask her to train. We could bring it up with Devyn.”

  Demytria smirked and handed him the enrollment list.

  “What is this?” He asked skimming it.

  “The enrollment list for the Securine Academy. It’s not finished but I thought before you continued the conversation you should see the last name on the list. She was by a little while ago.”

  Cymeryn looked over the paper at Byryn and handed it to him cautiously. They all waited for his reaction. He smiled ear to ear. “She’ll be excellent at this. Why didn’t she tell me?”

  “She hasn’t had the opportunity. She came by to ask about the process of enrolling and I got her started in the meantime. I figured you wouldn’t have an issue with her training. I believe she means to serve though, Byryn, so you should prepare yourself. I doubt she’ll take it well if you tell her no.”

  He exchanged a glance with Cymeryn but they were both smiling. “She broke a Guardian’s arm without training or breaking a sweat. I’m cool with her fighting as long as she knows what she’s doing. Besides, she has to pass her own mate’s examination. I know Devyn won’t let her assume a post unless she surpasses every skill set.” He shrugged. “It’s Felycia. We all know she will, but it’s the point that she’s even trying. Besides, this way we know she’ll be completely prepared for anything she faces.”

  Demytria nodded, “Precisely. In the meantime, maybe she can work with Perylia one on one. It doesn’t have to be formal training but it couldn’t hurt. Felycia is stronger than she thinks. She’d be a good role model for Perylia in a lot of respects.” She tapped her fingers on the desk. “Maybe that’s what we need. You boys grew up Brood. I know you all had mentors. Do you think we could work out some form of that here?”


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