Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 31

by Jaime Marks

  “I’ll be right back for you baby,” he whispered to her and she looked up at him quizzically. It had to be driving her nuts that he was still blocking her but she would get used to it. When she submitted to him a scene wasn’t over until he said. Caring for her after pacing her like that was essential, for both of them.

  He ran the bath using her favorite oils and checking the temperature. Once it was ready he went in, scooping her into his arms and carried her directly into the tub. He settled down lying her back against his chest as he worked the kinks from her neck, shoulders, back and arms.

  Byryn kissed her head and she leaned into him as he murmured sweet reminders of his love and appreciation in her ear. She gave him her love, her trust and her body, allowing him to use and abuse her, pushing her limits while he sated his own desires. It was an indescribable gift that she gave him and he would make sure she would always know how he cherished and loved her.

  Kyle glanced over his shoulder as he slipped into her corridor. He’d dropped her off earlier and returned to his room like he was supposed to, but Astryn really didn’t want to be alone. As much as he wanted to abide by his Dad’s wishes and respect Kato enough not to sneak in under his nose, she was more important.

  It had been hours since he’d dropped her off and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was alone and scared. There was something in her eyes when she’d asked him to come back, something that told him she was afraid to be alone at night. He didn’t know what had happened to her, but there was definitely something scaring her and he wouldn’t leave her to deal with that shit alone. She was the only thing that kept him hanging on in the Dark Domain. If he hadn’t been holding on to Astryn, fighting to protect her, he would’ve given in. Whatever was haunting her, he would be there to chase it away.

  Byryn had said it shouldn’t be that hard to sneak in there. He used to sneak in to see Star all the time. As long as Kyle waited until everyone else was either distracted or asleep he said he’d be fine. Of course it was easier for them because they’d been right across the hall from each other. He had to skirt around Grifyn’s suite and there was really no way to avoid all of the guards. Luckily, he knew who was on duty and he was sort of a Prince so that should count for something, right?

  “What are you doing, Prince Kyle?” Gavyn smirked crossing his arms as he approached her door. “You know you shouldn’t be here.”

  He sighed glad that the guy hadn’t raised his voice. As it was he was worried either Grifyn or Kato would come out and catch him. “I just need to see her, Gavyn. I know I’m not supposed to, but Talerys and her Father are still in realm. I’d feel a lot better if I was with her. I trust you to do your job, but it’s my place to take care of her.”

  It was the truth, she was his mate. Alysse’s decree made it official and while he hadn’t made the official decree in public yet, that granted him all the rights of betrothal really. If he wanted he could technically move her into his room. Unfortunately his Dad and King Mythos wanted him to wait because it would make things more difficult with her Father.

  The Guardian sighed. “You are putting me in a very difficult position. High Councilman Kato is an old friend of mine and Astryn is his ward.”

  “I understand that but I’m sure Kato would see my point on this. I mean, he ran away with Demytria so they could be together. All I’m asking is to spend the night with my mate. I know my boundaries and I’m not gonna dishonor her, Gavyn. I just want to be there to hold and protect her.”

  A heavy sigh from behind him made him jump and he turned to find Kato staring at him sternly. He wasn’t sure if he was pissed but he definitely didn’t look happy. “I thought we discussed this earlier.”

  “We did,” he agreed deciding honesty was probably his best option, “but Astryn wasn’t comfortable being alone tonight. I promised her I’d come back and check on her. I know we’re trying to make things easier with Alyric, but to be honest, I don’t really care how he feels about all this. I care about my mate.”

  Kato frowned. “Kyle, believe me, I understand how difficult all this must be on you both; but trust me when I say that making this easier with Alyric will make it easier for Astryn. He is her Father and that is not going to change.”

  “I know,” he groaned running his hand through his hair. “I just don’t see why his issues need to make things harder on her. I don’t know why, Kato, but she’s scared of Talerys. He’s still here and no offense, but considering John and his crew came through our closets and hidden passages in the wall it doesn’t exactly leave me feeling secure. I just want to be there for her. ”

  “I can understand that.” The male rubbed his jaw seeming to consider something. “I will let you check on her, from the door. If she is asleep, I expect you to leave her as such. You may come see her as early as you like in the morn, provided the sun has risen,” he added with a smirk, “but you will leave her sleep this eve. If however, she is still awake, struggling to rest, I will allow you to remain with her for the eve. This cannot become a habit though, Kyle. If Alyric were to discover you were sharing her chambers regularly he could challenge that you had dishonored her. It could hurt her status and give him grounds to challenge your rights. If he attempts to bring this before the Council with enough of a complaint he could succeed. The male has many friends who would support him.”

  He sighed, sick and tired of the bullshit with her Father, but really until they were bound there was nothing he could do. “I understand. Thank you for letting me check on her.”

  The male nodded and stepped forward opening the door. Astryn jumped a mile. She was sitting on the edge of her bed wide awake. Kyle frowned seeing her reaction and sensing her fear. He knew she hadn’t realized they were there, but she knew he’d been planning to sneak back. For her to jump like that she’d either been really deep in thought…or afraid of who might be opening her door.

  “Are you alright, Astryn?” Kato asked obviously having similar thoughts.

  “Y-yeah,” she answered hesitantly but quickly recovered. “Just having a hard time sleeping.”

  “I see.” He paused and Kyle could feel his essence flowing over her. “You realize that I expect you to come to me if there is something I need to know. I wish you to feel safe here, Astryn, and I take your wellbeing very seriously. I know I have not Claimed you, but it is mainly because I do not wish to further the issues with you and your Father. You are my ward and despite the short time you have been here, you have become special to me. I will protect and care for you.”

  She nodded thoughtfully but couldn’t meet either of them in the eye. “Talerys being here makes me nervous. I know he’s been trying to get me alone so he can talk to me.”

  “Has he ever given you a reason to fear him?” the High Councilman prompted carefully.

  She paused so long that Kyle was tempted to push the issue. “He’s very controlling and he seems to think he owns me. He’s told me more than once that I belong to him, but it’s like I’m nothing more than property to him. He thinks I need to be monitored and controlled. I’m not really sure what he’ll do now that I’ve completely refused and defied him.”

  “Nothing,” Kyle stated firmly even though he noticed she didn’t actually answer Kato’s question. “He won’t do anything to you, mea, because he’ll never get close. If he ever even tries to hurt you he won’t get a second chance because I swear I’ll beat the hell out of him and ban him from the damned realm.”

  Kato surprisingly nodded. “We will protect you, Astryn. I promise. Kyle will stay with you this eve to ease you, but as I explained to him, it cannot become a regular occurrence. I do not wish any to be able to question your honor.”

  The Light in her eyes dimmed and she ducked her head for a moment. She regained her composure quickly but it was enough for Kyle to wonder just what that bastard had done to her. Despite how brightly she smiled he couldn’t help but feel like it was fake. “Thanks, Kato. We won’t push our luck.”

  He smiled warmly. “
I know, now try to get some rest. You both need it.”

  Stepping inside he shut the door behind him and went to sit beside her on the bed. He gently hooked her chin and held her gaze as he tried to figure out how to ask the questions he needed to after what she’d said. “Does it bother you? When I tell you that you’re mine? I know I can be controlling and possessive at times, but I never want you to feel uncomfortable with me, Astryn. If it bothers you I expect you to be honest.”

  She shook her head. “No Kyle, it’s different with you. You don’t treat me like an object or a possession. You make me feel cherished and special. You actually care about what I think and how I feel. You might be controlling but you also take my needs and the things I want into consideration. I know it’s only been a couple days but…” She blushed and shyly ducked her head. “I like that you’re possessive of me.”

  He kissed her head in relief. The last thing he wanted to do was mistreat her. She was special to him and he did cherish her. He enjoyed her, but more than that he admired her strength. It was something he meant to help her build on.

  “Good, because everything you said about how I make you feel, that’s exactly how I want you to feel with me, mea. You mean so much to me.” Breathing deeply he braced himself as he held her gaze. “Now, I want you to be honest with me, Astryn. You can tell me anything. I’ll never judge you and I swear there’s nothing you can tell me about your past that will change things between us. I won’t be mad at you and I won’t let it come between us, no matter what it is. Remember, I didn’t grow up Fae. I might respect their customs for your sake and out of the responsibility to my station, but I don’t really care about all that,” he explained hoping that she understood that nothing that happened before they got together could take her from him. “Is there anything about what happened with Talerys that I need to know?”

  A slight tremor ran through her and she shook her head. “N-nothing that happened with him is important, Kyle. He was always crossing boundaries and like I said he thinks he owns me, but he’s part of my past. I just want to put all of that behind me and move on with our lives.”

  There was something, he was almost sure of it, but she didn’t seem to think it mattered and really she was probably right. He wouldn’t ever judge her for it and hell, his past was far worse. Even if she had slept with him there wasn’t exactly anything he could say about it. It wasn’t as if he was a virgin. At some point they’d need to talk about it, but for now he figured it was probably just better for them to get some sleep.

  He leaned down and kissed her slowly sliding his fingers into her hair. She was a craving he couldn’t sate but he needed her to know she was right, she was his. He needed to mark her, imprint himself on her somehow, and really this was the only way he was allowed to at this stage.

  When he pulled back he gently lifted her and laid her down in the bed, climbing in beside her. Covering her with the blanket he turned and pulled the essence from the lamp and held her close. It was late and he had a lot to do tomorrow.

  “Rest, mea. If we’re late to breakfast Dad will probably have my hide. I’m sure I’m gonna hear it for staying with you so as it is, but he won’t really care. He’s just looking out for you.”

  “I know,” she yawned. “Good eve, Kyle. I…I love you.”

  His heart warmed hearing those words, but it was so quick. Byryn had asked him earlier if he loved her and he hadn’t been ready to say it but he knew he did. It wasn’t exactly normal and he barely knew her, but he felt like he knew her better than anyone aside from Byryn…which was ridiculous really.

  “I know it’s fast and probably too soon, mea, but yeah, I love you too,” he admitted despite his concerns. She needed to know what she was feeling wasn’t one sided. “Good night, baby.”

  She was everything to him. If he ever lost her, he didn’t think he could go on. There was nothing that he wouldn’t do for her. He might be the one that was possessive and controlling at times, but this girl had no idea how much power she really held over him. It was fast and it was crazy, but he was hers.

  Chapter 28

  Felycia stretched out beside Devyn and rolled to meet his gaze. He made her feel so cherished and special. She hardly feared him at all anymore. Last night had been phenomenal.

  After she’d come back from Grifyn’s he’d noticed that she was depressed but he hadn’t pressed the issue. Instead he just set about cheering her up. He had served her dinner in bed, fed her from his hand and sometimes his mouth. He’d kissed and caressed her but never pushed her too far. She wanted to give him so much more but she just couldn’t force herself passed this wall she was hiding behind.

  Really she didn’t feel like she deserved any of this. It scared her how close he was getting because she really couldn’t picture a day without him by her side but she knew eventually she’d have to let him go. He’d never trust her or respect her once he knew the truth. He was Fae. There was no way he’d be able to accept what she did. Family was everything to them and yeah the past was the past, but hers would never quite go away.

  Besides, he deserved so much more than her. Unfortunately it didn’t matter what she said he wouldn’t believe that. She’d tried to convince him that she was all wrong for him, but short of telling him the truth he wouldn’t accept anything she said as a solid enough reason. As selfish as it might be of her, she was glad because she wasn’t ready to let him go. No one had ever made her feel like this.

  She leaned down kissing him softly and he leaned up into the kiss shifting his body over top of hers. He pressed her into the mattress and kissed her deeply. His hand slid down to gently cup and caress her breast causing her body to arch into his. It was amazing to her that he could touch her like that and not cause her a full on panic attack. It also made her want to push the boundaries so much further.

  No one had ever been able to bring her true pleasure through touch. Her body had reacted on occasion but that had left her feeling sick and dirty, erasing the memory of anything she may have felt in the moment. With Devyn she remembered his touch for hours and each time she thought of it a pleasant shiver ran through her body. There was so much more she wanted to try, but only with him. Slowly guiding his hand down her body she tried to steer him where she craved his touch but he stopped gripping her hip as he licked and kissed her neck.

  “I can sense you, Felycia, but you must tell me what you want,” Devyn murmured against her neck. “I never wish to push you and I need to be certain of what you are asking of me.”

  He pulled back looking into her eyes but she hesitated, suddenly scared to death to ask or move. He measured her with a slight smile and a nod. “You are not yet ready. I do not wish for you to regret any moment of the time we share and there is no reason for us to rush this, dear girl.”

  She nodded mildly irritated with herself but she knew he was right. She needed to be sure that getting closer to him wasn’t going to send her into a tailspin, not to mention she had to decide what to do about everything else first. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him any worse than she knew she already would.

  “Come, we are expected for meal. With the state our loved ones were in yesterday I need to be there to ensure they are coming to terms with all this.”

  She studied him. “How are you taking it? You knew all of them, right? Mythion, Terysia, and Cymarcion?”

  He nodded appearing distant for a moment. “I also knew of the affair, though I was never made privy to the pregnancy or Terynia’s birth. Both Mythion and Cymarcion had approached me regarding their issues. Mythion weighed out the dangers and risks to Terysia at length after she came to him and admitted the affair. She had been sick for days after. No Fae had known why but it was due to the breaking of the bonds. He struggled greatly in her absence. They both did. One with guilt, one with anger. I had to stop Cymarcion from ending his life more than once. In the end I believe it is why he lost his life to the Shade so easily. He always blamed himself for what occurred, but it takes two for such t
hings and in truth they shared a bond of sorts.

  “Terysia had helped him raise the twins and they shared many moments closely caring for them as they grew. It was not as simple as sating their pleasure but completing a connection in a respect. The King understood this and forgave her, for her heart was one of the things he loved most about her. He also knew that Cymarcion loved her in his own right, though not as deeply as Melydia a Cerulyion. In fact, Mythion had requested if anything ever happened to him in battle that he see to her protection, that he love her and care for her and their young together. It was a very…complex situation between the three of them. In all honesty I was never certain if Mythion’s issues were with what had occurred between them or if it was solely the risk the affair had placed her in that bothered him.”

  She chewed her lip watching him. “Are you going to tell them?”

  “No, not if they do not ask. My confidences with any of them are as private as they were with their parents. It is not my place to reveal such things unless it becomes necessary and I would ask you to honor my wishes in this matter. You are my mate, and as such we have no secrets among us. I will always answer you truthfully and honestly.”

  His words cut her deeply, not because she didn’t agree with his request, but because she just couldn’t offer him the same. She should. She should open her mouth and tell him everything right now, but as he continued talking she found she just couldn’t make herself say it.

  “I have my own guilt that I never saw the credence of a young resulting from the union. I just could not imagine how she would hide her and the Lady Terysia was so committed to Mythos and Reyana, as well as the twins. It seemed impossible to think she would have given up another. In truth though, it may have been the driving factor. Her life was in danger by the mere existence of Terynia. A servant had seen her and Cymarcion in a questionable embrace and the time they had been spending alone brought questions of Terysia’s honor. A trial was called for in time but Mythion and Cymarcion worked together to protect her. It is why she was sent away to my knowledge, but then I imagine it had something to do with the young.”


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