Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 39

by Jaime Marks

  When he released the clamps on her nipples she all but screamed as the blood rushed back into them and pain shot through her. He reached down and she whimpered as he toyed with the clamp at her clit wiggling it. He pulled it off causing her to cry out as an orgasm slammed her causing her whole being to shake. He pushed her back down to the bed slamming into her hard over and over, drawing out her peak until his release rocketed through her. He collapsed on top of her. Her vision was still blacked out by the blindfold but she doubted she’d even be able to open her eyes at the moment. It felt like she was drifting in a fog of bliss and her body still trembled with aftershocks.

  Byryn stood after a few minutes pulling himself from her and began releasing her legs. When he was finished she literally couldn’t move. She was still drifting. He lifted her into his arms and pulled back the blindfold checking her eyes. He smiled smugly but didn’t comment. Instead he got her some water and fed it to her before laying on the bed, covering them both.

  Reaching over to the nightstand he grabbed something. A small piece of chocolate glided over her lips prompting her to open. She groaned at the taste of it on her tongue. It was like heaven in that moment.

  “You need the sugar and fluids after an intense scene like that, baby. I got this just for my baby girl because I remember how much you used to love it when we were in school,” he purred feeding her another as he tenderly caressed and kissed her a while.

  Slowly the world came back into focus and she remembered how badly she’d betrayed him. How would he be able to forgive her? Could he trust her again? She looked down unable to meet his eyes but he hooked her chin guiding her to look at him. “Talk to me, baby. Why won’t you look at me?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I hurt you and I know you’re mad. You should be, but your being…” She breathed deep barely restraining her tears.

  “Shh, baby girl. First, if you need to cry it’s alright. Your tears are bearing your soul, releasing that pain you hold onto. Release them, don’t hold them in.” He kissed her temple. “Part of this is catharsis. Being able to grant you that release is a precious gift to me.

  “Now, I was very angry and hurt, but I understand your reasoning. It’s just going to take time for us to get back to normal…or whatever normal is for us now,” he offered an apologetic smile. “You’ve endured your punishment, Staryana. You know what you did was wrong. I know you’ll think twice before you ever do something like that again because the punishment will be even more intense,” he warned.

  She let the tears she’d been holding since breakfast roll freely down her cheeks and he kissed her head lovingly as he stared at her with nothing short of adoration. “Normally I would run you a bath and I might tonight, but I want you to feel this right now, baby.”

  His fingers pressed into a particularly sensitive spot causing her to hiss and he smirked before continuing. “Part of this dynamic, how this has to work, is once we work through things like this, when you endure your punishment, we discuss them and move on. As far as I’m concerned we already discussed it so unless you have something to add or you need to talk about the scene we let it go.” He kissed her softly. “I forgive you, baby girl. Don’t carry the weight from this. You don’t have to. I know you’ve learned your lesson and I trust you to be more responsible.”

  “I love you,” she sobbed softly allowing the tears the emotion to spill over as he held her. His love was always so overwhelming and consuming. It was what gave her the strength to hold on when she felt like she couldn’t stand. He was everything to her.

  “I love you, too, Staryana and I always will,” he promised holding her tighter. “Now try to get some rest. We have about a half hour before we need to attend to our duties.”

  He pulled her onto his chest and she laid her head down relaxing as she listened to his heart beat. Slowly the tears stopped and the rhythm lulled her into a calm as he tenderly stroked her hair. Her eyes drifted shut and the last thing she remembered before drifting into a peaceful sleep was the feel of his lips on her forehead as she thought that she’d do better from now on. She wanted to make her Daddy so proud of his baby girl.

  Byryn smiled as he kissed her head, catching the thought drifting through her mind. It was kind of odd in a respect, but it fit their dynamic in a lot of ways. It made him feel every bit as honored and cherished as he hoped she felt when he called her baby girl. He wouldn’t call her on it. It wasn’t even something he ever expected her to say out loud. He hoped, however, if that’s what felt right to her that she’d be comfortable enough with where things were between them to use it eventually. As unusual as he thought it should be he actually kind of liked it.

  He laid there considering their morning. She had submitted so freely to everything he put her through and only complained when he’d tested her. It was important to him that she felt comfortable enough to use her safe words if she needed to. He had to know that she wasn’t just taking it to appease him. He was actually proud of how well she’d endured her torment and the strength she exhibited when he’d whipped her was nothing short of impressive. She really did match him perfectly.

  With a sigh he checked his watch before gently sliding her off of him. It wasn’t the greatest idea to leave everything lying around or their room sealed round the clock. The last thing he needed was one of the others to pop in suddenly to ensure they were safe and see something they shouldn’t. This was something private and treasured between the two of them. He didn’t want to have to justify or explain it. He just wanted to enjoy it with her.

  Kyle’s pain flooded through him as he placed the weapons chest back under his desk. Some of the thoughts racing through his head…Byryn sighed pinching his brow. He wasn’t entirely sure if he should go to him. It felt almost like invading his privacy but he didn’t want him to feel alone in this.

  More than anyone else he understood that level of pain and guilt. He’d been worried something like this might happen when he realized what he meant to confront Mythos with. It was obvious the King had sensed him forcing him to relive everything.

  Glancing at the bed he went to the closet and dressed before selecting a short wrap for her. He hated to wake her but he knew she had her own duties to attend to. If he left her sleep she’d probably be out until dinner. He’d worked her body pretty hard. He grabbed the salve from the draw of the nightstand as he returned to the bed and sat beside her.

  While he massaged the cream into her back and behind she moaned softly and he considered everything she had to do today. If Talerys was tainted in some way he could be insanely vindictive. He needed to be sure he had her covered.

  She still had to go over the files for the mentoring program to review with him and Kyle, but they would be with her. She also met with the Narysia and Perylia today if he remembered correctly. Then there was the work she did with the Healers, following reports on injuries and illnesses that they treated to ensure they knew what was happening in the Kingdom. His baby girl saw to it that everyone was taken care of and ensured that they had the supplies they needed. She’d also been assisting them with designing the facility they were petitioning to build in the realm as well so she would probably spend a decent amount of time going over things with Healer Sanytia. She’d also taken to reading to Kylion’s class and the other classrooms of young children regularly. The Scholars had been discussing her attending the Scholar’s Hall once it was complete and she was supposed to be meeting with Alyric this noon, but he wanted her to cancel that. There was too much left up in the air with the situation with Astryn.

  He sat beside her on the bed and leaned down kissing her head. “Hey baby girl, you ready to get up?”

  She moaned softly as she stretched but looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to actually fall asleep.”

  “You needed it.” He shrugged with a smirk. “Unfortunately the Kingdom never sleeps and there are some things I need to attend to. Come here.”

  He lifted her gently from the bed knowing how te
nder her back and ass were going to be for at least the next day and a half. She actually healed fairly quickly so he wasn’t worried about it lasting much beyond that. He might even heal her tomorrow if it bothered them or interfered with their play time.

  He stood her in the shower unhooking the shower head so he could rinse her off without having to get changed himself. He’d gotten it from Earth and had the engineer hook it up because he insisted on having a decent damned shower. They had running water and showers. They should at least have some water pressure and a decent showerhead for them to enjoy. He understood living without computers and crap, he couldn’t care less about it, but he wasn’t sacrificing his shower just because he was awakened now. He’d put in his shower back in Trevyn’s safehold for the same reason.

  Checking the temperature he adjusted the water and the force of the spray before allowing it to flow over her skin. He handed her the nozzle as he soaped up his hands and massaged her body clean. She moaned softly as he ran over the bruises and welts caressing her breasts and teasing her clit as he soaped her precious skin. He rinsed his hands and took the nozzle, washing off her body. Teasing her slightly he rinsed her delicate folds, provoking a soft whine when he redirected the spray. He rinsed and washed her hair careful to untangle it with his fingers as he worked in the conditioner he’d gotten for her.

  They probably had more supplies from Earth then most of the other Fae. They’d both grown up there and it made this feel more like home for his baby girl. Generally he handled supply orders so he made sure they had what they needed to be comfortable. He generally made sure his sister and Steph had what they liked, too.

  Turning off the water he grabbed a towel, gently drying her before lifting her back in his arms. Byryn took her to the bed and dressed her. “I don’t think panties would be a good idea today. Your ass is going to be pretty tender and the bands will rub,” he spoke softly caressing her under her dress. “Your gown covers everything anyway and I like the access it gives me,” he smirked sliding a finger in and out of her teasingly.

  She leaned forward kissing him with a soft moan and he allowed it. “If you like it, sir.”

  He smiled at her as her essence flowed over him. “You are so lucky we don’t have more time, baby girl. You might think you know what you want, but I think you’re a bit too sore to feed my hunger right now.” He knelt down sliding on her shoes and guided her to the bed chuckling as she cringed in pain. “I promise I’ll take the time to ease some of that later, but you will sit through it today.”

  “Yes sir,” she sighed.

  Sitting behind her on the bed he brushed through her hair before pulling it up with some well-placed pins. He liked when it cascaded around her face and she rarely wore it up like that. Usually she just twisted it up and clipped it out of the way.

  “Do you really enjoy taking care of me like this, Byryn?” She asked suddenly and he turned her to face him so he could see her. She seemed concerned like she always did when he cared for her.

  “Baby, I need to sometimes. I know you feel like it’s a bit too much but with the way I abused your body today I need to cherish you too; and yes, I enjoy taking care of my baby girl.” He kissed her head again. “You were such a good girl. You didn’t complain or fight me. You were so strong baby, to endure all that for me. You made me so proud.” She blushed and he chuckled at her again as she crawled into his lap cuddling up to him. He brushed her hair out of her eyes holding her a moment. “You are so precious to me baby girl, do you know that?”

  “I know…Daddy…” She tensed a moment as if waiting for a reaction.

  He turned her kissing her with a passion that let her know exactly how happy she made him. She sighed against him as he released her. “I wish I could hold you all day, baby girl. You have no idea how happy you make me.” Lifting her he set her gently on the bed. “Unfortunately, I have to go. I ordered lunch for you and I expect you to eat before you try to take on the Kingdom.” He smiled knowing that was exactly the way she handled things.

  She frowned a moment, “What about you?”

  “I’m gonna grab a sandwich while I get stuff done. I want to be done with everything today so we have some time together with Kylion before you run off with the girls. He’ll be joining you for lunch by the way.” He glanced at his watch. “You have about ten minutes before Hyracen brings him up.”

  She sighed. “I’m sorry, Byryn. I know I kept you from …”

  “Hey,” he cut her off kneeling in between her legs as he gently spread them open. He left his hands on the inside of her thighs enjoying the heat he felt from her. “You, baby, you are what’s important to me. I know I have duties and I need to complete them. I always make sure everything is taken care of, but you and Kylion, our family, is my only priority. I don’t care if it’s spending time with you or taking my baby girl to task when she needs it. This, what we have, it’s everything to me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir, but…”

  “No buts baby,” he replied cutting her off again. “I treasure every moment I spend with you no matter how it’s spent. You might not have enjoyed your punishment that much but I assure you, I enjoyed that just as much as every time I get to enjoy this gorgeous body. I’d rather you be able to enjoy it too, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to take my pleasure just because you misbehaved and I won’t allow you to,” he smirked at her shocked expression and tweaked her nose. “Sorry baby girl, but you have a touch of masochism in you and I can’t deny I can be slightly sadistic. It works for us and that’s all that matters. So don’t stress yourself out that I missed my morning duties. I dealt with half of them while I had you tied up and the rest of them…well I got to spend the morning using my beautiful mate’s body anyway I saw fit.”

  She blushed brightly a moment and he caught the realization that Wyce had likely heard her moaning, but he left it go. He’d tormented her enough. Kissing her softly he allowed his thumbs to gently massage her. She was already wet again just thinking about everything he’d done to her. He needed to leave before he ended up deep in her core and saying to hell with the rest of the day, but first…

  “One more thing, baby girl,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Yes sir?” She drew back slightly meeting his eyes curiously.

  “I love when you call me Daddy,” he purred leaning in to nip her neck as she blushed so red he almost had to laugh. “So from now on you can use either sir or Daddy. Whatever you’re more comfortable with, baby. It’s not a rule, just an option.”

  She couldn’t meet his eyes. That shy sweetness that he loved being able to draw out of her had almost disappeared since they’d left school but it was making a rare appearance as she continued to blush. The smiled that graced her lips lit up her whole face. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered softly.

  It was priceless and it took everything he had to simply place a chaste kiss of devotion on her head and draw back from her. He gently tilted her chin to look up at him before he left. “I love you, baby girl. Don’t ever doubt that.” He kissed her one last time on the lips and forced himself to leave.

  Now he understood. When Alysse had said that he held a piece of her in his heart and soul he’d accepted it and believed it. He knew it meant they were meant for each other but aside from that he’d never really thought about it. At their Bonding ceremony he’d remember it and known the perfection of its truth. When she was taken from him he accepted that it meant he was made to save her. In this moment right now though, he truly understood the full meaning of it.

  When they were apart she still held him there. She was everything that made him whole. Everything about her complemented him completely and he cherished her to the point where he thought he might not be able to breathe without her. When they’d been told he was made for her, to protect her and guide her, to care for her, they’d accepted it; but it was so profound he hadn’t been able to grasp it clearly until this moment.

  It didn’t matter what Lazurys tried to do, or
what came at them in the future. Together they would get through it because nothing could truly separate them. All the hell they’d gone through had managed to do was strengthen the connection they felt. Their connection was so complete that he could feel her touch and touch her without even being in the realm now. He would always be able to find her, not even Lazurys himself could hide her from him anymore. The love they shared was too strong and he knew it.

  He stopped in the hall a moment and looked up to the ceiling praising the Divine Being, thanking him for every breath he had every breathed because it brought him to her. He could handle it all, accept everything that he’d been through because she was worth anything and everything he would ever suffer. He would cherish her until his dying breath. She was his baby girl and he was her Daddy.


  It had been a weird day. She was supposed to have noon meal with Kyle but instead when she’d gone to meet him Byryn had greeted her and guided her to Commander Grifyn’s suite. She’d ended up having lunch with he, Star, and their son after he’d explained that Kyle needed some time. While it hadn’t been the intimate meal with her mate that she had hoped, it had been comfortable and fun. Still, she had expected Kyle to come find her later but as the day wore on it was looking less and less likely.

  Star squeezed her thigh drawing her attention. They were sitting side by side having their nails painted by some of the servants with Steph and Felycia. “It’ll be alright.”

  “I know,” she offered what she knew was a weak smile.

  “Here, have some chocolate and a drink. Let’s just relax and have a good time tonight. Tomorrow we’ll worry about everything else.” She smirked, “If need be I’ll go kick my brother’s ass and straighten him out.”

  Astryn laughed despite herself. “That actually makes me feel a little better. I wouldn’t want to be on your bad side.”


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