Witness Protection

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Witness Protection Page 20

by Holly Copella

  “That was a pretty good warm-up exercise,” she announced playfully while running her fingers along his chest. “Let me know when you’re ready to get serious.”

  He looked back at her with surprise then immediately grinned. “Okay, that game I will play.”

  “Good, because I’m good to go all night,” she teased and allowed her hand to slide firmly down his abdomen and beneath the covers.

  Holden groaned, half rolled on top of her, and kissed her warmly. He then hesitated, looked into her eyes, and smiled with some embarrassment.

  “You know, I wanted to have my way with you from the moment I met you.”

  Jackie was surprised by his comment. She certainly didn’t get any sexual vibes from him in their early confrontations. She wished she had known. It may not have changed much, but they would have had more fun getting there.

  “Really?” she asked with a cleverly raised brow. “What stopped you? Because I know it wasn’t me.”

  He shrugged and hid his embarrassed smile. “A conflict of interest, I suppose.” He hesitated then laughed at himself. “--and I can be a bit of a Boy Scout.” His glanced at her as his look turned serious. “The thought of being found naked and handcuffed to a bed certainly didn’t help either.”

  She smiled sweetly, ran her leg along his bare hip beneath the covers, and caressed his body. “I would’ve dressed you before I left.”

  “I’m beginning to think you were serious with your little seduction scenes.”

  Jackie caressed his shoulders and smiled lustfully. “Oh, I was serious. I don’t know if it’s the Boy Scout or the badge, but I like the way you walk into a room. Very commanding and sexually dominant.”

  “Is that how you see it?”

  “Hmm, definitely,” she cooed. “And when you handcuffed me at the fair, I was a little turned on.”

  Holden stared at her a moment, appeared to consider his response carefully, and then sighed softly with defeat. “I’m a little ashamed to admit it, but I did sort of bump and grind you just a little.”

  She attempted to hide her knowing smile as she brushed her lips past his. “Want to arrest me again and show me what you really wanted to do?”

  “You don’t have to ask twice,” he moaned softly and playfully tackled her to the bed.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Brilliant sunlight flooded into the bedroom through a part in the curtains. With the sun shining so brightly, it didn’t seem possible that a major hurricane attempted to take the island off the map just last night. Jackie slowly woke beneath the covers on the massive bed as Holden snuggled against her from behind. Jackie, wearing Holden’s shirt, stretched onto her back to reveal her left wrist was cuffed to his left wrist. She turned over and into him with a playful grin on her face. He woke, smiled warmly, and nuzzled her face with his face.

  “How’s my prisoner this morning?” he teased.

  “Pleasantly sore.”

  He hid his disappointed look. “Does that mean you’re closed for business?”

  “Pretty much,” she replied while caressing his bare chest. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some good, clean fun in the shower.” She warmly kissed his neck and down his chest then looked up at him from her lowered position near his abdomen. “I’m sure I could find some way to satisfy you.”

  Jackie kissed her way under the covers. Holden chuckled softly to the comment then suddenly groaned with intense pleasure.


  Holden searched the kitchen cupboards with a mission but seemed unsuccessful. He was wearing a pair of shorts clearly too big for him, indicating he borrowed them from the absent homeowner. Jackie entered the kitchen in fresh clothing from her bag, hoisted herself onto the counter, and watched as he routed through the cupboards with disgust.

  “Who lives here?” he suddenly demanded while throwing his hands in the air. “There’s no coffee.”

  “Maybe they’re tea drinkers,” she offered.

  He cast a glance at her. “Do you see the size of these shorts I’m wearing? This guy doesn’t drink tea. There has to be coffee around here somewhere.”

  She secretly hid her smile. “Your clothes are dry.” Jackie considered the comment. “I mean, the clothes you stole from Monroe are dry.”

  “That’s a relief,” Holden replied with a sigh. “I don’t think I’d make a good impression in this guy’s clothing. He must be a former linebacker.”

  He finally gave up his quest for coffee and leaned on the counter, a frown permanently on his face. She stared at him a moment and shifted uncomfortably.

  “Holden,” she said gently, “do you intend to take me back into protective custody?”

  He looked at her and seemed unusually silent. Holden took a deep breath, straightened, and gently touched her face. “You know I have to.”

  Jackie frowned her disapproval. Holden moved between her legs, slid her hips across the counter against him, and caressed her back. He stared into her eyes with a serious look.

  “Monroe’s protective custody,” he announced gently.

  Her eyes suddenly lit up. “Really?”

  Holden brushed the stray lock of hair from her face then touched her cheek. “Until we find out who at the Bureau is on the governor’s payroll, you won’t be safe,” he informed her. “You saved my life the other night. It was supposed to be the other way around.” He drew a deep breath as he stared into her eyes. “I won’t jeopardize your safety by getting in your way. You know what you’re doing, and I trust you.”

  She placed her arms around his neck and clung to him. “Thank you, Holden.”

  “But,” he announced firmly, causing her to pull back and meet his gaze, “you’ll have to call me daily.”

  She brushed her lips past his. “I’m really going to miss you chasing me.” She grinned slyly. “I kind of enjoyed it.”

  He groaned softly. “I enjoyed catching you.”

  They kissed warmly then held each other in a tight embrace. His caressing hands traveled her body and pulled her hips against him. She groaned in response and ran her hands along his bare chest toward his shorts. He stopped her traveling hands and chuckled softly.

  “You’re a bad influence, and we definitely don’t have time for that,” he announced then turned serious. “We need to find Monroe and get you away from here. From what I’ve seen out the window, it’s going to be rough traveling out there, so we’d better get going.” He stared into her eyes and gently caressed her face. “I won’t leave you until you’re safely with Monroe.”

  Jackie smiled timidly and nodded. “And I think I know where we might find him.”


  The red Ferrari drove along the slightly flooded back road while avoiding fallen tree branches and debris. Cars were abandoned along the sides of the road, trees were uprooted, and power lines were down. The destruction was catastrophic. There appeared to be no signs of life anywhere. Holden and Jackie stared out the windshield with complete amazement at the destruction surrounding them. What few homes they passed had some degree of damage ranging from broken windows to torn gutters and ripped siding. Roof shingles were strewn miles from any homes, revealing the magnitude of the hurricane.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this,” Jackie said while staring at the devastation. “It’s kind of creepy.”

  What amazed her the most was how a tourist island could become a ghost town overnight. The Ferrari was the only car traveling on the road since they set out from the abandoned development nearly forty minutes ago. Driving, particularly in a sports car, was challenging. There were many obstacles scattered along the road, and the sports car’s low frame made driving over even the smallest debris difficult. Thankfully, they hadn’t come across any more bodies since they found the three home invaders dead last night.

  “How far is this airfield?”

  “On this road somewhere,” she informed him. “I’m sure this is where he was going after bailing out Zach.”

  “Maybe he was arrested
while ‘bailing out’ your friend,” Holden mocked.

  “Oh, please,” she groaned while rolling her eyes for effect. “Monroe is smarter than he looks, and Zach is a genius. They don’t get caught.”

  He snorted a laugh and cast a glance at her while concentrating on driving the disastrous road in front of them. “Oh, really? Your little Kung Fu friend looked pretty incapacitated the last time I saw him.”

  She eyed him sharply. “He sacrificed himself for me,” Jackie firmly replied. “For Zach, being captured is only ever temporary--” she then muttered, “--sort of like being dead.”

  Holden appeared bewildered by the comment then quickly brushed it off. She had to admit, she enjoyed the look of confusion on his face.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay with those two for several months or longer?” Holden asked, appearing concerned about the company she’d be keeping for the first time.

  “They’ll keep me safe,” she replied without hesitation. “Monroe’s lustful nature will be my biggest worry.”

  Holden was unusually silent and suddenly avoided looking at her. Jackie glanced at him, noticed his solemn attitude, and smiled.

  “Are you jealous?”

  He still didn’t look at her. “No, of course not,” he said firmly, although his clenching jaw told a different story. “Several months alone with your old boyfriend, Captain Flash,” Holden muttered under his breath. “Why would I be jealous?”

  She half turned in the seat and stared at him with her mouth hanging open. “You are jealous!” Jackie found it humorous, although Holden didn’t share her humor. “You want me all to yourself. Just admit it,” she teased.

  There was a long silence. “Okay, yes,” he suddenly scoffed. “I want you all to myself.”

  She stared at him a moment while enjoying the warm feeling sweeping through her body. She no longer found his jealousy humorous either.

  “Was that so hard?” she announced almost timidly then grinned. “Fine. I’m exclusively yours.”

  Holden attempted to hide his surprise then smiled more to himself. He stared out the window to avoid looking at her, but she could tell he was pleased.

  “Of course, that’s a two-way street, Agent Falcone,” she announced slyly.

  Holden appeared humored and chuckled. “Abstaining has never been a problem.”

  “The Boy Scout, I forgot.” She was silent a moment as several thoughts raced through her mind. She cast a look at him and suddenly felt uncomfortable. “Do you really think it’ll be around six months until the trial?”

  “Six months minimum. We have Dexter dead bang in the murder of three police officers, but, apart from your testimony, we still have nothing to link the governor to the murders or ordering the hits,” he replied. “If we only knew why Harris went there.”

  “The library used to be the governor’s mansion,” she informed him. “Harris may have seen something that required his immediate silence. I’m sure the governor didn’t anticipate killing a federal agent after the fundraiser. After all, he knew I was coming to meet him.” She sank into thought and recalled the events of that night. “I just can’t believe you didn’t find their bodies in the fruit cellar. I mean, where else would he have taken them. You didn’t find any blood in the car he used either, so he couldn’t have moved their bodies. It’s just not possible.”

  “You were there, Jackie,” Holden replied. “We didn’t find any bodies in the fruit cellar.”

  Jackie looked out the window and stared at the ruins of an old, stone building. It looked almost medieval. She then remembered something Vicki had said that night, and how she had gone on about the fruit cellar being medieval.

  “Odd,” she suddenly remarked, catching his attention.


  “Vicki bragged about the fruit cellar, but it just looked like an old basement to me,” Jackie said while deep in thought. “What if that room wasn’t the room she was taking me to see? What if there was more to it?”

  Holden glanced at her several times and appeared deep in thought by the comment. “You mean a hidden room within the hidden room?”


  “I think we need to go back in there with cadaver dogs, and see what they turn up,” he insisted. “It’s worth looking into. I mean, we wouldn’t even have known there was a room there if you hadn’t shown us. It’s possible there’s more to that room than what we’d found.”

  “Something was going down in that fruit cellar,” Jackie replied sternly. “Harris saw something and it got him killed. I don’t know what he saw, but I didn’t see drugs or guns or anything like that. I mean, I wasn’t exactly looking, but I would notice something like that lying around. There hadn’t even been a briefcase or bag in that room. So what did he see or hear that got him killed?”

  “Secret compartment with drugs, perhaps,” Holden announced. “Something you wouldn’t have noticed or that he closed before you arrived. Being the library was the governor’s mansion from years past, he’d probably know of any hidden rooms.”

  “Their bodies are there,” she said firmly. “I’m convinced of it. If you find their bodies, you’ll probably also find your motive for murder.”

  “I think you’re right,” Holden replied. “If we can find something to link the governor to criminal activity within the library and a motive for murder, we might have enough evidence to go to trial sooner.”

  “You’ll have no complaints from me,” she remarked.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  The private airfield had been hit particularly hard by the severe hurricane. Several planes were overturned and the roof from one of the hangers had collapsed onto a larger plane. The large-scale destruction gave the airfield an eeriness about it. There appeared to be no movement or signs of life anywhere. The Ferrari slowly drove across the abandoned airfield past several demolished planes. The sports car stopped near one of the destroyed planes, keeping their distance from the larger, undamaged hanger. Jackie and Holden got out and looked at Monroe’s Hummer near the intact hanger in the distance.

  “That’s Monroe’s,” she informed him then looked around. “I don’t like how quiet it is.”

  “I agree,” Holden responded. “I think we should approach with caution, just to be safe.”

  Both removed their weapons and walked nearly thirty yards to the parked Hummer. Voices were heard from within the hanger. At first, it was a welcomed sound, but once Jackie recognized the voice, it sent chills down her spine. She looked at Holden and mouthed the name ‘Dexter’. Holden grabbed Jackie and pulled her alongside the hanger door. Both peered inside through the partially open bay door. A badly beaten Monroe was tied to a chair in a clearing near the center of the hanger. The hanger contained an old jeep, a small, private plane, machinery, and large gang boxes. Dexter paced in front of Monroe and flexed his hand. His bleeding knuckles matched Monroe’s bleeding face.

  “You had better hope your friend knows where she is or you’re both dead,” Dexter remarked lowly. “My men won’t hesitate to slit his throat.”

  “If he says she’s on his boat, she’s on his boat,” Monroe informed him then shrugged. “If his boat is still there, well, that’s another story.”

  Dexter punched Monroe in the face, momentarily stunning him. Dexter again flexed his hand. It was unclear who was in more pain. Monroe spit out blood and looked up at Dexter with a twisted smile on his battered face.

  “Is that the best you’ve got?” Monroe asked while snorting a laugh. “Because I can do this all day.”

  Dexter appeared to consider striking him again, but he flexed his sore hand and thought better of it. There were two more armed men standing nearby while guarding both entrances. The entrance to the back was only open a foot or more for cross ventilation. Holden pulled Jackie away from the hanger and both crouched behind Monroe’s Hummer.

  “There are three armed men inside,” Holden informed her. “It sounds like two others took your friend, Zach, to the docks. The phones are down
, so we have no back up.”

  “Zach wouldn’t leave Monroe here without a plan,” she informed Holden. “He always has a plan.” She then considered her comment and grimaced. “--however devious and twisted it might be.”

  “Monroe may not have much time. We need to act now,” Holden warned. “I’m not thrilled with my plan, but we don’t have much choice.”

  “Or we could just do it my way,” Zach announced softly from behind them.

  Jackie and Holden spun with surprise to see Zach casually crouched alongside them behind the Hummer. His sudden and silent appearance was alarming to both. Despite his shirt being covered in blood, he appeared unusually calm. Jackie didn’t know why she was surprised to find him alongside them. Zach had a bad habit of sneaking up on people. She swore he was part ninja.

  “Were you injured?” Holden asked with surprise.

  “No, why do you ask?” Zach suddenly asked with an innocent look on his face.

  Holden eyed his shirt and indicated the large amount of mostly fresh blood. Zach casually glanced at the blood and appeared disinterested.

  “Oh, that. Just a little disagreement with two thugs,” he announced simply then smiled most sinister. “They eventually saw it my way.”

  “What--?” Holden started to ask but Jackie was quick to cut him off mid-sentence.

  “Don’t ever ask Zach what he does,” she said firmly as her eyes widened. “Trust me; it’ll just give you nightmares.”

  Holden glanced at her with moderate concern, took a deep breath, and then looked at the creepy man alongside him. “What’s your way?”

  Zach grinned deviously.


  Within the hanger, Dexter stood near Monroe while the two gunmen guarded the front and back entrance to the hanger. Dexter appeared to be losing his patience. Monroe, on the other hand, seemed relaxed and in no particular hurry. It seemed only a matter of time before Dexter just decided to shoot Monroe out of sheer boredom. Zach suddenly appeared in the main entrance to the hanger and bowled with a grenade. The men saw him and then the rolling object.


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