Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys

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Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys Page 104

by Opal Carew

  Touching her lips to the corner of his mouth, she drew in his musky scent, let it seep into her soul. Where it belonged. The rough stubble against her skin made her heart ache. She wanted him to rub his chin against her breasts, her stomach. Wanted him to brush it against the inside of her thighs when he put his mouth on her sex.

  Her body shook with the strength of that image, just as it did when she dreamed in the middle of the night. Those dreams taunted her with what she couldn’t have.

  She shut her eyes.

  “No,” Quinn growled, shaking her just a little. “No, don’t you dare close your eyes. God damn it, Serena, you look at me. How can you live without this? Without me?”

  She didn’t live. Not really. She existed. And not well. But if she allowed herself to look at him now, she’d be lost.

  As lost as she’d been at Nino’s death.

  Despair, black and bitter and choking, bubbled up from her gut, from the hole she’d buried it in. It leaked from her body in her tears, silent and pouring down her face now.

  “I can’t.” She couldn’t breathe but that wasn’t what she meant. “I can’t. Quinn. So sorry. It hurts.”

  The tears she hadn’t shed so many years ago rose like a hurricane-fueled wave, pouring from beneath her closed lids, drenching her face. She couldn’t stop them, any more than she could force the grief and anger and dread back into the whole.

  This is what she’d tried to avoid all these years. And all it had taken was one kiss.

  She wept, her body wracked by sobs. Quinn swore, something foul and directed at himself, and wrapped her against his body. Which just made her cry harder.

  She wanted him so badly, her body ached with it.

  But, just as she couldn’t bring back her beautiful Nino, she couldn’t have Quinn. She didn’t deserve him and he deserved better. Better than a woman who had failed so many, who had let down her boschetta by not being the leader they needed. By having another child when she knew how much danger he would be subjected to all his life.

  She didn’t know how long she cried or when Quinn carried her out of the room. It took all of her dubious control to rein in her tears, to push back the grief enough to move on. But when she finally got herself under control, she realized she was sitting on Quinn’s lap on another bed in another room.

  His arms wrapped around her shoulders, hers wrapped around his waist. Her tears soaked his skin, now sticky and damp.

  For a few brief seconds, as sanity returned, she rested her cheek against his chest, heard his heart beating steadily beneath her ear.

  Then she forced herself to push away. To get to her feet and meet his sorrowful blue eyes.

  “Don’t you see, Quinn? It’s for the best.”

  Then she turned and walked away.

  * * *

  Gabriel didn’t watch the movie.

  He watched Shea.

  Watched her eat popcorn and suck the butter off her fingers. Had to stomp down the urge to do it for her.

  Got a hard-on watching her lick the salt off her lips.

  And lost it as he watched her watch Leo with such fear on her face he almost howled in frustration.

  He almost got caught watching her when the first film ended, and they both looked at him to switch the film. And when the next one started, he went back to watching her.

  And thinking. Tonight. He had to have her tonight. So he could get this lust, this burn, out of his system. He had to be sharp, and he couldn’t be sharp when he wanted her this badly.

  About halfway through the second film, he felt Leo’s body relax completely into sleep. Shea’s gaze dropped to Leo then lifted to his. The desire in her eyes made his blood pump hot and heavy.

  No more waiting.

  He slid off the couch, careful not to wake Leo when he picked the kid off the couch and cradled him against his chest. Shea close on his heels, he took the kid to the bedroom they’d shared last night and laid him on the bed.

  Shea made short work of his clothes, never once waking the little boy, then tucked the covers around him and made sure the nightlight in the bathroom was lit and the door was open.

  Then she stood and looked at him.

  Extending his hand, he waited, breath held, until she took it. Her fingers trembled in his, but her expression held no fear. Only a reflection of the same lust he felt.

  With her hand in his, he pulled her out of the room and across the hall. His mom had known he’d want to be close to them, to protect them, so she’d put them in the room across from his.

  His mom couldn’t have known how he felt about Shea. Probably better she didn’t.

  Without turning on the overhead light, he shut the door and whispered a spell to light the candles on the side table. He needed to see her but not in the harsh light from the electric bulbs. He wanted to see her skin gleam in the flicker of candlelight.

  He wanted to take his time, savor every moment.

  But Shea had other plans.

  She leaped at him, wrapping her arms and legs around him and sealing her mouth over his with a desperation that burned through his control with the force of a dynamite blast.

  He didn’t stop her, didn’t try to slow her down, because she wanted exactly what he did. With one arm around her waist, he used the other to strip her t-shirt over her head, baring her upper body to him. He couldn’t do anything about her jeans with her legs around his waist, so he started walking backward toward the bed.

  When he hit the mattress with the back of his legs, he turned and broke their kiss, stomach clenching at the whimper she made when they lost contact.

  Pulling her body away from his, he set her on the bed on her knees and started work on her jeans even as his mouth lowered to her breasts. Her nipples peaked hard and tight, and his tongue flicked over them mercilessly. She arched her back and he reached for the button on her jeans, nearly ripping it off in his haste. When he had the zipper down, he gave her nipple one last nip before he pushed her back on the bed.

  She landed with a little gasp and started to laugh, which she continued until he stripped the pants off her legs, fell to his knees and put his mouth over her sex.

  “Gabriel…” she gasped his name, as if shocked, but he couldn’t stop now. And she didn’t push him away. Instead, her hands sank into his hair as his tongue began to lap at her with broad strokes. Her moan made him shudder even as her musky heat coated his tongue.

  With her legs over his shoulders and her hands in his hair, he ate at her like a man starving. He couldn’t get enough, not of her breathy moans or the sweet taste of her. Moving his hands up her body, he cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples in rhythm with his tongue on her clit. Learned what made her sigh and squirm and groan.

  He played her body with single-minded intent, and when her body went taut, her thighs clenching around his head as she came, his inner caveman beat his chest and roared.

  While she lay there, trying to catch her breath, he dragged off his own clothes and stood. He stared at her for several seconds, just looking at her beautiful brown hair, wild and dark on his bed, and at her toned body, still shaking from her orgasm.

  Then her eyes caught his and his cock throbbed with the heat still flaring there.

  When she came up on her knees in front of him, he thought she’d take it slow now. Thought that with the first rush over, they’d have time to play.

  But Shea had other ideas.

  With a quick twist of her upper body, she had him flat on his back on the bed and had straddled his waist before he realized what she as doing.

  His body knew what she wanted, even if his brain hadn’t quite caught up, and his hips arched as she took his cock in her hand and began to lower herself onto him.

  But when she tensed and bit her lip, he grabbed her hips and held her completely still.

  “Shea. Slow down, babe. Wait a—”

  “I’ve waited too damn long. I don’t want to wait anymore.” She looked down into his eyes and then to where they were almost j
oined. “Come on, Gabriel. Please.”

  His eyes widened as he read between the lines, which was damn hard to do considering how fucking much he wanted to thrust into her. The tip of his cock was already enclosed in her channel and he felt himself twitch in anticipation.

  But she was tight, so tight, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  He had to know. It wasn’t going to make a difference to the outcome, but it would make a difference with how they played this here and now.

  He had his answer in her silence and the look in her eyes.

  His inner caveman gave a few more beats on his chest.

  His. Only his. Always his.

  He thrust up as he brought her hips down, impaling her on his cock in one smooth, fast motion.

  Her gasp made him freeze.

  “Are you okay?” He could barely get the words out from behind his gritted teeth as he grabbed at the reins of his control. “Did I hurt you, honey?”

  She shook her head, the movement making her hips wriggle, her sheath contracting around him. “No, but I’m going to explode if you don’t finish this.” Her half-smile was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. “Come on, Gabriel. I want to make you come this time.”

  His groan echoed in the room. “If we do this right, we both will.”

  Then he showed her how.

  He lifted her hips, eyes closing at the burn of flesh on flesh, on the tightness of her flesh around his. On her sleek, wet heat. Then he let her sink down on him, watching her face for any sign of pain.

  He didn’t want her to have any, not this first time, not with him. But she didn’t seem to have any discomfort at all. Instead, she looked ecstatic. With her eyes closed, she set her hands on his abdomen and let him control the motion. Her back arched, like a cat in the sun, shifting the angle of their bodies and making them both groan at the few centimeters more he sank.

  After a few minutes, she must have decided he wasn’t going fast enough, so she started to move. Using her legs and her hips, she began to ride him, faster and faster still until his eyes rolled back in his head and he couldn’t see. Only feel.

  He tried to hold back his release, tried to make it last, but he couldn’t refuse her.

  His hands tightened around her hips, holding her steady, grounding himself.

  And when she finally cried out and clenched around him, he felt his own orgasm explode out of his cock and into her.

  For several heartbeats, he just breathed. The smell of sex and Shea’s subtle scent made his cock twitch again.

  Hell, he might actually be able to get it up again in a few minutes.

  Then Shea leaned forward, draping herself over his body, head on his chest.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he made sure she wasn’t going anywhere.

  And after a few minutes, her breathing pattern indicated she’d fallen asleep.

  With his cock still pulsing in her body.

  He closed his eyes and followed her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Gabriel slept more soundly beside Shea than he’d slept in years.

  But when he woke, she was gone. After throwing on some clothes, he checked Leo’s room and confirmed that she’d only moved across the hall.

  The two of them slept in the same bed, though Shea was on top of the covers. As if she hadn’t meant to fall asleep there.

  He made sure he didn’t wake them. She and Leo could both do with some more rest.

  Instead he headed for the kitchen and found his mom and Quinn.

  Both of them looked like they hadn’t slept all night. But he knew, from the strained silence, that they hadn’t spent the night the way he and Shea had.

  “Everything okay?”

  His question elicited a nod from his mom, sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea, and another from Quinn, standing as far from her as he could get without leaving the room.

  “Where are Shea and Leo?” Serena asked.

  Narrowed gaze shifting between the two of them, he briefly considered asking what had happened then decided against it. He didn’t think either of them would answer. Besides, everyone was entitled to a little privacy. And their secrets.

  “They’re still sleeping.”

  His mom nodded. “I thought you might want to show her the studio today.”

  He planned to, right after breakfast. “I will.”

  “Good.” His mom nodded and slid him a short-lived smile. “It’ll be nice to have someone make use of it.”

  Silence descended again as Gabriel headed for the coffeemaker. The tension hung in the air, almost thick enough to choke. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, and Quinn stood.

  “I’m going for a run. Be back later.”

  Serena’s eyes followed him down the hall until she couldn’t see him anymore.

  Gabriel sighed. “Mom—”

  “Good morning, Leo. Shea,” Serena said. “Did you sleep well?”

  Gabriel turned to see a quick blush heat Shea’s cheeks as she and Leo walked into the kitchen. Shea opened her mouth to answer but Leo started to chatter about the movie they’d watched last night.

  He tensed, wondering how much more his mom could take. But amazingly, her tension eased as she talked to Leo. They kept up a steady conversation all through breakfast. The kid had more questions than an encyclopedia had answers but his mom and Shea spoke to him without a hint of impatience.

  He hoped Shea’s easy smile and more relaxed manner this morning was a result of their night together. He knew he sure as hell felt better.

  When she glanced his way and the corners of her mouth curled up just enough to give the impression of a smile, he felt like he’d won the freaking lottery.

  If his dad could see him now, he’d shake his head.

  “You’re complicating things, Gabriel. Don’t lose focus. They need you to be the strong one.”

  Emotion made you weak.

  He knew that. But he couldn’t help himself.

  Tomorrow, he’d be strong. Today…fuck it.

  They sat there for the better part of an hour, talking about nothing. Carefully talking about nothing. Letting Leo guide the conversation. It felt like a truce between two parties who weren’t sure they were fighting. But it was better than being at each other’s throats.

  Finally, his mother said, “So, Gabriel, are you going to show Shea the studio?”

  Shea’s gaze found his. “Studio?”

  He smiled at her, just to see her reaction. And wasn’t disappointed to see heat rush across her face again. “Come on.”

  * * *

  Shea followed Gabriel and Leo down the hall, trying not to overheat as she recalled last night.

  Gabriel had gone to the bathroom to get a towel to clean her up after they’d had sex then rolled her onto her side, curled around her and fell asleep. His arm lay heavy around her waist, his body giving off so much heat, she hadn’t needed a blanket.

  She should have slept like a baby. She’d felt completely safe and protected and she wanted to stay there all night. And most of today. But she’d stayed with Gabriel only a few hours, worried that Leo would wake and be worried because she wasn’t there. Leo came first. He had to.

  Last night had been a stolen moment.

  Today…back to reality.

  But maybe not just yet, because the room Gabriel waved her into made her muscles quiver in anticipation.

  Mirrors covered two facing walls and shiny wood covered the floor. The studio was perfect, complete with a small piano on one end and…a beautiful bar along the long front wall.

  “Serena won’t tell you but she’s actually a decent dancer, though I’ve never known her to dance for an audience,” Gabriel said. “I only know because I used to sneak down here and watch when I was kid.”

  She trailed her hand over the bar, drew in a deep breath of air scented with lemon oil. Her muscles twitched at the prospect of putting on a leotard.

  “Sissy, look.
A piano.” Leo’s voice was awed. “Hey, this box has your name on it.”

  Leo held out a white shirt box he’d picked up off the piano bench. She took it, with a quick glance at Gabriel. His expression revealed nothing. Taking off the lid, she lifted out a delicate pink leotard and white tights.

  A smile kicked up the corners of her mouth and tears formed. She had no idea where he’d gotten the leotard. She didn’t care.

  She walked over to him, lifted onto her toes and kissed him on the cheek.

  The heat in his eyes when she drew back scorched her to her bones and drew all the air out of the room.

  “We’ve got time,” Gabriel said. “If you want to work out for a while.”

  “Shea, can I play it?”

  With an effort, she dragged her gaze to Leo, already sitting at the piano, looking at her with wide eyes.

  She looked at Gabriel, who shrugged.

  “Sure, kid,” he said. “But there’s a…”

  Leo ran his small hands over the keys, getting a feel for the instrument. She knew nothing about music other than she liked to dance to it. But she did know Leo shouldn’t be able to play an instrument he’d never touched before.

  After a few minute of pressing keys in different combinations, he started to play a melody she vaguely recognized. It took her a second but she finally—

  “My Chemical Romance.”

  Their second album. It had been a gift from another dancer in the last bar she’d worked at in Atlantic City. She and Leo both loved it. And he was playing it slow enough for her to dance to. The kid constantly amazed her.

  She smiled back up at Gabriel.

  “Where can I change?”

  * * *

  “I’m assuming this will be your first treguenda with the nail in your possession, Shea. Would you help me prepare for the ritual?”

  Serena’s question startled Shea out of the peaceful mood left over from her practice. She and Leo and Gabriel were in the kitchen, having lunch in companionable silence, though Gabriel’s every glance made her body heat and her blood sizzle.


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