Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys

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Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys Page 170

by Opal Carew

  “No. Apparently, Rachael wasn’t able to wound anyone. But if she removed her dagger from its sheath, she was worried about her safety. What did you find?”

  “Fresh blood.”

  Michael’s face paled.

  Adonis couldn’t reassure him the ladies hadn’t been hurt here. Not without raising questions he couldn’t very well answer.

  Gregory, Curt, and Zachary listened at the doorway.

  Curt asked, “What’s happened?”

  “Danai is Michael’s sister. It appears one or both were accosted.”

  Adonis headed for his house. “Stay here.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Gregory followed him to Adonis’s irritation.

  The other men joined in.

  He had nothing to hide, in fact the place looked typical of a hunter’s home with ancient weapons displayed on the walls of his living room and bedroom. But he didn’t feel comfortable having the hunters enter his home without checking for the women first and finding out their condition.

  “Danai!” Adonis hollered, storming through the living room.

  “Oh, Adonis!” she cried out from her bedroom.

  Adonis and Michael and the others ran toward her bedroom. When they bumped into each other trying to get through the doorway, her mouth dropped open.

  “Michael,” she said under her breath.

  Adonis looked at her blood-stained lips, then at Rachael lying unconscious in Danai’s bed. He crossed the floor as quickly as humanly possible, grabbed Danai and hugged her to his breast and whispered in her ear, “Go wash up, quickly.” She nodded, tears in her eyes.

  The other men hurried into the room and moved close to the bed.

  Michael was examining the blow to Rachael’s head. “Rachael,” he called to her.

  She moaned, her eyelids fluttered, but didn’t open.

  Adonis knelt beside her. He caressed her uninjured temple. A discolored and raised knot swelled on the left side of her forehead. “Rachael.”

  She reached for his hand. An all-knowing look passed between Michael and Adonis. Adonis and Rachael were meant to be together, if they could only convince her uncle and get rid of Piaras in the meantime.

  When Danai returned to the room, Michael stood, then crossed the floor to her, and took her hand in his. “What happened?”

  She swallowed and looked at Adonis as if waiting for his permission to speak. He inclined his head slightly.

  “I couldn’t see who they were.”

  Adonis knew she had, as she’d evidently gotten the best of whoever had battered Rachael. The blood on Danai’s lips meant she killed them, or had torn them up pretty good. And for her to have done so, went against everything she believed in. Neither of them had bitten a human with their fangs since they’d been turned. Danai had to have been desperate.

  He kissed Rachael’s forehead. His sister must have been protecting her.

  “What happened?” Michael prompted again. “We found blood in the storage room.”

  “I stabbed both of the men. They ran out of here, fearful for their lives. I half carried Rachael in here, but I was afraid to call for an ambulance. Hunters take care of their own.”

  Curt touched Rachael’s shoulder. “Rachael?”

  She gripped Adonis’s hand.

  Curt folded his arms. “We’ve got to get her to Tobias’s home. Dr. Stevens will see to her.”

  Gregory drew closer to the bed. “I’ll take her to the car.”

  Ignoring him, Adonis lifted her off the mattress. “Lead the way,” he said to Curt. No one was carrying his mate anywhere... especially a hunter who assumed he still had a chance with her. And the same damned one who’d gotten him and his family into such a bind. He was certain Meghan’s death could be directly attributed to Gregory’s failure to protect her when she arrived.

  “I want you to come with us, Danai,” Michael said, tugging at her to go along with them. Adonis glanced back at him, and Michael added, “If it’s all right with your brother.”

  “I would approve of such a move.” His sister and Rachael would be safer at Tobias’s estates for now. Still he had to learn from Danai what had happened. “Michael, I’d appreciate it if you drove my vehicle.”

  Danai frowned at Adonis. She apparently didn’t care for his matchmaking effort, but he had to have her help him keep Michael safe. Plus, she needed further protection. And he figured Michael would be the best one to chaperone Rachael and him. Someone from her family would be expected to. But he figured she’d give him the devil later about involving her with Michael.

  Everyone played musical vehicles as Zachary drove Ferris’s car and Curt drove Michael’s truck. Gregory joined Zachary and slammed the door to Ferris’s car. Michael helped Adonis into the backseat with Rachael. He seemed disappointed when Danai had already taken her seat on the passenger’s side without waiting for him to help her like a gentleman would.

  Once they were all buckled in, they followed the other vehicles back to Tobias’s estates.

  “What happened?” Adonis asked Danai again, now with fewer onlookers present.

  “Two men attacked me in the storage room. Rachael arrived and heard us. She came to save me. But... the... one struck her.”

  “Were they humans? Human hosts?”

  “I... I don’t know.”

  She did know. If she’d killed them with her fangs, or had even just bitten them, she could taste the difference between those who allowed the vampires to feed off them for the sexual pleasure they derived from it and humans who did not. Host’s blood was thinner than unaffected humans. She was worried her answer might give him and her away to the hunter family.

  “I told Michael that Piaras has a contract out on him. I’d hoped he might lay low, but he doesn’t want to.”

  Danai looked over at him. Michael glanced at her and reached over and patted her hand.

  Would he do it for Danai?

  She swallowed hard. “I... I don’t want you to get hurt, Michael.”

  He quirked a brow at her, then grinned.

  She quickly looked out the window.

  Danai had made his day. Adonis couldn’t believe how one little statement from her had affected the rogue hunter to such a degree. Sad state of affairs when a woman could bring a man to his knees like that.

  Rachael moaned and squirmed her head in Adonis’s lap.

  “Rachael?” He ran his fingers over her hair.

  “Da... Danai,” she said, her voice shaky and hollow.

  He kissed her cheek. “Danai’s all right. We’re going to your uncle’s house now. Michael’s driving.”

  “Michael?” She raised her hand to her head and groaned.

  “Your cousin, Michael, yes. Shhh, just take it easy, honey. Doctor... “ He paused as he couldn’t think of the name of the hunter doctor the family used.

  “Stevens,” Michael offered.

  She shook her head and moaned. “If he... examines... me... “

  Adonis raised his brows. His heart rate increased when he grew concerned as to what she might say. He gently covered her mouth with his hand. “Shhh, Rachael,” he whispered in her ear. “He’s only going to check out the bump on your head, nothing more.”

  She burrowed her cheek into Adonis’s groin, and he stifled a groan. “Danai,” she whimpered.

  Danai unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned around the passenger seat. She grasped Rachael’s hand firmly. “I’m all right, Rachael.”

  “They... they were hurting Danai,” Rachael said, her voice strained. “They... “ She touched the tender spot on her head, then she grew quiet.

  Adonis felt her pulse in her wrist, his own beating too rapidly. If Danai hadn’t killed the ones who injured Rachael, he’d finish the job.

  “What’s wrong?” Michael’s voice was on edge while he tried to see what was going on and watch his driving at the same time.

  “She’s passed out, but her pulse rate is... well, it’s slower than normal, but she’ll be fine.”

anai refastened her seatbelt.

  Adonis stroked Rachael’s cheek, then ran his hand down her arm. She sighed deeply and squirmed in his lap again.

  He’d put them both at risk last night. He chided himself for having taken her like he did, despite her insistence and willingness. Hell, any encouragement on her part would have sent him over the edge, but he should have had more backbone and fought the temptation.

  Then he considered how he’d wanted her again when they met at the library. He floundered between wishing he hadn’t sent Rachael to his shop, and wondering if her arrival there hadn’t saved Danai’s life. He had to know what happened. Before he could ask his sister telepathically, Rachael’s hand moved to her waist, and she touched the sheath where her dagger had been. He took her hand and held it.

  “It’s all right, Rachael, you’re safe. Michael’s got your dagger.” He didn’t know how much she could understand in her confused state, but he wanted to reassure her that no one could harm her or Danai.

  “What’s wrong?” Michael asked.

  “She’s semiconscious. She was trying to find her dagger.” Her cousin had the hearing of a cat. With the rumble of the car on the highway, and Rachael’s soft, raspy voice, Adonis wouldn’t have thought anyone in the front seats could have heard her hesitant words.

  He swore to himself. And would he put two and two together? Michael seemed worldly. There wasn’t much he could put past him. Except that Adonis and his sister were vampires.

  Then a shiver of worry trailed down his spine. Since Rachael was injured and Danai had witnessed what had happened, Tobias would question Danai. She’d been so full of life, so confident, a spunky huntress like Rachael until she’d been turned. Now she was a shell of a woman, living in the shadows of life. Would being around all of Rachael’s hunter family shatter what little bit of comfort she drew from existing quietly in the background, an observer, not a participant in life any longer?

  She barely ate enough to keep herself alive, and he often fought with her to get her to eat more. Yet she couldn’t really die, just grow more and more emaciated.

  Neither of them had totally adjusted to their new lifestyle. But Adonis wasn’t accepting it at face value either. If he could, he’d turn his life around and push forward like he would have done before Piaras got hold of him. And now with Rachael to care for...

  Rachael squirmed and raised her hand to her head again and moaned. “Da... nai.”

  He leaned over, kissed her cheek, and rubbed her shoulder. “Danai’s sitting in the front seat. We’re driving to your uncle’s house. Michael’s with us.”

  Shaking her head, she groaned. “They’ll get us.”

  “You’re safe, Rachael. No one’s going to get you.”

  She squeezed his knee with her hand. “Danai.”

  “No one’s going to get my sister either.”

  She quieted again and slept the rest of the way to the house. He’d wanted her awake, to hear her voice, but her confusion disturbed him. Would the concussion cause a permanent memory loss? Not once had she mentioned his name. Did she remember who he was?

  He couldn’t shake the terror snaking its way into his system with the thought he’d have to start all over with her again. What if she thought Gregory was now a suitable marital prospect? What if she learned he was a vampire again, only this time was terrified?

  When Michael pulled the SUV to a stop behind Ferris’s car, several hunters hurried to the door. Once they’d opened it, one carried Rachael from the vehicle. As soon as Gregory managed to take her from the other hunter, Adonis hurried after him intent on getting his mate back.

  Michael rounded the SUV and grabbed his arm. He obviously saw the intense hunter mating instinct and wanted to short fuse the situation before Rachael was injured further. “My father will wish to speak to you.”

  His blood boiling with jealousy, Adonis watched as Gregory carried Rachael into the house.

  Michael turned to Danai. “And he’ll want to find out the details of what happened in your store, if you wouldn’t mind telling him, Danai.” His words were spoken in a gentle manner when he talked to Adonis’s sister. With Adonis, he was all hunter, protective toward his cousin, and of the family’s dating protocol.

  Adonis spoke up. “I wish to stay with my sister when Mr. Bremerton questions her.”

  “Of course.”

  The three of them walked toward the house, while Curt and Zachary joined them. Tobias glared at Adonis, his gray eyes as stormy as a typhoon at sea.

  Michael said, “Danai saved Rachael’s life. I thought we could go to the conference room and discuss this and other matters.”

  Adonis took Danai’s hand and waited for Zachary to lead the way. He noticed Michael glancing down at their hands, and he imagined he wished he could comfort Danai instead.

  Adonis couldn’t believe that he intended to prove himself worthy as a hunter to the family, and instead, his sister did so by saving Rachael’s life.

  Michael shut the door. Tobias motioned to the seats around the room. No one was singled out. Everyone just took a seat where they felt comfortable. Danai sat beside Adonis and Michael took a seat on the other side of Danai. Curt, Zachary, and Tobias sat opposite them.

  Tobias gripped the arms of his leather chair, then interlocked his fingers into a fist and rested them against his mouth while he continued to glare at Adonis.

  Adonis waited for the questioning to begin. His sister looked paler than normal. Reaching over, he rubbed her back.

  Tobias stood. “What happened, Curt?”

  “Rachael met Adonis Cameron at the main library. Before Michael, Zachary and I arrived there, Gregory said Adonis told Rachael to leave. When we questioned him about it, he told us she’d gone to his antique shop.”

  Tobias raised his hand. “For what purpose?”

  “She wished to visit me,” Danai said, her voice whisper soft.

  Adonis’s sister had saved his butt. He definitely owed her one. Of course, he had no intention of killing Michael either, and maybe she figured she owed him for it.

  However, he figured Tobias didn’t believe a word of it, nor did any of the others in the room. His thoughts shifted to Rachael. Was that jerk of a hunter still with her? Or would the doctor have made him leave?

  Tobias studied Danai for a moment, then he looked back at Curtis. “And then?”

  “We found her unconscious after Danai had rescued her from... “ He paused and waited for Danai to help him out.

  Danai glanced at Adonis. He nodded. Whatever the truth was, it had to come out for everyone’s safety sake. She faced Tobias. “Human hosts. Piaras’s converts.”

  Tobias cursed under his breath. “How in the hell did they know Rachael was going to be there?”

  Danai shook her head. “They didn’t.”

  “My God,” Michael said. “They were after you, Danai, and Rachael startled them?”

  Adonis’s heart nearly stopped. Piaras was getting desperate. He was taking Adonis’s sister as part of the bargain to ensure he brought Rachael to the vampire leader. The human hosts must not have known they had Rachael in their grasp, they were so intent on taking Danai back to Piaras.

  “She stays here with us for her own protection,” Michael said, before his father could speak.

  Tobias cleared his throat and frowned at Michael.

  “If you say so, of course, Father.”

  “She’ll sleep with Rachael. Hopefully Danai won’t disturb Rachael’s sleep like Trish did.” Tobias considered Danai. “Would that be acceptable to you?”


  “What happened to the human hosts?”

  “I wounded them with my hunter’s dagger. If it hadn’t been for Rachael distracting them, I wouldn’t have had a chance.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, and Adonis reached over and squeezed her hand. She gave him a tentative smile.

  Tobias said, “Michael, could you take Danai and get her something to drink? She must be pretty worn out from
her ordeal.”

  He shifted in his seat. “I wish to stay in here when you speak to Adonis, if you would permit me to.”

  Tobias raised a brow. “Very well, Zachary then—”

  “Can you have Curt take her?” Michael hurriedly asked.

  Tobias frowned slightly. “Curt is one of the elders in our group. I want him to stay. If you don’t wish to take the young lady out of the room, Zachary will.”

  “I could stay,” Danai offered.

  Adonis knew she wished to diffuse the situation between Tobias and himself. He figured, too, she wasn’t comfortable with any of the other hunters yet, and Michael was about the only one she’d want to go with.

  “No.” Tobias offered a small smile on Danai’s behalf and cleared his throat. “Hunter’s business, you understand.”

  “Yes,” she said so demurely, she couldn’t help but win Tobias over.

  Zachary rose from his chair. Being an eligible bachelor, too, he was most likely intrigued with Danai, but his older brother had already made his interest in her known, and bucking him would be a losing proposition. Plus her words already had shown she’d have rather stayed where she was than go with Zachary.

  Michael stood and helped her from her chair. “This won’t take very long, Danai.” He walked her to the door and gave Zachary a look of male domination.

  Not to be cowed by his brother, Zachary grinned at him, then led Danai away.

  Michael shut the door.

  Adonis said, “I’m sorry, but my sister is very shy around men, and Michael seems to be the only one who has managed to bring her out of it a bit.”

  “Being a hunter, you must know then how hard it was for Michael to give her up to his younger brother, who also seeks a huntress for a bride. But it seems he wishes to speak on your behalf.” Tobias turned to Michael. “If this has anything to do with your getting to know Danai better and Adonis’s allowing it, you’ll have no word in these other pressing issues.”

  “It doesn’t.” Michael straightened his back.


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