Eternal Flame (Eternal Flame #1)

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Eternal Flame (Eternal Flame #1) Page 4

by Sofia Giselle

  They were more than entertaining and chivalrous to her. All of them were vying for her attention in their own unique ways. Alex was comfortable in his own skin. He wasn’t a big talker but he was complimentary and asked her endless questions about herself. Nick was nervous and kept stuttering but he took every opportunity he could to sing to her and dance for her, showing off both his vocal prowess and impressive rhythm. Diego played it cool but he was looking at her like he wanted to have her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It would’ve been unnerving if she didn’t find it so intriguing.

  He wasn’t perverted about it. He seemed genuinely enamored and taken with her. Kristen didn’t want to think about what that meant. She just tried to play it as cool as he did. Her mind did drift to Roman every so often. He wasn’t far from her thoughts. She couldn’t stop hoping he would come back and soon. She was yearning to see if she’d have chemistry with him too. If he’d be as taken with her as the guys were.

  After spending about an hour hanging out and chatting by the lake, Nick asked if she wanted to ride with them to their recording studio. They had some vocals they had to fill in for a new song they were working on before the party started. Kristen agreed to tag along.

  They were just getting ready to make their way up front to the motorcycles, when Ms. Austin wandered over to them.

  “Kristen, have you seen Joy?”

  Kristen tentatively looked at her. She hoped and prayed Ms. Austin wouldn’t do anything else to embarrass herself or her daughter anymore today. “No maam, I haven’t. I did see her go off with Damian and Beau earlier though.”

  “Maybe I should call her on her cell phone. Knowing her, she probably won’t answer. I just hope if she plans on doing anything freaky with either of them she’ll stop at the store first and get some rubbers. I know the last thing she wants is to have another herpes scare.”

  Kristen gasped out loud and looked askance. Diego immediately spit out the soda he’d been drinking and Alex and Nick put their hands on each-other’s shoulders and turned away, trying in vain to stifle their laughter.

  “Ms. Austin!” Kristen protested.

  “Oh shut up girl, you know how I get down. I don’t bite my tongue in front of nobody, you know that. Besides, it’s the truth.”

  Kristen just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

  “Anyhoo, Cameron wanted me to come find you and tell you Roman is supposed to be back at the house in less than an hour to take you out. They were finally able to get him on the phone. His mother had to all but threaten him to get him to come back.”

  Everything stopped and immediately got quiet. Kristen’s heart started racing. She felt breathless, anxious, and nervous. Her palms began to sweat and she nervously blinked. She stole a glance over in the direction of the guys and they all looked dejected. Diego briefly made eye contact with her then looked away at the lake, gritting his teeth.

  Kristen licked her lips and looked over at Ms. Austin, who was still standing there like she was waiting on her to respond. “Okay,” she shakily said.

  Ms. Austin nodded once at her and winked. “Have a good time,” she said. “I know I don’t have to tell you to use rubbers, because you don’t get down like that. Thank God you’re still a virgin.”

  Kristen closed her eyes and put her hand to her face. Alex and Nick’s eyes stretched as they looked at one another. Diego kept his cool and kept looking at the water.

  “Thanks a lot Ms. Austin,” Kristen tensely replied.

  “Oh, I know you’re not trying to fuck them so it doesn’t matter if they know. Anyway, I’m going to head back up to the house and help them finish getting everything ready. If I find Joy I’ll tell her you’re leaving and you’ll see her later.”

  She didn’t give Kristen time to answer; just turned and walked away, her wide, bulgy bottom swinging behind her.

  There were a few moments of tense silence.

  “Well,” Alex began with a forced smile, “that was awkward.”

  “So,” Nick started, “you’re a virgin.” He stuck up his thumb. “Good for you.”

  “So, I guess we’re going to head on up to our bikes and get over to the studio. I’m not singing, of course, I’m just tagging along. Maybe I’ll see you later?”

  Alex hopefully looked at Kristen and she gave him a pleasant smile and nodded.

  “Great. Cause I’d love to talk to you more.”

  “Get in line bro,” Nick said, walking over to Kristen to give her a hug. He gave her a tender smile and winked at her. “I’ll see you later.”

  She returned his smile. “Bye Nick.”

  Nick glanced over at Diego. “D. You coming?”

  Diego finally looked away from the lake and looked over at Nick. “Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you guys.”

  Nick shook his head and put his hands on his hips. “Nah. I might better stay here and watch you. Diego likes them young.”

  Kristen awkwardly blushed and looked away, avoiding Diego’s heated gaze.

  “I like them clean too which is more than I can say for the girls you date.”

  Nick sucked his teeth at Diego. “Whatever mother-fucker. Come on A, let’s go.”

  Nick gave Kristen a longing look then turned and walked away. Alex followed in behind him, pitifully looking back over his shoulder at Kristen and Diego. Neither of them noticed. They were too busy looking at each-other.

  “Well”, Diego quietly began, “I enjoyed you while it lasted.”

  Kristen sadly smiled at him. “Yeah.”

  “Ummm…” Diego hesitated, his Adam’s apple budging up and down in his throat. He licked his lips, looked away, and looked back at her. It was the first time Kristen had seen him nervous. “Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked her. “I mean, I know you were supposed to be doing stuff with Roman… But I guess with everything going on he wanted to move it up a day.”

  Kristen curiously looked at him. “What’s going on with him?”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss it. If he wants you to know, I’m sure he’ll tell you. But he’s a private guy so… I don’t know.”

  Kristen nodded. “Okay.”

  “I don’t know if I can wait until tomorrow,” Diego said, moving his foot back and forth. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. Kristen was starting to find his sudden shyness endearing. “Can we hang out tonight?” Diego continued. “After the party?”

  Kristen reluctantly stared at him. She didn’t want to say no because she liked Diego and was interested in getting to know him better but she didn’t want to say yes for fear that she and Roman would hit it off. This whole thing was happening so fast and was so different from what she’d expected. It was very confusing for her.

  Still, before she could stop herself she said, “Yes.”

  Diego gave her a deep-dimpled smile and rocked back and forth on his feet. He leaned over to her and kissed her softly on her cheek. “Bye.”

  Kristen’s heart danced in her chest. “Bye.”

  As she watched him walk away, Kristen tried to calm her frazzled nerves.

  She began walking back and forth beside the lake, biting her lip, lost in thought. She briefly wondered where Joy was and hoped she was having fun. Joy got on her nerves sometimes but she missed her friend. She really needed her right now. She was unsure about so many things. She felt so torn about her attraction to Diego and the feelings she’d had for years about Roman. On one hand it was crazy, because she’d at least gotten to spend time with Diego, share a connection with him, and talk to him. He wasn’t some idea she’d formulated in her mind. All she had with Roman were fantasies. She’d already seen a side of him that troubled her. What if he didn’t live up to the real thing? Then again, it was encouraging to know that he was human and had real human flaws. Still, what if he didn’t like her? What if she didn’t like him? What if they had no chemistry?

  Kristen began walking down the long path that led back to the house. The warm sun beat down on her face and she lifted h
er face to it, humming softly to herself as she closed her eyes. It was a crisp, clear day. Birds chirped around her and it made her feel at peace for a minute. She opened her eyes and looked around the property. Her heart soared with gratitude and appreciation for the gift and opportunity she’d been granted and her friend for making it all happen. Everything was so beautiful. The ambiance and beauty of the property distracted her from her rambling thoughts.

  She supposed things could be worse. She could have chemistry with no one and spend the entire weekend alone and lonely. There was always Diego if things didn’t work out. Besides, they had a date tonight and possibly tomorrow. So if things didn’t work out great with Roman she’d at least have an alternative.

  As she neared the front of the house, Kristen looked up to see the Blue Hummer she’d seen Roman leave in earlier roaring up the driveway. She immediately stopped walking and stared wide at the vehicle, her stomach in her throat, her heart hammering in her chest like it would break out of its cave at any moment. She felt like she was going to throw up. She prayed she wouldn’t. That would be disgustedly embarrassing.

  She stopped walking and just stood there staring. Waiting. She could make out the shadow of him behind the slightly tinted glass. He killed the engine and sat there, not making a move to get out. He seemed frozen in time. Kristen anxiously bit her lip. Was he going to be the same way he was before? Was he going to be nicer? Was it going to be weird? Was he going to weird?

  Eventually, the door on the driver’s side opened and Roman got out, jumping down to the ground. He slammed the door shut and ran his hand through his hair, looking agitated but so fucking gorgeous. Kristen could feel herself hyperventilating and encouraged herself to stay calm. She started walking towards him on shaky legs. She could only manage a couple of steps at a time; she kept stopping and starting. A soft cry stuck in her throat when Roman walked around to the front of the Hummer, in direction of the house. Fuck. He really was a beautiful man. Even with that unpleasant frown he had on his face.

  Kristen started walking again, feeling braver with each step. She couldn’t wait to be in front of him. See him up close. Talk to him. Inhale him. Shake his hand so she could touch him. Look into his eyes. But then…

  The world stopped. He looked up and saw her. Kristen froze once again, her eyes wide and timid as she stared at him. Her heart froze. Sweat broke out on her forehead. She struggled to breath yet again.

  He stopped walking and just stood there, his gaze fixed on her as she stared fascinated at him. Minutes, hours, years seemed to pass. Neither of them moved, their eyes holding one another as if they were in some sort of transfixed, hypnotic state. Slowly, his eyes traveled, from her face, down her body, and then slowly back up again. It was done so cautiously she wouldn’t have noticed if she wasn’t so intent on watching them as they watched her. She searched his eyes for some emotion or sign of attraction but saw none.

  Unexpectedly, he started walking again, headed straight towards her, his eyes holding hers as he neared her trembling body. He had the cockiest, most self-assured walk she had ever seen in her life. And boy was it sexy.

  Kristen moaned out load as moisture spooned her panties. Holy shit. Those feelings were still there. And they weren’t going anywhere.

  So long Diego…

  Chapter 5

  You have wanted this for six years. So why are you just standing here? Say something. Don’t just stand here!

  After so many years, Kristen’s ultimate dream and wildest fantasy was coming true. Roman Dean was standing in front of her and all she could do was stand there and look at him. She felt like she’d all of a sudden forgotten the English language. She didn’t know what to say or do. He wasn’t saying anything to her either. He was just looking at her like he was trying to figure out who she was.

  She noted with delicious excitement that he had changed his clothes. He was now wearing a black v-neck T-shirt and black slacks. She could see his chest hair peeking out the top of his shirt and she wanted so bad to run her tongue over it. She closed her eyes and grimaced at the thought. He’d probably have her arrested if she did something crazy like that. But fuck he looked good. And the way those pants were hugging his ass….

  “Are you her?”

  Kristen’s eyes blinked open. She dazedly looked at him. “Huh?”

  “Are. You. Her?” he repeated the question slower this time, as if she were slow.


  “The girl who won the contest.”

  Kristen dumbly looked at him. She roughly shook her head and chastised herself to get it together. “Oh! Yes! Yes I am. Hi.”

  “Hi,” he said, his face still expressionless.

  “I’m Kristen.”


  She wet her dry lips. “It-It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too.”

  The man’s voice was made to narrate erotic love stories. Deep, husky, and seductive. Every-time he spoke her body had a visceral reaction to him. She was confused about the chemistry she had with Diego but she was undeniably still attracted to Roman. Her virginal pussy tingled between her legs and her nipples were as hard as saucers. She hoped he couldn’t tell they were hard. They were practically breaking free from her lace, strapless bra.

  Kristen nervously toyed with her hair and stuck her hand out to shake his hand. She hoped her poker-face came in handy because when his hand touched hers, she felt like an earthquake was thundering her body. A dull ache formed in her stomach and tightened. Sweet Jesus. Had he felt that?

  Still no expression. Kristen was dumbstruck. He didn’t say anything else after that and she seriously was stumped on how to continue the conversation. Luckily at that moment Cameron happened along and saved them from more uncomfortable silence.

  “Great!” she said, bouncing over to them in her perky heels and flashing those perfect teeth. “You’re back!”

  Roman gritted his teeth as he looked at her. “Yeah.”

  Cameron raised her arms to hug him and he shrugged her off, frowning. “You okay?” she asked, raising her hand to stroke his hair in affection.

  He moved out the way and flinched at her, his eyes tightening. He was no doubt remembering their argument from earlier and was in no hurry to kiss and make up. Cameron looked over at Kristen in embarrassment and bit her lip. Kristen thought she looked like she was going to cry.

  Kristen looked over at Roman and frowned. Why was he being so rude to his sister? Especially in front of a stranger.

  “You guys have a chance to introduce yourselves to one another?” Cameron eagerly asked, determined to diffuse the tension. “Roman, did you introduce yourself?”

  “I’m not 5 Cameron.”

  “We did,” Kristen quickly interjected, forcing a pleasing smile. “Right before you came out.”

  “She knows who I am. It wasn’t necessary. But yes, we did.”

  “Okay great,” Cameron said. “You guys should probably go ahead and leave then. So much time has been wasted already. We don’t have a lot of time until the party starts, so… Again, I’m sorry Kristen that this afternoon hasn’t gone as smoothly for you as originally planned-“

  “Don’t do that,” Roman snipped. “You wanted me to be here I’m here but don’t throw what happened earlier in my face or talk about what happened like it was some insignificant hiccup that disrupted your well-laid plans. I have shit I’m dealing with right now so believe me when I say that this is the last thing I’m worried about. But I made a commitment to do this so I’m doing it. So let the shit go already. Please.”

  Brother and sister stared one another down. Kristen put her hand against her face and turned away, her teeth worrying her lip. This was not going well. But with the way he’d behaved earlier, what else could she expect? She didn’t want to be an annoyance to Roman when he seemingly had so much going on. Still, this was a moment she’d been waiting for a long time and she selfishly wasn’t keen on not taking advantage of it.

fine whatever,” Cameron finally said practically rolling her eyes at him. “Right now is not the right time to discuss or talk about it.”

  “No, it isn’t,” Roman seethed, openly rolling his eyes at her.

  Cameron checked her watch. “You guys better go ahead and get moving,” she repeated. “It’s 2:00 so you have about five hours until the party starts. Don’t forget Idol will be here at 6 so you might want to come back a little earlier than that.


  “And with a better attitude.” She couldn’t help but throw that in. “It’s no one’s business what you’re going through and it’s not their fault or their problem.”

  “And yet you still keep talking about it.” He pointed his eyes in direction of Kristen, who was still turned away, trying in vain to make herself invisible.

  “It’s not your family’s fault or problem either.”

  “No one’s trying to make it your fault or your problem but you guys aren’t doing a good job minding your damn business either.”

  “Roman, we’re your family-“

  Roman threw his hand up at her and walked back to the Hummer. “Fuck Cameron! Let it go! Shit!”

  Cameron swallowed excessively and roughly rubbed her head with her finger. “Kristen, I’m sorry,” she whispered to her. “I’m so sorry.”

  Kristen turned to her, her eyes soft with concern and understanding. “Cameron, it’s okay. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on but I can tell it’s eating at you. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Hopefully he and I can have a good time and keep whatever’s bothering him at bay. At least for a little while.”

  Cameron warily stared at her brother. He was standing in front of the jeep with his hands deep in his pants pockets, staring at the ground.

  Cameron leaned in to Kristen, whispering confidently. “I don’t think he can.”


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