The Devil's Three-Way (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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The Devil's Three-Way (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 18

by Louisa Neil

  He sent off his resume with a short note and, three days later, was offered a test manuscript to edit. He spent five days working on the manuscript before sending it back. The following week he was contacted and asked if he wanted to do more editing for them. The pay wasn’t overwhelming, but he’d come to realize he could do several a month. That helped. Then he went to several other sites and offered his services as a proof reader and editor. He was accepted by a textbook company looking for an editor. Again, all the work would be transferred by e-mail and done on the computer at his convenience, as long as he made their deadline. He snapped up the offer and never looked back.

  While he’d always assumed he would work in an office, with a nine-to-five schedule, he found he liked this much better. When he realized he could make a living at this, he knew he had choices to make. Did he want to stay in New Jersey or move, and if so, where? Technically, he could go anywhere as long as he had an Internet connection.

  For six weeks, he’d managed to push aside thoughts of Rhia and Donovan. Now he couldn’t get them out of his mind. Gainfully employed, he started researching South Carolina real estate. He found several apartment complexes near Charleston that would suit him. He only had his clothing and personal items to move, so relocating wouldn’t be that much of a hassle.

  Now he had to make the decision of his lifetime. Did he want to move? Did he want to contact Rhia and Donovan and become their pup? He smiled at a different thought. Would he one day wear a similar tattoo to Donovan’s. Would he ever be awarded the prize of having his own cock tattooed? His body shuddered at the idea, but he was hard again.

  “Damn Donovan,” he said, letting his hand drop to his cock. “He’s turned me into a devil’s advocate.” He tightened his fist and pumped his skin faster. “Damn Rhia. She’s the perfect balance. Part angel and part devil herself.” He let his mind wander back to when she paddled his ass. He came in his hand with a sigh. “I wonder what kind of tattoo the devil’s pup wears.”

  * * * *

  Donovan knew Rhia was exhausted, mentally and physically, from her last job. Yes, she’d managed to find evidence that incriminated a career criminal, as opposed to her client, the wife of a murdered man. But he saw how these cases took their toll on her. He sent her to the whirlpool tub on their outside patio with promises of wine.

  When he arrived with the wine and glasses, she was already snugged down under the ripples of rushing water. “Here, try this.” He handed her a glass of wine and stripped off his shorts, joining her.

  “Thanks. This was a long day. Getting the police to accept the evidence I found was a battle.”

  “But you got through to them, and that’s what counts.”

  “I suppose so. At least my client is off the hook.”

  “I got an e-mail today.” He sipped from his wine.

  “From who? You get e-mail every day.” Rhia shifted to adjust one of the jets to ease her aching shoulder.

  “This one was different. It was from Jack.”

  “Jack. I figured we scared him off. What did he say?”

  Donovan pulled himself from the water and found his shorts, pulling the folded page from his back pocket. He handed it to Rhia, and she read it aloud.

  Hi, I hope you are both doing well. I managed to find a job editing manuscripts and textbooks on line. I like the freedom to work at my own pace and schedule, which leaves me gainfully employed and debating where to live. I was wondering if your offer was still open? If not I’d understand. If it is, let me know. I’ve done some searching and found a few apartments that would suit me. You two were the best time of my life. I’d like to continue to broaden our relationship if the two of you are so inclined. J

  “So what do you think? Are you still interested in training him, or has the time and distance worn off the shine?” Donovan took the paper and tossed it onto the ground beside the tub.

  “I’m not sure. What about you? Are you still interested or should we just leave it alone?” She reached to his cock under the water and stroked him several times. “You were already hard before I read this. You’ve been thinking about this all day.”

  “Yeah. I guess I found a soft spot for the guy.” Donovan shook his shoulders.

  “Why not invite him down for a weekend and see if it’s still the same. We both know being on vacation changes things. But what would it be like with him here in our home?”

  “I was thinking along the same lines. Ask him down for a weekend and see if the chemistry is still there.” Donovan looked at her. “My only reservation is that you might begin to see him as an alpha instead of me.”

  She laughed until she got the hiccups. “My dear Donovan, you are the man of my dreams. Jack would be an occasional weekend of dominance and sex. I don’t want him living with us, just visiting a few times a month to fill our need for kink.”

  “I’ll call him tomorrow and see if he’s interested in being a part-time pup.”

  “Good. In the meantime, for tonight, you’re all mine. What will you do with me?”

  Donovan reached to her and pulled her onto his lap. “I think I’ll start by making you come until you plead for me to stop.”

  “Have I ever pleaded for you to stop making me come?”

  “No, never.” He gave her a sly smile.

  “Then let’s go upstairs and see what kind of trouble we can get into.”


  Jack hit send on the e-mail he’d just finished, sending his last project back to the publisher. That meant he’d hit his time frame and had the weekend free. He closed the computer and put it aside. After a quick shower, he pulled on cargo shorts and a T-shirt with flip-flops. Grabbing his keys and the chocolate cake he’d made earlier in the day, he headed across town. It was Saturday afternoon, and he was looking forward to a night with Donovan and Rhia.

  Since he’d moved south, he’d been building a new life for himself. He liked the location of his apartment because he could walk to most of the stores where he shopped. It didn’t hurt that his masters were only across town, a few minutes’ drive away. He’d been horny the last few days, refraining from watching any porn or jerking his cock. It was one of Rhia’s rules. He knew his lips were spread into a wide grin.

  Pulling into their driveway, he kicked off his flip-flops outside the door and readied himself for what lay ahead. Some weeks they dined out as three friends and went back to their home, enjoying calm, normal, and loving sex. Other times, he arrived and was ordered to strip. Then the games began. Today he hoped he would be treated as their pup. While he liked making love with them, he truly excelled as their submissive. It had taken him almost a year to fully accept this side of his personality, but once the realization struck him that he could have both kinds of relationships with Rhia and Donovan, his angst disappeared.

  Donovan opened the door to him, smiling at the cake on the plate. “You’re trying to bribe us tonight,” he teased, opening the door wider to let him in.

  “What are we doing tonight?” Jack asked. Rhia came down the stairs wearing a tank top, braless, of course, and a pair of cut-off denim shorts, very short shorts. Her hair was drying in waves down her back, and she wore no makeup. “Rhia, you look lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you, Jack.” She smiled as she reached the bottom of the staircase, taking a long look at the cake he held. She took the plate from him and said a single word. “Strip.” He did as he was told, dropping his shorts, sans underwear, and he tugged his shirt off over his head. He automatically walked to a small side table in the hallway and, after opening it, drew a breath. Excitement overtook him, and his cock stood at attention. Jack took out the butt plug and, with little flair, inserted it in himself. Then he stood with his hands clasped behind his back and with his eyes cast down, waiting for instructions.

  “It’s been a long week, Jack. Donovan and I need to unwind. Let’s go to the patio.” She wandered down the hall with the plate in hand, pausing to place it on the kitchen counter. Then she walked outside and dir
ectly to the hot tub. She let her fingers dip into the water, checking the temperature. He knew from her smile it was ready, just as ready as he was for anything they would ask of him.

  Donovan was behind him, dropping his shorts and unbuttoning his shirt. Rhia stripped off her clothing and stepped into the swirling water. Donovan joined her and sat on the edge of the tub. Jack immediately followed them into the water, capturing Donovan’s cock between his lips. He’d found his little slice of heaven and intended to enjoy it thoroughly. He took long passes of Donovan’s cock while watching Rhia play with her nipples.

  “What are you willing to do tonight, Jack?” Rhia’s tone was stern.

  “Anything you wish, ma’am.”

  “Good. I was hoping you were in a mood.” She gave him a smile that reminded him of how Donovan looked just before he’d fuck his ass. “I’ve bought some new toys.”

  Jack could only wonder what she had in mind, but until she was ready, he’d continue to suck Donovan. He could feel the other man nearing his orgasm, and he pulled back. “Can he come, ma’am?”

  “Yes. Swallow his first load, and then come suck on my nipples.”

  Jack did as he was told, pumping Donovan until he came, licking him clean. Donovan slid down under the water, and Rhia pushed herself up on the side. Jack immediately moved to capture her breasts between his hands, sucking her nipples.

  “Tonight I have a surprise for you.” She let her wet fingers run through his short hair. “Later, I’m going to bind your hands behind your back, clamp your nipples, and bend you over the back of a couch. I’m going to paddle your ass, with your plug in, until I like the color. Then I’m going to fuck your ass with my strap-on dildo while Donovan fucks my ass.”

  Jack only nodded, knowing his evening was off to a great start. He had a passing thought that his cruise was the best thing that ever happened to him, in all ways. He was gainfully employed, and he liked his new apartment and the freedom to work at his own pace. He especially liked being Rhia and Donovan’s pup-in-training.

  To this day, he still wasn’t sure which of them was the devil, and he didn’t care. As long as they used his body and made him come, he’d take the angel or devil, whichever presented itself.




  Louisa became hooked on paperback romance novels as a teen. Before cable TV arrived, babysitting after school was boring. She chose a Harlequin novel and never looked back.

  As an adult, she took writing seminars and classes to craft her own skills. She kept journals and notebooks filled with story ideas and bits of dialogue, along with settings and observations.

  Finally retired from her full-time job, she ventured to put her notes in order. The end result was Claudia’s Men, her first romance novel with a twist.

  She realized her writing stepped beyond normal boundaries and became erotica. Exploring these new directions has been enlightening in many ways. The author looks forward to researching her next ménage novel.

  Email her at

  For all titles by Louisa Neil, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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