Mitchell, Andrea
in Afghanistan
on Arabic culture
in Bosnia
Bush, George H. W., coverage by
Carter’s coverage by
with Castro
as CBS correspondent
as chief White House correspondent
in China
Clinton, Bill, coverage by
Clinton, Hillary, coverage by
as coanchor of Summer Sunday, U.S.A.,
as congressional correspondent
Dukakis’s coverage by
early career of
as Ellerbee’s coanchor
as energy correspondent
family background of
as foreign correspondent
on gender discrimination
Gonzalez, Elian, story and
Greenspan and
Gulf War and
Hinckley’s coverage by
Hu Na interviewed by
Iranian hostage crisis coverage by
Jonestown massacre’s coverage by
on journalism
Kirkpatrick interviewed by
as new NBC correspondent
in North Korea
on political America
as political correspondent
with Powell, Colin
Quayle’s coverage by
Reagan, Ronald, coverage by
Regan’s clashes with
Thomas-Hill hearings coverage by
Three Mile Island’s coverage by
on the United Nations
in Vietnam
Mitchell, George
Mixner, David
Mondale, Walter
Moore, Mary Tyler
Moore, Michael
Moore, Molly
Mosher, Mike
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mubarak, Hosni
Mudd, Roger
Muhammad Ali
Munro, Roxie
Murray, Mary
Muskie, Edmund
Myers, Dee Dee
Myers, Lisa
Myers, Ozzie
Nader, Ralph
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Nasrallah, Hassan
Nathan, Judith
National Security Advisor
Berger as
Clarke as deputy of
McFarlane as
Scowcroft as
National Security Council
Negroponte, John
New Rochelle, NY
Nicholson, Jack
9/11 Commission Report,
9/11 terrorist attack
Nightly News
Nixon, Richard
Noa, Danny
Noonan, Peggy
North, Oliver
North American Free Trade Agreement. See NAFTA
North Korea
Albright, Madeleine, in
Kim Jong Il as dictator of
Mitchell in
Powell, Colin, and
Rice on
Novak, Robert
Nover, Naomi
Nunn, Sam
Clinton, Bill, attitude toward
as Clinton, Bill, envoy to Haiti
Gulf War and
as political moderate
Tower and
Oates, Marylouise
Obama, Barack
O’Connor, Sandra Day
O’Donnell, Kirk
Office of National Preparedness
Olmert, Ehud
Olson, Theodore
O’Neill, Paul
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 382 O’Reilly, Bill
Our Father Who Art in Hell (Reston)
Packwood, Bob
Palestine Liberation Front
Palmer, John
Palmer, Nancy
Paolicelli, Mr.
Parvin, Landon
Pataki, George
Paya, Oswaldo
Pearl, Daniel
Peres, Shimon
Perot, Ross
Bush, George H.W., and
campaign of
as Clinton, Bill, opponent
NAFTA, view of
Peterson, Gordon
Peterson, Pete
Pettit, Tom
Philip (prince)
Pierce, Samuel
Pillar, Paul
Plame, Valerie
Plan of Attack (Woodward)
Plante, Bill
Poindexter, John
Political influence
MIA talks and
Powell, Alma
Powell, Colin
affirmative action stance of
as Clinton, Bill, envoy to Haiti
gays in military and
Gulf War involvement of
Iraqi war involvement of
Mitchell’s coverage of
9/11 attack response by
North Korea and
Republican ideology of
secretary of state offer to
Sudan and
Powell, Jody
Presidential campaign
of Bush, George H. W.
of Bush, George W.
Cheney on
of Clinton, Bill
of Kerry
of Nader
of Perot
Press, the. See Media
Preval, Rene
Purdum, Todd S.
Putin, Vladimir
Al Qaeda
Kuala Lumpur summit of
suspects of, in Guantánamo
terrorism of
Quayle, Dan Baker, James, and
Bush, George H. W., nomination of
Mitchell’s coverage of
Quayle, Marilyn
Quinn, Sally
Rabin, Yitzhak
Racial polarization
Radcliffe, Donnie
Radio talk shows
Ramirez, Andrew
Rassmann, Jim
Rather, Dan
Reagan, Maureen
Reagan, Michael
Reagan, Nancy
Deaver as confidant to
with Gorbachev, Raisa
presidential influence of
relationship with Ronald
Reagan, Ronald
ageing influence on
Alzheimer’s of
Barbados visit by
with Biden
Cannon as biographer
Carter’s defeat by
in China
Deaver with
family of
Ford as copresident choice of
with Gorbachev, Mikhail
Hinckley’s assassination attempt on
Iran-Contra scandal of
Iranian hostage crisis influence on
Kohl and
in Korea
missile defense plan of
Mitchell’s coverage of
Mondale’s television encounter with
at Normandy
personal qualities of
relationship with Nancy
Soviet leadership and
Wiesel and
Reagan, Ronald Prescott
Regan, Don
as chief of staff for White House
For the Record, 96 Iran-Contra involvement of
Mitchell’s clashes with
Reno, Janet
Renta, Oscar de la
Ressam, Ahmed
Reston, James, Jr.
Rice, Condoleezza
foreign policies reversed by
on Hussein’s removal
Iran and
on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
in Israel
Lebanon and
on North Korea
Saudi reaction to
as Soviet specialist
Sudan and
Rice, Donna
Richardson, Bill
Ridge, Tom
/> Riedel, Bruce
Riegle, Don
Rizzo, Frank
Roberts, Cokie
Rockefeller, Jay
Rodriguez, Dagoberto
Rollins, Ed
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt School
Ross, Dennis
Rostenkowski, Dan
Rove, Karl
Rubin, Bob
Rumsfeld, Donald
Annan and
detainee treatment response of
on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
as secretary of defense for Bush, George W.
Runyon, Damon
Russell, Rosalind
Russert, Tim
Ryan, Bob
Ryan, Charlie
Ryan, Leo
Sadat, Anwar
Al Sahaf, Mohammed Saeed
Saud al-Faisal, Prince
Saudi Arabia
Savings and loan system
Savitch, Jessica
Sawyer, Diane
Scarborough, Joe
Schein, Felix
Scheuer, Michael
Schieffer, Bob
Schlesinger, James
Schneider, Alexander
Schoolman, Maria
Schroeder, Gerhard
Schroeder, Pat
Schultz, George
Schuster, Gary
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwerner, Mickey
Scott, Willard
Scowcroft, Brent
as Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board leader
on Iraqi threat
as National Security Advisor for Bush, George H. W.
Sexual harassment
Shah of Iran
Shalala, Donna
Shales, Tom
Shalikashvili, John
Shapiro, Neal
Shapp, Milton
Sharon, Ariel
Shaw, Bernard
Shinseki, Eric
Shipman, Claire
Shriver, Maria
Shrum, Bob
Shultz, George
Silberman, Laurence
Silberman, Ricky
Silver, Ron
Simpson, Alan
Simpson, Carole
Sinatra, Frank
Siniora, Fouad
Small, Bill
Smith, Will
Snowe, Olympia
Snyder, James
Social Security
Somalia peacekeeping operation
Speakes, Larry
Speaking Out
Stahl on
as White House press secretary
Speaking Out (Speakes)
Special interest groups
Specter, Arlen
as Philadelphia’s district attorney
as politician
as Thomas, Clarence, supporter
Speier, Jackie
Spencer, Stu
Spencer, Susan
Sprague, Richard
Stahl, Lesley
as Reagan, Ronald, press corps aide
on Speakes
as White House correspondent
Stalberg, Zachary
Staley, Carolyn
Standard Star, The,
Starr, Brenda
Starr, Kenneth
Steffens, Lincoln
Stephanopoulos, George
Stevens, George, Jr.
Stockman, David
Stone, Christopher
Strauss, Bob
Summer Sunday, U.S.A.,
Sung, Steve
Supreme Court
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
bin Laden and
Richardson as emissary to
U.S. operation against
Tate, James H. J.
Taylor, Elizabeth
Teeter, Robert
changing face of
talk shows
Teller, Edward
Tenet, George
as CIA director
on CIA intelligence mistake
resignation of
bin Laden and
Buckley’s murder from
Bush, George W., policies to combat
CIA and Iraqi threat and
9/11 attack as act of
9/11 Commission Report and
9/11 response plan in relation to
of al Qaeda
Thatcher, Sir Denis
Thatcher, Margaret
Thomas, Clarence
as affirmative action opponent
Danforth as supporter of
Duberstein, Ken, as supporter of
Simpson as supporter of
Specter as supporter of
as Supreme Court nominee
Thomas, Helen
Thomas, Virginia
Thomas-Hill hearings
Kennedy, Ted, and
Leahy and
racism and
sexual harassment and
Thomason, Harry
Thornburgh, Richard
Three Mile Island
Thurmond, Strom
Time of Our Choosing: America’s War in Iraq, A (Purdum)
Totenberg, Nina
Tower, John
Travelgate scandal
Trippi, Joe
Tsongas, Paul
Turner, Ted
Tutwiler, Margaret
Tyson, Laura
United Nations
U.S. embassy, in Beruit
Vance, Cyrus
Verdi, Tony
Albright, Madeleine, in
Christopher as emissary to
MIA/POW talks in
Mitchell in
Vietnam wall
Vietnam War
de Villepin, Dominique
Vilsack, Tom
Volcker, Paul
Waco, Tex.
Wallace, Chris
Wallace, Mike
Walsh, Lawrence
Walters, Barbara
Walters, Fred
Warner, John
Warner, Margaret
Warren, Gerald
Warren Commission
Washington Post
Waters, Maxine
Watts, J. C.
Weapons of mass destruction
Webb, Jack
Weinberger, Caspar
Weinstein, Steven
Weisman, Steve
Westinghouse Broadcasting
Wheatley, Bill
White, Byron
White, Craig
White House
choreographed events of
Deavers as chief of staff of
Reagan, Nancy, influence in
Regan as chief of staff of
Speakes as press secretary of
Whitewater scandal
Wick, Charles
Wiesel, Elie
Wilkinson, Jim
Williams, Armstrong
Williams, Brian
Williams, Harrison
Williams, Pat
Wilner, Elizabeth
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson affair
Windrem, Robert
Wirth, Tim
Wofford, Harris
Wolfensohn, Elaine
Wolfensohn, Jim
Wolfowitz, Paul
Wood, Kimba
Woodruff, Judy
Woodward, Bob
Bush at War,
Plan of Attack
Wooten, Jim
World Trade Center
World War II
Wright, Betsey
Wright, Jim
Wu, Harry
Yasgur, Max
Yeltsin, Boris
Yousef, Ramzi
Yo-Yo Ma
Zai, Ahmed<
br />
Al Zawahiri, Ayman
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir
Zinni, Anthony
Zito, John
Zoellick, Robert
Zukerman, Pinchas
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