Tycho (Loved By A God Book 3)

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Tycho (Loved By A God Book 3) Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  They were sending out teams all over the world and many times getting there just as the facilities were abandoned. With so many teams out searching, and other teams out on missions to earn the money to support them all, manpower was becoming a limited resource. Mitzy moved and she muttered something about a twin. How did she know he was a twin? She seemed to be having a nightmare, but she settled down and slipped into a calmer sleep. By the time they arrived at the plane she showing signs of trying to wake. Tycho knew she needed her rest, but it seemed she was a stubborn female.

  He couldn’t deny it felt good to hold her against his body, he found her attractive, and he felt a strange buzz run along his skin where they touched. Tycho just wanted to hold her and never let her go. It was an odd compulsion, but for now he would just enjoy keeping her near. The young god carried her onto the plane and to the bedroom where he placed her on the bed. Paige followed and she sat in the chair nearby and watched with a worried look. The rest of the team arrived shortly after and they took off heading back to D.C. with Jason, Paige, and her mom, safe and sound. It was hands down the easiest mission he had ever been on and for some reason that made him nervous.

  They landed in D.C. and headed to the hotel. He carried Mitzy in and put her in the bed of a suite he shared with her and Paige. Jason came to see Paige and they ended up playing a card game for hours while he just relaxed next to Mitzy. At some point he heard a sharp indrawn breath and realized she was a wake. He called Paige so she could give the explanation. “I have to go back,” she said insistently.

  “You can’t go back. They’ll be looking for you,” he said calmly.

  “If they’re looking for me, when my twin sister comes home, they’ll think she’s me. I have to go back,” she insisted again.

  Well crap! Now what were they going to do? Tycho called Hermes and let him know that Mitzy had woken and had a twin sister coming to town that would need to be protected. Hermes wasn’t pleased either. It was decided they would have a discussion in the morning and he was to tell Mitzy the problem would be taken care of.

  She was looking at him, maybe not with complete trust, but an innocent hopefulness. “I talked to Hermes and we’ll decide what to do in the morning. I imagine he’ll send part of the team back to fetch her.”

  “I’m not sure why you’ve taken me with you?” she asked hesitantly.

  “I think I’ll leave you with your daughter for a little while,” Tycho said as he moved to the door.

  “Chicken,” Paige hollered after him.

  He sat down with Jason and they played a couple rounds of poker. After some time had passed, Paige appeared in the doorway. “It’s safe now. I’ve taken all her anger so she won’t be mad at you.”

  Tycho thought it was odd that he was glad she wasn’t angry at him. He cared very much what the small pregnant female thought about him. He was beginning to suspect something, but no, that was just crazy. She had someone just waiting at Olympus that would be excited to find out he was going to be a father. That someone wouldn’t be him, he just wasn’t that lucky. He headed back into the room to see her followed by Paige and Jason.

  “We all need to get some sleep now,” he announced. “You need more rest, Mitzy. I know it’s tough, but think of the baby.”

  He squeezed her hand and bent down to kiss her cheek. His face flushed at the surprised look everyone shot him. Tycho hadn’t thought about it, kissing her had just seemed right. He sent a hurried goodnight over his shoulder as he hurried out of Mitzy and Paige’s bedroom. The young god rushed to his room, he had a lot to think about.

  Tycho lay in bed tossing and turning, but he finally settled in to a somewhat restful sleep. It was the craziest possible thought that Mitzy might be his mate. Nevertheless, as he drifted into sleep, it was her face he saw and her, Paige, and the unborn baby he vowed to protect.

  Morning came and with it, a myriad of unusual voices that pulled him from his sleep. His mind almost immediately gave him the answers to where he was and who he was with. He jumped out of bed to get ready before he got in trouble with Hermes for being late. Hermes had little patience with those that kept him waiting.

  Chapter 5


  Mitzy felt more rested and taken care of then she had since the earliest stages of her pregnancy. If she was honest, she’d also admit to having a warm feeling whenever Tycho was around. It wasn’t a lightning strike, in her condition she might not live through a feeling that strong, but it was definitely there. He was gorgeous, with those blue eyes that blazed with emotion. He was also younger than her though how much was hard to say.

  It wasn’t enough to bother her, just enough to notice. She’d thought she’d died and gone to heaven when she woke and saw him. Just like an angel and he was trying to take care of her too. It wouldn’t be fair to let him, she’d heard the guys around town talk about how they’d like to fuck her, but they didn’t want to be saddled with a kid or now, two. Well she didn’t want to be saddled with any of those losers and she didn’t want to burden a good man, so she’d just stay alone.

  She wanted to let Paige sleep in a little longer, but it was almost like she sensed that she was awake and woke up too. Paige smiled at her and she knew she must look better, because she could see the relief in her eyes. The mother knew that if they hadn’t interceded that she might not have survived much longer, but she didn’t know how to pay them back for all their trouble. She knew she had the sin of pride in excess, but Grandma had always said if you had nothin’ else at least keep your pride.

  It seemed now she was depending on others to provide for her and hers, since she wasn’t even able to care for herself. The thought made her sad, but she pushed it away. She needed to keep her emotions calm for the baby’s sake. This baby, Paige, and hopefully her sister Ritzy, was all she really had in the whole world. Her sister was another thing she needed to stop having to worry about.

  There was a knock on the door and Tycho was back. She flushed at the naughty. but delightful thoughts she had when she looked at him. Heat filled her, much more than the last time she’d seen him. He stared at her as if he was unable to look away and somehow she just knew he’d felt it too. Tycho stepped toward her involuntarily, it was as if he was surprised by it, and he stepped back quickly. She could relate to how confused he looked, she felt that way exactly. Men didn’t make her react like this. The mother never felt drawn to them or unable to resist their lure. Never, that was, before now.

  Paige had left the room quietly and she probably searched for Jason. Those two were thick as thieves and he seemed protective of her little girl. They still hadn’t adequately explained why they had brought her and Paige along. Saying it was part of Paige’s reward for calling them, made no sense. The fact that she had been working for an evil company wasn’t too hard to believe. She’d not liked any of them, but she’d never in her wildest dreams believed they were slavers and murderers, because that was what they’d done amounted to.

  Tycho closed and locked the door and she had a feeling she was going to get a surprise. He cleared his throat and looked everywhere but her eyes. “I have something I need to tell you and I don’t know how you’ll take it, but please believe we’ll help you through this no matter what,” he said.

  “You’re scaring me. Maybe you should just spit it out,” she whispered.

  “The place you worked for may have inseminated you. You may be carrying a god,” he mumbled.

  Her eyes widened in shock. Had he really said what she thought he had? It was starting to make sense. She started trying to breathe deep so she wouldn’t pass out. They had taken advantage of her desperate situation and made it even worse. Those people had to have known there was a good chance without better care she wouldn’t survive and her daughter would have no one, because they hadn’t known about her sister. How cold and cruel those people were.

  “Whose would it be? Can you tell?”

  “We’ll be sure if it’s a god and whose it is, when we get to Olympus. We h
ave the best doctors anywhere and they’ll take care of you. I’ll stay with you, if you want me too.”

  She nodded without thinking, she knew she shouldn’t let him, but she just felt so scared and alone. He had moved, he was next to her, he sat on the bed, pulled her into his arms to hold her, and give her comfort. It did comfort her, for a moment, before it became something more. He leaned back and looked in her eyes, almost as if he was looking for permission. His eyes fell to her lips and his mouth slowly moved to hers. Plenty of time for her to move away or say no, but she wanted him. A soft touch, like a butterfly’s wings, brushed over her lips, but he came back and this time she felt the passion in them.

  Her mouth opened under that passionate onslaught and when his tongue slid against hers, she dueled with it. She moved her tongue into his mouth tasting and exploring. The mother never been so forward or sexual in her entire life nor had she ever participated, she’d only been taken and forced. This was wondrous and enchanting. Her body breathed with his and her nipples tightened while her pussy gushed. Running her hands across his hard chest, she felt the silky smooth skin with the rock hard muscles underneath. When she pinched his already hard nipples, it made them harder still. Her mouth ached to continue the exploration of his sexy body.

  He pulled her up as if she weighed nothing and she certainly wasn’t chubby anymore, like she’d been most of her life, so to a big strong guy like him, maybe she was light as a feather. She shifted so she sat astride him and she felt the poke of his hard cock between her legs. All she could think about was how much she wanted him to slide inside her. She’d never wanted anything more. He slid her nightgown, one Cherish had sent her, up and pulled it over her head, tossing it to the side and leaving her completely exposed.

  She ripped at his shirt sending the buttons flying and she ran her hands over his hard chest. A light dusting of hair that had a line running down to the prize, was all he had. He lifted his hips and his rock hard cock rubbed her delightfully. Her hands moved to his jeans unsnapping and unzipping them. So close to her goal, her hand shook as she slid it into his pants going past the waistband of his underwear and freeing his majestic one eyed monster. It felt hard, but it was covered with silky skin. She stroked it from base to tip and felt the slick dew on the end drip.

  Mitzy brought her hand to her mouth to taste his essence and he hissed in need. Sweet and savory, she wished she could milk out more to feed on. He pulled her up, carefully, and lowered her on his shaft. Slowly, so slowly sweat beaded on his forehead, he eased her down to ensure no harm would be done. He treated her like she was fragile, and right now she was. Her swollen belly rubbed against him lightly, as they moved back and forth, he pulled her up and down on his shaft. She thought she would cry out from the pleasure he was giving her. Only later did it sink in, that she hardly knew this man, yet she had trusted him completely in the most intimate way.

  Faster he moved, now that she’d adjusted to him and she hung on to him for all she was worth. She felt something inside her building and growing. It was a tension, a need for something she couldn’t explain. Pleasure consumed her like a bonfire and her body was poised to move to the next level of something. It was like he had lit her fuse and now, she would explode, and that’s exactly what happened. She shattered and drowned in bliss, she screamed, moaned, and would never get enough of him and the pure bliss he had just given her.

  The woman felt him jerk beneath her as slippery hot fluid shot into her. She felt a pinch and knew he’d bitten her and wondered why. Mitzy wanted to bite back, but she was just too exhausted and she felt him lift her up and lay her gently on the bed. Explanations would wait, she thought, as she drifted back to sleep.

  It could have been hours or minutes when she became aware of voices coming near her. She struggled to open her eyes and finally managed to. “Hey, there,” Cherish said. “Do you remember me? I’m Cherish and I’ve heard you are still having a hard time of it. Tycho said he wasn’t able to explain more than the basics to you. Did you have any questions?”

  “My sister,” she said and her voice sounded like she had gravel in her throat.

  “Yes, we’ve sent half the team back to check on her.”


  “No, he’s staying with you for now. We need to leave soon, to get you to the doctor. It worries me that you’re so weak and tired.”

  Mitzy blushed a little and she assumed that Tycho hadn’t told Cherish what they’d been doing. A little exercise was good for you, right? It had felt so incredible, she knew she’d probably do it again if the opportunity came. She didn’t think that was what had tired her out anyway. It had something to do with the baby.

  Cherish helped her get up, so she could shower and dress by herself. When she was ready, everything was already packed up to carry out to the SUV. She followed Cherish out so they could head down to the lobby. Tycho came over, allowing her to lean on him, as he led her out to the SUV and helped her get in. They sat behind Hermes who was driving, with Paige on one side of her, but Tycho on her other side. Jason was in the back. She nodded off so it seemed like no time before they were parked by the plane.

  Tycho helped her up the stairs and to the bedroom. By the time they landed at Olympus, Mitzy felt a bit rested. She knew from recent experience that any strenuous activity would wipe her out. After helping her dress in heavy winter gear, Tycho carried her to the steps. Other men helped at the stairs where they passed her from one to the next, until she was at the bottom. They handled her as if she were as fragile as glass, maybe not far from the truth the way she’d been feeling.

  Her god followed her down and took her from the man at the bottom. He carried her down a path and it wasn’t long before they entered a big set of double doors. Tycho continued right past the two guards at the doors and down the hall where he took her into a room and placed her on an examination table.

  “I’m glad to see you’re taking good care of our patient,” an amused female voice said.

  “She’s been very tired and weak,” he explained.

  She smiled, a friendly open smile. “We’ll take good care of her for you,” she promised softly.

  “Can I stay?” he asked.

  “If the patient doesn’t mind,” she agreed.

  “I don’t mind, but do you know where Paige is?” she asked.

  “She’s with Jason, Hermes, and Cherish. They took her to the cafeteria to eat and meet some of the other mates and children,” Tycho explained.

  “There are other children?” she wondered.

  “Cherish’s brother is close to her age. I think they’ll get along great. There are other children and several babies like yours,” he mentioned.

  While they’d been talking, Doc had drawn blood and now she was testing it. She came back with a shot and quickly gave it to Mitzy before she had a chance to get upset. “That was loaded with some nutrients you needed. I need you to put on a gown for the next part of your examination. Do you need help?”

  Mitzy nodded. She was feeling dizzy, which wasn’t a surprise, since doctor visits made her ill. Tycho turned his back while Doc helped her undress and put on the gown. She helped her back up on the table where the hidden stirrups made an appearance. Oh, joy! The mother shot them an unhappy look, as Doc helped her slip her feet into them. Tycho took her hand and he looked at her face while they talked. He told her all the things she might like here and how she would be able to pick a job, something she enjoyed doing. Everyone worked and everyone was taken care of if they needed help. It was a true community in every sense.

  “I have some results. Do you want to know who the father is now?” Doc asked.

  “Of course,” she instantly agreed. Wasn’t that the whole point?

  “It’s either Tycho or his twin, but I’m going to guess that it’s Tycho,” Doc decided.

  “How would they have his sperm?” Mitzy asked. That would be just weird.

  “They have stored sperm from all the gods. Gods can only reproduce with their perfe
ct match or mate. Samples of any mated gods are removed, no point in wasting any. It takes the amount of sperm on the tip of a needle to impregnate a female. God sperm is aggressive. If you’re his match and you’re fertile, you will most likely get pregnant the first time. They put just a drop of each sample into a cocktail of god sperm. They’ve been doing this to their female employees for a while now. When the baby was born, they would have told you he died. If you died too, they would have one less grieving mother to deal with.”

  “It’s just crazy that they can get by with that,” she said outraged not only for herself, but for the other woman this had been done to. “I can’t believe Tycho is the father.”

  “May I?” he asked with his hand above her stomach. He just wanted to touch her there so bad that it was obvious.

  She nodded and she could see his hand shaking as it got closer. His touch was soft and hesitant, as if he feared to press too hard. The baby kicked when his hands was fully pressed down on her belly and Tycho laughed like a kid. “That’s our baby,” he whispered awestruck, she could only nod.

  “Let’s get you dressed now, Mitzy,” Doc broke in. Tycho helped her up and she sat a moment to get over her nausea. She stood and Tycho looked away while Doc helped her dress.

  “Why don’t we meet up with everyone at the cafeteria?” he asked once she was dressed.

  “Thank you,” she told Doc.

  “It was my pleasure. If you have any problems, have Tycho bring you here,” Doc responded.

  She was glad to be finished and to have some answers. It was still weird that Tycho could be the father of her baby. The mother thought he’d make a good father, maybe a good boyfriend, if he wanted to be. There was no doubt she’d enjoyed them being together, the one time it had happened. She knew Paige liked him as well so she’d give him some time and see what he wanted, but she knew he’d be good for her.

  They entered the cafeteria and Paige sat eating dessert with Hermes, Cherish, Jason, and a boy around her age who she assumed was Cherish’s brother. “Hey Mom, this is Fabian and we’ll be learning together. Isn’t that neat?”


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