Love Resisted (The Real Love Series)

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Love Resisted (The Real Love Series) Page 20

by Codina, Melanie

  “Baby …” He paused and pushed a stray bit of hair behind her ear. “My sister knows about how you lost Marc. She’s treating you like a person who means a lot to her brother-like a person who she truly likes.”

  Allie seemed confused by this. “She knows about Marc? I figured she just assumed I was divorced or something.”

  Mike shook his head, and then clarified, “She knows that your husband died in a car accident, that’s all. I shared that with her because when I first mentioned you to her, she had a plethora of questions, not unlike her daughter at times.”

  ALLIE was surprised to find out that Paige knew Marc had died. She had assumed it was unknown and that was why she didn’t see that look in her eyes—that look she got from her friends and family at times—the one that said they were just waiting to see how she handled things, like she could fall apart at a moment’s notice. Mike interrupted her thoughts when he asked, “Do you think your friends give me that look?”

  She considered it and realized. “No, they don’t.”

  “So then maybe the look you see in their eyes isn’t because you lost your spouse and they feel sorry for you,” he stated with question in his eyes. He gave her a moment to consider his words before continuing, “What does this look look like?”

  Choosing her words carefully, she said, “They look sad, almost like seeing me reminds them of Marc and it hurts them.” It was part of the reason why she was fine moving away for a while; she didn’t have to see it every day.

  “Oh babe, that’s not what I see when they’re around you. Do you want to know what I think?”

  She nodded. He continued, “I think it’s possible that when they look at you, they see you. They see Allie, their best friend who’s hurting and there is nothing they can do to take away that pain. Sure, they might miss Marc, he was their friend, too, but I’ll venture to guess that you are not the same Allie you were before. Maybe they feel the loss of two people and wished they knew how to bring you back.” He leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her lips. “Maybe they look sad because they miss Allie, not Marc.”

  It was a very distinct possibility that her man knew what he was talking about. She smiled and gave him a deeper kiss than the one he had given her. His comments definitely gave her something to think about. Maybe she had been seeing everything differently than it really was. Pulling away, she kissed him on the nose and said, “You are a wise man, Mike Lawson.”

  He winked at her and pulled her back in for another kiss. Thinking of their plans for the rest of the evening, she thought, who needed to see fireworks when she was going home with a man like this.


  ALLIE sighed as she turned around in the shower, letting the water rinse the shampoo from her hair. It had been a long day and the multiple layers of sunblock, chlorine, and salty sea air felt like a second skin, completely covering her. She was looking forward to crawling into bed with Mike and sleeping in the next morning. She was so relaxed standing under the pounding water that she didn’t hear Mike come in.

  “Hey babe?”

  “Shit, you scared me,” she said, startled.

  He smiled apologetically. “I didn’t mean to, but you need to wrap up your shower and get dressed.”

  She asked with a smirk, “I thought you preferred me naked in bed?”

  “You’re damn right that’s my preference, but we’re not going to bed, sweetheart.”

  Confused, she turned the water off and accepted the towel he was offering. “Where is it that we’re going?”

  He smiled as he moved in closer and used another towel to help dry her hair. “Apparently your little ladybug is trying to make an appearance.”

  Jumping back, she said, “What? Are you serious? Who called you? Oh my God, I have to go.” Moving around Mike, she made quick work of toweling off and finding something to wear, thankful that they were at her place that night.

  Mike dropped himself on the bed and watched her. “Jake called me and said he tried your phone but didn’t get an answer.”

  “Okay, great. Did he say how she was? Is she okay?” Allie asked while throwing her hair up in a haphazard bun. She knew there really wasn’t much else she could do with wet hair. Turning around in a circle, trying to decide what she needed to grab next, Mike stood and moved up next to her.

  Slipping his arms around her waist he halted her movements. “Shh, hey, calm down. Okay?”

  The feeling of his body against hers did help to calm her, making her realized she was a little bit panicked. Taking a deep breath, she smiled at him. “Sorry, I get a little worked up when people I love are hurt or in pain. I just worry.”

  Pulling her against his chest, he chuckled. “I know, baby, but Jake sounded calm, said Gillian’s water broke so they were heading to the hospital.” She felt him kiss the top of her head as she melted against his warm hard chest.

  “I just worry. Until I see her with my own eyes, I’ll worry,” she admitted again.

  Pulling back, he moved away and smiled “Well, then let’s get you there.”

  She realized he had showered and was dressed to go to. “You’re coming with me?”

  He gave her a disgruntled look. “Of course I’m coming with you.” Ushering her out of her bedroom, he added, “Besides, I’ve got a thing for crappy hospital coffee and cafeteria food.”

  “I always knew there was something weird about you.”

  Making their way toward the parking lot, he took her hand and said, “Yep, my secret’s out. But don’t run the other way screaming or anything, my weirdness can be helpful. I know what you need to add to a cup of crappy cup of coffee to make it tolerable, therefore I’m an asset.”

  Climbing into his truck, she turned and smiled at his comment before he closed the door. Although he joked about it, she was comforted by the fact that she wasn’t the only person that had trouble hanging out at the hospital. She was glad he was coming with her, but hoped that it wasn’t at a cost to himself. When he got in and started the truck, she slid into the seat next to him.

  Throwing her arm behind his shoulders, she smiled when he looked at her and said, “I’m so glad you’re coming with me, Lawson.”

  He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips before pulling back with a smile. “There’s no place I’d rather be, Baxter.”

  MIKE was pleased when he felt Allie calm down. She loved her family hard, and admittedly, he was looking forward to being on the receiving end of that ferocity. They were getting there, slowly.

  Once they made it to the hospital and figured out where they could find Gillian, Allie’s tension returned. It was almost like she had forgotten where they were going and why, but when they entered the building, her grip on his hand tightened. Escorting her to the elevator, he pressed the call button and then pulled her into his side, kissing the top of her head. He heard her sigh as she relaxed into him a little bit. “She’s gonna be fine, baby. She’s a pro at this by now—this is number four.”

  Allie let out a giggle. “Yeah. You’d think that would help me, but it doesn’t. I just get worried, that’s all.”

  Giving her a firmer squeeze, he added, “I’m not discounting your worry, Allie. Just trying to comfort you.”

  “I know that, and I appreciate it. A lot.” She reached up to kiss him quickly. When the doors opened they promptly found Gillian’s room.

  Not wanting to intrude on whatever might be going on inside the room, he paused at the door. “Maybe you should go in without me? I don’t want to invade Gillian’s privacy.”

  Allie paused and looked at him, before giving him a smile and nod. “I’ll check and make sure she’s decent, okay?”

  “Yes, I’d feel better if you did.”

  After one more kiss she dropped his hand. Mike heard muffled greetings in the room as he perched himself up against the wall outside the door. A few moments later, Jake poked his head out.

  “Hey man, come on in. Everything is covered up right now,” Jake said with a laugh.
  Mike pushed off the wall. “Glad to hear it.” Shaking Jake’s hand, he added, “Congratulations. You nervous?”

  Jake shrugged. “A little. More excited. It’s less nerve racking when I know what’s going on. This has a predictable outcome. Water breaks, baby is coming. No more guessing.”

  “That about sums it up,” Mike agreed as he followed Jake into the room. He wasn’t sure who else was going to be in there, so he was surprised when it was only them. “Are we the first ones here?” he joked, getting Gillian’s attention.

  Allie was perched on the side of Gillian’s bed with her arm slung across the back of it. Surprised she hadn’t crawled up into bed with her like last time, he asked Allie, “What, not going to make her move over for you?”

  “Oh, shut up, I know my boundaries.” He chuckled at Allie and heard Gillian do the same.

  Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Looks like someone will be getting off bed rest sooner rather than later.”

  Gillian placed her hand on her belly as she nodded. “Amen to that. I’ll go from too much rest time to not enough … it’s a vicious circle.”

  Mike let out a laugh and nodded as he moved away. Not sure what to do, he found a place against the wall free of medical equipment. He was certain Allie wasn’t leaving until the baby was born, and that was fine with him, but he figured he’d just stay as long as he felt welcome before seeking out a waiting room. There was nothing wrong with being around to welcome a new little one into the world.

  The four of them conversed and joked for the next hour or so, bringing it close to midnight when Jason joined the crowd. He once again marveled at the closeness of their group of friends. Even more, they all seemed to rotate around Gillian, who appeared to be the center of the Michaels and Baxter family universe. Mike was glad he was welcomed to be a part of it.

  Jake retrieved another chair for his brother, and the conversations resumed. Gillian’s contractions had picked up and conversation in the room would pause with each one. They all made guesses as to how soon the next one would come. Even Gillian got in on the action.

  Around two in the morning, Gillian’s contractions were even stronger, prompting a visit from the anesthesiologist. Jason, Mike, and Allie dismissed themselves then and headed for the waiting room. Jake told them they should head home until things progressed further, since Gillian was going to get some rest anyway. Without even looking at Allie for confirmation, Mike said, “I’m good just hanging here in the waiting room.”

  Allie leaned her head on his shoulder. “Me too.”

  Jason added, “It’s all good, man, we’re here to meet the little lady whenever she decides its time.”

  Jake and Jason hugged it out for a second before he made his way back to Gillian’s room. The three of them hunkered down and got as comfortable as they could in a hospital waiting room. Mike must have fallen asleep because he felt himself startle as Allie lifted her head from his lap. Opening his eyes, he found Jake with an apologetic look on his face. “Sorry to wake you guys, but Gillian is asking for Allie. Can I steal her from you?”

  Allie was already standing when Mike nodded. “Of course, that’s why she’s here.”

  She kissed him on the cheek and offered, “You could go home and get some sleep if you want.”

  He shook his head, “I’m good, babe. Wish her good luck for me.” With a nod and a smile, Allie followed Jake down the hall.

  Looking to his right, he met Jason’s stare. “Man, I gotta tell you how great it is to see Allie happy. It’s almost like she’s finally herself again.”

  Mike wasn’t sure if he should accept responsibility for her happiness, but he liked to believe he had something to do with it. “Thanks. I’m just glad she’s giving me the chance.”

  Jason nodded. “Yeah, I know she’s tough, but it looks like you got through to her. It’s a good thing.”

  After a few moments of silence, Jason got up and stretched. “I need something to drink. There has to be a vending machine or something around here, right?”

  Mike stood and did the same, stiff after sitting there for an extended period of time. Glancing at his watch, he noticed it was closing in on daybreak, “Hey, I think that coffee cart at the entrance to the hospital should be opening right about now. I’m sure we have a few minutes to run down.”

  “Sounds good to me. I need to wake my ass up. Can’t be half asleep when I meet my new niece,” Jason said with a huge grin on his face. Clearly a proud uncle, Mike silently wondered why this family man seemed to be missing just that—a family.

  Somewhere around seven in the morning, more family arrived since the call went out that the baby was making her arrival very soon. Mike hung out and chatted with Morgan, Sean, and Jason, then Gillian’s two oldest children, while Allie stayed exactly where she needed to, with Gillian. It wasn’t until a little after eight that Jake came out, big smile on his face, and said, “Seven pounds, one ounce, twenty-one inches long … she’s perfect.” He paused a moment and added, “They are both perfect. Gillian did great.”

  Everyone in the family jumped up to congratulate him and bounce their own questions or concerns off him. He hugged who he could before saying, “I’ll let Gillian know you’re all here, but you can’t all come back at once.”

  Jason declared, “Mike and I have been here all night, we got first dibs on the meet ‘n’ greet.”

  Mike laughed and was about to respectfully decline, to offer his place to a family member, when Jake said, “I completely agree.”

  Jason let out a wahoo and quickly exited the room. Jake accepted Mike’s congratulations and hand shake as they followed. On the way down the hall he asked, “Allie do okay in there? I know she gets anxious …”

  Jake patted him on the shoulder. “She did fine. I told you, the two of them are like halves of the same whole. Gillian, even in pain, is capable of calming Allie down. But then again, I seemed to see you doing the same for her.”

  Mike wasn’t sure how to answer that, so he just gave Jake a nod as they entered the room. It had been cleared of all the equipment he had to walk around earlier, looking more like a standard hospital room. Jason had already made his way to Gillian’s side to congratulate her, when Mike caught sight of Allie holding the new little bundle. Standing close to Gillian’s bed, she rocked and bounced and cooed at the newborn, oblivious to those around her. She was a natural with babies and even looked completely maternal while holding them.

  She must have felt his presence, because she looked at him with one of her electric smiles spread across her face. The happiness present in her expression was breathtaking. She was breathtaking. Moving closer, he leaned in to press a kiss to the top of her head as he wrapped his arm around her. He felt his body lean into hers as she rocked and swayed with the baby some more.

  He realized this was what it could look like if he and Allie were to have a family. Up until that point, even with other children around them, he had never had a thought like that. But now that he had, it was an image that wouldn’t be going anywhere. He realized now that this was something he could have—and wanted. His heart rate picked up as he imagined Allie pregnant. Pregnant with his baby. It was definitely something he was adding to his wish list.

  Allie interrupted his thoughts, “Mike, meet Ella Marie. Also known as Ladybug. Ella Marie, meet my man, Mike. He has a way with the ladies, so I’m certain you’ll fall for him, too.”

  And just like that, Mike fell a little harder for Allie Baxter.


  MIKE had just finished slipping his shoes on when Zane walked in. “Dad, I need help with my tie.”

  It was the night of the benefit the family planned in support of breast cancer research. They held it at the beginning of October every year to kick off the fundraising for awareness month. The black tie event had grown over the past few years, and he found himself looking forward to this year’s event, more so than the previous ones. Smiling at his son, he moved him before the full-length mi
rror and stood behind him. “Don’t you think that you should know how to do this by now? When I was your age …”

  “Ugh, Dad, are you really giving me the ‘when I was your age’ line?” Zane groaned.

  Mike laughed as he considered it. “Damn. I guess I was. Now I feel old.” Making eye contact with him in the mirror he added, “If you tell my dad I said that, I’ll take your car away from you.”

  Laughing, Zane said, “It’s not that I can’t tie it, but it just doesn’t look very good when I do. It looks like a two year old did it.”

  As he finished making the knot in his son’s tie, he took in their combined appearances in the mirror. They were close to the same height. Zane came in only a few inches shorter than him. They were both wearing new black suits with pink ties for the benefit, and their strong resemblance to each other shocked him. The only difference in their reflections, aside from their age, was that Zane was wearing a black shirt, while Mike wore a white one.

  It once again struck him how grown up his son had become. Standing in front of him, dressed for a night out to help raise money for a cause that had a direct effect on his life. Placing his hands on his shoulders, he met his son’s gaze in the mirror again and said, “You’ve turned into a man right before my eyes, but as I stand here and look at you, I want you to know that your mother would be very proud of who you’ve become. I’m very proud of the man you’ve become.”

  Mike watched as Zane’s eyes glistened, then he nodded, obviously choked up. After a moment, he turned around and hugged him. “Thanks Dad.”

  They hugged for a few moments longer before separating. Mike helped him fix his coat and make sure the tie was straight and then checked his own. When he deemed they both looked their best, he said, “All right, now let’s pick up my date.”


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