Pendelton Manor

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Pendelton Manor Page 1

by B J Wane

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Pendelton Manor

  by BJ Wane

  ISBN: 978-1-937831-77-6

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2012 BJ Wane

  All rights reserved

  Chapter One

  Sophie cursed as another jagged streak of lightning rent the air, the ensuing loud thunder clap making her cringe. Clutching the steering wheel tighter, she flipped her wind shield wipers on high and slowed down even further. It wasn’t bad enough that she had taken a wrong turn when she reached Pendelton, Maine, but now she had this storm to slow her down, making her even later. The sky had darkened ominously by the time she had gotten gas in the small coastal town and that alone was enough to make her jittery, but when those clouds had opened up as she was navigating the winding roads that were supposed to lead her to Pendelton Manor; her irrational fear of storms had kicked in, which didn’t do anything for her nerves.

  For God’s sake, she thought irritably as she visibly jumped with the next thunder boom, this stupid phobia of hers was driving her crazy. Social workers had told each of her three foster parents that her fear stemmed from being found alone in an apartment darkened from storms, her mother dead from an overdose, when she was five years old. Since she didn’t remember her mother and had no recollection of those hours she had been alone with her corpse while a storm raged outside their small apartment, she didn’t understand why she was, to this day, deathly afraid of a little moisture accompanied by some loud noise. But she was and nothing she or her counselors or her foster parents had tried had gotten her over it, much to her irritation, especially at times like this.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that she was arriving at the manor for her new job as housekeeper and cook almost two hours late and her hands weren’t clammy with fear, her heart feeling like a lead weight lodged in her throat, she would have loved to take this drive slower, to enjoy the scenery that was polar opposite from Arizona where she had lived all of her twenty seven years. Even though it was mid-afternoon, she could barely make out the forest of pines for which the state’s nickname Pine Tree State came from on her left or the craggy hillside on her right that dropped off to the sounds of the Atlantic crashing onto the shore. She knew from her research that springtime in the northeast was the stormy season, but she had hoped to be safely ensconced inside the manor before encountering one, not smack dab in the middle of it. She was already nervous about meeting her boss, the very wealthy, very eccentric, very elusive Adrian Pendelton, the storm and her fear were something she could have done without.

  After applying online for the job, she had researched as much as she could find out about the Pendeltons, but surprisingly, there was very little public information about the family that had been icons of coastal Maine society for over a hundred years. She knew Adrian was a widower, he had twin cousins who were the same age as him and that their great-grandfather had opened up a wood building shop that had been the start of Pendelton Industries, now a North American conglomerate that specialized in hand crafted wood products from furniture to boats and everything in between. There had been articles and newspaper clippings from Adrian’s marriage eight years ago and on his wife’s death last year from an accidental fall from the cliffs to the rocky shore below. His cousins, Ash and Adam Pendelton, were splashed across the society pages regularly, usually with a different woman each time, accompanying them to a company sponsored fund raiser or event. But of her new boss, there had been very little she could find.

  Sophie jerked again with the next crack of lightning, but thankfully that brief flare was enough to catch the turnoff that was supposed to be her final leg of this long journey. Though the one lane road was paved, the torrential downpour coming from the darkened skies coupled with the overhang from the trees lining the road made it eerily difficult to find her way. Swallowing past the lump lodged in her throat, she prayed the manor wasn’t too far ahead. What seemed like hours but was only a few minutes, she came to a winding gravel drive that led up to the three story stone mansion. Silhouetted against the dark sky atop a cliff that dropped off several hundred feet onto a rocky shoreline and angry ocean, the manor looked anything but welcoming.

  Pulling to a stop in front of the massive stone structure, she hoped this spontaneous move clear across the country was what she needed to help her cope with her loss. After the death of her eighteen month old daughter two years ago, the closest she had to family was Shirley Watkins, her last foster mother, and she rarely saw or spoke to her now that she had retired to Florida to be near her son. The small guest cottage that she occupied as part of her wages while she worked for the Tremaines had held too many memories for her and she was hoping the change of jobs as well as scenery would help her live with the crushing grief of Emily’s loss.

  Taking a deep breath, Sophie jumped out of her car and ran up the steps to the large wood double doors that remained closed. Her light jacket was waterproof, but it didn’t have a hood and in this downpour it took only moments for her to get drenched. Her loud knocking went unanswered and when the next lightning bolt lit up the sky, the following thunder boom galvanized her into trying the knob. Finding it unlocked, she shoved open the huge door and practically fell inside. Leaning back against the door, she pushed it closed, shutting out the storm as she welcomed the warmth.

  The large foyer was lit by wall sconces, their meager light doing little to alleviate her trepidation. A wide, massive staircase bisected the hallway, a beautiful, ornate oak banister helped guide the way to the second story. “Hello?” she called out tentatively only to be answered by silence. Stripping off her wet jacket, she hung it on an empty peg next to a row of all-weather jackets. There were several large obviously men’s jackets as well as one smaller, woman’s size, indicating there were people in residence. As she slowly padded down the hall on the left toward the only light she could discern from either hallway, Sophie wondered if her new employer had given up on her arriving today. She passed two closed doors before she heard voices coming from the room near the end of the hall, as well as the distinct sound of slapping flesh, a sound that made her cringe as much as the sound of the loud thunder boom that could be heard even inside these thick stone walls.

  Instead of calling out again, afraid of interrupting something, she crept toward the open door only to stop dead in her tracks at the tableau that greeted her. Bent over a padded footstool, a naked woman knelt with her hands cuffed behind her, a naked man in front of her, holding her head as he fucked her mouth while another man wielded a wicked looking leather belt across her ass. The woman, a very attractive blonde, moaned around the large cock stretching her mouth as the man behind her laid a stroke from the belt across the middle of her already reddened buttocks.

  “You’re not trying hard enough, Nora,” the man behind her admonished with a grin. “You’re more concerned with getting yourself off than with Adam’s pleasure. Suck a little harder now. Let me see those cheeks and lips working.” The next lash landed on the under curve of her ass, eliciting another moan from the woman as she pressed her mound against the foot stool in an obvious attempt to seek release.

  Stunned surprise at the scene taking place in front of her stopped Sophie in the doorway, mortifying interest kept her rooted there, replacing her fear of the inclement weather raging outside while long suppressed desire had her pussy swelling and creaming wi
th unaccustomed arousal. The woman’s knees were spread wide, her crotch openly displayed and completely devoid of hair, making her swollen labia glistening with her juices an obvious testament to her arousal. Sophie had only gone down on one man before and had found the experience to be pleasant, but nothing that had increased her own arousal. Watching this man move in and out of the woman’s mouth with such slow, deep precision while keeping her head still by clasping his hands around her face, made her wonder if she would have enjoyed it more if her boyfriend had taken control like this man did.

  The man behind her laughed as he swatted her ass again while releasing his cock into his other hand. The sight of him slowly stroking his large penis, smearing the seeping fluid from his slit, had her gasping softly, and when the woman rubbed her crotch against the foot stool again, then screamed around the invading cock in her mouth as she came, Sophie thought she had never seen anything so erotic. Her own buttocks were clenching as the snap of leather echoed again followed swiftly by the woman’s aching cry. Sophie didn’t know if her cry was one of pain or a cry for more. Looking at those red cheeks, she couldn’t imagine her wanting more abuse heaped upon them. She also couldn’t deny the curiosity she had as she tried to imagine getting pleasure from pain.

  The dark haired man with the chocolate eyes increased his thrusts into the woman’s mouth, his ejaculation coming on the heels of her orgasm and followed swiftly by the auburn haired man behind her dropping his belt and going to his knees, entering her just as the man in front pulled his spent cock from her mouth. The woman cried out as he took her with a deep, hard thrust then slipped an arm under her torso and lifted her chest from the stool, his arm braced under her breasts holding her up as he continued plunging into her.

  “Give those pretty breasts some attention, Adam,” he said, his voice deep and laboring.

  “I’d be happy to.” Adam, whom Sophie now recognized as one of the Pendelton twins, reached out with one hand and cupped Nora’s right breast as he bent forward and drew the nipple from the left one into his mouth. Nora threw her head back and cried out as the men worked her nipples and pussy until she was screaming once again in climax, her red striped buttocks clenching as she thrust back against the cock invading her from behind while she pushed her breasts forward towards Adam’s hands and mouth. It wasn’t until they drove her up one more time that the man fucking her from behind let go, his hoarse shout echoing in the room along with Nora’s keening cry. Even though the woman looked uncomfortable in that position, especially with her hands cuffed behind her, from the look of sheer pleasure not only on her face but on those of the two men, she thought Nora was probably getting too much pleasure to notice any discomfort.

  Sophie had been so engrossed in the scene before her she had completely forgotten about the storm, but not about why she was here and she was glad the auburn haired man wasn’t her new boss. The only picture she had seen of Adrian Pendelton had been a grainy newspaper wedding photo from eight years ago, but this man didn’t bear even the slightest resemblance to the one in that photo. It would be very awkward starting this job after seeing her boss in a threesome.

  “Well, it looks like our new housekeeper has finally made it.”

  Sophie felt her face flaming as bright a hue as the one that colored Nora’s buttocks as the auburn haired man rose and casually zipped up his pants, a small smile softening his dark, weathered face. “Uh, I...I’m sorry,” she stammered, embarrassed at being caught watching them. “No one answered the door, and it was raining, then I heard voices and...” Sophie took a step back from the three people now grinning unabashedly in front of her only to bump against a hard body behind her. Whirling around, she looked up, way up, into a hard face that would have been handsome if it wasn’t for the cold black eyes staring down at her. Hard hands reached out to steady her before dropping just as quickly.

  “Ms. Turner, I presume?”

  “Yes, I’m Sophie Turner. I’m here for the…”

  “You’re late.” Adrian Pendelton stared down into bright blue eyes and a crimson cheeked face. He had been on his way to answer the door when he saw her rush in, her fear of the storm obvious in the spooked look on her face and the way she had quickly struggled to close the door behind her. He had remained unobserved in the dark recess of the hallway when she had ventured toward the sounds Adam, James and Nora were making as they fucked in the den.

  The sexual couplings that went on in the house on a regular basis between his cousins, James, Nora and Rachel, and, in the past, him and Nicole, were the reason he had trouble keeping housekeepers and cooks. One reason he had decided to hire Ms. Turner was her lack of family or ties. He had hoped that would be enough to keep her on long enough to get used to them, that and the exorbitant salary he had offered. When he saw her cringe from the sounds of the inclement weather, he wondered why someone with such a stupid, irrational phobia took a job where such storms were prevalent certain times of the year, and with disgust, figured she wasn’t going to last past the next few hours let alone a few months. Then he had watched her reaction when she came upon the scene in the den, saw her surprise, her embarrassment and her interest. He didn’t think her stiff nipples, prominently displayed through her wet shirt, were solely the result of being cold, and her reaction and the fact she stayed watching was a welcome change from previous employees. Of course, the five of them had managed to refrain from open displays for at least a few weeks after they first started. Ms. Turner’s early enlightenment was solely due to her tardiness, something he could, and did, blame her for.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I took a wrong turn out of Pendelton then the storm slowed me down. I knocked, but when no one answered, I came in.” Sophie wished the floor would open up and swallow her. It was mortifying being the object of attention from four people she’d never met, and even more embarrassing after what she had witnessed.

  “I don’t care why you’re late, just that you are. If you’re bothered by what you witnessed, you have only yourself to blame. I’m sure Adam, James and Nora thought you weren’t coming today.”

  “Lighten up, Adrian. It wasn’t her fault she had trouble getting up here. She hasn’t lived here her whole life like we have. I’m Adam Pendelton, your employer’s cousin and one of the residents in this monstrosity.”

  Sophie took Adam’s outstretched hand, glad that he had dressed before introducing himself. His hair was coal black, like Adrian’s, and the family resemblance could be seen in their square jaws, and the shape of their mouths, but where Adrian’s eyes were a cold black, Adam's were a warm brown.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I apologize for interrupting your… er,”

  “Forget it, sweetheart. We like an audience. Feel free to ogle us whenever you want. I’m James Shea and I’ve known the Pendeltons since the three of them rescued me from school yard bullies in the first grade. We’ve been inseparable ever since. This is a good friend of ours, Nora Chambers.”

  Sophie felt more at ease already. James’ green eyes warmed when they looked at her, making her feel as welcome as Adam’s smile. Nora’s welcoming handshake and knowing glint in her blue eyes also worked to set her at ease.

  “If you’re done with the pleasantries, maybe Adam, you could show Ms. Turner to her room,” Adrian said sardonically. “Ms. Turner, I’ll meet with you in my office in one hour. Try not to be late.”

  “Don’t worry, Sophie, you’ll get used to the resident grouch. Did you leave your luggage out in your car?” Adam asked.

  “Yes, but I can get it later. It’s still raining.”

  “We’re used to that around here this time of year. We’ll pull your car around to the garage and grab your luggage. Come on, James.”

  “Welcome to Pendelton Manor, Sophie.” James winked at her then followed Adam down the hall and out into the stormy late afternoon without a qualm.

  “Don’t care for storms, huh?” Nora asked when Sophie cringed at the next loud burst from Mother Nature.

  “Stupid, I know. I’
ve had a fear of storms since I was a kid. I’m sure I’ll get used to the weather here, though.” Sophie rubbed her arms as a chill went through her.

  “Come on,” Nora said as she headed toward the staircase. “I’ll take you to your room and as soon as the guys bring up your things, you can get dried off before meeting with Adrian.”

  “This is a gorgeous home,” Sophie commented as they ascended the wide staircase, her hand running lightly over the polished wood banister.

  “Arthur Pendelton, Adrian, Adam and Ash’s great-grandfather, built it over a hundred years ago. Ownership has passed down to the eldest son ever since. That would currently be Adrian, your new boss.”

  “I’m detecting a pattern with the names beginning with A.”

  “Something the guys all swear they’ll change if they ever have children.” When they reached the second floor, Nora pointed down the hall to the left. “Adam and Ash’s rooms are down there, yours is this way.” Turning right on the wide landing, she led her past two closed doors to the third at the end of the hall. “That stairwell goes up to the third floor which is entirely Adrian’s. There’s also an elevator that goes from the first floor directly to the third.”

  “He occupies the entire third floor himself? That must be over three thousand square feet.” Even after working in the Tremaine’s huge mansion for seven years, Sophie couldn’t imagine a single bedroom suite that size.

  “Each floor is three and a half thousand square feet and the solarium and enclosed pool added on to the back is close to two thousand. You’ve got your work cut out for you keeping this place looking good. Here you go.”

  Sophie followed Nora into the spacious bedroom falling in love with the room immediately. Pale mint green walls and carpet contrasted beautifully with the dark woodwork framing the doors and two large windows on each side of the bed. The bedspread and matching curtains were in a mint green, dark brown and rose print which brightened the room considerably. “This is beautiful,” she commented as she took in the matching dresser and small sitting area with two stuffed chairs in the same print positioned in front of a small television.


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