Pendelton Manor

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Pendelton Manor Page 3

by B J Wane

  Rasping her clit with her thumb, she felt the beginning tremors of release, felt the clutching of her vaginal walls around her fingers as she rolled her nipple between two fingers like she had seen Adam doing to Nora. Gasping, she still had enough of her senses to realize and admit to the added stimulus caused by giving those sensitive buds more attention than they’ve ever had before. Switching to her other breast, she gifted that nipple with the same treatment, pinching to just the point of pain before shying away from testing her limits that far, but gaining enough pleasure that she felt it zing from her nipple down to her pussy, eliciting another gush of moisture around her pumping fingers.

  Unable to hold back any longer, she increased her thrusts, going in hard and deep while her thumb pressed against her aching clit, back and forth until she was writhing against her hands as she fought to keep from crying out as the climax exploded inside her long deprived body. Her body shook with the convulsions, spasms that were enhanced by the image of her sucking on a hard dick while another hard cock took her from behind. But instead of James being the one in her fantasy to fuck her, it was her cold, brooding boss gripping her hips and taking her with slow, deep, orgasm inducing thrusts.

  Lost in the fantasy and the sensations it was helping to create, Sophie rode out the pleasure until she had wrung every drop from it and exhausted herself to the point she slipped easily into sleep, enjoying the feel of her fingers still embedded in her tight pussy.

  Sophie woke to the sun shining brightly into her room, the sound of birds chirping and the surf coming onto shore in smooth rolling waves, a welcome contrast to the dark, angry skies and loud crashing surges from the storm yesterday. Anxious to make a better impression today than she had yesterday, she quickly bounced out of bed, rummaged through the dresser where she had put her clothes last night and headed into the bathroom to wash up and dress. As her bare feet sank into the carpet, she marveled at the size of her room and bathroom. The two together were the size of her entire studio cottage on the Tremaine estate, and she knew she was going to enjoy having this private haven to herself in this huge mansion.

  A high pitched squeal of laughter echoed in the hallway as she stepped out of her room fifteen minutes later. Down the hall, Nora came running naked out of a room, her pink buttocks bouncing as she tried to escape Adam who was hot on her trail. Adam, naked and sporting a huge hard on, grabbed Nora around the waist from behind and with little effort turned her and flipped her over his shoulder.

  “Morning, Sophie. Don’t mind her. If she didn’t want a session with my paddle, she shouldn’t have smarted off.”

  “You moron, I didn’t… OW!” Nora yelped when Adam smacked her ass sharply adding to the red hue before turning back towards his room, giving Sophie a good view of his taut buttocks. “Sophie, help me!”

  Sophie would have been worried about how to respond to this scene if it hadn’t been obvious the two of them were enjoying their play. “I think I better get to work. If you’re not down in a couple hours, I’ll check on you,” she answered with a smile.

  Nora gave her a wave before bending down and nipping one clenching buttock, earning her another swat. Still smiling, Sophie made her way downstairs. Even though she knew her face was red from embarrassment, she wasn’t nearly as mortified this morning as she had been yesterday. In fact, she found she was a little envious, wondering what it would be like to be that open and carefree while indulging in an active sex life, something she had never been lucky enough to indulge in.

  Adrian wondered what Sophie had witnessed upstairs that caused her to enter the kitchen with a rosy blush and wistful smile, a blush that paled and a smile that slipped when she spotted him.

  “Oh, I thought you’d be gone by now,” Sophie said, then felt herself cringe inwardly as she realized how that sounded. “I mean, I’m a little late getting started this morning and thought everyone would be at work by this time.”

  “I’ve been at work in my home office and am just grabbing another cup of coffee before I leave. Do you have any questions or need anything before I go?” He didn’t know why, but Adrian found himself perversely amused by her flustering and discomfort around him. She was kind of cute when she was caught off balance and didn’t know what to say or where to look. Maybe keeping her off guard and flustered was his way of retaliating for the way his attraction to her had caught him off guard and was leaving him flustered about how to deal with it. Rather petty of him, he admitted to himself without any remorse.

  “No, thank you. I think I can manage fine on my own. I’ll leave dinner in the oven so it’ll be ready whenever you get home if that’s all right.” Dressed again in black slacks and a short sleeved pewter gray shirt, he was a tall, imposing man, his muscled arms crossed as he leaned indolently against the counter and eyed her coolly out of those cold as ice dark eyes. But that coldness couldn’t hide the sorrow and guilt reflected in their obsidian depths, at least not from someone like her who battled those same emotions every day.

  “That’s fine. Help yourself to whatever you want for meals. My number at the office in Pendelton is by the phone as well as my cell. Try not to bother me if it’s not important.”

  “No, of course not,” she quickly assured him. “Have a nice day.” She watched him walk out, wondering if it was the fact that he was battling demons similar to her own that had her making excuses for his rudeness or if her awakening libido had been dormant for so long that she found herself desiring anyone who was available. Either way, she thought, it didn’t matter because getting involved with her boss was not a good idea. The Tremaines had replaced her before she left Phoenix wanting her to show the new woman the ropes, which meant she had nowhere to go if Adrian Pendelton decided she wasn’t suited either for the work or for his lifestyle.

  Getting a cup of coffee, she found paper and pen and sat at the long island counter to make a to-do list as well as a grocery list. The short tour she had yesterday showed her enough to know this place had been neglected for a while, the previous employees only doing the basics, enough to collect a paycheck without giving any thought to restoring some of the beauty this home had to have been known for at one time. Keeping her mind focused on making this place shine again and off her employer’s haunted face and blood stirring body was more than enough challenge to keep her busy and hopefully employed.

  Three days later, Sophie was tired, but proud of all she had accomplished thus far. She had spent the first day dusting and polishing the first floor, everything from the base boards to climbing on chairs to reach the crown molding with a long feather duster. Her arms and legs had ached from all the stretching and straining, but she had fallen quickly into a deep dreamless sleep and awoke fresh and eager to start a new project yesterday. After tackling the bathrooms on the first and second floors she had time to vacuum all the area rugs and the carpeted bedrooms upstairs. Today she had spent in the kitchen, practically stripping each cupboard, shelf and appliance, wiping it down before filling it again. She had just finished putting together another casserole and popped it into the oven before finishing up her shopping list. Tomorrow she would spend on the third floor, cleaning Adrian’s suite and save the shopping for Saturday morning.

  Of both Adrian and Adam, she had seen little. Both were in the kitchen when she came downstairs each morning, Adam to greet her warmly and inquire how she was settling in, Adrian to give her his usual cool appraisal and curt greeting, neither of which seemed to dull her attraction to him. They both seemed to put in long hours at the company’s headquarters in Pendelton as they were never home by the time she had their dinner warming in the oven and was heading upstairs with her plate in the evenings.

  As much as she enjoyed the quiet evenings in her suite, relished soaking in the large jetted bathtub after eating then veg’ing out with a book or watching television, she wasn’t quite ready to call it a day. The sun was still shining and looked warm and inviting after being cooped up the past few days. Grabbing her glass of iced tea, she went out the
kitchen exit that led to the side yard. Taking out the trash this morning, she had discovered that the stone path bracketed on both sides by flowering shrubs and colorful spring blooms led to the back courtyard that was landscaped as beautifully as the pathway, complete with an ornate fountain in the middle of the yard, a marble bench surrounding it.

  Following the walk and the sound of the surf, she anticipated the view from the edge of the yard to the beach below. But as she neared the back of the house, it wasn’t the sound of a cool spring evening or the sight of a stunning, cliff side ocean view that had her stopping dead in her tracks. She recognized the sound of bare flesh being slapped before she came around the corner and saw the scene before her. Seated on the bench at the fountain was a man she hadn’t met before but recognized immediately as Ash Pendelton, Adrian’s other cousin and Adam’s twin. The family resemblance was obvious with only his bright blue eyes making it easy to tell him from Adam. The woman who was draped across his lap, her shorts and panties pulled down to her knees, her round, bouncing buttocks rosy from Ash’s hand smacking them with sharp, well aimed swats, had a wealth of dark brown hair obscuring most of her face. Standing in front of her holding her head up with his large hands, was Adrian, his cock filling her mouth as he thrust slowly in and out, his face tight with lust.

  Sophie quickly took a step back out of sight behind a tree at the corner of the house and path. Between her obscure position and their engrossment with each other, she was confident she couldn’t be seen which was why she didn’t turn tail and run back inside. Obviously, their play wasn’t limited to the indoors, she thought as she wondered what it would be like to be out in the open like that, the warm late afternoon sun beating down on her naked skin, adding to the warmth generated from her over stimulated body.

  “That’s it, Rachel,” Adrian said in a soft, indulgent tone she had never heard before. “God, baby, that feels good. Yeah, that’s it. Roll them softly, now use your tongue.”

  Releasing his cock, the woman he called Rachel lowered her mouth as she lifted his balls and stroked over them with her tongue before crying out sharply when Ash smacked her ass with a loud, reddening slap. Rachel lifted her hips in a silent plea for more as she took Adrian’s sac in her mouth. Ash laughed, smacking her again, the sight and sound making Sophie clench her own cheeks as she once again found herself being a voyeur to their pleasure.

  Rachel’s legs were spread only as far as her shorts would allow, but it was enough for Sophie to see she was as aroused by being spanked as Nora had been, making Sophie wonder once again at the pleasure that apparently could be had from that pain. Ash’s slaps were followed by a soft stroke of his palm over the abused flesh before delivering another swat, making her shudder as she tried to imagine how that soft touch following the pain would feel. When Ash slipped his hand between Rachel’s thighs and slid two fingers easily into her pussy, Sophie’s hand went automatically to her own crotch, cupping herself over her jeans, jumping when just that slight pressure had her pussy creaming and spasming for release.

  This time, Sophie wasn’t content to simply watch and wonder. Confident of her obscurity, she unzipped her jeans and slid her hand inside, her fingers going unerringly between her puffy, slick folds, her sheath closing tightly around them as soon as she entered. Rachel had once again opened her mouth for Adrian’s cock and was now sucking with strong, hard pulls, laving his cockhead as he pulled back, moaning around his shaft as he pushed back in. Ash had resumed his spanking; his swats taking her cheeks from a rosy pink to a dark red in no time while he continued to finger fuck her cunt with slow, deep thrusts of three fingers, the moisture coating those fingers evidence of her arousal.

  Sophie’s own fingers felt as wet as Ash’s looked, her breathing as escalated as Rachel’s sounded, her skin damp with the pleasure coursing through her. She rasped over her clit once, lightly, but it was enough to have her stifling a whimper of need, but when Adrian increased his thrusts into Rachel’s mouth, his face red, his jaw taut, she felt herself clenching harder around her fingers, felt the small tremors heralding her own release as she waited with baited breath to see this coldly controlled man lose himself in pleasure. When he did, Sophie thought it was the most erotic, beautiful thing she had ever seen. For a few seconds, his eyes warmed and his face relaxed, pleasure replacing sorrow and guilt, a look that had her convulsing around her fingers when her thumb pressed insistently on her clit. Closing her eyes, she let the pleasure wash over her, forgetting everything but feeling good for a few, too brief seconds, turning her face up to the warmth of the sun and allowing herself to enjoy simply being here.

  She was stunning when she climaxed, Adrian thought as he watched Sophie’s reflection in the solarium windows. He knew she had no idea her image was reflected so clearly in the glass, and seeing her there, watching them, slipping her hand inside her pants to join in on the pleasure had his cock getting even harder, had his climax rushing to the surface, his body insisting on immediate release. Which irritated him rather than adding to the pleasure of the afternoon. He didn’t want to be so attracted to the woman, didn’t want the pain and suffering, the shadowed guilt he saw in her eyes that mirrored his own to eat at him until he thought of nothing else but ways to ease her sorrow.

  Ash was pushing Rachel’s shorts off her legs as Adrian pulled his spent cock from her mouth. As he pushed the unwanted thoughts of his new employee aside, Ash straddled Rachel over his engorged cock, impaling her with one deep thrust. Smiling sardonically, Adrian watched Sophie turn and make a hasty exit back inside the house.

  Sophie quickly ran back down the path and into the kitchen. Knowing her face would give her away, she didn’t want to encounter any of them when they came in. Thankfully, she still had enough of her senses to remember to grab her glass from the ground then rinse it and put it in the dishwasher before fleeing upstairs.

  Safely inside her room, she leaned her head against the closed door and shut her eyes in mortification. It was one thing to masturbate in the privacy of her room at night but quite another to do it outside where she could have been caught at any time. Her nipples puckered and her pussy dampened, again, at just the thought of being caught, of having an audience or possibly being invited to join them. That response didn’t sit well with her as she knew it could never lead to that. She wasn’t like these people, confident in her sexuality enough to be as open as they were, experienced enough to please anyone other than herself. If that wasn’t enough to deter her thoughts from wandering in that direction, there was the added risk to her job if she became sexually involved with anyone here and it led to added heartbreak. She had enough heartbreak to last her a lifetime, she didn’t intend to risk more by giving anyone the power to sneak past her defenses. Stripping as she padded into the bathroom, she vowed to be more circumvent around these people in the future.

  “So that was our new housekeeper,” Ash said as he and Rachel joined Adrian in the kitchen fifteen minutes later. “I gotta say, Adrian, she’s a huge improvement from the previous prudes you hired.”

  “Sophie’s not here to play,” Adrian snapped, more irritated with himself than he was his cousin. His traitorous mind insisted on thinking of different ways he could bring about that look on her face as he tortured her body into climax over and over instead of how to keep her at arm’s length.

  “Come on, Adrian,” Rachel crooned as she leaned up and kissed his unsmiling lips. “Quit being a grouch and tell us about her.”

  Grabbing a beer from the fridge, Adrian twisted off the top and took a long drink before saying, “There’s nothing to tell. She relocated here from Arizona when I offered her the job, she’s twenty-seven and single. Anything else you want to know about her, you’ll have to get from her.” Like the fact she had suffered the loss of her only child less than two years ago, he thought, but felt that was something Sophie could disclose if she wanted to.

  He had done a thorough background check on Sophie before hiring her, mostly because he wondered why a youn
g woman was willing to leave the only place she had ever known and travel across the country to take a well-paying, but menial position, a position similar to the one she already held. From the report he got, he knew she was smart, hardworking and had enough determination and self-confidence to make the best of her circumstances while struggling to make a better future for herself and her child. Until she had lost that child. He guessed that tragedy was why she wanted to start over here, wanted to distance herself from memories that wouldn’t give her any peace.

  “Well, from what I could see of her reflection, she’s cute and more importantly, she didn’t run away, appalled at our behavior.” Ash took a hefty swallow of his own beer as he eyed his cousin with humor. It seems the new employee had piqued Adrian’s interest.

  “Who’s not appalled at your behavior?” Adam asked as he came in with Nora.

  “You’re back!” With a squeal, Nora threw her arms around Ash and gave him a deep kiss before turning to Rachel and stepping naturally into her embrace. Their lips met, clung then opened to take the kiss deeper.

  “Knock it off you two. I’m hungry.” Ash swatted Nora’s ass before turning to Adam. “We were talking about Sophie. This one shows promise for sticking around.”

  “And maybe doing more than watching?” Nora asked as she released Rachel.

  “She’s only been here a few days,” Adrian said dryly. “Give her a little time before you offer to jump her bones. Now, let’s eat. I’ve got work to do tonight.”

  “You always have work. Something smells great.” Nora grabbed hot pads and lifted a steaming, foil covered pan from the oven. “Is James joining us?”


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