Pendelton Manor

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Pendelton Manor Page 6

by B J Wane

  “Dammit, Ash, quit tormenting me and give me some relief. I’m dying here,” Nora complained softly. The loud cry from Rachel indicating her release only made Nora groan louder in frustration.

  “All right, Nora sweetheart, you’ve been a good sport. But I want your ass tonight.” Ash pulled a tube of lubricant from his pocket and placed the nozzle at her puckered back hole. “Deep breath now, it’ll be cold.”

  Sophie’s buttocks clenched beneath her at the sight of Ash preparing Nora’s ass for his cock. Two, then three fingers followed the lubricant, and as he slowly stroked her back hole, Sophie wondered just how much else these people could show her that she had been missing. Never in her wildest dreams had she considered touching herself there, or letting anyone else do it either. But from Nora’s response to the anal stimulation, she figured it must be pleasurable. Curiosity got the better of her, as well as the urgent need to come, and Sophie removed her fingers from her pussy, scooted down in the chair and lifted enough to run their dampness over what she soon discovered was a very sensitive area. Leaning her head back, she couldn’t stifle the moan of pleasure filling her as just that light touch against her anus had her empty sheath clenching tightly, her orgasm moving closer and closer to eruption.

  She opened her eyes in time to see both men release their cocks and hear both women cry out as they were penetrated. James slid easily into Rachel’s pussy as he leaned over her torso and shoved her hands off her breasts, replacing them with his own. It was at that moment, when he was so close to her, his hips thrusting hard against her, his hands kneading her soft flesh and his mouth smiling down at her that Sophie noticed the look in Rachel’s eyes was definitely one of more than friendship.

  Nora cried out as Ash removed his fingers from her ass and slowly pushed his engorged cock inside her. The sight of him fucking her ass with slow, deep strokes had her own senses spinning out of control. Sophie left the newfound feeling of pleasure from her own anus and returned to her needy pussy. A deep plunge and hard press against her clit had her crying out, her hips jerking against her marauding hand as she stunned herself with the power of her climax. She quickly discovered how easy it was to let go and simply enjoy once she shed her preconceived notions and inhibitions concerning sex. Her cries echoed in the room along with the others and she rode out the climax without thought to being seen or heard this time.

  Chapter Four

  Sophie was relieved to find the kitchen empty the next morning, not quite ready to face anyone yet after last night. Before the others had finished enjoying their climaxes last night, she had quickly and quietly grabbed her clothes and slipped out of the den unnoticed. Her behavior had been unintentional and definitely uncharacteristic, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret what she had done. On the contrary, the pleasure she had brought herself had far surpassed anything she had ever felt before, her orgasm so strong, so consuming she hadn’t given a thought to anyone or anything for those moments of intense pleasure. To say she saw exploding stars was putting it mildly, but she was far from admitting she was ready to explore their lifestyle further.

  Putting on coffee, Sophie pondered what to do today, her first full day off in the past week. She wouldn’t mind exploring the coast a little, maybe walking up to the lighthouse she had seen yesterday about a half mile from here. The walk would feel good and hopefully the fresh air would help clear up the uncertainties she was feeling about last night and where to go from here. Everyone but Adrian had befriended her since she got here and she had to admit it felt good to have friends again. During Emily’s illness, she had lost touch with her few friends from college and after her death she had simply lost touch with life. She knew she didn’t want to open herself up to the potential of any more heartache, but had to admit she was tempted to embrace their easy acceptance of her.

  After fixing some toast, she was about to sit down with her coffee when Sammy came purring up to her, winding her small, furry body around her legs. “Well, good morning to you too.” Bending, Sophie scooped the cat up and smiled when she tucked her head under her chin. “I bet you’re hungry. Let’s see what I can find, okay?” Feeling silly for talking to the cat, Sophie nonetheless kept a hold of her as she rummaged through cupboards looking for something suitable for her to eat.

  “If you’re looking for cat food, Nicole used to keep some canned stuff in the pantry.” Ash grinned wickedly when she whirled around on a startled gasp then blushed crimson upon seeing him. “You blushed just like that when you came last night.”

  Sophie’s hopes that no one had paid much attention to her last night were quickly dashed but she refused to give him the upper hand. Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Keep it up and you won’t see me climaxing again anytime soon.”

  “Now, that would be a shame and enough of a threat to make me quit teasing you.” Sammy hissed at him as he went to the pantry and grabbed a can of cat food. Coming back out, he handed it to Sophie while glaring at the cat. “Keep it up you mangy cur and I’ll help you get lost again.”

  Not sure if he was teasing or not, Sophie held Sammy while she opened the can and dumped it into a small bowl which she set as far away from where Ash sat with a cup of coffee as she could. “Will she bother your allergies, Ash? If so, I’ll give her to Nora and Rachel.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. I only break out if I touch them. You seem to have taken to her and I know she misses Nicole. We all do.” A look of sadness crossed his face briefly.

  “It takes a while to get over losing someone you loved. Some people never get over the loss.” Sophie wondered if she was going to be one of those people. Even now, almost two years later, she felt the pain of losing Emily as acutely as she had right after she buried her.

  “What’re your plans today?” Ash asked in an attempt to draw her mind off whatever had her looking so sad and alone.

  “I thought I’d hike along the coast, maybe visit that lighthouse up a ways. It looks like it has a lot of historic charm like this house does.”

  “Yeah, this house holds a lot of memories and stories passed down from our ancestors. But you shouldn’t enter the lighthouse without one of us along. It belongs to us, well; actually, it belongs to Adrian, and hasn’t been kept up. It isn’t safe to go traipsing around inside.”

  Sophie heard the bitter tone in Ash’s voice when he mentioned Adrian owning the property now, and wondered if Adrian being the eldest and the heir was a bone of contention with his cousins. From what she had read about the three of them they had been raised together in this house, their fathers were brothers, and the twins were born just two months after Adrian. It had to have been difficult to be raised here knowing you’d never inherit.

  “I’ll just walk around outside then. It looks like it’s going to be warmer today. Will anyone be here for dinner? I don’t mind fixing something.”

  “Don’t worry about us, enjoy your time off.” Rising, Ash refilled his cup before saying, “The four of us play golf every Sunday then get something to eat. Adrian won’t be back until late tonight or tomorrow, so it’ll just be us three. Adam spent the night in town, so you’ll have the place to yourself as soon as I get changed and out of here.” Tugging her hair lightly, he added, “Enjoy your day,” on his way out.

  “You too.”

  Sophie put on shorts and a tee shirt thinking the sun would feel good on her arms. She had always loved being outdoors in the sun and since Arizona was sunny practically year round she had plenty of time to indulge herself. But here, she knew, the warm weather days were going to be a lot fewer so she planned to take advantage of every one of them between now and fall. That is, assuming she was still employed here by the end of summer. She had no doubt someone would tell Adrian of her participation last night and she had no idea how he would react. Just because he had told her her free time was her own to spend as she pleased, didn’t mean he would welcome her into their tight knit little group. Including Nicole, the seven of them had been close since high school, seventeen years now and
she had no desire to ingratiate herself among them. She wanted their friendship, she might even come around to participating more fully with them sexually, but she didn’t want any close ties or bonds that could hurt if they were severed. Seeing his reaction, if he had one, when he returned would go a long way towards helping her decide whether to cross that line any further than she did last night.

  The ocean breeze felt wonderful as Sophie walked along the worn paths on the cliffs and gazed down along the beach. That was a view you couldn’t get in Arizona, she thought as she wondered if the water was cold. Since this was all private property, there were no people swimming or sunbathing, but she knew there were some similar beaches in town that were probably pretty crowded today even if it wasn’t warm enough to swim.

  When she came upon the lighthouse, she heeded Ash’s advice and simply walked around the outside, marveling at its size and the way the thick stone walls had held up after decades of weather damage. She’d love to climb to the top and look out over the ocean and as she headed back to the manor, she decided to ask one of the guys to do just that with her.

  It was early afternoon and Sophie had just finished a salad when Nora and Rachel came breezing in, the two of them dressed in shorts and tee shirts. “Hey, Sophie, want some company this afternoon?” Nora asked as she went straight to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of wine.

  “Sure. What’d you have in mind?” Sophie was actually glad to see them. She had been trying to decide what to do with the afternoon, and hadn’t come up with anything yet.

  “Croquet,” Rachel said as she found some paper cups.

  “And wine. You can’t play croquet without wine. Well, I suppose you can, but it’s not near as much fun.” Nora giggled and by the glazed look in her blue eyes, Sophie figured she had already started on the wine.

  “I’ve never played, but I think I know how. You just have to hit a wooden ball through a hoop, right?”

  “You’ve never played? You have led a deprived life, girl.” Rachel slung her arm around Sophie and headed outside. “Come on, Nora; let’s show Sophie how to play croquet.” Whispering to Sophie, she said, “I’m trying to take Nora’s mind off Adam, that gravy sucking pig.”

  “He didn’t come home last night. Does he know how she feels?” Sophie asked quietly as they went down the path to the courtyard.

  “He’d have to be blind not to, but he hasn’t been the same since Nicole’s death.”

  “Hey, quit whispering, you two,” Nora complained behind them.

  “I’m just telling Sophie what pigs men are.”

  “Oh, well, that’s okay then. You don’t think James is a pig.” Nora’s look on her best friend was accusing, but her blue eyes were sad.

  “Today, all men are pigs.” Whispering again, she told Sophie, “But not James.”

  Sophie grinned then volunteered to pour the wine while the two of them got the croquet set from the solarium and set it up. The rules, she soon learned were pretty simple. Every time someone knocked a ball through a hoop, they downed a half of cup of wine. After an hour of hitting balls, chasing balls, picking up and tossing balls, going through two large bottles of wine and laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her face, Sophie decided she really liked this new game as much as she liked her new friends.

  Maybe it was because she had downed her fair share of wine or because she was enjoying Nora and Rachel’s company so much that Sophie found herself not being totally shocked when, after Nora hit a particularly lucky shot, she threw her arms around Rachel and kissed her. That was her story and she was sticking to it, she thought, especially after seeing the two of them deepen the kiss, their mouths opening to allow their tongues to meet and feeling her pussy contract in response.

  Both women had taken off their tops earlier to reveal bathing suit tops and, as Rachel scooped Nora’s right breast out of her cup, Sophie swallowed convulsively at the erotic sight of her kneading that plump, bare flesh. Torn between wanting to stay to watch and wondering if they wanted some privacy, the decision to stay or go was taken out of her hands when they broke apart, laughing as they removed their tops before picking up their mallets as if nothing had happened.

  “Come on, Sophie. You’ve seen our tits before, so it’s no biggie. Trust me, this warm weather is a fluke and won’t last so feel free to join us and get rid of your top if you want, but either way, it’s your shot,” Rachel told her.

  Temptation beckoned and when she saw how the other two resumed the game as if doing so topless was no big deal, she shoved her insecurities aside and allowed her wine dulled senses to override her common sense and pulled her shirt over her head, glad that she hadn’t put a bra on this morning. She never could have imagined how erotic it would feel to walk around outside, her breasts bare, the warm breeze making her sun softened nipples pucker while she found the gentle sway of her breasts each time she took a step distractingly erotic. Grateful for the other two’s indifference and the happy effects from the wine, Sophie picked up her mallet and managed to hit her ball through the next hoop with one swing.

  “Great shot, Sophie,” Nora called out. “I think you like being half naked outside. I know I do.”

  “I like you bare too,” Rachel told Nora before leaning forward and taking her left nipple into her mouth, taking her time as she suckled that small rosy bud.

  Sophie watched them with unabashed curiosity, glad it was just girls today. She didn’t think she could stand here and enjoy the sight of the two of them pleasing each other if any of the guys had been around even with her senses clouded by alcohol.

  “Are you two going to play or make out?” Sophie asked with a smile wishing she had more experience when it came to sex. Watching was one thing, participating, indulging in some of the scenes she’d seen these two in was another.

  Lifting her mouth from Nora’s breast, Rachel downed the rest of her wine, grinning as Nora did the same. “I’m for making out.”

  “Me too. You’re welcome to join us,” Nora invited Sophie as she took Rachel’s hand.

  “Uh, thanks, but I’ll pass. I’ll just put this stuff away while you two… uh, do whatever,” Sophie stammered.

  “I wonder how much longer you’ll have to be here before you quit blushing,” Rachel teased. “Leave everything and we’ll help you in a little while. Right now one of the chaise lounges in the solarium is calling to us.”

  Sophie watched the two of them run hand in hand into the glass enclosed solarium, strip off their shorts and fall together on a lounge, their naked, writhing bodies clearly visible through the floor to ceiling glass windows. Unable to keep her eyes from straying towards the two of them, Sophie started to gather up the croquet equipment and store them in their carrier, her own body reacting distractedly to the sight of them dipping their fingers into each other’s pussies as their mouths clung together.

  Adrian stood in the same corner of the house that Sophie had stood in the other day, and just like she had, found he was unable to move away from watching the three of them, the sight of three pairs of naked, bouncing breasts too much to resist. Even though he had been witness to Nora and Rachel pleasuring each other before, he was a guy and he never tired of watching girl on girl action. He remembered how turned on he used to get watching Nicole with them, even after they had become a couple.

  There was no headier feeling than bringing the woman you cared about the ultimate pleasure. After they married, Adrian had become more possessive, not allowing the other guys to penetrate his wife, but he had no qualms about allowing them, or the girls, help coax her to climax. Whether she was free to participate or restrained and unable to do anything except take what he, or they, dished out, it always heightened his own pleasure to see her come apart.

  But today, his eyes feasted more on his little housekeeper than the other two, the sight of her surprisingly plush breasts with their dusty pink nipples now contracted into taut peaks, being responsible for the hard on kissing his zipper. Her hair was windblown around
her pink cheeked face, her blue eyes lit with a mixture of arousal and unease, as if she didn’t know how to accept the fact that watching Nora and Rachel together turned her on. She had an expressive face, one that held delicacy and strength that, at times, bore signs of unbearable sadness. Right now that grief was masked, hidden behind a façade of innocent lust, a look that turned him inside out as much as the one of sorrow did.

  He fought against it, knew he shouldn’t give in to the urge to go to her and touch her, give her pleasure he knew she both needed and wanted. But ever since he had talked to Ash earlier and he had told Adrian about Sophie watching them again, only this time naked and out in the open while she pleasured herself, he couldn’t get the image out of his mind. The image obsessed him enough to piss him off and he had every intention of avoiding her when he arrived home this afternoon, having headed out back in search of Nora and Rachel without knowing Sophie had joined them. Now, as he saw her reach out to pick up her shirt, he found himself automatically going to her with every intention of forestalling her dressing, his body ruling out over his mind.

  Sophie picked her shirt up off the fountain bench, shivering slightly when a light mist started to fall, the clouds having snuck in while she had been absorbed in watching Nora and Rachel, cooling her heated, bare flesh. Taking a step back, she once again bumped into a now very familiar hard body, an equally hard arm snaking around her waist, holding her tightly against him. “Adrian?” Mortified, she attempted to bring the shirt up to cover herself, but his arm kept her arms pinned to her sides.

  “It’s getting to be a habit of yours, this backing into me,” he said dryly as he nipped lightly at her earlobe. “Don’t get me wrong, I like feeling your ass cuddling my dick. I hear you like to get off while you watch.” Adrian kissed her neck when she struggled against his hold as he coaxed, “Stay, Sophie. Watch and enjoy.”


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