Pendelton Manor

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Pendelton Manor Page 18

by B J Wane

  It was dark and cold by the time they adjusted their clothing and headed back to the manor. Adrian kept a tight hold of Sophie’s hand as he led her unerringly along the path that led to the back courtyard. His hand engulfing hers was as comforting as the silence between them. Sophie was still shaken up over the time she spent locked in the lighthouse and she didn’t know how long it would take her to get over the sound of the howling wind rattling around that old building as what meager light there was faded to eerie gray. Right now she felt fragile and lost and the last thing she wanted was to be left alone.

  Both Adam and Ash were entering the kitchen from the front foyer when they came in the back door, their hair as windblown as Adrian’s and Sophie’s, their faces pink from the evening’s chill.

  “You found her!” Adam exclaimed with relief. “When you didn’t come back right away, Ash and I took off to search also. Are you okay, Sophie?”

  “Yes, thanks to Adrian. I got stuck in the lighthouse.”

  “Correction,” Adrian stated coldly, his gaze direct and accusing on the twins, “the door, somehow, slammed shut and the bar lowered, locking her in.”

  “Adrian, I’m sure it was the wind.” Sophie looked up at him with a silent plea not to start something.

  The lingering fear and fatigue that showed on her face was enough to make Adrian rein in his temper and suspicions, for now. “Come on, let’s get you warmed up.”

  As he passed his cousins, Ash laid a hand on his arm, stopping him and making Adrian look at him. “Surely you don’t suspect one of us of deliberately locking her in there? Damn it, Adrian, that’s going too far.”

  “Of course he doesn’t,” Sophie assured him then tugged on her hand. “Excuse me, I think I’ll go soak in a hot bath to chase away this chill.”

  “I’ll take you up.” Adrian pinned both men with a steely look. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  Instead of going up the stairs to the second floor, Adrian pulled her to the elevator and took her to his suite. Sophie didn’t protest because she really didn’t want to be alone right now and she really wouldn’t mind feeling Adrian’s hard body covering hers as he filled her again, his driving thrusts chasing away the demons that had haunted her all day.

  Adrian didn’t release her hand until they were in his bathroom, and then it was to turn on the bathtub faucets before ordering her to strip. “You can soak in here while I go down and bring up some food. As always, you had something prepared for us and it smelled great.”

  Sophie smiled up at him as she unbuttoned her top, the warm steam coming from the slowly filling tub more enticing than food. “I think that’s the first compliment you’ve given me. Thank you.”

  Surprise had his brows lifting then lowering before he said, “Surely I’ve told you how much we’ve enjoyed the meals you’ve fixed.” He couldn’t believe he had been so intent on keeping himself from getting too close to her that he had neglected such a simple thing.

  “No, but you just made up for it.” Tossing her shirt onto the small dressing bench, she quickly stripped off the rest of her clothes under his watchful eye until she stood naked before him, her skin heating under the hot look in his obsidian eyes.

  “Mmm, it seems I’ve been neglectful of you in more than one way.” Those dark eyes rose to her flushed face. “I’ll definitely rectify that from here on out. Get in.” With a hand on her ass, he nudged her towards the large sunken tub and helped her down into the steaming water. “Relax, I’ll be right back.”

  Sophie didn’t have to be told twice and leaned her head back on the small bath pillow and stretched out, sighing in bliss as the warm water covered her up to her shoulders. She must have dozed for the next thing she knew, Adrian was leaning over the bath, his hand kneading her breast under the water.

  Drowsily opening her eyes, she smiled at him, her body warm and lax and slowly arousing as his hand moved languidly down her body to settle between her spread legs, his eyes holding hers with promising intent.

  “You’re much warmer, Sophie, and very,” two fingers dipped between her slick folds, “wet.”

  “Adrian,” she whispered as she closed her eyes again and lifted into his hand, “please don’t stop.”

  Adrian was beginning to wonder if he’ll ever want to stop touching her, ever tire of seeing those sad blue eyes glow with pleasure that he has wrought. “I think, sweet Sophie,” he said as he grazed her clit with his thumb once, twice, three times, “that I’ll need some sustenance before we continue this.”

  Sophie’s eyes flew open again when he pulled away from her, grabbed her under her arms and hauled her effortlessly from the tub.

  “That was just mean,” she grumbled as he briskly towel dried her, his vigorous rubbing and the feel of the terry cloth nubs over the sensitive skin of her flushed body worked to keep her arousal heightened.

  “I never said I was a nice guy.” Wrapping the towel around her and tucking it in between her breasts, he kissed her hard then pulled her from the bathroom.

  The tantalizing aroma coming from the table took her mind off her raging libido and centered it on another hunger. As tired as she was, the heated looks coming from Adrian across the table as they ate made sure her mind was on anything but sleep, especially as the meal came to an end and the wine he had applied her with throughout it relaxed her mellow mood even further. The anger was still there in the tight clench of his jaw and rigid set of his mouth, the worry evident in his dark eyes as he looked at her, and Sophie once again found herself wanting to be there for him, to be a buffer for his unhappiness, wanted to be whatever he needed right now. She refused to question this desire too closely, afraid the reason behind it would scare her as much as being locked in the lighthouse had earlier.

  “Feel better?” Adrian asked when she pushed her plate away and sipped the last of her wine. Much to his surprise, he found he liked having her here in his space, liked seeing her soaking in his tub and sitting across from him at the small table, just the two of them. She was a quiet woman, and her calm presence was soothing after the roiling emotional rollercoaster ride he had been on since going to look for her earlier.

  “Much, thank you, but you still look tense. Adrian, you don’t really think one of your cousins could’ve barred that door on purpose, do you?” She simply couldn’t fathom either man doing such a despicable thing, then again, she didn’t know them as well as he did. She could see the strain suspecting his cousins was having on him. “You’ve grown up with them, you’re as close as brothers, are you sure it wasn’t an accident?”

  “An accident? You mean like the gas valve to the generator ‘accidentally’ becoming disconnected or the rat poisoned tuna that Sammy ‘accidentally’ ingested?” he tossed out softly, irritated because she pointed out so succinctly his own misgivings, misgivings that didn’t stand up when faced with the facts. When her face paled and those blue eyes filled with tears, he belatedly remembered she didn’t know that Sammy was dead. “Shit, Sophie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blurt it out that way.”

  “She’s dead? I had hoped she’d just run off, told myself she’d be back someday, but deep down I think I knew she wasn’t coming back.” Just like her sweet Emily. For how many months after her death had she kept telling herself she’d come back, that she wasn’t really gone?

  “I found her last week in some bushes about a mile from here. And yes, it could’ve been some kids being mean and playing a prank by disabling the generator. God knows our property has always been a magnet for bored teenagers to explore, their youth giving them the courage to go where they don’t belong and cause trouble, but never anything like this.” The pain and loss reflected on her face was his undoing and worked to strengthen his resolve to find some answers soon before something else happened. His mind refused to let go of the possibility that either Adam or Ash was responsible for Nicole’s death and the recent incidents, and the need to show them in a way they’ll understand that Sophie was off limits, in every way, filled him with det

  “I’ll return these to the kitchen,” Sophie said as she rose, desperately in need of something to take her mind off of the grief threatening to consume her.

  “No, you won’t.” Standing, Adrian took the plate from her hand and turned her towards him, her eyes wide with surprise and arousal as they met his. Keeping his eyes on hers, he slipped the knot on the towel loose and let it drop before taking a slow look of her body.

  “Adrian,” she whispered on a plea, her need palpable as she leaned towards him. This is what she wanted, needed, this wonderful diversion from the pain of loss, to feel that euphoric soar into ecstasy that pushed aside her grief and allowed her to find pleasure and relief for a few blissful moments.

  “Go lie on the bed, legs spread.” Without waiting to see if she obeyed, Adrian walked over to his toy cabinet and retrieved the items he had dreamed about introducing her to for days. When he turned back around to the bed, his cock jumped to full erection at the sight of her lying back, her knees bent and spread, revealing every inch of her damp slit and the shadow of her small puckered back hole between her cheeks. Perfect.

  Wary eyes watched him as he approached then widened even further when she saw what he held. “Do you know what this is?” he asked holding up the leather strap and the two dildos attached to it.

  Sophie swallowed convulsively as she eyed the contraption with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. “Not really, but I can guess where those go.”

  “Don’t worry, the smaller one goes in the back,” he said, grinning when her buttocks clenched. Adrian lubed the smaller dildo before slowly pushing it between her cheeks, smiling even more when she lifted automatically for its insertion.

  As the dildo slowly filled her, Sophie couldn’t help but compare it to Adrian’s cock, and found while she enjoyed the sensation of being stimulated there, she preferred the almost painful stretching from Adrian’s larger size. But then he spread her labia and inserted the larger dildo, this one stretching her pussy, filling it completely, and, coupled with the other dildo in her ass, left her feeling completely stuffed, every inch of her sensitive nerve endings coming into contact with the hard objects. As she remembered the pleasure to be had from having both orifices stimulated together, she felt her pussy cream further, her slick juices coating the dildo to the point it threatened to slip out.

  “Oops,” Adrian said as it slid partially out, showing him how wet she had become. “Can’t have that now, can we?” Drawing the strap up, he brought it around her waist and buckled it tightly, pulling both dildos up to fit snugly into each hole. “There. Much better. Now, I can’t neglect these babies, can I?” Leaning over her, he took one turgid nipple into his mouth and pulled strongly on that sensitive bud until she was moaning and her nipple was a small, stiff peak.

  Sophie groaned in frustration when he released her nipple with a plop, then screeched in pain when he clamped a small loop around the sensitive bud, tightening it just to the point of even more pain.

  “A few deep breaths and the pan will be gone,” he told her as he bent to the other nipple, using his tongue to push it against the roof of his mouth before suckling strongly on that peak also, bringing it to a pointed peak to match its twin before attaching the loop at the other end of the chain to it.

  This time she was prepared for the shock of the tight pinch and did as he suggested, breathing deeply until it subsided. Within moments, the pain had ebbed and was replaced by dull throbbing, her nipples felt swollen and puckered, and very, very sensitive. When Adrian grabbed her hand and stood her up, she couldn’t help but sway towards him, her need never having been so great.

  “Tell me you’re going to fuck me soon, please, Adrian.”

  “Soon, yes, but not yet. Come with me.”

  The dual dildos shifted inside her with each step she took and the sway of her breasts pulled at the dangling chain between the clamps, tugging on them as he led her to the elevator and down to the first floor. Her anticipation of playing in the den on one of the hidden pieces of equipment was brought down a notch when she saw Adam and Ash sitting on the couch in front of the television watching a movie that looked like a war film.

  “Don’t mind us,” Adrian said coolly when Adam glanced around and raised a dark brow at him while Ash openly appraised the contraptions on and in Sophie’s body. With a tug, he lowered the wider bench then turned and kissed her deeply, letting her feel the shape of his rigid dick against her mound so she was in no doubt about who was going to take her tonight.

  Sophie soon forgot about Ash and Adam’s presence as Adrian released her damp, swollen lips then turned her to face the bench. Pressing against her back, he reached up and kneaded her breasts, letting his fingers barely graze her sore, sensitive nipples as he whispered to her.

  “Bend over, Sophie.” Holding her arms against her sides, he bent her over the hip high bench before pushing her feet wide apart with his foot.

  He was a master at putting her into vulnerable positions, she thought as she felt him strap her ankles to the bench legs, leaving her helpless and exposed, his to do with as he pleased. Why that thrilled her, she had no idea, but it did and she waited with bated breath to see what he would do next. When he strapped her wrists straight down to the sides of the bench she had a moment of uncertainty as she struggled in vain to get loose.

  “Stop!” His sharp command rang with authority in the room drowning out the movie playing behind them. Reaching up, he rubbed her tense shoulders, saying, “Relax, you know you’re safe with me. Didn’t I tell you weeks ago you’d always be safe with me?”

  His voice was loud enough that Sophie knew his words were not only for her benefit but that of Adam and Ash also, a subtle warning that if they were behind the recent incidents that had caused her pain in one way or another, he was here to make sure she was okay and would stay that way.

  “Yes, you did. Thank you, Adrian,” she said, his large, hard hands kneading her shoulders along with his steely soft voice went a long way towards relaxing her.

  “Good girl.” Adrian gave her a few minutes to adjust being restrained as he reminded himself that this was new to her. When she relaxed, her shoulders less tense, her breathing smooth and even, he went to the cabinet that held yet another assortment of sex toys and retrieved a light flogger. Returning to her, the sight of her ass bisected by the dildo almost made him come right there, but he refused to give in to his body’s demands for instant release and ran the foot long leather strands over those plump globes instead.

  Twisting, trying to see what he was doing, Sophie couldn’t see what he had, but the feel of butter soft leather lightly stroking her buttocks was enough to have her anticipating the pain she knew was coming, that delicious sting that turned into the most awesome pleasure. Moaning, she shifted her hips, the only part of her she could move freely, trying to get him to do something more than tease her.

  “Adrian, please do something,” she finally pleaded, her need outweighing her promise to herself that she would not beg him again.

  “If you insist.” Pleased with her quick adjustment to being restrained and her anxiousness to feel the snap of the flogger against her ass, with a practiced flick of his wrist, he gave her what she wanted.

  Sophie jumped at the first stroke, the feel of five different strands slapping her flesh in different areas, setting off a wave of electric intensity and pleasure so intense she visibly shuddered with it. The second stroke was harder, the pain sharper, the warmth deeper. Her pussy responded in kind, swelling with need, creaming the dildo further so that with the next harder stroke, she clutched the fake phallus with her vaginal walls as the pain intensified her response and built her peak higher.

  Over and over, Adrian brought the flogger down across her buttocks and thighs, covering every inch of her flesh, slowly building the heat, alternating the strokes between hard snaps and softer strokes until she was awash in sensation and on the verge of exploding in climax. The press of her clamped nipples against the b
ench, rubbing against those sensitive buds, only added to the pleasure, heightening the experience until she soon lost track of everything except the pleasure/pain coursing through her, obliterating everything else.

  Adrian recognized the signs of her capitulation, the glazed look in her eye, the small teeth biting her lower lip, the slick juices seeping around the dildo to coat her thighs, and slowly eased back on the strokes until he was once again just lightly caressing her now pink flushed skin. His cock was drilling a hole against his zipper, but he continued to ignore his discomfort, putting off fucking her for the second part of her seduction and his cousins warning that she was off limits in everything. Bending, he released her ankles then her wrists before flipping her pliant body over and smiling down into her flushed face and frustrated eyes.

  Spreading her thighs with unabashed need, she questioned demandingly, “Now?”

  “No, Sophie.” Kissing her pouting mouth quickly, he grabbed her wrists before she could swat him, chuckling at her feisty desperation as he pressed a hidden button on the wall.

  Sophie thought she had seen all the hidden gadgets and equipment in this room, but as the chain lowered from the ceiling, two padded cuffs attached to the end, she realized there were still things she was ignorant of. She didn’t question him or struggle when he attached her wrists, raised the upper half of the bench until her head and torso were lifted halfway up and pressed the button again to raise her arms until they were stretched tautly above her. She didn’t question him when he pulled her hips to the end of the bench, bent her knees and spread them wide apart before again restraining her ankles in place, leaving her completely open in front of Ash and Adam who were making no attempt to hide their interest.


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