William of Archonia: Redemption

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William of Archonia: Redemption Page 22

by Jarod Meyer

  “Why do you come here?” the large man asked.

  William was taken aback by the question.

  Because my superior officers told me to come, he thought to himself. However, he knew that this was not the real reason why he had come. William spoke, truth ringing in every word.

  “I wish to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. To prove to this world that I am more than a tainted soul,” he said.

  There was a long silence before Vulcanus responded softly. “This is the truth. Follow me.” He turned and walked towards the great dragon statue, once again enshrouded in flames.

  Vulcanus walked into the inferno, but William stopped upon the threshold. He looked at the very real looking flames. He thought back to the fire they had huddled around the previous night.

  Was it real? Is this? The heat emanating off the blaze felt real enough. He reached out and slowly let his hand sink into the wall of fire. He smiled for a split second, until a fierce pain shot up his arm, and blinded him. He fell backwards, clutching his hand. The flesh was bright red, and burned so badly that he could think of nothing else.

  William breathed through clenched teeth as he focused. He had seen people heal each other many times. He let his energy flow to his hand, wrapping it around the burn, and slowly the red subsided. After a moment he looked down. The faint glow of his aura encompassed his arm. His focus broke, and the glow subsided. He was staring at his hand, which was no longer red or hurt. He flexed his hand, wincing as it throbbed, a bit.

  Not a professional job, he thought to himself, but it will have to do.

  He stood up again, gritting his teeth. He peered into the waves of red and orange fire, and could see Vulcanus standing with his arms crossed, completely still amidst the chaos of fire.

  This must be what Henry meant by the tempering process?

  William let out a breath.

  This is mad, he thought, before forcing his energy out and letting it surround him. It flowed over his skin, encasing him completely in a dull gray glow he might have been ashamed of the dull energy if anyone else was watching. He hadn’t told anyone what color his projection was, and the others had been too busy to see it during the climb.

  At this point, color didn’t matter. He put his glowing hand into the flames once again. He felt the heat. He felt it burn, but it was tolerable now. He flexed his body, telling his mind that the pain was not real. William fought with every ounce of strength, and then stepped into the flames.

  The fire pushed at him as he marched slowly towards Vulcanus, cringing in pain. His skin screamed in agony. His garments blackened and melted away, until he was completely exposed. After what seemed like the longest walk in his life he stood in front of Vulcanus. He could go no further, so he stood before the large man, growling to help with the pain. His eyes met the giant Archonian’s stone cold gaze. Then Vulcanus spoke.

  “Now you have endured what those poor souls experience every day in the deepest places of Dichonia.” Vulcanus whispered through the flames.

  William’s mind registered his words, but he couldn’t didn’t think on it further. He needed all of his focus on keeping the pain at bay. It was staggering, and blinding, almost more than he could handle.

  His mind worked to block out the heat and pain, denying that it was happening. William had been punched, stabbed, and shot in his life time, those pains now miniscule in comparison. It felt like his skin was being scraped off with a knife, and he dared not look, or he might lose his focus and make that horrible possibility real. It was red, yes, but real flames would have turned the skin black, and made it melt away. But it was just an illusion. His mind telling him that it felt real.

  Vulcanus stood in nothing but a loin cloth, surround by this inferno, but apparently not affected by it. He was definitely not projecting. Everything told William that he had to be in worse pain than him, yet he show no signs of it. Perhaps his garment was a projection, or he was the one projecting the flames.

  “I can grant you the means to defend yourself, William,” the ancient man said.

  “Please,” William pleaded, finally falling to his knees in agony. Then William heard a voice inside his head.

  Picture your armor, young Archonian. See the plates of metal, and imagine the strength within them. They cover your body, protecting you from all evil. Feel the strength within your soul, tainted one. Use the energy within to form them. Mold them with your mind.

  Vulcanus began to chant. It was an unrecognizable mantra that grew in volume.

  William could barely focus on anything now. It felt like his body was being incinerated over and over again. He looked up at Vulcanus, who shouted in the strange language. William roared defiantly, and burst to his feet. A wave of energy rolled over him, and started to take shape. He saw his armor clearly in his mind. He saw himself standing tall and strong, clad head to toe in metal. It wasn’t what he expected, however. It wasn’t the silver and gold he had seen his fellow Archonians wearing. His armor was dull gray, like iron, and didn’t shine.

  William’s cloudy energy blew back the flames, his deafening cry shaking the cliff top. He held out his arms as if to pull something in, and grey steel plates appeared out of thin air. He could see them clearly in his mind now, and before him. The perpetual agony had made it so.

  The energy upon his skin expanded outward wrapping him in thick quilted fabric and a clinking sound resonated as chainmail flowed like water from his shoulders down. Finally the plates clasped to his body roughly shaking him with each impact, they molded to his body like a second skin. It was only a moment before the whole process was complete.

  A rush of relief filled him. The flames collapsed back onto him, but they lacked the searing bite. They were cool now, like he had just jumped into a pool of water on a hot day. He closed his eyes, and basked in the sensation.

  When William focused, he realized the only audible sound was the whipping of the flames as they washed over him. He looked up at Vulcanus who quietly watched him. William inspected the metal plates adorning his body. The metal plates that now clad his body were simply stunning. Their solid and geometrical form was covered in tiny etchings, made up of many intricate details.

  He had thick black leather gloves on and a flowing cape draping over one of his shoulders. He shifted and moved trying to get the feel of it. There were many layers underneath the plate which made for a lot of bulk, but he was not heavy in the slightest.

  Did my mind really create this? he wondered.

  “Thank you, old man,” William said, glancing up at Vulcanus once again.

  Vulcanus didn’t response right away. His stare was long, and penetrating.

  “Every tainted soul that I have forged armor for has fallen to darkness, save for one. I struggle to believe that it will be any different now. Prove me wrong,” he said darkly.

  William nodded, and said, “I will.” Then he turned and walked out of the flames.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A Plot

  William’s eyes adjusted to the light of the bright sun, to find that he was standing face to face with his fellow initiates. They looked astonished. Samuel eyed William’s armor, his jaw dropping open.

  “William, we heard you screaming. We were terrified,” Katrina said.

  “All part of the process, I guess,” William said, chuckling. “Do you want a closer look? I can take it off so you can crawl inside. Or, maybe take a photo.”

  “What is a photo?” Katrina asked, her face scrunching up.

  “Oh, right. You guys wouldn’t know what that is,” he said dryly.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Juarez said. “Look at you, a true Guardian,” he said tugging on the armor.

  William moved, noticing that the heavy armor didn’t encumber him, in fact, they felt as light as a feather.

  “That is an interesting color,” Katrina said. “All the armor I’ve seen has been silver and gold.”

  William tried to change the subject.

  “I thin
k Vulcanus is waiting for you guys,” he said, motioning with a thumb towards the fire behind him.

  The group’s eyes went wide, and Samuel actually took a step back. “Does it hurt?” he asked, staring warily at the surging inferno.

  “Yes,” William said bluntly, “it hurts like a son of a bitch.”

  “What is a son of a bitch?” Ulifrig asked.

  “Just go,” William said, annoyed that his modern colloquialisms continued to go over his counterpart’s heads.

  The excitement on Juarez’s face was apparent, as he broke into a run towards the flames.

  “Juarez!” William yelled before his friend dove in. “Shield yourself!”

  Juarez considered him for a moment, and then a golden wave passed over his skin.

  “Thanks for the tip,” he said, flashing a quick smile, before disappearing into the flames.

  Katrina took a deep breath. Juarez screamed from within the flames, roaring in defiance of the pain. Samuel looked hesitant, but Ulifrig grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the edge of the flames.

  “We didn’t come this far to be cowards,” he said.

  Slowly, one by one, his fellow initiates entered the flames. William let out a slow breath. Ever since exiting the flames with his armor he had felt an unusual surge of energy, and gradually grown as he tried to remain calm.

  He had just faced pain beyond anything he previously thought possible, thanks to the forge. Everything now seemed a little less scary. Such a release of inhibition must have increased his power. Whether it came from his armor, or somewhere inside of him, he didn’t know. All he knew in that moment was that he could no longer contain it.

  The peak wasn’t a very large plateau, and he had passed the edge in an instant.

  Without thought he burst from the ground and was airborne. The peak passed in a blur as he soared out into open air, moving like a bullet. William felt himself slowly start to descend, his momentum faltering. Panic and doubt blossomed inside, but he pushed them away. He had just survived the forge. His inner energy was no longer hidden from him.

  With a shout, William pushed it forth, fighting against the gravity trying to desperately to bring him to the ground. It was almost effortless, and almost instantly William could feel his body lift. He laughed, and began spinning, letting the wind whip his face. It was bliss…perhaps the first real freedom he’d felt in a long time.

  William was free. Not even gravity could hold him back any longer. The chains of his former life whisked away in a moment. As he broke the cloud line he came to an abrupt halt. The sun shone brightly, splashing warmth upon his face. He hovered and soaked it in. He had finally found a place that he could live in happiness.

  * * *

  The excess energy flowing through William’s body burned off after flying around for a few minutes, so he decided to turn and head back to the mountain top. It took him the span of a few seconds to find his way back, and when he landed the force of his impact formed a small crater in the hard stone.

  I will have to work on a softer landing, he thought to himself.

  William went over to the edge of the fire, where he could hear his friends crying in agony, and winced. They would have to endure this, as he did, and there was nothing he could do to help.

  So, that is the point of this trial? To endure pain so intense that a person never fears pain again.

  After pacing for what seemed like hours, the other recruits began to emerge one by one. Ulifrig emerged first.

  “Awesome,” William whispered when he saw Ulifrig’s armor.

  Thick white leather covered chain mail which shined gold in the daylight. Two large horns curved around in front of his helmet and his axe strapped to the back of it made him look like a mythical warrior. Though technically I am now, William thought to himself.

  Juarez appeared next, beaming with excitement in his eyes. Apparently the pain had not even fazed him. William thought immediately of the musketeers from Juarez’s era, but with more armor. There was an excess of white and gold cloth that bloomed out from under silver plates that were engraved with flowers and thorns. Upon his head a flamboyant white hat pinned up on one side with a golden feather that hung lazily behind him.

  “Good Job buddy you look dapper,” William said with a grin.

  Katrina was next, and she surprised everyone. Her armor looked very delicate. She wore a breast plate, but the rest of her body was covered in a flowing tunic over shiny chain mail. She wore no helmet, only a diadem of bright silver with many jewels encrusted upon it.

  Samuel rocketed out of the flames last, a look of utter relief plastered on his face. He stopped and spun circles in the sun, taking in his new appointments. His armor was shiny silver plate, etched with scrolling gold filigree. Hardened mail gleamed from underneath, tied into place with corded leather. Beneath that, William could see an intricately quilted jerkin, his movements hinting at gold rose-gold colored thread.”

  “What now?” Samuel asked, finally finished examining his armor.

  “Follow me!” William said with a wink, and dove off the edge of the cliff.

  He couldn’t see their reactions, but he knew what they were feeling in their new armor. Naturally, Samuel caught up with him first. He already had some skill with flying after all. Juarez followed closely behind, and Katrina and Ulifrig after that. They wove in and out of the sky, making great patterns in the clouds, enjoying the welcomed reprieve from training.

  “William!” Katrina shouted. He looked back to find her beaming. “I. Am. Flying!” she hollered happily.

  William nodded his head, and took off above the clouds again. The others whooped and hollered excitedly, defying the clinging bonds of gravity for the first time as they too slipped the bonds of gravity for the first time. Their trip back to Valhalla took half the time, and felt less like a journey.

  * * *

  The group’s visit to the Greige Forge symbolized the end of their recruitment training. The only thing standing between themselves and Guardian status, was a ceremony inducting them into the order, and not to be taken lightly. An induction into the order of guardians was for life.

  Not an oath to be taken lightly, William told himself over and over.

  He had heard of the oath many times, and had been studying it since the night Achilles approached him on the training grounds. Yet it was only now that its significance was truly sinking in. He went over the words he had learned in his mind:

  I guard the innocent

  I guard the light

  I will not feign at evil’s might

  I speak the truth when faced with death

  And strive for honor with every breath

  I don my armor and now crusade

  To see laws of gods and men obeyed

  From now til death I solemnly swear

  To Guard against darkness everywhere

  William thought that it sounded ridiculous at first. After all, rhymed and sounded cheesy, like something out of a superhero comic book. But it didn’t feel like a joke now. The reality of it filled him with anxiety and pride. Soon the words would mean much more than he could ever truly fathom.

  Until death is a long time in Archonia, he thought.

  William also knew that not every Guardian returned from their crusades in the mortal world, and that it was an honor to die while aiding the cause. William felt the fear of dying on many occasions and wasn’t in a hurry to experience it again any time soon

  He wouldn’t have to worry about crusades for a while however, as Chang Fei assured them they were still far from being combat ready. The Trip to the Forge had unofficially made them Guardians, but while the preparations of the ceremony took place. Their intense training continued. Their Armor had unlocked significant power within the recruits, but they had only begun to discover their true potential. Samuel developed the ability to create powerful shields to protect himself as well as others. Katrina was becoming even faster. She could now overtake some of the more experienced soldiers.

  Juarez discovered that he had a knack for healing. More than once William overworked himself in training, and his own healing skills weren’t strong enough. Huge gashes and bruises would cover his body at the end of a training day, and although William could make the pain subside, Juarez could make them disappear.

  William’s projections became the talk of the entire barracks as soon as they returned from the Greige Forge. Rumors spread of their unique color. Some feared William for it, while others were intrigued.

  His fellow Guardians had remained steadfast by his side. This new feeling of brotherhood had helped him focus on his training and less on what people thought of him. He was one of the stronger soldiers, though he didn’t possess any extraordinary gifts, he could unleash vicious waves of energy that would flatten most anything. In fact William was excelling in all areas of combat, and it seemed that he would not be stopped until he fought Achilles himself.

  William found himself holding the Atlas ball, inspired by his cocky attitude during his earlier sparring session. He held the atlas ball for what seemed like the entire day before Change Fei appeared and ended his punishment. He set it down, and headed back towards the barracks.

  William enjoyed the darkness, especially now, since he didn’t want to be noticed. Though he stayed incredibly busy with his training regimen, he started devoting a large portion of his extra time at night patrolling the halls, hoping he would catch sight of Meredox.

  The light crystals shimmered down the castle halls, leaving large pools of inky shadow between them. It was a nice contrast to the overly bright days in Archonia. He also could have projected to give himself more light, but was comforted by the shadows.

  He turn left and stepped into the hall of the samurai, glancing at some of the plaques detailing the ancient heroes of feudal japan when he heard low voices in the dark. He picked up his pace, keeping his footsteps light to muffle the sound. He moved slowly, peering around each corner carefully. The voices grew louder. He crept down another corridor and peered around the corner. A bright light glowed down the next passage.


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