The Mile High Club

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The Mile High Club Page 1

by Lindy Hudis

  Published Internationally by Lachesis Publishing Inc.

  Rockland, Ontario, Canada

  Copyright © 2013 Lindy Hudis

  Exclusive cover © 2013 Laura Givens

  Inside artwork © 2013 Giovanna Lagana

  All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher, Lachesis Publishing Inc., is an infringement of the copyright law.

  A catalogue record for the Ebook is available

  from the National Library of Canada

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  ISBN 978-1-927555-38-5

  Editor: Joanna D’Angelo

  Copyeditor: Giovanna Lagana

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Thank you to my publisher LeeAnn Lessard and my editor Joanna D’Angelo, and the awesome staff at Lachesis Publishing. To my family, Steve, Cameron, and Veronica, for always being there . .

  Now Available


  City of Toys

  The S & M Club (Book 1 in the Devon and Desiree Series)


  Devon and Desiree - Part 2

  LAX was crowded as usual, but neither Devon nor Desiree seemed to care. Both were excited about their trip to New York, and both were practically shaking with anticipation when their thoughts drifted to all of the sexy and tantalizing things they were going to do in the Big Apple. Desiree had never been to New York City before, and Devon was especially eager to show her around.

  “You know, one of my fantasies is making love on an airplane,” Desiree whispered in Devon’s ear as they passed through the security check point.

  “Yeah, I remember.” Devon winked back at her, noticing the burly security guard gazing at the two of them.

  “I’m getting wet just thinking about it.” Desiree licked her lips as she passed through the metal detector.

  “Don’t worry . . . I promise you, this will be an interesting flight.” Devon held up her arms as the uniformed security guard ran the hand-held metal detector across her gorgeous body. She noticed his eyes lingering over her voluptuous chest.

  “Wish I was going where you two’re going.” He smiled at the two of them, and he handed them their bags from the conveyor belt.

  “We’re going to have wild, lesbo sex on an airplane.” Devon winked at the guard, always outspoken and not caring who heard her. Desiree stifled a giggle as the man’s eyes almost bulged out of his head. He watched them intently as they walked away, their sexy round butts quivering.

  “He better pay attention to his job. Somebody with a bomb might get through.” Desiree smiled.

  “Who can watch bags all day when your hot ass is right here?” Devon grinned. They trotted through the crowded airport, every male eye in the place glued to their beautiful bodies.

  “So, do you remember my airplane fantasy in detail?” Desiree asked Devon, her innocent blue eyes sparkling. “I really want this one to come true.”

  “How could I forget? It got me so wet . . . I can’t wait to get on that plane,” Devon whispered in her lover’s ear as they hiked through the busy airport, snaking their way around the luggage-laden throng.

  “Well, can we?” Desiree licked her full lips.

  “I don’t see why not.” Devon winked as they entered their gate, as the final boarding call blared over the intercom. Devon and Desiree showed the attendant their boarding passes, and ran down the jet-way just as the door was about to close.

  “Just in time . . . your seats are 17-A and 17-B, in the back.” A beautiful blonde stewardess, with glossy lips and huge breasts, pointed towards the back of the aircraft.

  “Maybe she can join us?” Desiree looked at Devon with hopeful eyes.

  “Nah, let’s get a guy to join us. I feel like some hard cock with my inflight snack.” Devon grinned, as Desiree stifled a giggle.

  “Well, there will be no shortage of men on this flight. Non-stop from LAX to LaGuardia. We can take our pick.” Devon exhaled loudly as she collapsed into the plush window seat.

  “How long is this flight?”

  “About seven hours, if you count the time change,” Devon explained.

  “Then we’ll have plenty of time, too.” Desiree made herself comfortable, and pushed her bag under the seat in front of her.

  “Thank you for joining us today on our non-stop service from Los Angeles to New York, La Guardia. Please fasten your seatbelts for take-off.” The sexy blonde flight attendant spoke calmly over the intercom, as the plane began to taxi down the runway.

  “I don’t know what it is, but I get so turned on when a plane takes off,” Devon whispered, as the aircraft began to gain speed.

  “I know what you mean. The rush, the full throttle, and the lift. Ohhh, makes me almost want to fuck an airplane.” Desiree closed her eyes as the plane shook and jolted with the speed of the take-off.

  “Or a guy just as big.” Devon giggled as the plane lifted up into the air. The houses and cars of the city below suddenly transformed into tiny dot-like toys. Devon gripped the arms of her seat and leaned back. Within minutes, bright sunny sky and fluffy white clouds enveloped them. Devon breathed a hearty sigh of relief.

  “You? A white-knuckle flyer?” Desiree stared in disbelief.

  “Hmm . . . a little.” Devon eyed her with sultry emerald eyes.

  “Well, don’t worry, sweetie. I know just what to do to keep your mind off it.” Desiree leaned over and gently ran the tip of her tongue along the edge of Devon’s ear, causing her to squirm.

  “Wait, honey . . . let’s at least get to cruising altitude first,” Devon whispered seductively.

  “I’ve got your cruising altitude.” Desiree grinned, as the aircraft reached a comfortable, horizontal position.

  A male voice boomed over the intercom. “Good morning, passengers—this is your captain speaking . . .”

  “Oh, now that is a sexy voice . . . damn, I am horny.” Devon leaned against the back of her seat, and closed her eyes.

  As the flight attendants prepared the inflight beverage service, Desiree discreetly glanced around the cabin. She craned her neck to check out the male talent on board. A man and his wife sat across from them busily studying a Manhattan subway map. Their teenage son, adorned with tattoos, looked bored as he stared out the window. Cheerless looking businessmen and families seemed to be all that there were. Looking ahead, Desiree noticed that the hot blonde flight attendant had quickly closed the curtain separating them from the first class section. Now, that is the place to look for hot men! Desiree began to unbuckle her seatbelt.

  “Where are you going?” Devon asked, sleepily.

  “To go find that cock you wanted.” Desiree grinned, getting up from her seat.

  “What? The Captain?” Devon asked, wide-eyed.

  “No, hun, but I am heading in that direction.” Desiree winked, and made her way up the narrow aisle to the front of the plane. All the men seemed to almost salivate, as the delicious blonde in the white t-shirt, and no bra, ambled by. Desiree never wore a bra, since she had become lovers with Devon. She loved it when men ogled her breasts. She could tell they were fantasizing about her. Smiling seductively back at the male passengers, she slipped behind the heavy curtain. Glancing around, she spied an obviously rich older couple downing champagne along with a few more, older businessman types.

won’t give up . . . if you can’t find prime cock on a first-class flight to New York, where else can you find it?

  Finally, she froze in her tracks. There he was, sitting at the very front of the plane, and he was alone. He was in his mid-thirties, and could have been JFK Jr.’s twin. He was wearing a smart, black Armani suit, a gold Rolex dangled from his wrist as he sipped his coffee while he perused his tablet. Desiree could feel herself getting wet. Her mouth became dry, and she licked her lips.

  “Pardon me, are you in first class?” the sexy blonde flight attendant was smiling at her, revealing her shiny white teeth.

  “Uh, actually, I just have to go to the bathroom,” Desiree whispered, and then stepped up to the door of the tiny lavatory. She could not take her eyes off the gorgeous man, whose dark eyes seemed so soulful. He looked up at her, and they made eye contact. She thrust her chest out, nipples poking through the thin material of her t-shirt. His eyes went from her face, to her voluptuous chest, then back to her face. He smiled at her, and she winked back.

  “Ma’am . . . it looks as though the lavatory is available now.” The flight attendant eyed her, as she poured Mr. Hottie more coffee.

  Hmm, I think she just may have the same idea as me.

  Desiree slipped into the small bathroom to catch her breath. She unzipped her jeans, reached down to touch herself, and felt her soaked panties.

  “Ohhhh . . .” The heavy sigh escaped her lips as she rubbed her swollen clit. She threw her head back against the wall, and reached up to tweak her hard nipples with her other hand. Mr. Hottie was the best looking man she’d ever laid eyes on, and she was determined to have her way with him. She licked her index finger and made light circular motions over her damp vulva, and stroked her damp breasts with the other. She could hardly contain her excitement. One of her fantasies was about to come true.

  “Ma’am?” The loud banging on the door interrupted her hot thoughts, and she quickly pulled her jeans back up.

  “Just a minute,” she called, as she splashed cold water on her flushed face. She opened the door, and found herself face-to-face with the blonde flight attendant.

  “Are you all right, ma’am?” she asked, eyes curious.

  “Oh, yes. I certainly am.” Desiree brushed her hair out of her face and stepped out of the bathroom into the first class section. She spied Mr. Hottie immediately, and they made intense eye-contact, if only for a brief moment.

  “The coach section is through there,” the flight attendant said, pointing to the curtain.

  “Yes, I can find my way back.” Desiree smiled, and made her way down the tiny aisle, passing the sea of eyes that seemed to fix on her wherever she went. When she arrived at her seat, she noticed Devon giggling and sipping wine.

  “So, where have you been?” Devon’s green eyes were twinkling.

  “You are not going to believe this, but the most gorgeous man I have ever seen is sitting right up there.” Desiree grinned.

  “Up where?” Devon took another drink of her wine and eyed Desiree.

  “Up in first class. Oh, man, he is such a hottie.”

  “Really? Let’s go check it out.” Devon began to unbuckle her seatbelt.

  “Now, there is a problem. The blonde flight attendant seems to have dibs on him. She won’t let us anywhere near first class,” Desiree explained.

  “Then we will just have to distract her.” Devon licked her glossy lips.


  “Let’s just say I have a bag of tricks. Now, let’s go meet this hottie.” Devon chugged the last of her wine, and got up from her seat. Desiree followed, dying to know what her secret was. Devon always seemed to know what to do in any sticky situation. The two of them walked confidently towards the first class section. Devon flung the curtain out of the way like it was a little ragdoll, and immediately noticed the amazing man. He looked up at Devon and Desiree, and smiled at them. The flight attendant had her back to them, as she was pouring the man more coffee.

  “That’s him,” Desiree whispered to Devon.

  “Yeah, I figured. You’re right, he is a delicious piece of cock,” Devon said with a grin.

  “What about the flight attendant?”

  “Piece of cake.” Devon shot Desiree a knowing look. “Let’s damn the torpedoes.”

  “Let’s do it. I’ll introduce myself to Mr. Hottie, and you take care of the stewardess,” Desiree said.

  Devon disappeared into the bathroom, and Desiree waited for the right moment. When the little old lady in the seat next to him got up, Desiree made her move. She smiled seductively and shook her long blonde hair. The man looked up from his coffee, and nodded his approval. He’d obviously noticed her gorgeous, delectable breasts under her thin white t-shirt. Desiree sat down in the tan leather seat, and grinned.

  “Hi.” She blinked her blue eyes at him.

  “Hello.” He smiled back. He was even handsomer and sexier close up. His eyes were deep brown, and his hair was so black, it was almost blue. His aquiline nose and his olive complexion made her wonder if he was Italian-American.

  “My friend and I couldn’t help but notice you.” She lowered her eyes and acted coy.

  “Interesting, I noticed you and your beautiful red-headed friend, too.” He smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.

  “Hi, I’m Desiree. So, what’s your name?” Desiree reached out to shake hands with him.

  “Matteo, but call me Matt. Nice to meet you.” He squeezed her hand back.

  So were you in L.A. for business or pleasure?

  Business . . . ” he replied.

  “Oh, yeah? What kind of business?”

  “I’m an entertainment lawyer. I have high profile clients in Beverly Hills.” He gazed at her with his intense, dark eyes. Desiree felt the heat between her legs quickly spread like liquid fire.

  “So, are you from New York?” Desiree asked, knowing that Devon was waiting for them in the bathroom and was surely growing impatient.


  “You married?”

  “No. You?” He leaned in close. Desiree noticed that the blonde flight attendant was starting to wheel her cart down the aisle, and she needed to work fast if she was going to make this fantasy come true.

  “Listen, Matt, my friend and I think you are totally hot. We want to have a threesome with you in the bathroom. Interested?” Desiree smiled, and licked her lips.

  “Huh?” Matt blinked, unsure of what he was hearing. The flight attendant had spied Desiree, and she knew that she was about to get kicked out of first class.

  “Come on,” Desiree whispered to Matt, and grabbed him by his hand. They quickly darted into the farthest, first class bathroom, where Devon was waiting. Devon eyed Matt like he was a prime rib steak ready to be devoured.

  “Matt, this is my friend Devon.” Desiree introduced them. Matt didn’t waste any time. He yanked her t-shirt up over her large breasts and began sucking on her nipple. Devon threw her head back, and moaned with pleasure. She gripped his hair, and began fondling her other breast.

  Desiree, not wanting to be left out, got down on her knees in front of Matt, and smoothly unzipped his pants. His cock was already hard and throbbing. In one sleek motion, Desiree licked along the bulging blue vein that ran the length of his shaft. She felt his body tense as she took the sensitive head of his penis between her lips. Matt reached down with one hand and gripped Desiree by her long blonde hair. Desiree’s tongue traveled down his shaft until she reached his balls. She took one into her mouth, then the other, and gently sucked them. A loud groan escaped Matt’s lips while he continued to tug on Devon’s taut nipple. Desiree could feel his body shiver as she nipped at his balls.

  Devon began to unzip her jeans, and pull them down over her long legs. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and Matt was quick to touch her unshaved, scarlet bush. Matt rammed his finger deep into her pussy, causing Devon to moan loudly, and pound on the thin wall.

  Desiree was certain that the passengers could hear all of the
goings-on in the small lavatory, but she couldn’t care less. She was so horny and juicy, that all she wanted to do was ride this hot man for all he was worth.

  Matt removed his lips from Devon’s erect nipple, and bent down to give Desiree a hot, passionate kiss. He darted his tongue in and out of her wet mouth, and raised her up off her knees, so she was standing up. Matt slowly lifted Desiree’s t-shirt and revealed her perky, delectable breasts. Her pink nipples stuck out like thimbles, and he began to eagerly suck one. Desiree threw her head back and moaned with the intense pleasure.

  Devon reached over and began to remove Desiree’s jeans, revealing her pink lace panties. Matt picked Desiree up by her waist, and sat her down on the small metal toilet. He kneeled on the floor, opened her legs wide, and began to kiss the soft area of her inner thighs. Devon reached over and began to suck and tweak Desiree’s hard nipples. Matt’s tongue darted in and out of Desiree’s soaking pussy, until Desiree started to shake and shiver with her orgasm. As she climaxed, she let out a scream and gripped the metal towel rack, tearing it clean from the wall. Sweat dripped from her face and breasts as she caught her breath.

  Devon wrapped her arms around Matt from behind and began to stroke his engorged penis.

  “Do you want to fuck my friend?” she growled in his ear.

  “Fuck yes!” he shouted.

  “Then do it. Now! Hard and fast!”

  Devon began to play with her pussy while Matt thrust his cock into Desiree. Desiree, feeling wildly aroused again, moaned in pleasure.

  Devon began pinching Desiree’s nipples as Matt pushed his cock in and out of Desiree.

  Desiree threw her head back and shrieked in ecstasy.

  Devon bent down and began kissing Desiree as she continued to finger her own pussy.

  “Fuck you two are hot!” Matt shouted as he watched the two gorgeous women tongue kissing. He pumped his cock into Desiree even harder.

  There was a sudden pounding on the door, but the three of them ignored it. Matt gripped Desiree by her succulent thighs, and kept thrusting, moaning and grunting, his face contorted into a horny gargoyle’s face. Desiree spread her legs wide so that Matt could better fuck her. Devon could tell that Desiree was about to cum again, so she pinched her nipples hard.


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