Valley Of Glamorgan

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Valley Of Glamorgan Page 8

by Julie Eads

  I thought for a few moments then answered hesitantly, “Well….. No…. I haven’t really thought about it that much to be honest.” I suddenly needed to get the focus away from me, so even though I knew what his animal was I still asked, ”What is your animal Liam?” hoping that Knoll wouldn’t say anything.

  Not expecting it, I was surprised by his reaction at my having called him Liam. He grew sort of frigid, but quickly responded by saying, “I chose to be a black bear, as do many of the guardians. I had once dreamt of being a guardian when I was a child. Therefore, I wanted to be the same animal as them.” I smiled and thought that it was sweet that he had shared such an intimate dream of his with me.

  “A king wanting to be a guardian, mmmm that is interesting,” I said and smiled at him.

  Liam chuckled and with a polite smile back he said “Yes it would be, if I had been born to be a king but I was just a normal villager Mina. Then, when I was a teenager I met your mother, who was next in line to the throne, and so here I am today.” In some respects I felt bad for not knowing that; after all they were my parents and I suppose I should have known their story. I should have at least asked Knoll more about them.

  Suddenly Eleanor chimed in, “I chose to be a snow leopard. They are such beautiful creatures, and rare in these parts. I decided I wanted to be something unique. In fact, I am actually the only Snow Leopard in the whole village.” She had said it matter of factually, but with a brilliant smile and I could tell that she felt proud at being so unique.

  As I looked at Maggie, she shook her head and before I could ask, she laughed saying, “My animal is a little bizarre, at least compared to everyone else’s. I didn’t choose a feral beast. I wanted something peaceful and kind; as those are the qualities a healer must possess.” I waited in curiosity to find out what she had chosen. “My animal is a grey and white horse,” she said, pride sounding in every word.

  Liam smiled and said, “Most find it a strange choice, but for any of those that truly know our Maggie, then they know that it is the perfect fit. You see from the age of three up to now she has always spent every Sunday in the stables with the horses. They were her true love; that is until Knoll came along,” he finished jokingly. For a moment I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have felt like to watch Liam tell people stories about me if I had grown up here. Maybe I would have had a story like Maggie. Suddenly I longed to make some memories here.

  Dinner was finally served, which I was thankful for as it would finally silence my grumbling stomach. By the time dinner was over I had eaten three bowls of stew, and two large slices of soda bread. My stomach felt as if it was about to burst, and I think I had surprised everyone by how much I had eaten, even though they were probably too polite to say anything. By the end of the meal I had decided that maybe soda bread was my favorite food so I hoped there would be some served at the party; even though my full stomach grumbled in protest at the thought.

  Remembering the party I asked, “I was wondering who was going to be at the party?

  Eleanor was the first to answer, “Well, everyone in the village most likely.” I laughed nervously, hoping that she was joking but, by the look on her amused face, I knew she wasn’t. ‘Oh my God,’ I thought to myself, ‘this was going to be very nerve racking.’

  “Speaking of the party,” Maggie said as she stood up, “I know this might sound weird, but it is tradition for your guardian to take you to the party. He is somewhat like your date and will present you to the people. He also has to make a speech about how he will vow his life to protect you.” I hadn’t known Maggie very long, but there was definitely a change in her demeanor when she said that Knoll had to vow himself to me.

  However, I didn’t say anything but let her continue. “Most of the time this is done when a princess is a child, but due to the circumstances we are doing it now,” she said, trying to avoid bringing the circumstances up. I nodded in understanding, even though I was freaking out inside. What I thought was just a welcome home party was actually going to be a very important affair; one that held great importance to my life here. If I was nervous before, now I thought I might experience a nervous breakdown.

  Rising from the table I asked to be excused so I could prepare for the party. Having made my way to my room I sunk onto the bed as soon as I had closed the door; I felt so overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast. I knew that my family was just so happy to see me, and that they were looking forward to the party but I wished they had given me more time to take things in. In fact, just give me enough time to get some sleep but I knew I couldn’t have asked that of them.

  Getting up off the bed I remembered the dresses that Maggie had mentioned. Moving to the other side of the bed I found three beautiful dresses lay out on the dresser, waiting for me. The first was a cocktail dress that would end just above my knee. It was red and low cut at the front with a black bow tied to the side. The second dress was similar to the first, but it was pink with a black ribbon tied around the back. But the third dress just took my breath away. It was an exquisite green apple color; there were two wide straps that sat just on the shoulders. It also had a low neck line cut into a V-shape whilst the waist had beautiful diamonds spread across it, as well as in a crisscross pattern across the midriff part of the dress, before cascading down in a fan style to just above the feet. It was by far the prettiest dress I had ever seen and I knew it had to be the one for me as soon as I saw it. I did wonder if it might be too much but, then again, it wasn’t every day that a princess who had been kidnapped, returned home.

  Having just finished dressing I heard a light knock at the door. Calling enter, Maggie opened the door then stopped and stared at me. “You look amazing,” she said in a loud squeal, “I am so glad you picked that one. It was my favorite too!” Leading me into the bathroom she instructed me to sit down so she could do my hair.

  As she worked on my hair, I noticed the dress she was wearing. It was very pretty, and made her look quite classy being an all-white strapless gown, with a thick, bright red belt tied around her thin waist. With it she wore a pair of red strappy heels and her hair was tied back in a messy bun.

  “I love your dress, it fits you so well,” I told her as she finished putting my hair up before making me stand up to look in the mirror. She had done a wonderful job, having taken my long unruly hair and put it up into a braided bun, with a headband-braid lying across the top. “I hugged her warmly, being careful not to mess up her dress or her hair.

  Finally ready we both made our way down the stairs, which wasn’t that easy a task due to the heels I was wearing. At the bottom of the stairs I was met by Knoll and my parents. Eleanor wore a very pretty long, black, lacy gown. She also wore her hair in a side bun. Smiling she told me that she thought I looked exceptional and Liam agreed as he quickly pulled me into a hug.

  “You look quite handsome yourself,” I said to him; making him laugh. He wore a black suit, with a black tie. It was simple but fit him perfectly.

  Then I turned to look at Knoll. He looked very handsome in his white suit and green vest and tie that matched my dress! Taking my hands in his he gently pulled me into a light hug. “You look lovely,” he said. I thanked him before quickly stepping to the side in order to allow him and Maggie to admire one another.

  Then it was time to go and we began walking to the large ballroom where my party was being held. Strangely I couldn’t help but admire my little family. Knoll and Maggie were nestled hip to hip and I admired that they could walk that close together. Eleanor and Liam walked farther apart, but their hands never left one another’s. It was a delightful scene to see.

  Chapter 7

  We stopped just outside the entrance to the ballroom. Eleanor, Liam and Maggie continued inside. Knoll and I remained outside the doors. We were to wait until they called for us; standing in silence with both our wide eyes fixed on the large wooden door. Butterflies filled my stomach and I could feel that Knoll was nervous too. Then it was our turn and smiling at me
he gently placed his hand on the small of my back. “It will be okay,” he reassured me as we walked into the room.

  I was surprised by the number of people inside; there seemed to be thousands. At least it seemed that there was that many. In reality the number was more likely to be in the hundreds. Everyone was sitting in chairs around elegant, wooden carved tables but they were all looking at Knoll and me. As we walked in everyone stood, bowed and then started clapping. Slowly I could feel my face begin to redden. I hadn’t been expecting such an overwhelming response to my presence and as such as I nearly tripped over my own feet; my nerves not settling until we had taken our seats. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very comfortable with the seating arrangements as I found we were sat at a long table facing all the other tables meaning I found myself staring into everyone’s knowing-gaze. I was glad when Liam stood and took the attention away from me.

  “I want to welcome you all to our home, and to the celebration of our youngest daughters return,” he said with tear filled eyes before continuing with, “You all know the devastation that our family has experienced since Carmina was taken away. So you will understand how glad we are to have her home, and we want to thank you all for your support and prayers throughout those tough years.”

  Standing up Knoll instructed me to follow him as he walked towards my father. “At this time we will have the guardian promise ceremony,” announced Liam as he handed the microphone to Knoll.

  Knoll got down on one knee, as if about to propose to someone, and I couldn’t help but blush. Then taking my hand in his he spoke into the microphone. “Carmina,” he began, projecting his voice, “I vow my life to protect yours. I will not let anyone hurt you ever again! If I shall fail you, I shall fail my destiny in this world, and will take whatever punishment your father deems necessary.” He looked at me with pride in his eyes before asking, “Do you accept me as your protector?”

  Wiping a tear from my face I tried to project my voice just as he had. Calling out into the ballroom I announced in a loud voice, “Yes! I do accept you as my guardian.” Immediately everyone stood and began clapping. Shortly afterwards they started making their way towards us, in order to shake our hands and congratulate us. It was odd how much the event seemed like a wedding ceremony. I was waiting for the band to start playing, and the presents to arrive. But instead all we received were headaches; or at least I did. There were so many people speaking to me that their faces began to blur together. Although I tried my best to remember all their names I knew it was probably impossible.

  Suddenly a lady with long, fiery red hair and grey piercing eyes approached me. She walked with an elegance holding her head high and wore a floor length silver dress with a pair of black heels that made her look taller than anyone else in the room. As she reached me she seemed to grasp my hand just a little too hard as she started to shake it. Choosing to ignore her attitude I was just about to introduce myself when she interrupted me, telling me that her name was Thora; then she swiftly brushed past me to speak to the group of people standing next to my parents.

  After she had passed by Knoll leaned down and warned me, “Mina, be careful around that one. She is not good company to keep.” Just as I was going to ask him to explain, we were interrupted by a swarm of new people who had come to welcome me home and offer me their well-wishes. As I smiled I wondered if this ordeal was ever going to end or if I would have to stand here and shake people’s hands all night.

  In a lull I was about to go get myself a drink but was stopped in my tracks when I saw Declan walk into the room! Suddenly I felt butterflies filling my stomach, such as I had never known before. It was as if the whole room had grown quiet, and he was the only person that existed to me. As he approached Declan took my hand and kissed it.

  “It’s so great to see you again,” he announced. His words were laced with a beautiful, rich Irish accent. The sound flooded my thoughts, and it took me a moment to pull myself together in order to think straight. I had to keep telling myself, ‘Come on Mina speak!’

  “It’s great to see you as well,” I said, in what sounded to me a high pitched squeal. It felt as if I was a babbling idiot, but the way he made me feel by simply kissing my hand was so overwhelming.

  Clearing his throat he asked me, “Would you like to get out of here?” Looking at him I was surprised by his question. Was it that obvious that I was getting tired of standing and shaking people’s hands?

  “Can I do that?” I asked, looking behind me at Knoll; who seemed to be staring oddly at us.

  “Mina, you can do as you please,” said Declan simply. And so I left Knoll standing in the sea of people while Declan led me outside. It felt like a long time before we reached the walkway leading to the castle.

  Once outside he asked me, “I hope this is ok?” The moonlight shone down on him, illuminating his grey eyes. The flecks of blue that resided there were mesmerizing. I thought he had by far the most unique eyes I had ever seen and couldn’t help but stare at his raw perfection.

  “It’s beautiful out here,” I announced looking up at the beautiful night sky. The stars were so bright that they seemed to be scattered all over the night sky. “I don’t think I have ever seen so many stars,” I said; trying to keep my mind and eyes off Declan.

  “I have lived here my whole life and I don’t think I will ever get tired of the beauty of the night sky,” he said. “And speaking of beauty,” he quipped, looking directly into my eyes and giving me no other option but to look back into his, he continued, “You look absolutely astounding tonight,” and then he smiled. He was still looking at me, waiting for my response; one I was still searching for. Everyone had told me how amazing I looked tonight but, coming from him, it was as if he had reached into the night sky and handed me a star. He had made me feel as if I was the only girl in the universe; as if I actually was the princess everyone told me I was. However, at this moment in time I didn’t want to be their princess; only his and that thought scared the hell out of me. We had only known each other for a short amount of time. Not to mention that I was still too afraid to ever love or trust someone again, especially after Stephanie and Jack had betrayed me.

  Declan obviously realized that I was experiencing some turmoil within my thoughts because he suddenly asked me if I was alright. “I am fine,” I quickly spat out; trying to convince him that all was well.

  He just looked at me, as if he could see through the lie; then he put his hand on my arm. “I understand that you have been through a lot. I just want you to know that we are all glad to have you home safe,” he said in perfectly calm tone.

  “Thanks, that means a lot,” I said, through a genuine smile. “I honestly don’t feel like I am at home though; I feel like I’m in a movie or something. It’s just so hard to believe that this is my life, it’s all so surreal and I motioned with my hand at everything around me. Then I began telling him more than I had told anyone since I had arrived at the castle.

  “I haven’t told anyone how overwhelming all this is for me because I didn’t want to make them worry. Everyone was so happy that they had got their princess back, but what if they don’t like who I am? To tell you the truth at this moment in time I don’t know who I am anymore as my life has been turned upside down.”

  Declan stood silently listening to me intently. I had somehow known before I started talking about all of this that he wouldn’t judge me. It was such an odd thing. I felt more connected to him standing here in this crazy new world than I had with anyone my whole life; and that scared me more than anything else that had happened.

  “Mina,” he spoke in a gentle, soothing voice; his words coming out almost in a purr. “No one expects you to be perfect. We understand that you have been through hell, and no one wants you to be anything other than whom or what you are. But if you are still trying to find that person then that is okay too. We are all family here and will support you, no matter what difficulties you face.” Suddenly he pulled me into an unexpected hug. “Know that I will always
be here to listen to your problems,” he whispered a few inches from my ear. And once again the butterflies in my stomach started soaring. I didn’t know what else to say other than thank you.

  Slowly we made our way to a small bench. As I sat down I felt relief at taking the weight off my stiff ankles. I wasn’t accustomed to wearing high heels, and didn’t think that I wanted to if it hurt your feet like this every time you wore them. Taking my shoes off, I welcomed the cold concrete to my aching feet as I tilted my head back and looked up at the beautiful night sky.

  Declan placed his arm casually around my shoulders and looked up into the night sky as well. And there we sat, in silence, enjoying the view and the embrace of each other’s company. Declan was the first to speak, “I know that you have had a great deal on your mind, and I hope that you don’t mind me asking, but have you put any thought into what your animal will be?”

  “Ah,” I said jokingly, “That seems to be everyone’s favorite question. To be honest it’s all new to me so I really haven’t had much time to think about it. If I have to choose then I know that I want it to be something completely unique.”

  He smiled a brilliant smile and laughed, releasing a light chuckle from his chest, “I wouldn’t have expected anything less, seeing how truly unique you are.” It seemed that every time I thought he couldn’t surprise me anymore, he did. Smiling back at him I thanked him once again as he had left me nearly speechless by the simple statement. Shortly afterwards we were interrupted by my father coming down the walkway.

  Declan quickly withdrew his arm from around my back then stood up. “Hello Sir,” he said. I could have sworn that he seemed nervous, which was completely different from the careless attitude he had used to address my father in earlier that day.

  “Hey,” I said; simply waving at him. I didn’t know if I should have been nervous as well.

  “You kids enjoying the beautiful night eh?” he asked, a smile plastered on his face. However, I noticed that his eyes hadn’t left Declan’s the entire time.


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