Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2)

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Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2) Page 17

by Reily Garrett

  Ethan caught Caden’s gaze in the rearview mirror and nodded his head before adding. “It became quickly obvious that Mr. Tate has put stock in your assurances of Kaylee’s safety. It seems he’s put faith in you already. How’d you swing that?”

  “Maybe because I’m competent.”

  Once home, Ethan and Lexi followed Caden and Kaylee through the kitchen to the patio. Lexi had pulled out a half-gallon of ice cream en route. Hoover padded behind, obviously expecting a treat.

  “I’ve got spoons and laptop.” Kaylee appreciated like-mindedness.

  Each sat at the patio table while Lexi booted up her computer.

  “I’ve gone through Ciera’s files, pics, and social media. One man I identified, as recently as two months ago, is a contractor, Basil Millen. He popped up in several photos taken at parties and charity functions, so I went into his media pages and email as well. Quite a few messages were detailing their private, um, meetings.” Lexi turned the screen to face Kaylee. “Do you recognize him?”

  “Yes! He was the guy I told you about—at the church. Is he in any other photos I took? I wasn’t paying much attention to people.”

  “No. I’ve already checked.” Lexi pointed her spoon at Kaylee for emphasis. “You did say that you approached him, right?”

  “Yes. I stumbled across the church he’s renovating and took some pics while they were working. He was standing out front talking to one of the crew, so I went up to ask a few questions and get permission to take some pics inside, too.”

  “I dug deeper and found his emails referring to their future together. Ciera was going to divorce her husband and take up with Basil. She also described a woman, Vasilisa Sokolov, as her husband’s whore. It was easy to track her down, she’s here on a student visa studying computer science, also employed as a personal assistant at Janson’s Import Export. And she’s living way beyond her means.”

  Lexi frowned before continuing. “Since it’d make no sense for Ciera’s boyfriend to hurt her, we need to look at the husband and his girlfriend.” Lexi leaned back in her chair. “I see where Janson’s has been under investigation for questionable practices in the past. Another strike against the husband if he’s involved with them, though I haven’t found those ties yet.”

  “Well, weren’t you a busy little bee while at the station.” Caden shook his head.

  “Ciera was supposed to meet Basil the evening after she went home, but she disappeared first.” Lexi’s time line drew a more puzzled frown from everyone present. “Which doesn’t tell us how the husband knew where she was—especially considering how she was dressed.”

  “Do you think the husband knew about his wife’s lover? What I saw of his temper, combined with motive and his impulsive behavior...” Kaylee glanced at Caden, trying to read his expression. He’d locked down his emotions.

  “Definitely possible,” Lexi replied, “but I can’t find proof.” Ethan rubbed Lexi’s shoulder, who couldn’t mask the shudder shifting her weight.

  “Ciera’s brother put us in touch with her attorney, who confirmed she’d begun proceedings for divorce,” Ethan added. “We’ve not found evidence proving the husband knew it was coming. Two members of the task force are searching his home as we speak.” Ethan opened the bag of marshmallows left on the table and picked up a skewer from the stacked stone surrounds. After sitting and threading several of the gooey treats on the rod, he held it over the open flame. “Jeez, we used to love these as kids.”

  “What about the clerk at Lush Fragrances?” Kaylee asked.

  “The only thing we’ve dug up is that her father is an amateur photographer, which might be how she knew you had a different camera with a sketchy knowledge of the equipment,” Ethan said. “He also has a short sheet for accepting stolen merchandise. We don’t have enough for a search warrant. If they are involved or have received your camera, they wouldn’t be stupid enough to use it in public.”

  “How did Ciera die?” Caden’s monotone pain lanced the subdued atmosphere.

  “Strangled.” Ethan shook his head. “A poacher’s dog found her during a quail hunt.”

  “When are you gonna talk with the boyfriend, Basil? Maybe he’ll shed more light on the marital relationship or the husband’s girlfriend.” At the wood’s edge, a robin’s sad trill echoed other songsters, giving voice to the anguish in Caden’s expression.

  “Billy’s gone to interview him.” Ethan’s fist repeatedly clenched on the skewer holding marshmallows. The McAllisters stood united.

  Quiet details of the investigation filled the gaps as Kaylee’s thoughts went to Ciera. The sight of her begging for freedom would haunt her nights for years to come. As if reading her mind, Caden stepped behind her, massaging the knots forming in her shoulders and neck.

  The absentminded gesture continued as he spoke about the case. She couldn’t help but wonder how much Ciera had meant to him. He’d once thought of her as his new beginning. In earlier conversations, he’d described them as distant friends after breaking off their relationship.

  “All right. We’ve got to get going.” Ethan handed the last marshmallow to Lexi. “We’ll be back on Sunday for a proper meal.”

  “That includes graham crackers and chocolate, dude.” Lexi stood and gave Caden a hug.

  “We’ll lock up on our way out.” Ethan smiled at Kaylee before adding. “We’re closing in on at least one of them. Once we have him, we’ll get the rest.”

  Meant as comfort, his words reminded her she was the only surviving witness to killers on her trail.

  “Peace and quiet once again, but it’s starting to cool off a bit. How about we take this inside.” Caden rubbed the back of his neck before offering his hand. “I appreciate you believing in me.”

  * * * *

  “Seriously? Anyone with a single working synapse can see they’re framing you. The kidnappers murdered Ciera. Now they’ll be highly motivated to eliminate any witnesses.” Her thoughtful gaze took in her surroundings, the darkness of the woods, quiet and deep.

  Kaylee wrapped her arms about herself yet couldn’t smother the full-body shiver. “I hope they catch him soon. Poor Ciera. She begged me not to leave her, and I ran like a coward.”

  Caden loosened the grip of her hands and wrapped his own about her waist. “You took the only viable option. You have to know that.” Slipping a finger under her chin, he stroked the soft under-curve of her neck. “You survived, Kaylee. In that situation, it was the only way possible. At least now, we can get justice for her.

  “She was pretty bruised up, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the kidnapper or her husband. I guess we’ll never know.”

  “We’ll figure it out, sweetheart.” Holding her in his arms generated a satisfaction threaded with exhilaration he couldn’t deny. His brothers’ teasing words about the parade of women he’d previously enjoyed and Ethan’s warning that one day he’d grow bored and want a deeper connection drifted through his thoughts. Lexi’s appearance in Ethan’s life had irrevocably changed him for the better. Would it be the same with Kaylee? The responses she stirred in him were as much psychological as physical.

  “Would you like a nightcap?” The sudden disconnect when she’d padded toward the house set him adrift in a wash of uncertainty.

  “Nah, I’m good. I just want to unwind.”

  Her body softened with his touch, every time. Still, doubt remained whether their obvious chemistry comprised the lion’s share of their relationship, or, more likely, the culmination of grief over losing her twin, kidnapping followed by the attack, and her injuries, all swirled her emotions into a confusing maelstrom of unchartered territory she’d never untangle. He’d man up and keep things platonic. After all, he and Lexi were merely friends.

  They spent the rest of the evening in quiet conversation. The fact she snuggled against him on the sofa as they debated the merits of cave exploration over trail hiking added fuel to his existence in the friend zone. After everything she’d been through, she seemed to take thing
s in stride, as if expecting life’s torrent of bombs to continually batter her consciousness yet determined to persevere anyway. All things considered, his new sidekick showed more spine and courage than any woman he’d ever known.

  It wasn’t until he woke to predawn light filtering through the curtain’s gap that he realized they’d fallen asleep on the couch. They both lay full out, with his body spooning hers and his arm slung over her waist. Never in his life had he slept with a woman all night.

  Hell, and we’re supposed to be just friends.

  His brain below the belt hadn’t received the memo. The thought caught in his mind like the cog in a misshapen wheel that rhythmically hitched with each rotation.

  When she rolled over and snuggled on his shoulder with her breath warm on his arm, he didn’t mind the fact his hand had gone to sleep. It was worth every tingly, shooting discharge. Very gently, he stroked her waist and flank then let his caress drift up her back. Her hair held the hyacinth scent that begged him to nuzzle ever so lightly. The little squirm, her response, provided a painful reminder that they were platonic. If she’d felt the evidence of his desire, she disregarded it. Another new experience.

  Ignoring the prodding of his libido, he let his thoughts drift in a profusion of hope and uncertainty until his cell phone rang.

  “Lucas, what’s up? Kind of early for you to have your eyes open, much less thoughts clear enough to operate heavy equipment.”

  “Dumbass. While you’ve been playing house, I’ve been working. We got her kidnapper a few hours ago. Stupid shit was catching the ferry to Victoria.”

  Caden smothered a groan when Kaylee sat upright and stretched, arched her back, and yawned. Her T-shirt stretched snug over perfect breasts, soft mounds he’d vowed not to touch until she was safe.

  “Good. Did he give up his accomplice?” Caden readjusted himself before leaning up.

  “No. Says he doesn’t have a name, just called his partner, butt-rot. The guy’s not smart enough to set this up. Watch your back till we catch the prick.”

  “Anything from forensics on Ciera?” Caden closed his eyes against an image of the killer strangling the terrified socialite, once so filled with energy and enthusiasm for all life had to offer.

  Kaylee’s show of nonchalance didn’t fool him. She may crave the coffee she now prepared, but the new firmness of her jaw, neck, and shoulders, screamed stress and a need for current information.

  “Yeah, they got fluids off her body. It’ll take some time to see who we match.” A slight hesitation warned of Lucas’ concern. “I was thinking, why don’t I come over and help you set up some trail cameras. I know you have a video system around your house, but this guy we caught—he had gun residue on his clothes but not his hands. He might’ve stood beside your shooter, but he probably didn’t pull the trigger. It’d be nice to have an earlier warning system.”

  “Nah, I can set them up. It’ll get me out of the house this morning.”

  “All right. Oh, and don’t be surprised if Matt drops by. I think he wants to touch base with your girl again.”

  “Did you check the husband’s alibi?” Caden asked as he watched Kaylee still while tossing the empty bacon wrapper in the trash.

  “Yeah, he was out of town.”

  “All right. Keep me updated. I’ll catch you later.” With his gaze focused on Kaylee, it took him two tries to disconnect the call.

  She padded over and sat beside him, nudging him with her shoulder after setting his coffee on the table. “Well, what’s the verdict?”

  “Hmm, first of all, thanks for the coffee. Secondly, you’re going to help me set up trail cameras today.” After taking a drink, he asked, “How’s your arm and wrist feeling?”


  “Good. Okay, here it is in a nutshell. Lucas said they caught one kidnapper heading north. They have forensics working on his clothes now, but he’s probably not our trigger man. Both the husband and boyfriend have solid alibis. We still don’t know how and where the husband’s girlfriend fits in all this.”

  “Figures, but we didn’t peg the boyfriend for being involved anyway.” Concentration furrowed her brow as she took another sip of coffee.

  “What do they know about the girlfriend?”

  “Lucas says the damn feds have a file on her, but they’re not sharing.” Caden’s coffee cup landed with a heavy thump on the end table. The small lip of the coaster contained the sloshed contents.

  “So, she’s a dead end?”

  “Only legally.” A feral smile tilted the corners of his mouth. “Lexi will let us know what she finds.”

  “Handy talent.”

  “Yep. Plus, they’ll break the creep in custody and hunt down the partner. Let’s think about better things, shall we? How about I finish cooking breakfast. I can dazzle you with my amazing skills.”

  “Pancakes that can double as chakrams?”

  “How do you know about Indian weapons?” Caden asked, wondering what other surprises she had in store.

  “Had a friend in college that was into exotic, martial arts stuff.”

  “All right, then. Watch while I cook phenomenal pancakes without turning them black or deadly.”

  Working in companionable silence then eating at the kitchen counter, Caden marveled at Kaylee’s stoicism. Afterward, urging her to call her parents again and check on them, he realized keeping them in the loop was a necessity. Even from across the country, they bolstered her spirits. Like before, he explained in detail the day’s events and how he’d avoid another catastrophe before her father would let him go.

  “Do you think the other kidnapper is on the run now?” Kaylee’s shrewd gaze didn’t miss a beat. Scrutinizing with a sharp intellect had become natural.

  “Most likely. But we’ll stay alert, just the same.” Quiet, efficient movements cleared the table and allowed him to study her surreptitiously. Her slight frame had lost some of the earlier tension, yet the weight of guilt still burdened her shoulders.

  The soft purr of a truck’s engine overshadowed the start of the dishwasher. “Sounds like Matt’s here.” Lucas’ forewarning had sounded a little off but lacked specifics.

  Soft chimes designated the coming visit abnormal. For Matt to ring instead of barging in signified either loss of key or a prime example of, Oh shit, now what?

  Caden’s back stiffened while checking his phone’s screen, hooked into his surveillance setup. His brother’s plastic smile hid an agenda only time would reveal.

  “Maybe he’s got more news.” Kaylee trailed him to the door.

  “Hmm, but using the doorbell’s got to be a first. Maybe he’s confused about its purpose.”

  “Hey, at least he cares enough to visit. Sounds like he brought Damien. Cool.” Kaylee’s excitement bubbled up in a smile and hum of approval.

  Soft woofing muffled by the door ended with an excited bark. Morning sunshine spilled through the open doorway before Matt’s shepherd forged ahead to greet Kaylee. Caden had received a light nudge.

  “Bro, what’s up with the formality? You’ve never bothered before.” Caden peered inside the duffle bag shoved into his hands.

  “You’ve never had a house guest.” Smiling at Kaylee, Matt continued, “It would seem you’re a good influence. Congrats.”

  “What’s all this? Lucas said you wanted to talk with Kaylee.” Either behind the eight ball or playing catch up summed up his life.

  “I’ve got a new K-9 handler to train. Can you watch Damien for a couple weeks? I brought enough food and toys.”

  “Seriously? You’re just gonna dump a dog—” Soft cooing and snuffing between Kaylee and the shepherd cut off Caden’s words.

  Matt grinned. “See? Match made in heaven. Thanks, man.” Matt slapped Caden on the back. “Lucas said you were gonna put up trail cameras. Need any help?”

  “No.” Despite Caden’s recent near-death experience and the small freak-out in the tunnels, and because the brothers had always read each other so well, Matt wouldn
’t emasculate his brother by suggesting they move to a safe house. In his way, he still protected those he loved while helping in any way he saw fit. Still, the insinuation that he couldn’t protect Kaylee stung.

  “Matt, I don’t think now’s a good time.” From dropping off his dog to setting up trail cameras, Matt and Lucas discussed this before arriving.

  “Oh. I’ve always wanted a shepherd. He’s beautiful. You don’t mind, do you, Caden? If it’s too much, I can take him—”

  “No. The dog can stay. At least he knows his place.” Caden scrubbed a hand over his morning scruff. He should have seen this coming.

  “Good. Let’s sit for a while and talk. You got any more coffee, bro?” Matt made himself comfortable on the sofa while Kaylee sat on the raised hearth to be at eye level with the dog.

  “Sure. Make yourself at home.” Ambling to the kitchen, Caden realized Matt wouldn’t leave until finishing his assessment. The fact his brother took a seat and acted as a guest instead of pillaging through the kitchen spoke volumes. “Any news?”

  “Yeah, Ciera’s parents’ are offering a huge reward for the capture of the kidnapper’s partner—dead or alive.”

  “I expected they would. How are they holding up?” Cups clinked when Caden took one from the cupboard.

  “As best they can. Abby went and spoke to the McFadden’s. The brother wanted to apologize for mouthing off to you—and about you. I told him I’d pass it along.”

  “Shit. With all they’re dealing with, that shouldn’t even register.”

  Matt turned his attention to Kaylee. “Caden says you’re a decent shot and you own a pistol. Are you a hunter?” Unpacking the duffle and tossing Damien a tug toy added a false air of nonchalance.

  “I don’t hunt, but I love to trap shoot.”

  “Ah, passed down from a police officer to his kid?”

  “Yep. My brother and I used to shoot registered targets, but it’s been a while since I’ve practiced.”

  “Well, I’ve got some extra time. Why don’t we set up some plastic jugs out back? I’d love to watch you embarrass Caden with your skill.” A wide grin revealed his eagerness to test her ability.


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