Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2)

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Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2) Page 19

by Reily Garrett

After they’d swept the rest of the house and returned to the kitchen, Caden called Matt. Soft profanities heard through the connection reminded her how much the brothers had in common.

  When he hung up, all she wanted to do was run.

  “Don’t touch anything. The gang will be out shortly to see if we can lift any prints. Damn these bastards are quick.” Running a hand through his hair, he continued, “Let’s go to the office. I want to check the security feeds and see if they picked up anything that might help.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Déjà vu. Two months ago, he hadn’t protected Lexi from a cyber stalker who’d hidden in plain sight.

  History will not repeat itself.

  In the study, he guided Kaylee to sit on the deep-tufted sofa. Though pale with stress lines about her mouth, she mimicked determination with a stiff posture and steady gaze. It wasn’t until he delved within her contemplative regard that the façade she presented proved paper thin. Rapid deterioration of her resolve produced beads of sweat above her lip, pallid skin, and a slight tremble of her chin. Her fertile imagination probably superimposed her face on a mental snapshot of Ciera’s body.

  Once at his desk, a figurative anchor fell heavy in his stomach, its flukes embedding in the lining. “Son of a bitch.” Tiny screws sat in a pile on the calendar. The side of his tower slid off its mooring with the push of a finger. Inside, the hard drive had been removed.

  Kaylee hovered over his shoulder. “Jeez, why take your hard drive to prevent us from collecting evidence. Wouldn’t it be easier to wear a mask?”

  “Yeah, but body height and shape is a little harder to conceal. Point by point analysis would’ve given us at least something.”

  “You thinking maybe the husband’s girlfriend? Maybe she’s connected to all this. She is studying computers.”

  “Could be. I pegged Conroy for a bully and a coward, but not a killer. Much as I hate to say it, it’s possible the girlfriend is connected to the thugs and wanted Ciera out of the way. In taking the hard drives, maybe they figure they’ve cut all connections with you.”

  “Both mine and Ciera’s computers are missing. At least he didn’t get my backup camera.”

  “Maybe this was a reconnaissance and recovery mission. I’m sorry about losing your work. We’ll get you a new laptop. At least Lexi copied the hard drives. My brothers will be camping outside after this charade.”

  “They love you and want to see you safe. I’ll bet anything we get invites to visit with them.”

  Part of him wanted to whisk Kaylee off to a secluded location—yet that meant hiding—something he’d never done and went against every basic instinct declaring him a man. He’d spent months in the isolated home, not facing his past and reluctant to forge a path ahead. Bringing a vulnerable young woman into his intended fortress and life had made him want to be a better man, one capable of protecting those in his care. In his heart, he knew she dominated increasingly larger portions of his soul, a blending of spirits he couldn’t detach, nor would he try.

  “No, that’s why Matt left Damien. He knew I wouldn’t accept anything else. We’ll be fine. But it’s time to step up our game and take these bastards out.”

  “Why didn’t they stay and ambush us when we came in?”

  “Maybe it was the girlfriend, and she just wanted to retrieve evidence.”

  Matt’s brisk arrival preceded Lucas and Billy’s striding through the doorway, each bearing equipment from the department. They hadn’t gone two steps before demanding all pertinent information.

  “Thanks, guys.” Caden realized their unspoken show of solidarity and support stemmed from a long history of stubborn awareness and insight.

  “No problem. Lucas was on his way over anyway, wanted to bum lunch and hang out for a bit. If Kaylee can’t cook, he covered that angle, too. You’d all starve otherwise.” Billy quipped.

  “He’ll bring more food, preprepared or steaks, got you covered regardless of who’s fixing the meal.” Lucas gave Billy a shoulder nudge before adding. “It’s enough for Sunday lunch. I’ll cook since I’m the only male in the family that can.”

  “No, Ethan is better. His meals don’t taste like roadkill,” Billy retorted.

  “I’m gonna take Damien out and see what we can pick up, though I don’t expect much since your intruder probably wore gloves and we have no scenting object like we did with the first bastard.” Matt clipped on the dog leash before heading out the front.

  “Let’s retrace your steps and make a list of the shop owners you’ve interviewed and places you’ve gone.” Billy took a seat at the kitchen table.

  Caden had already begun. “Either the prick was well-informed or was in a big hurry. They could’ve waited for our return.”

  “Maybe they know you’re armed and you have a dog.” Lucas moved to kneel by Kaylee. “How you holding up, hon?”

  “I’m good. Glad the prick at the river wasn’t a better shot.”

  “I’d offer you sanctuary in my home, but Caden would probably release his inner gryphon and slash me to bits. ’Sides, he’s one of the best at what he does.” Glancing over his shoulder, Lucas added, “You gonna stay here?”

  “Yeah. If they found us this fast, they’re well organized. At this point, trying to hide would be useless.” Caden took in the set of Kaylee’s jaw and stiffness of her shoulders. He would keep her safe, regardless of the measures it took.

  “All right then,” Billy murmured. “Here’s an update. Forensics matched DNA on Ciera’s T-shirt to you, Caden. But fluids on Ciera matched her husband along with the thug we caught. Her spouse claimed they’d made love the morning before she left, hence we have nothing on him. Looks like the killer raped and strangled her, then dumped her body. Ethan spoke with the family this morning, told them we have one of the shits in custody.”

  “Are they gonna arrest me?” Caden expected Saunders to stride through the door at any moment.

  “Not after tying Vasilisa Sokolov to organized crime and Kirpatzel. The feds are more interested in her for the moment.”

  “So, we have no DNA on the other perp.”

  “Not yet. He’s been pretty careful so far. We don’t know if he’s even in the system,” Billy looked around as if missing pertinent clues. “There had to be something important on the laptops to want them that bad.”

  “Maybe they were afraid Ciera found out about Vasilisa?” Kaylee looked to Caden for his opinion.

  Lucas stood and ambled to the window overlooking a deep ravine bordering the side yard. “We can ask Lexi to track Ciera’s computer. No doubt she planted something amid the software when dubbing the hard drive.”

  “Her standard protocol.” Billy snorted before turning back to Caden.

  Further conversation defined their options and highlighted their vulnerabilities. Each decided Kaylee was safest with Caden.

  “One more thing.” Lucas frowned as he pinched his bottom lip between his teeth. “The first kidnapper died in his cell last night.”

  “What? How? You didn’t think that important enough to share before now?” Caden drew in a slow calming inhalation to combat the rising tide of frustration.

  “Don’t know how yet, no visible evidence. We figured with the connection to Kaylee broken, they’d no longer be interested in you two.”

  “Makes sense for them to go after the one we caught. It’s overkill to go after a witness who doesn’t have further pertinent information…personal even.” Caden moved to stand behind Kaylee’s chair to gently rub her shoulders. If only he could remove the stain of fear from her aura, evidenced in her hunched posture and shifting gaze.

  “Sounds like it. I’m surprised someone didn’t use a shiv from a bed’s framework.” Billy’s report received nods from those present.

  “Better than honing a petrified ass apple.” Lucas’ quip received a glare from his brothers.

  “He also had a female visitor late last evening,” Billy added.

  “Gross.” Kaylee looked away in disg
ust. “Do you know if the woman was the banker’s girlfriend?”

  “No identification yet. Either the lead dog wanted to close ranks, or the kidnapper made a quick enemy. Either is possible,” Billy shrugged then added, “Maybe they figured Kaylee is too much trouble since she couldn’t identify any others and they’d close ranks on the other end. Maybe they just wanted the computers to see what we had.” Conversation drifted through the possibilities of various scenarios.

  When Matt returned, he held up a small evidence bag containing a piece of black cloth. “Can’t say who it belongs to just yet, but Damien found this.” The shepherd, now off lead, padded to Kaylee and sat by her feet. Immediately, she tunneled her fingers through the thick fur.

  “Good. We’ll see what comes of it.” Lucas took the evidence bag and placed it in his case.

  “I’d like to think they’ve given up on me, but the best way to find out and end this is to—” Kaylee turned to look up at Caden.

  “Kaylee, do not finish that sentence. You are not going to set yourself up as bait.” Dread coiled inside Caden’s chest, squeezing painfully.

  She’s already done that by staying with me.

  “It would work.” Her insistence earned hard stares from each sibling.

  “It might also get you killed. We don’t know who we’re up against. The only reason the feds haven’t posted a detail here is because we’re family and standing united.” Matt’s gaze shifted to Caden. “Let us know if you need anything. I want regular updates. Like when Ethan had a problem, the rest of us will be taking turns keeping an eye on the place.”

  Caden sighed. “Let me show you the coordinates for the trail cams so you can share them with the others.” Doubt and reluctance shadowed his thoughts in pursuing his current course. He’d learned long ago that when he didn’t know who he was up against, he didn’t know which way to run. At least he secured home turf advantage.

  For the first time since buying the home, Caden didn’t feel paranoid about using the drapes.

  Kaylee heaved a quiet sigh after his brothers left, her expression somewhat resigned. “I’m trying to remember what a normal life felt like.”

  I know just how to distract her.

  “We’ve had a rough day. How about I throw some steaks in the oven, then we can cuddle on the couch and stream a movie.”

  “Sure. How about a romantic comedy?”

  How about an ice pack for my jeans? The more space she took up in his heart, the harder it was to view her as a friend. Speculating on the timing of the next attack, knowing there would be one, kept a lid on his libido.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Morning.” Kaylee yawned and stretched, arching against Caden on the couch. Waking up snuggled against him had become a habit she didn’t want to break, although continuance in that comfortable vein wouldn’t restore her self-confidence.

  Two weeks had passed since the break-in, yet the first stirrings of cabin fever failed to hover among her thoughts. In seemed the bastards who’d hunted her, had given up. Until they’d uncovered more of the conspirators, the brothers had taken turns staking out the house.

  “Mhmm.” Caden tugged her back against his chest.

  Mutual nonverbal agreement declared neither one willing to give up the contact at night and sleep in their own beds. Despite her frustration, he declared them friends until they’d ended the threat. Unfortunately, he took great delight in taunting her with his addictive masculinity and powerful sexuality.

  “I’ll let Damien out.” Not that she wanted to move, at all, but the longer she remained, the harder it was to get up.

  Upon hearing his name, the shepherd padded over from his bed in the corner and proceeded to lick her face. “Hmm, yes, boy. I love you too. Let’s go.”

  “Damn. Wish I was a dog.”

  “According to your brothers, you were the one in high school voted most likely to not die while jacking da stick.”

  “Hey, those days are behind me. How about I let the dog out, and you cook breakfast.” Caden cracked his finger joints as he moved to stand.

  “Sure. You mind if I grab a quick shower first?”

  “Help yourself. I’ll call Matt and get an update.”

  A narrowed gaze, crooked grin, and the way his teeth nibbled his lower lip warmed her all the way up the steps and into the cool, man-made waterfall.

  The fact he’d woken with morning wood reminded her of the cost of his restraint. That knowledge plus the feel of the hard planes of his chest against her back had fueled her need to take the next step, but his resolve was unshakeable. To exist as the object of his intensely masculine focus, even for a few minutes, softened her determination to move forward with her life when the time came.

  He’d declared her on the menu as soon as their threat was over, the interim weeks spent in constant contact solidifying their odd if as yet undefined relationship.

  Old habits usually proved hard to break, and his desire for more than just sex might not withstand the test of time. Difficult as Caden was to resist, being discarded when he no longer lusted after her waffled the line over which she couldn’t return.

  On the other hand, his arms surrounding her during the night had prevented nightmares while his warmth against her body supplemented her dreams. Yes, dreams were a safe zone where she could enjoy all the aspects of his sensual overflow without compromise. For the time being, she needed to switch gears.

  Breakfast consisted of French toast, sausage, and steaming, hot coffee. Satisfaction and contentment went hand in hand with the food, allowing them to slip into a companionable silence. Yet Caden’s heel gently tapping the tile suggested he withheld something significant.

  “Did Matt have any news?” Her father would have chuckled at her impatience.

  “Yeah. Lexi digitally tracked the computers to a construction site just west of Portland. The dipshit buried it under the sand but didn’t remove the battery, and they recovered it before the workers poured concrete. Looks like someone took a hammer to it instead of reformatting the hard drive.”

  “Energetically expensive as well as futile. You can’t fix stupid.” Kaylee removed their dishes and began cleanup.

  “No, but you can give it a court date, or a grave marker.” In sync as if they’d been together for years, Caden wiped the counters and put away the condiments.

  “So it obviously wasn’t the girlfriend who took it—or she got what she wanted then handed it off to a lackey for disposal.” Kaylee tried to fathom the fit of missing threads in her new and confusing life.

  “Maybe she disabled the alarm then surfed the computer files before handing stuff over to the shooter, who was slow in disposing of it.”

  “Unless the thug’s training has been very specific or perhaps more than one intruder, each with a specific job. As a PI, you have very specific knowledge of computers, yet still go to Lexi for specific searches.”

  “Forensics matched DNA from the underground prison to another missing girl. The department is reaching out to other agencies to find out more.”

  “Do you think they intended to sell us into slavery?” Kaylee’s stomach churned with the thought of enduring such a fate.

  “You may have fallen into the flesh for drugs trade.” Caden snagged their empty plates and rinsed them off.

  “Jesus, a life for a few highs.”

  “The man who broke into your rental and died in prison—his autopsy showed signs of long-term drug use. Also, he died from Gelsemium poisoning, AKA heartbreak grass. It only grows in Asia.”

  “You think Vasilisa is probably involved. Maybe she wanted to cut ties before running. Where is she now?”

  “I’m thinking you’re right. Apparently, she’s vanished without a trace.” Caden said.

  “Maybe I’m in the clear now?”

  “Possibly. The cloth Matt found gave up more evidence. It seems our intruder, or one of them, got snagged by some briars out there. The cloth had dried blood on it—revealed a liver problem. Probably h
epatitis B. Trace DNA matched him to a smuggler in the NCIC database.”

  “Seriously?” Kaylee marveled at the advances in forensic science.

  “Yep. We have a name, if not his current alias. We also have some known contacts. By tapping into medical records, they found his liver disease is chronic, and he’s taking meds. He’s also suffering from mild diabetes. I didn’t know those ailments were common among that ethnic population.”

  “So, they’re gonna stake out all the drug stores? How’s that gonna work?”

  “By limiting the list to those drugstores dispensing particular combinations of those medications to a male of that lineage, we narrow the field of possibilities. Regardless of what name he uses presently, it’s just a matter of time before we catch him, even if he’s running.” Caden sat beside her again, taking both her hands within his own.

  “So, we just have to wait him out. I can do that.” Kaylee let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d held.

  “Of course we can.

  “What makes you think he’s using an alias?”

  “Matt said there’s nothing registered to him as far as license, vehicle, home address, etc. He has zero social media presence despite known associates popping up on several sites.”

  “So, he might be messaging his buddies using publicly available search engines under a different identity. Wow.” Kaylee shivered as Caden gently rubbed her arms.

  “Since the investigation stepped into the sphere of a larger authority, we’ll have less in the way of updates now—plus the fact you’ll be interviewed again by federal agents. I’ll be with you.”

  “Thanks. If my shooter used friends to communicate with my kidnapper after he was caught heading north, they could’ve relayed messages about your involvement and figured I’d be hiding out here.” She couldn’t stop the shiver instigated by the memory of being slammed against the wall.

  “For all we know, the second guy could’ve noticed my car with the door hanging open the night his cohort broke into your house. We don’t know yet.”


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