Wicked Rules

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Wicked Rules Page 14

by L A Cotton

  “When he called me into his office to talk about college, things were at breaking point between us and I could barely stand to be around him. He sat me down and presented me with an application to East Bay. We hadn’t talked about it since the day I agreed to date Caitlin. He just assumed it was a done deal, that he had me where he wanted me. Because that’s his MO, whatever Alec Prince wants, he gets. I laughed in his face, asked him how the hell he thought his dyslexic son was going to manage to major in business and administration and do you know what he said? He looked me dead in the eyes and said, ‘Maverick, you are a Prince and Prince’s succeed.’ Like it was that fucking simple. Like that wasn’t all I’d been trying to do since fourth grade.

  “When I didn’t answer, when I didn’t tell him I’d make it work, he slammed his fist down on the desk, straightened his tie, and said, ‘It doesn’t matter, it’s been taken care of’.” Maverick let out a bitter laugh. “Because that’s what I was to him, a problem to fix. I’m eighteen, Lo. Eleven years later, and he still won’t acknowledge it. He’d rather buy my way into college than accept the truth because in his eyes I’m a failure. Because my disability makes me weak.”

  “Maverick,” my voice cracked, and I reached for him, but he caught my wrist, suspending it in the space between us.

  “Don’t.” The vulnerability in his voice almost broke me. “I can’t. Not yet.”

  “You are not a failure and you are not weak. You’re one of the strongest people I know. Everything you’ve done, everything you’ve shouldered. You have spent your whole life putting others first. But this is your future. Not his. Don’t let him take that from you. Promise me you won’t let him take that from you?”

  I didn’t realise I was crying until Maverick’s thumb slid over my cheek catching the teardrop. “What did I do to deserve you?” he whispered, closing the space between us, his mouth hovering over mine.

  I leaned into the kiss. Trying to show him that love wasn’t something deserved, it just was. I didn’t love Maverick because he was a Prince or a star basketball player or because the boys at Wicked Bay wanted to be him and the girls wanted to date him. I’d fallen in love with him because he was a good person. Underneath his hard exterior and high walls, he was just a boy fighting his own demons while putting those around him first.

  And I wanted to tell him—God, did I want to tell him—but something held me back. Even now, after he’d told me everything, I was still holding back.


  I let myself believe the lie.

  That was my first mistake.

  As I sat opposite my father, watching as he shuffled papers with deep lines of concentration around his eyes, I realized my second mistake.

  I shouldn't have come.

  But when he'd called and asked—demanded—I go straight to his house after school, I knew my time with Lo was up.

  Alec Prince was calling in his favor.

  “I trust you're healed now?” He didn't look up. Apparently, I didn't deserve his eyes, his scrutiny.

  “Yeah, I'm good.”

  “How many times have I told you, fighting is a poor man's sport?”

  I pressed my lips together, rolling my tongue behind my teeth, and glared at him.

  “Well, don't you have anything to say for yourself?”

  He was pushing me. Testing me. And I hated him all the more for it.

  “It won't happen again,” I replied flatly.

  It seemed to pacify him as he went back to his papers. This was all part of the show. His bravado. Alec Prince waited for no one and yet, he'd make you wait a lifetime. Just because he could. Because this room was his ring, and I was an unworthy opponent.

  I shifted in the chair. Hands clasped in front of me. Focusing on my breathing.

  In. Out.

  In. Out.

  Lo was waiting for me at the house, determined to ride this thing out. But I knew when I walked out of here, nothing would be the same. Even though we'd made promises, even though Lo looked me in the eyes and told me she wouldn't let him come between us, we both knew the truth.

  And it killed me.

  After what felt like an eternity, my father finally leaned back in his chair and studied me. “I need you to do something for me.”

  And there it was. No small talk. No lead in. Just straight to the point.

  “I'm listening.” The words came out strangled as I pictured Lo's face. Her eyes. Soft lips begging to be kissed. Smooth skin begging to be touched.

  “Negotiations with Gavin Holloway are back on the table. Turns out, he needs me as much as I need him. But he's playing hard to get. Needs a little something to sweeten the deal.”

  My pulse thumped against my skull as the room zeroed in around me.

  I couldn't think… Speak… I couldn't see past the red haze filling my vision.


  “No,” the word flew from my mouth before I could stop it.

  “No?” He tilted his head with a raised eyebrow. “You don't even know what I need from you, yet.”

  But I did.

  There was only one thing Gavin Holloway wanted, and that was to make his daughter—the rotten apple of his eye—happy.

  Smug satisfaction flickered over my father’s face as he watched everything fall into place in front of my eyes. “Miss Holloway is a nice girl, Son. Good stock. She'd make you very ha—”

  “Anything but that.” I stuttered. But he had me right where he wanted me. Thanks to my mother’s mistakes I was in an impossible situation. With a heavy sigh, I added, “Please.”

  “Don't beg, Son. It's unbecoming for a Prince.”

  My skin bristled, my blood boiling in my veins.

  A Prince.

  That’s what I was.

  A Prince.

  His son.

  I couldn’t escape the name bestowed on me even if it meant sacrificing the one good thing in my life. The only good thing right now. Because even though Lo was strong, she wouldn’t survive this. She wouldn’t just sit by and watch as I played puppet for my father.

  “I have it on good authority you and the Stone girl, Louise was it, are dating?”

  “Eloise.” I bared my teeth. “Her name is Eloise.”

  “It doesn’t matter. This doesn’t concern her. And I’m sure she understands your relationship is finite. Soon you’ll be off to college; you’ll have more important things to think about than your high school girlfriend waiting for you. The world is your oyster, Maverick. If you embrace everything that I am offering you that is.”

  The glint in his eye told me my father knew he had me in the palm of his hand. It was the one thing he always bet on—my loyalty to Mom. To protecting my family.

  “What exactly do you need me to do?”

  “You know how much Miss Holloway has always loved accompanying her father to business functions. An astute young woman, indeed. But it would look so much better to have a Prince on her arm, don’t you think? To present a united front to investors. To give Gavin the nudge he needs to make the right decision.”

  “No dates outside of business. No pretending we’re together. We are not together.” Each word cracked my heart wide open until it was a gaping bloody hole in my chest.

  “Maverick, be reasonable. I need Mr. Holloway to believe you’re at least open to the idea of making his only daughter happy.”

  “She wants me? This is how she gets me. I’m with Lo. I love Lo.”

  He scoffed as if the idea was ridiculous. “Love, what do you know of love? You’re eighteen. You have your whole life ahead of you.”

  My fingers slid over the edge of the chair, biting into the leather.

  “As soon as the formal offer from East Bay arrives, you will accept. You will accompany Miss Holloway as and when required.” He paused, his eyes narrowing into slits. I could do this. There were three and a half months left until graduation. All I needed was to sit tight, retake the SAT, and go with Caitlin to a few business functions.

  I co
uld do it.

  For Mom. For Macey. For Stone and Associates.

  For Lo.

  If it meant a future with Lo—one that included Steinbeck and basketball—I could do it.


  My father’s mouth twisted into an ugly smile. “Good. I’ll see to it that Gavin knows we are on the same page.”

  With nothing else to say to him, I stood up and moved for the door, but he wasn’t done.

  That was my third mistake.

  “And Maverick,” his voice was smooth. Too. Fucking. Smooth. I turned slowly, my eyes sliding to his. “I assume I can trust you to do the right thing where Miss Stone is concerned?”

  It wasn’t a question, and I held his gaze for another second before storming out of his office and slamming the door behind me. The sound echoed off the walls, vibrating deep in my chest.

  “Alec, what on earth? Oh, Maverick, I didn’t realize you were here.” My father’s wife Maxine peeked around one of the doors, tucking bottle blonde hair behind her ear. “Is everything okay?”

  My eyes bore into hers as I tried to rein in my anger.

  In. Out.

  In. Out.

  “Maverick?” she crooned when I didn’t answer. But I had nothing. Nothing she wanted to hear. So I kept walking, right past her and out of the house.

  His house.

  His kingdom.

  The kingdom that, in the end, would suck my soul dry.


  The letters started to blur together. Dancing on the screen. Jumbling in front of my eyes. And what should have taken me seconds to read, took a few minutes to make sense.

  Lo: How did it go?

  Lo: Where are you?

  Lo: Maverick, please

  It didn’t happen often with text, but the pounding in my skull didn’t help. My cell bleeped again, and I almost didn’t want to read it because deep down, I was waiting for her to realize.

  To realize I wasn’t worth it.

  But it wasn’t Lo and for a moment, I could breathe again.

  Kyle: What the fuck happened?

  Of course, she went to Kyle.

  Kyle: If I have to drag your sorry ass out of that ring again, so help me God…

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted down from ten, inhaling a long breath before I opened them again. Slowly, my vision cleared, and I re-read each text before replying to Kyle.

  Maverick: I’m fine. I just need time.

  Kyle: And what should I tell Lo?

  I tipped my head back feeling the sea breeze lick my skin. After leaving my father’s, I’d wanted to go straight to the warehouse. I craved it: the pain, the burst of adrenaline, but I’d promised her. And even if it was the only promise I could keep, I would. So I drove to the Bay and parked up. Now I was sat on the hood of my car, watching the waves roll to shore. It was peaceful. Calm. Nothing like the storm raging inside me.

  Maverick: I don’t know. Just buy me some time. Please.

  Kyle: One hour. I’ll give you one hour and then I will hunt you down and beat your sorry ass myself.

  A faint smile tugged at my lips. Kyle might have been Wicked Bay’s best running back, but he couldn’t take me. I just needed to catch my breath. To steel myself for the next few months. It didn’t surprise me he wanted me to end things with Lo, but I had no intention of walking away.

  Not now.

  Not ever.

  This thing could ruin us. It probably would; but at least I’d know it wasn’t because I walked away.

  A couple down by the sea caught my eye. The guy hugged the girl to his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist, head tucked onto her shoulder as they watched the sunset. And jealousy struck me. Right in the heart. The one still in tatters at my father’s demands. My gaze moved past them, over to the spot where I’d first met Lo. She was different back then. Innocent. Warm. Young. She tried to hide her nerves that night, but I noticed the way her pulse raced when I reached out, brushing the hair from her face. How her fingers trembled against mine as I kissed her. It was obvious she’d never been touched. It’s why after watching her fall apart around my fingers, I stole one more kiss and left. Because I’d wanted more.

  I’d wanted so much more with her.

  It didn’t make sense. She was a stranger. And I was angry, confused and high on the adrenaline cursing through my veins. But something about her calmed me, anchored me. And I wanted more … I wanted to lose myself in her.

  It felt like a dream now. She wasn’t the same girl and fuck knows, I wasn’t the same guy. But the pull between us was still there, and it was stronger than ever. My pocket vibrated yanking me back to the present, and I slid my phone out, letting my eyes pore over every word.

  Lo: Whatever happened we’ll get through it. I’m here, Maverick. I’m right here.

  She said that now. But she didn’t know that when I went back to her, I’d drive a wedge between us so deep that I was sure all the promises in the world wouldn't hold us together.


  The second I walked into the pool house, I saw it. The visible sag of her shoulders. The relief as it washed over her features. Lo had expected me to come back hurt. Or worse, she hadn’t expected me to come back at all.

  And it stung. That she didn’t believe I could change, that I’d break my promise not to fight again. But I didn’t blame her. How could I when I was about to deliver the blow that would change everything?

  “Thank God,” she breathed out as she came over, drinking me in. Big eyes sliding over my face and down to my knuckles.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Lo pressed against me, burying her face into my chest and my arms went around her waist. Time and time again, people told me how much it had affected her seeing me after my last fight, but she was so strong, it was easy to forget.

  Easy to pretend it never happened, that she hadn’t seen me at my worst.

  I allowed myself a minute, to soak her up and imprint the feel of her in my arms. It couldn’t last. As soon as the words left my mouth, whatever was growing between us would be tainted. Overshadowed by my father’s demands.

  “I was worried,” her voice was muffled, and I curved one hand around her neck, dropping a kiss on her head.

  “I’m fine.”

  Lo eased away, staring up at me. “What happened?”

  “He knows… about us.”

  The color drained from her face, but my strong brave girl rolled back her shoulders, standing a little taller. “We knew he’d find out. It doesn’t change anything.”

  “There’s more…” I swallowed over the lump in my throat and Lo’s eyes went flat. She was already pulling away. She might not have meant it, but I felt it.

  I was losing her.

  And I hadn’t even told her everything yet.

  “Go on,” she said coolly.

  “He wants me to smooth things over with Caitlin.”

  Lo shucked out of my arms and inched back. “No. No way.”

  “Lo.” I stepped forward, reaching for her, the shredded pieces of my heart in my mouth.

  “No, Maverick. No. Anything but that. Anything but her.” Tears filled her eyes. “He can’t…” The words died on her lips. Because she knew the truth.

  He could.

  And he had.

  “I’m sorry.” I dragged my hand over my head and clutched the back of my neck. Whenever I felt out of control, unable to rein in my emotions, I fought. But I made a promise and as much as I wanted to step into that ring and feel the sting of some faceless guy’s fist against my bones, I wanted Lo more. So I pushed it down. Forced all of the bad shit, the rage and the explosive energy in my chest away. It didn’t disappear. It lived in me. Under the surface. Simmering in my veins. But I had control.

  With Lo in my corner, I didn’t have to succumb to it anymore.

  “I told him it’s strictly business.”

  It didn’t matter; we both knew that. Caitlin would use the situation to her advantage, find ways to force me to spend time with her.
r />   “If she so much as touches you…” Fire burned in Lo’s eyes, but I was stuck on the part where she said, ‘if she touches you’.

  “You mean…” No. It was too much to ask of her. To expect her to stand on the sidelines while I played happy families with Caitlin and her father.

  Lo’s gaze hardened. “I mean it, Maverick. If she so much as touches you, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” Her whole body trembled, and I went to her, pulling her into my arms. There was so much I wanted to say but I couldn’t find the words. Lo’s fingers twisted into my t-shirt and I closed my eyes letting myself pretend for a little while longer.


  Maverick took me for milkshakes. After dropping the latest bombshell, he’d kissed me and insisted we go out. One last night of normal. I couldn’t refuse his wicked smirk even if his eyes told a different story. He was worried this would push me too far. I saw it every time he looked at me, felt it every time his fingers grazed my skin. He thought this was it.

  The end.

  But I meant what I’d said. Nothing would come between us—not even Alec Prince and Caitlin Holloway. So, for much as my blood boiled at even the thought of her breathing the same air as him, I would survive. For Maverick. Because no one had ever stood up for him before. No one ever put him first. He was always protecting others, shouldering a burden that shouldn’t have been his to carry.

  “What?” he nudged my foot under the table and I blinked over at him.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Sounds dangerous.” He studied me, dark stormy eyes searching my face for answers.

  I slurped on my strawberry shake, holding his gaze. “I’m plotting all the ways I can kill her.”

  Maverick slammed his fist to his chest, spluttering and gasping for breath. “Jesus, Lo.”

  My shoulders shrugged as I spun the straw in the glass. “I mean it. If she touches you…”


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