Oh So Bad, An Ultimate Taboo Box Set

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Oh So Bad, An Ultimate Taboo Box Set Page 12

by Verset, Cheri

  “Well, you know, “ Matt began, taking the cast iron pan from the red hot burner. “Your Mother never really wanted me to have a relationship with you, though I’m not sure why.” He grabbed two plates from the nearby cupboard and flipped a few pieces of bacon onto the ceramic.

  “You hungry?” he asked, looking back at Mia who was still chomping away at her apple. “Oh, looks like you already started breakfast.”

  “Yeah, I have to head out in a few with some friends,” Mia replied, watching as Matt headed her way with two plates stuffed with bacon and eggs. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were cooking for me.”

  Matt grinned, his perfect white teeth peeking through his rose colored lips.

  “Well, I figured you’d wake up hungry.” He handed Mia a plate of food. “Eat up, you have time.”

  Mia beamed. Matt was such a nice, considerate man, she thought. I just wish my Mother could see that. She took a bite of out of a strip of bacon; it’s crispy edge crumbling in her mouth.

  “Mmm, I don’t know how you manage to cook your bacon so that it stays straight like this,” she giggled. “Every time I cook it, it ends up in small little clumps.”

  “Experience,” Matt chuckled. “So, what are you and your friends up to today?”

  Mia picked up the paper on the table and scanned the current headlines. “Oh, nothing much,” she replied in between bites. “Just heading to the mall for a couple of hours and then maybe we’ll come back for a swim.”

  Matt had an amazing condo that looked like something out of a magazine for “Home & Style”. He definitely had good taste and even as a bachelor, he kept the place in pristine condition. In fact, it was cleaner than Mia’s Mother’s house.

  Matt’s apartment had a private pool that overlooked the white sand beach that stretched for miles, and he was always more than happy to let Mia host pool parties with all of her friends.

  “Sounds like a good day,” Matt replied, finishing up the last of his breakfast. “I’ll be out all afternoon, so just take the spare key before you go. I have a long meeting today.”

  Mia nodded. “Thanks.” She knew that Matt’s long meetings were what initiated her Mother filing for divorce. She was certain that he was having an affair and despite his protests she kicked him out of the house, calling him every name in the book.

  Mia had never seen Matt with anyone else, and she was certain that there was no affair. Matt was a successful investment banker, and he was always busy working on new projects and deals. Her mother was just envious of his success.

  Mia got up from the table and grabbed the spare key from the key rack just inside the office door.

  “Okay then, I’m heading out.”

  Matt was already busy cleaning up the dishes.

  “All right, I’ll see you later,” he replied; with a wide smile that drew attention to his chiseled chin and dimples.

  Mia sucked in her breath. Matt was delicious to look at, with his bright blue eyes and muscular face. He had light brown hair that was cut short in military fashion and his voice was raspy and deep.

  She headed out the front door, walking down the bright hallway to the elevator. Pushing the button, she waited for its arrival. A young girl, about the same age as Mia appeared behind her, smiling and friendly.

  “Hi,” she said, running her slender fingers through her long blonde sun kissed hair. She was definitely a surfer.

  “Hey,” Mia replied, smiling at her.

  “Do you live here?” the girl asked, having never seen Mia before.

  “Oh no,” Mia replied as the elevator rang alerting the girls to its arrival. “My stepfather lives just up the hall.”

  “Matt?” the girl asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

  “Yeah, Matt,” Mia replied curiously. “You know him?”

  The petite girl smiled bashfully, and looked down at her feet as she made her way into the elevator.

  “Yeah, he’s a really nice guy,” she replied giving no indication as to how she knew him. Mia’s curiosity grew, but she wasn’t sure how to dig for more information.

  “Yeah, he sure is,” Mia replied wishing the girl would tell her more.

  The strange girl just stared at her, scanning her face as if she were looking for a sign of some kind. Mia just looked at her, unsure of what to say.

  “Oh, sorry,” the girl replied shaking her head from side to side. “I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Alicia. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Mia. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  The two girls stood in silence as the elevator descended. As the doors finally opened, Alicia stepped out and quickly looked back at Mia.

  “Maybe we’ll see each other around,” she said with a growing smile on her face.

  She was gorgeous, Mia thought, with light freckles on her face and a deep tan that spread from her heart shaped face to her long lean legs. She wore a pair of ripped jean shorts that hugged her tiny waist with a pale yellow t-shirt that said “Juicy”, spread across her small chest.

  Juicy, all right, Mia thought. I bet she gets a lot of attention down on the beach.

  Mia nodded, reaching out to shake the young girls hand. “I hope so,” she replied stepping out of the elevator behind Alicia. They headed in opposite directions, with Mia wandering through the front lobby towards the parking lot and Alicia heading out through the tall glass doors that lead to the beachfront.

  Mia thought about Alicia all day, while out with her friends. She wondered how Alicia knew Matt. After all, Alicia couldn’t be more than a year or so older than her, and even though they lived in the same condo, the way that Alicia said his name gave the impression that they were more than occasional acquaintances. Mia couldn’t wait to get home and grill Matt for details, but when she arrived back at the condo, he wasn’t home. Mia remembered what he said about a long meeting.

  “Argh,” she thought eager to find out more about Alicia. She hadn’t even invited her friends back to the condo for a swim because she wanted to have a chance to talk to Matt alone. Mia wasn’t sure why she wanted to know about their relationship so badly, but she could barely sit still as she glanced up at the clock, wondering when Matt would return. It didn’t take long before she heard the familiar sound of his footsteps outside the door. He pushed his key into the lock and walked in.

  “Well, hey!” Matt’s face lit up at the sight of Mia. She grinned at her stepfather, as he came through the door. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said looking around the empty condo. “Where are your friends? You didn’t bring them back?”

  “No,” Mia replied looking Matt up and down. She suddenly realized why she was so anxious to ask him about Alicia and she caught her breath as the realization set in. Like her Mother, Mia was jealous. She wasn’t sure why it bothered her so much all day but as she stood in front of the tall, gorgeous man, she realized that she was jealous at the idea of him noticing another girl her age when he had never paid her that kind of attention.

  Mia shook her head, her mind racing. Matt was a good guy, she thought, and he looked at me like family. Of course he wouldn’t have ever looked at me in any sexual way. Damn, she thought, feeling as though she was missing out on something truly wonderful.

  Matt noticed his stepdaughter’s dark expression and was overcome with concern.

  “Is everything okay, Mia?” he asked walking into the foyer. He set his black leather briefcase down on the small table by the wall and came closer, reaching his hands out and clasping Mia’s small fingers into his own.


  “Oh, yeah, everything’s just fine,” Mia replied anxious to direct his attention elsewhere. She didn’t want him seeing her looking at him that way, but she couldn’t help but think about him with Alicia. Perhaps she was making far more out of it than it actually was. She sucked in her breath, angry with herself for becoming her Mother. She wanted to be anything but her.

  “Did you have a good meeting?” Mia asked, daring to look up at Matt who was
still standing in front her, holding her hands tightly.

  He squeezed her fingers and shook her gently. “Are you sure everything is okay?” he asked, wanting to make sure she was all right.

  “Did you have a fight with your Mother again?”

  “Oh, no it’s nothing like that”, Mia replied letting go of Matts hands and turning her back to him as he followed her into the den. “You had some mail in the front box,” Mia replied, changing the subject. “I put it on your desk.” She picked up the envelopes and handed them to Matt.

  “Oh, okay, thanks,” he replied still looking at her intently, trying to read her mind.

  Mia ignored him, breezing by him on her way to her bedroom. “I’m going to go take a nap.” She smiled at Matt, as she slowly closed the door to her bedroom. She flopped down on her thick, duck down mattress and rolled over onto her back. Damn it, she thought. What has gotten into me? She groaned as she pulled the pillow over her face. She smelled the sweet scent of lavender floating through the air, and she remembered that she had clothes in the dryer. She got up from her bed, and walked towards the laundry room. As she turned the corner toward the small room, she heard Matt on the phone, his whispered voice catching her attention.

  “I’d love to see you tonight,” he whispered, the phone shoved tightly against his chin. “I’ll see you at 7.” He grinned, his eyes floating up the ceiling. He chuckled. “Mmm, yeah, wear that little pink dress again.”

  He muttered a quick goodbye before hanging up. Mia stood frozen in place, remaining as quiet as she could. Matt placed the phone back on the receiver and walked into his den, closing the door behind him.

  Mia’s mind raced. Maybe her Mother was right and Matt had been having an affair at work, after all she thought, walking into the laundry room and carefully pulling her clothes from the hot dryer. She pulled the soft material of a towel up to her face and breathed it in.

  Whoever she is, she’s one lucky bitch, she thought grabbing the stack of towels and placing them into the cupboard behind the door. Mia walked into the front room and flicked the television on, laying back on the coolness of the black leather sofa. Matt appeared in the doorway moments later, with two cold drinks in his hand.

  “Thirsty?” he asked, sitting down next to her on the sofa. Mia drew in her legs, making room for Matt to stretch out.

  “Thanks,” she replied, looking away from Matt and back to the television. She suddenly felt different around him, her skin tingling with heat and she squeezed her legs together to numb the burning sensation she felt between her legs.

  Matt looked at his beautiful stepdaughter as she tried hard to avoid his gaze. Sensing something was wrong, he tapped her lightly on the arm, his fingers grazing her skin. Mia trembled under his touch.

  “Mia, is everything okay? He asked, wanting to get to the bottom of what was really going on with his daughter.

  Mia felt a sudden flurry of emotions rush through her body and she winced, not wanting Matt to see just how attracted she was to him. With a surge of unknown confidence, she turned to him and looked him square in the eyes.

  “How do you know Alicia?” She asked, anxious for Matt to explain away her jealousy. She hoped that Alicia was the daughter of a colleague, or perhaps she was just someone he knew from the building.

  Matt’s expression suddenly changed, confusion spreading over his face and Mia instantly knew that there was definitely something between them.

  Matt coughed, shifting awkwardly on the sofa, his drink clutched tightly in his hand.

  “Umm, Alicia?” he asked, doing everything he could to stall. His mind raced for an answer, trying to piece together how Mia even knew of Alicia.

  Mia nodded, her suspicions confirmed.

  “Is she your girlfriend?” Mia asked.

  Matt hesitated to respond, his eyes darting around the room. He finally rested his eyes on Mia, shifting his head slightly to the side.

  “I wouldn’t say she’s my girlfriend,” he replied, carefully. He brought his hand to his chin and rubbed it roughly, squeezing his face in his hands.

  Mia sat, bewildered. “What do you mean?” she asked, confused as to how Matt knew Alicia, and frustrated that he wasn’t telling her more.

  Matt grinned softly, his mouth curled up slightly. He looked deep into Mia’s eyes, pleading with her for help in understanding, so he didn’t have to explain it to her.

  Mia refused to let him off the hook. Besides, she still didn’t understand what he meant.

  “I met her in the elevator this morning,” she explained, feeling obligated to explain how she knew Alicia. “She told me that she knew you but she didn’t say how. I just got the feeling that there was more to it, that’s all.”

  Matt nodded slowly, finally piecing it together. “Ahh,” he replied, looking down at the coffee table in front of him. He placed his drink on a coaster and leaned over to Mia.

  “Alicia and I aren’t dating in the way most people date,” he began, trying to make her understand but unsure of just how much she really knew about relationships like his and Alicia’s.

  His voice dropped to a low rumble as he held her gaze intently.

  “Alicia provides a service for men who just don’t have the time or desire for commitment.”

  Matt searched Mia’s face for a sign that she understood. She did.

  ‘So, Alicia is a hooker?” Mia asked, gasping.

  Why would Matt have to hire a prostitute when he could have just about any woman he desired? She was confused, biting her bottom lip gently, waiting for him to explain.

  “No, “ Matt chuckled, picking up his drink and swallowing down a mouthful. “She’s an escort, and believe it or not, a really nice girl.”

  “An escort?” Her voice filled with confusion. “Why would you have to hire an escort?”

  Matt chuckled, caught off guard by her question. He wasn’t exactly a bad looking guy and he knew it.

  “Mia, some people prefer to hire escorts just for the convenience. I honestly don’t have any interest in dating or in a long-term relationship right now. With Alicia, she knows what I want and I don’t have to worry about mind games, or leading her on. Do you understand?” Matt hoped she did.

  Mia nodded, shrugging her shoulders. “I guess,” she replied with uncertainty. She couldn’t believe what Matt was telling her, but she tried to make sense of it all.

  “Is that why you and my Mother split up? You were hiring escorts?”

  “Oh god, no,” Matt replied quickly. “I only started seeing Alicia recently. I never cheated on your Mother.”

  Mia wasn’t so sure, but she nodded in understanding. She thought of Matt and Alicia together, and she felt the tingle return to her most private places. She squeezed her shoulders together, hugging herself tightly. She looked away from Matt, sucking in her breath and wishing she could calm down but the thought of the two of them together both angered and excited her.

  She turned to Matt, who was waiting for a sign that Mia wasn’t angry, and that she believed him. Mia nodded, her hands making small circles on her knees. She rubbed the bare skin as her mind raced. She looked over to Matt who felt suddenly closer than before.

  “I want to be your escort,” she whispered, surprised at her own statement. She blushed, looking away from Matt, wishing she could take it back. Surely he was appalled at such an obscene offer.

  Matt sat silent, before sliding over so he was just inches away from Mia.

  “What did you say?” he asked, his eyes flashing dark and dangerously intrigued.

  Mia paused, unsure whether or not she should pretend she never said it, but having him just inches away from her was too much to bear. She ached to feel him touching her. She looked at him, her lips quivering under her breath.

  “I want to be with you.”

  Matt’s expression was blank as his eyes searched her face.

  “Mia,” he finally replied in a voice barely above a whisper. “You’re like family to me.”

  Mia jumped u
p, anger coursing through her veins.

  “But I’m not your daughter!” she replied, her voice shrill and edgy. “You just don’t think I’m as pretty as Alicia is!” She felt suddenly very angry and rejected.

  “That’s not true at all,” Matt replied softly. “You’re absolutely beautiful. But we just can’t.”

  “And why not?” Mia shouted, her voice storming with anger.

  “Because…” Matt replied, not sure of what to say. He was certainly attracted to the woman in front of him, but the good guy inside of him kept hassling his emotions, reminding him that he needed to be a father figure to a girl who had none.

  “I don’t think of you as my father in that way,” Mia replied as if reading his mind. She walked up to him and touched his arm gently, afraid of the fire that burned inside of her, desperate for him to return the touch.

  Matt sighed, his eyes closing tightly as he felt her fingers crawling up his chest. They rested on his shoulder. Before he could open his eyes, he felt her warm, soft lips grazing his own. He let go, feeling her tongue sliding into his mouth, flickering against his lips. Mia moaned, as she lifted her hands from his shoulders and reached up to run them through the soft stubble on his head.

  Matt was consumed with passion, and he no longer allowed the angel on his shoulder to batter his conscience. He ravished her mouth, pulling her face close to his, with his fingers grabbing fistfuls of hair. Mia moaned with lust, as he took control of her body, guiding her back to the leather sofa.

  Matt turned her towards him, and sat down forcing her to straddle his lap. He pulled her in, so that her knees were sitting on the sofa, with his hardening cock brushing against the softness of her shorts. He groaned, as Mia pushed her breasts against him and lowered her mouth to kiss and lick his neck.

  “You make me so horny,” she whispered into his ear, before nibbling on his lips.

  Matt felt his heart pounding in his chest. He had a hunger that was foreign to him, and he was anxious to feel his throbbing cock push deep into her desperately wet pussy.

  Mia lowered her head to his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck as Matt ran his big hands down the small of her back, squeezing the top of her ass so she was tight against him. He lifted his hips gently, crushing his cock into the crotch of her shorts.


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