Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three

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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three Page 9

by Samantha McCoy

“Thank you.” Diesel said, turning back to Sledge.

  “Good! Now, food is ready. Everyone is starving. Let’s eat, have fun, and later pop some fireworks,” Beth exclaimed, wrapping her arm through Sledge’s and pulling him into the house.

  The rest of the night was crazy fun. The entire club had shown up to celebrate the holiday. Food, fun, and fireworks - what a better way to spend the holiday. The tension between Diesel and Sledge seemed to evaporate as the night went on. Both men handled the grill and smoker. Rachel was relieved to see that the hostility from earlier was all forgotten.

  “You look happy,” Diesel voiced, directly next to her ear.

  “I am,” Rachel said in return. “This has turned into an amazing day.”

  “Good. I like to see happiness on your face.” Diesel’s smile was brighter than the fireworks lighting up the night sky.

  “Can I ask you something?” Rachel inquired.

  “You can ask me anything any time you want. For you, I’m an open book,” Diesel replied.

  “You and everyone else keeps calling me ‘your girl’. Am I? Your girl, I mean,” Rachel asked, suddenly feeling stupid.

  Really? What is the point of that question? When he says no, it’s just going to hurt, she mentally reprimanded herself.

  “Rachel,” but before he could finish, she interrupted him. She didn’t want to know the answer. She didn’t want to be hurt by Diesel. Never by Diesel.

  “Never mind,” She said quickly. “It was a dumb question.”

  Rachel started to turn away from him, but Diesel wouldn’t allow it. Applying a tight, yet gentle grip to her chin, he turned her so that she was again facing him.

  “It was not a dumb question. And to answer it, yes you are my girl,” Diesel smiled. “Or at least I plan to make you mine. Whenever you are ready to have me.”

  Rachel stood there, shocked. That was not the answer she expected. His words caused her body to heat up. Fire licked through her veins.

  Marcus Briggs wanted her. Her! Holy smokes! Rachel thought to herself.

  One second he was looking down into her eyes; the next, his lips were pressed against hers. Rachel’s entire being seemed to pull towards him until there was nothing left between them. The kiss started off slow. Diesel’s hands traveled down her jaw, her neck, grazing the side of her breasts, and then wrapped around her waist to eventually come to a stop on the globes of her round butt. Rachel couldn’t stop the moan that was released when both of his massive hands massaged her bottom.

  “Hello!” Her mother’s voice was like ice water to her fevered flesh.

  Slowly Diesel raised his head from hers. Rachel turned, still in Diesel’s arms and came face to face with not only her mother, but Viper, Sledge, Reaper, Amber, and Beth.

  “Hi,” was all that came from Rachel’s mouth. To which Amber and Beth exchanged a look and immediately started laughing. Not the normal girl giggles, but a full-on bent over, belly laugh.

  “Oh my God. Yes! We understand completely,” Beth laughed.

  “Yep,” Amber agreed. “There’s something about these men that make a girl lose all her brain cells.”

  Now it was Rachel’s turn to laugh because she couldn’t agree more. When Diesel kissed her, her brain shut down. Like access denied. Nobody home. Thank you, come again!

  “Diesel, we are going to steal your girl for a while. You get her all to yourself every day. We need some ‘Rachel Time’ while we’re here,” Beth said, putting an arm around Rachel’s shoulder and leading her away.

  Before getting too far away, Rachel turned to look back at Diesel. He gave her a sexy smile and a wink that made her heart skip a beat.

  “Okay, we want details,” Amber giggled, wrapping her arm around Rachel’s.

  “Details about what?” Rachel asked.

  “About what’s been going on. We all saw that kiss. Holy shit! That was hawt!” Beth emphasized, fanning her face.

  “Nothing has really happened,” Rachel answered truthfully.

  “I call bullshit,” Beth replied quickly.

  “How is he in bed?” Amber asked. “I always pictured Diesel as a beast in the sack.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Rachel said again. “Honestly, all we’ve shared is a few kisses. That is literally it.”

  “Seriously?” Beth asked, shock clearly evident on her face.

  “Yes,” Rachel giggled.

  “Wow,” Amber sighed. “I’m kind of disappointed.”

  “Geez, thanks!” Rachel replied sarcastically.

  “Well, I have never known Diesel to not just jump right in with a girl,” Amber explained. “This is something new.”

  “To be honest, every day I learn something new about him,” Rachel smiled. “Did you know he loves music and can play the guitar?”

  “Really?” Now it was Beth’s turn to be shocked.

  “Yes. And he is amazing at it,” Rachel gushed. “And the entire time I have been here, not a single perverted joke has come out of his mouth.”

  “What the fuck!” Amber stopped walking and looked at Rachel like she had lost her mind.

  “I’m serious,” Rachel laughed. “He has been very... I don’t know... Very serious. Polite, but serious.”

  “Wow,” both women said in unison.

  “I know,” Rachel agreed. “At first, it threw me off. But now, it’s kind of refreshing seeing him in a different light.”

  “Maybe it’s just you,” Beth suggested.

  “What do you mean?” Rachel asked. “Like he just acts that way around me?”

  “You might be right,” Amber said to Beth. Turning to look as Rachel she continued, “When Diesel found you, Devin told him to take you to your room. Diesel refused. Instead, he took you to his because he knew you’d be more comfortable. Diesel stood outside of the door the entire time Ginx fixed you up. Devin said he told Diesel to go check out your room for anything that might explain what happened, but D wouldn’t move from the doorway.”

  Rachel listened intently as the women talked. Could it be true? Had Diesel had a thing for her for as long as she had a thing for him? So many questions and insecurities ran through Rachel’s head.

  “But y’all...” Rachel tried to get their attention. “Girls!” she practically shouted.

  “What?” They answered at the same time.

  “I’m...” Rachel looked around to make sure nobody else was within hearing distance. Leaning towards them, Rachel whispered, “I’m still a virgin.”

  “What?” Again, they both spoke at the same time.

  “Do y’all rehearse talking at the same time?” Rachel’s eye rolled.

  “No. But really, you’re a virgin?” Amber asked, just as quietly.

  “Yes,” Rachel sighed. “There is no way Diesel will want to be with me. Not like that.”

  “Why would you say that?” Beth asked.

  “Because” Rachel responded. “He is extremely experienced, and I’m... not.”

  “And?” Amber questioned. “Rach, all that means is he gets to teach you exactly what he likes. What pleases him. Trust me, Diesel is going to fucking love this.”

  “You think so?” Rachel wasn’t entirely convinced.

  “We know so,” Beth answered, honesty shining in her eyes.

  The girls hung out at the end of the pier, long into the night. K and Lo even showed up and joined the party. The girls told Rachel about everything happening at the club house. They talked about the kids and how much they were growing.

  “About that. There is one thing I have wondered since Kailyn was born,” Rachel said. “Why does she have the Parks’ last name? Why not Reaper’s since y’all are married?”

  “I don’t even have Zander’s last name,” Amber sighed. “There are still so many things that he is paranoid about. That is one of them! He still worries that an enemy will find out about Kailyn and me and use us against him. So, he begged and pleaded that I keep Parks and to also give the name to Kai.”

  “Oh,” Rachel replied, su
rprised. “I can understand his position, though.”

  “Yeah,” Amber agreed. “After hearing about everything you are going through, I have a better understanding of where he was coming from. You shared your parents’ last name once, right?”

  “Yep,” Rachel answered. “After my kidnapping when I was fourteen, my mother was able to get me a new identity, completely new name and date of birth. I was given a new birth certificate, with no parentage listed at all. Like I was found on a doorstep. There was even an old newspaper article made up and back dated about me. Then I was given a new social security number and the rest is history. Well, it was history, until recently.”

  “I couldn’t imagine Kailyn or any of the kids having to endure what you went through. It all definitely puts the dangers the guys face into perspective,” Beth chimed. “I wonder if Devin will feel the same way once the new baby comes?”

  “Wait. What new baby?” Rachel asked, excitement dripping from her voice.

  “I’m pregnant,” Beth smiled.

  “Oh my goodness!” Rachel squealed. “How far along?”

  “Nineteen weeks as of yesterday,” Beth sighed, a hand protectively caressing her belly. “We found out last week that it’s a girl.”

  “Congratulations!” Rachel was so excited for her friend. A new baby! Just another reason why she couldn’t have gone back to the club house. So many precious lives.

  “The club is growing!” Lo smiled, rubbing her own belly.

  “No!” Amber gasped. “Really?” The excitement was contagious.

  “Yes,” Lo laughed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

  “How far along are you?” Rachel asked. So many babies! She wondered if she would ever have one of her own. The thought was a little depressing, but she refused to let it ruin her happiness for her two friends.

  “I’m twenty-one weeks,” Lo answered, wiping the moisture from her face.

  “Oh!” Beth exclaimed, “We are so close together!”

  “What are you having?” Amber asked. “Boy or girl?”

  “We are having another boy,” Lo grinned.

  “So have y’all decided on names?” Rachel asked.

  “Danielle,” Beth smiled.

  “Sticking with the ‘D’s’?” Amber asked.

  “Apparently, Devin thinks it’s cool that his kids all have the same first letter,” Beth shrugged.

  “What about you, Lo?”

  “K and I like the name Colton,” she replied.

  “I love them both,” Rachel gushed.

  “What are you loving?” Diesel asked, walking up behind the women.

  Rachel glanced over at the girl. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to tell, or if the babies were a secret.

  “Beth and Lo are both pregnant,” Amber answered.

  “I heard,” Diesel grinned, “Congrats to you both.”

  “Thank you,” they replied in unity.

  “I truly hate to break up the party, but it’s two in the morning and the guys are ready to head back,” Diesel shrugged.

  “So they sent you to deliver the news?” Amber asked.

  “Yep. Probably because they are too scared to step into the hen house,” Diesel chuckled.

  “You’re probably right,” Lo replied. “Pussies! The entire lot of them!” she shouted.

  “Nope! Just not stupid enough to break up a women’s party!” K shouted in return.

  “It’s sad really,” Lo continued to shout. “The youngest of the crew has the biggest set of cajones.”

  “Woman, get your ass up here so we can go home and I’ll show you my cajones,” K called.

  “Promises, promises,” Lo countered, standing from her place on the pier.

  “Come on,” Diesel said to Rachel, offering his hand to help her stand. “Let’s show our guests out.”

  “Okay,” she replied, as she let him pull her to a standing position.

  Hand in hand, they walked the group of women back to the house to join the men. Together, the entirety of the Devil’s Henchmen walked around the side of Diesel’s house. With a final round of good-byes, Rachel and Diesel were again alone.

  “I am exhausted,” Diesel yawned. “But it turned out to be a great day.”

  “Yeah it was,” Rachel agreed. “It was great seeing the girls again.”

  “The guys and I already cleaned everything,” Diesel explained when Rachel looked around the kitchen.

  “In that case, I think I’ll head to bed.” Rachel said.

  “Me, too,” Diesel agreed.

  Together they made their way upstairs and stopped outside of Rachel’s room. She wanted to invite him in, but knew deep down, she wasn’t ready for that. The idea that her still being a virgin and Diesel being turned off by it - still hung heavy in her mind.

  “Good night.” Rachel stood on tiptoes and planted a soft kiss against Diesel’s lips.

  “Good night,” Diesel repeated.

  Rachel entered her room and seconds later heard the soft click of Diesel’s own bedroom door closing. Quickly she changed into a t-shirt, removing all her other clothes and climbed into bed. Within minutes her eyes closed and the darkness began to creep in on her. But this wasn’t the normal darkness. Rachel relived the pain, the sting, and the burns of her past. Retelling the story of her kidnapping had brought it all back.

  Rachel shook like a leaf. She could hear him coming. Tears streamed down her face. As the door opened, she begged him not to touch her. Not to take her. She still wasn’t healed from the last time. But, the man only laughed.

  Rachel found herself strapped to the chair again. The same questions were asked. Where is your mother? How do we find her? Where did she take the disk? But Rachel couldn’t answer him. She didn’t have the answers. But no matter how many times she said it, the man never believed her.

  The first burn of the cigarette touched her flesh, then another. The smell invaded her nose. That was her body being burnt. It seemed to go on, and on, and on... Forever.

  Rachel floated above the scene before her. She saw her fourteen-year-old self weep, and Rachel bawled right along with her.

  Wake up! she screamed at herself. But nothing worked. Nothing pulled her from the dream.

  Rachel watched as the first zap of the electric poker descended upon her younger self. It was in that moment that the darkness started to recede.

  Rachel took a shuttering breath. Panicked, she looked around the room to see where she was. It took a moment for her to figure it out, but she remembered - she was at Diesel’s and she was safe. It was just another nightmare. Climbing out of the bed, she opened the door and quietly made her way down the hall.

  Knocking softly on Diesel’s door, she wondered if this was a mistake. Maybe she should have dealt with it alone. The door was quickly pulled open, removing whatever options Rachel had.

  “What’s wrong?” Diesel asked, worry etched into his brow. “Why are you crying?”

  Rachel didn’t even know she was crying. She thought it was just in her dream. Quickly wiping her face, Rachel told him the truth, “I had a nightmare. This time it was pretty bad.”

  “Come on in,” Diesel offered, pulling the door open further. “You can sleep in here.”

  Rachel walked into the room and slowly made her way to the bed. This was her first time to even step into his room, but it was too dark to really see anything.

  Climbing into bed, Rachel snuggled under the covers. She knew the moment Diesel climbed in behind her because she felt the bed dip.

  “I’m right here, honey,” He soothed. “Try to get some sleep. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  And Rachel believed him. She trusted him. It was that level of trust that allowed her to close her eyes and drift back to sleep. A restful, peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Diesel lay in bed, unable to sleep. When he had climbed into bed for the night and started to drift off to sleep, hearing the knock at his door and finding Rachel o
n the other side - was the last thing he expected. The look on her face, complete terror, had him on edge. He wanted to comfort her. To erase that look and never have it return again.

  A nightmare?

  What kind of nightmare could have brought that on? What could have scared her so deeply? Diesel stared at the ceiling, contemplating. Maybe it was the stress of reliving what had happened to her as a child. The idea that it could still hold power over her crushed him. He wanted to protect her, but he couldn’t. Not against her own mind. That was an enemy Rachel would have to learn to fight on her own.

  Diesel could understand though. He had to learn to protect himself from his own internal demons. It took a long time. A lot of practice, but the past didn’t hold any sway on him, not anymore. Maybe he could help her after all.

  As his eyes finally began to get heavy, Diesel made a plan for tomorrow. Something that would take Rachel’s mind off the nightmares. Something fun and just the two of them.

  As the rays of sun crept through the open curtains, Diesel began to stir. The soft sound of Rachel’s snoring filled his ears had Diesel smiled to himself. It was then that he realized she was practically on top of him. Her face was on his shoulder and pressed close to his neck. One leg was draped over his thigh and an arm laid across his chest. Her breasts were plastered to his side.

  Now, this was definitely a great way to wake up, he thought to himself.

  Diesel could have stayed like that for all eternity but he knew if Rachel woke up and found herself like that, she would be completely embarrassed; and that was the last thing he wanted. Everything between them was going smoothly, and he wanted to keep it that way.

  Slowly, Diesel ran a hand along the side of Rachel’s leg. It wasn’t until he reached her hip that he realized she wasn’t wearing anything beneath the oversized t-shirt. Instantly, his dick hardened. So many images flashed through his head. He had to get out of the bed. Now.

  As gently as he could manage, Diesel lifted her leg off of his lap and moved her arm. Then he slid out from under her, placing his pillow in the spot he just vacated.

  Standing beside his bed, Diesel let his eyes roam over the most perfect woman he had ever seen. Rachel was everything he’d ever dreamed of, ever wanted. There were so many things he wanted to do with her, but he wouldn’t. Not until she was ready and for some reason, Diesel knew that time wasn’t now.


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