Heroes & Thieves

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Heroes & Thieves Page 14

by Heather C. Myers

"Rumors, sir," Diego murmured. The man, one and twenty, maybe two and twenty, had always been intimidated by Aaron and didn't speak all that much when the captain addressed him. It didn't matter how friendly Aaron was being, Diego couldn't quite muster up enough courage to have a conversation with the man. Give him a sword and a threat, and he had no problem rushing into battle to defend everything he believed in. But a conversation with his captain? He wouldn't exactly prefer it…

  "What Diego is tryin' to say," Red began, "is that people have been talkin' about our recent… jobs. Apparently, Commodore Commack is in on the hunt for you, more passionate on the matter than was thought. He thinks it was you who stole his betrothed all those years ago and then returned to do the same thing because you have some sort of personal vendetta against him."

  Aaron couldn't help but roll his dark eyes. Though this was the first he heard of what the people were saying, it sounded much like the same old things. Commodore Commack always did have a flare for the dramatic, and he managed to draw in a willing audience, always ready to hear a particular outlaw's exploits. The particular outlaw everyone was interested in hearing about was Aaron Donovan. It had been this way for a while. But with the new whispered rumors that he had a new partner in crime – a woman – rumors about the man (and now nameless woman) spread like wildfire. She represented sexuality and sin, committing crimes with a known criminal and living with him on his ship without the pre-existence of a marriage between them. Were they lovers? That was what the rumors had been saying…

  "Well, I do have a personal vendetta against him," Aaron said in response before shrugging his shoulders. "Oh well. We should not let rumors deter us from our goal tonight. Thank you, you two, for your good work. Now go get a proper ensemble on so it will be more difficult to spot your true intentions. We shall see you tonight then."

  When the two men had disappeared, Aaron turned his attention to Belle, who had just finished the last remnants of her dinner. She was currently dabbing the corners of her lips with an old napkin. He smiled and bit his lip before he leaned towards her and placed his hand flat on the small of her back. She jumped in surprise but didn't pull away from his touch.

  "May I show you something?" Aaron asked her in a low voice, cocking his head to the side as he regarded her with warm eyes.

  "I suppose so," Belle murmured and stood up, along with Aaron.

  He led her into the captain's quarters. Belle's eyes went wide at his good taste when it came to the décor of his living arrangement. It was actually neat, going against the common thread that members of the male species were quite thorough when it came to messiness. Rich, crimson rugs littered the floor of his cabins, and if Belle had to put a place of where such things came from, she would assume China, maybe Singapore. His bed was located in the center of the grand room, with green and gold covers, quilts, and blankets that were thick enough to keep him warm through a harsh winter, wherever he may be. It, along with his bookshelf full of the classics, scattered chests that contained various assortments of clothes, a wooden wardrobe, and a writing desk, was nailed into the wooden floors to make sure that if the ship faced a troubled ocean, nothing would slide across the room and knock over. It was a smart thing to do, Belle had to admit. One window was placed in the direction of west, while another was placed in the direction of east. It was quite clever because this way, Aaron would always be able to watch the sun rise and set should he so choose. It was quite a remarkable room.

  Belle followed Aaron over to the wardrobe, her brow pushed together slightly in wonder at just what it was that Aaron wanted to show her.

  The pirate captain opened the wardrobe where an assortment of dresses hung in place. A few Belle recognized due to the fact that she had worn them herself on their raids the crew had pulled. It was where Rick had disappeared the first time in order to fetch the dress she had worn to her parents' home. But Aaron seemed to be looking for something in particular because he ignored every other garment, moving them aside as though they didn't matter.

  It was only when he stopped such ministrations and pulled out a specific dress that Belle realized why he had been so thorough in his search. It was absolutely beautiful, no doubt made from the finest silk the east had to offer. The color resembled that of the ocean; it was the closest anyone had come to copying such a changing color. The cut was square and modest in both the front and the back. It required a corset, but the skirt itself was rather formfitting. It would no doubt cling to the woman's form rather than poof out as was the fashion among high-ranking families. Belle was afraid to touch the material with her hands in case she left any unwanted prints on it.

  "It's beautiful," Belle commended, finally able to tear her eyes away from the dress in order to match them with Aaron's.

  "I want you to wear it," he told her, drowning her eyes with his intimate gaze. "Tonight."

  Belle felt her breath catch in her throat, and she had to clear it. Her eyes glanced back down at the material, as though she was inspecting it now. "It looks quite new," she noticed aloud. "How many people have worn it before me?"

  "It is new, in fact," Aaron told her. For whatever reason, his voice had developed a husk to it, and it caused Belle to develop goose bumps. "I bought it especially for you; it matches your eyes, you know."

  Without saying a word, Aaron placed the dress in Belle's arms before gripping her shoulder gently and turning her around. He was still quite close to her, his warm breath invading the back of her neck. His fingers reached out and slowly began to unlace the loose bodice Belle was currently wearing. He kept his lips loosely pressed together, his gaze fully intent on the task at hand. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing, nor why Belle was allowing him to do such an intimate gesture, but he was glad for it. The pirate captain was awarded for his assistance; a peak of her back was within his sight, and at that moment, he wished he could undress her fully and explore every inch of her body. What a wonder it would be to him.

  "What are you doing?"

  On the one hand, Aaron reveled in the breathless tone of her voice. So he was affecting her in much the same way she was affecting him. But the question took him by surprise. Just what was he doing?

  "I am helping you undress," he told her honestly. He rested his chin on the place where her neck met her shoulder and his hands were placed on both of her hips. "I have finished if you would like to go to your room and change."

  Belle didn't want to leave, but she knew that if she didn't, she would do something she might later regret. She said a meek thank you, clutched the dress a bit tighter, and by the time she reached the room she shared with her sister, she remembered that it was necessary to breathe.

  Brylee, it would seem, was already ready.

  "You look flushed, sister," the younger woman noticed. "That should do well, actually, at highlighting your cheekbones. I have always been jealous of them, I'm afraid. But that does not matter now. Come, Belle, we must get you ready for tonight!"

  Chapter XXX

  It took two hours before Brylee deemed that Belle looked well enough to be a wealthy merchant's wife. The sun was currently setting, and both of the women had made sure to eat some of the fresh fruit that was offered in the middle of Belle's preparation in case they could not eat food at the event.

  Both of the men, their companions for the evening, were waiting out on the dock. Aaron was quite ridden with anxiety for some reason that he made sure to mask as impatience. Rick seemed suave and cool, completely unlike himself. Maybe he, too, was reflecting something on the surface while his insides were bubbling, much like a volcano ready to erupt.

  "Come on now," Aaron murmured under his breath, drumming his fingers on the banister of the ship. His eyes had rolled out to the sea, watching as the sun used the sky as its canvas, painting a unique picture with its golden rays. "We haven't got all bloody night."

  Aaron's frustration could also be the result of nerves, but Rick dare not say it when the pirate captain was as jumpy as he was. His own blue eyes was focu
sed on the door, and just like magic, it opened.

  The first woman out was his date for the evening. He felt his breath leave his mouth involuntarily and he couldn't help but stare in awe at the woman that presented herself before him. She was wearing a blue dress that caused her own blue eyes to appear bigger. The dress itself was a bit tight, causing Brylee's bosom to be pressed together, but it wasn't too bad. In fact, it could be used as a way of distracting somebody if need be. It cinched at the waist due to the laced corset, and flared out dramatically, masking her legs. Her light brown hair was tied into a labyrinth and piled fashionably on her head. There was rogue on her cheeks and lips, and her lashes looked longer than they normally did.

  "You're beautiful," Rick said before he could stop himself. Immediately, the two blushed, but neither looked away. "Uhm, may I?" He offered her his arm and Brylee took it before the couple disappeared onto the dock, where a carriage was waiting for them.

  Aaron didn't even notice. He was transfixed, mesmerized, maybe even underneath some sort of spell. He could admit it. He would admit it, if it was asked of him.

  The pirate captain had always known Belle was something spectacular, but nothing, not even his own rationale, could prepare himself for what he was seeing at that moment. She was beautiful, but even more than that, she was something special. He did not choose the dress because it was fashionable. In all honesty, women currently preferred more elaborate dresses comparable to Brylee's, but Aaron didn't care whatsoever. Belle was a vision.

  The dress really did make her eyes stand out; they matched like a pair of identical twins. Her cleavage was not quite displayed like her younger sister's, but Aaron preferred it that way only because it might cause him to focus on any men who chose to stare at it rather than to carry out the necessary mission. Her slender form was revealed however, due to the fact that the dress hung on every curve rather than flare out. Her blonde hair was pulled away from her face in a simple, messy bun, and her makeup was light when compared with her sister's. Kohl outlined her murky green orbs and light rogue painted her lips, but that was it. It didn't matter. She looked…

  "Shall we?" he asked, offering her his arm. She smiled and nodded, slipping her own through his while desperately trying to forget everything that had happened in his room only a few hours ago. "I believe," Aaron continued, tilting his head towards her while keeping his voice down in a low murmur, "that we should carry on with the same rouse we used on your parents, except, of course, with a change of our names."

  "I agree," she told him as they entered the awaiting carriage. "I shall be Charlene."

  "And I am your husband James," he replied with a wink. "James and Charlene Barry it is, then."

  The carriage pulled up to a square-shaped manor that was already piled with numerous guests in various clothes. Belle swallowed slightly as her eyes took everything in from the safety of the carriage. But Belle knew she would have to exit sooner or later, and she would not be as safe as she was right now.

  At least she would have Aaron.

  "You will be fine," he assured her, immediately noticing the uncomfortable look clearly written on her face. "I promise you."

  "And I am supposed to take the word of a pirate?" she teased him, feeling her tense body start to relax at the mere sound of his voice.

  "You are supposed to take my word," he told her before smiling.

  "So I shall," she agreed.

  It wasn't long before the two exited the carriage and surrounded themselves with the upper class. Belle had only been to a couple of these balls when she was young, but she had always been accompanied by her grandfather. He would always make these sort of gatherings fun, making jokes about people who thought they were the most important thing in the world or giving her goofy looks when no one else was looking. He was also her dance partner when such an event called for such an activity. She smiled sadly at the memories; she missed him very much.

  Now, she had Aaron, and Belle was sure he would distract her as her grandfather had for completely different reasons. Right now, their arms were interlocked and their bodies were close together. They had to look married, intimate, and…

  It was hard to focus when he was so close to her.

  "Maybe we should dance," Aaron said, once they had made it into the ballroom. He glanced down at her and flashed a charming smile solely for her benefit. "I wouldn't want to forget those dance lessons you have so kindly bestowed upon me."

  "I might," she muttered under her breath with a teasing glint in her eyes.

  He chuckled and she allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

  It took them mere seconds to get into a proper form. The dance lessons that took place earlier that day did not go wasted on Aaron, as he previously worried about. To be honest, it looked as though they had been dancing together quite some time. They fit each other like lost pieces to the same puzzle, and as Aaron led Belle around the dance floor, he felt, at that moment, complete. As though this was where he belonged. Not, of course, at this particular place, but with Belle, holding her in his arms.

  He could admit it; he was particularly fond of the quick-witted young barmaid he had picked up in Tortuga. It had been the best decision he had ever made. And now, here she was, in his arms, giving him a secret smile that left him floored and unable to think well.

  "May I cut in?"

  Aaron had been so lost in his thoughts that it wasn't until Belle actually stopped dancing did he realize that there was any particular interruption in his momentary bliss. He had even forgotten that this was not real; this was all a show to distract the inhabitants of the governor's manner from knowing that the place was currently being pillaged and plundered by pirates.

  When he turned, ready to refuse whoever it was that wanted to cut in and dance with Belle, he paused. It wasn't a man that had interrupted them, but a woman. And a very familiar one at that.

  Melissa Croft had silky black hair that went straight down, just past her shoulders. She had off-blue colored eyes, a long, defined nose, and pointed lips. She was the same height as Belle, but wasn't as curvy as her blonde counterpart. She was wearing a blue dress that resembled Brylee's, but Melissa's cleavage was prominently on display most probably on purpose.

  Aaron looked at Belle, as though for permission. Belle felt like her breath left her, as though someone had punched her in the gut. Why hadn't she said no?

  But she smiled politely and disentangled from Aaron. Before he could say anything else, she disappeared in the crowd.

  "So the prodigal son returns," the woman taunted in her usual low voice, her blue eyes sparkling dangerously as they started to dance. "Or should I say pirate? Tell me, Aaron, was it not at the governor's older daughter's debut that we met?"

  "May I ask, Miss Croft, where your husband is?" Aaron asked in a tight, strained voice.

  "Oh, he's socializing," Melissa replied dismissively, and didn't bother to refrain from rolling her ice-blue eyes to the sky. "And, if I remember correctly, you never minded his lack of presence before."

  "Yes," Aaron agreed, nodding pointedly, but his eyes were like chocolate glaciers as they bore into Melissa's. "And that was before I knew you were betrothed prior to starting up an acquaintance with me, so imagine my surprise when I found out from strangers of your recent engagement."

  "Oh Aaron," she said, unperturbed by his serious tone. "You were always my favorite lover, you know. You always knew how to please me."

  "Well, lucky for me, it's not my job to please you," he told her in a gruff voice before releasing his hold on his old flame and turned, preparing to look for Belle.

  He left Melissa alone, in the middle of the dance floor.

  Chapter XXXI

  Belle had to get out of there, at least temporarily. She couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly, but she felt this surge of negative energy consume her body, causing it to tense up and her eyes to narrow in the woman's direction. The very woman who had interrupted her dance with Aaron Donovan. She had recognized such a
n emotion before, however. Whenever her grandfather had bestowed attention upon Brylee while refraining from doing the same to Belle, she felt the very same way.

  She was jealous.

  She was jealous of a woman who seemed to know Aaron from before he had ever set eyes upon Belle, and that made her uncomfortable.

  Had it been foolish for her to believe that maybe, possibly, he might love her in return for her blind adoration and devotion? But then again, she should have realized that pirates were incapable of such emotions.

  And now she was starting to sound like Brylee. She never thought she would see the day.

  To get her mind off of her troubled thoughts, she decided to focus her eyes up to the black night. The stars sparkled brightly. They seemed to be so big, Belle thought if she could get to a certain elevation, she just may be able to reach out and pluck one from its home.

  "Excuse me?" a smooth tenor voice said from behind Belle. She turned her head slightly so she could get a view of the man who had called out to her. She couldn't see him too clearly, but she could make out that he was tall and appeared to be quite handsome. "I do not mean to frighten you, Miss, but a beautiful woman such as yourself should not be out here alone without an escort." He offered her a friendly smile as he stood beside her, and his eyes twinkled teasingly.

  Belle refrained from rolling her eyes. Due to her accumulation of freedom, she felt it was rather silly for men or family members to escort unwed young women. If the women were merely given a chance, Belle was sure there was a big possibility they could defend themselves.

  So this must be the elusive Prince Charming Brylee always speaks of, Belle thought to herself, a humble, dry smile touching her lips.

  "And you are here to provide it?" she asked in an innocent voice.

  My word, are you flirting with him? a voice in her mind asked her.

  It's Aaron's fault, came her retort.

  "It would be my pleasure," he said and nodded his head in agreement. They were silent for a long moment before the man cocked his head in order to study Belle's sharp profile. "It is such a beautiful night. It is terrible it is tainted with the rumors spreading amongst the guests here." He was baiting her and she knew it. No matter how handsome the man was, he was still a typical, high class gossip.


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