Requiem for the Nephilim

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Requiem for the Nephilim Page 4

by Alan VanMeter


  It doesn’t take Hector very long to finish his translation, while everyone on the team also attempts their own. Kelly had suggested this as kind of a class exercise. Then we compare them all to the best example we have, that of Abby’s.

  “Records from a thousand and ninety eight baktun before the great deluge!” Hector is very excited. “This changes my mind immediately.”

  “So, are we going to be allowed to find it first, before you contact your people, Hector?” I am nervous asking him.

  “Oh, no… no.” He shakes his head.

  The whole team lets go of sighs, and grumbles of disappointment.

  “Oh, please. You misunderstand me.” Hector’s eyes are wide. “Yes, you will be allowed to find it my friends, but we cannot let my Government know about this at all!”

  Suddenly everyone has wide eyes as well.

  “What do you mean?” I scratch my head.

  “The Church has far too much influence in my Government; they would make sure that this discovery never saw the light of day… hell, they would destroy it for certain!”

  “Oh crap!” Kelly lets out. “We can’t let that happen!”

  Hector nods. “Most certainly not, but what to do about this then?”

  “Are you suggesting that we smuggle the Library out of the country?” I ask.

  “It is the only way to preserve a find of this magnitude. If we find it that is.” He shrugs. “Hey, you said that you had a friend on the submarine that anchored… do you think you might persuade them to help?”

  I think about it only for a moment. “I will ask.”

  “If not, we must find another way. This would be far too important of a discovery to leave to my corrupt Government. The Church would do everything in its power to destroy it, I am sure!”

  “Well, let’s find it first, and then I will return to the boat and attempt to signal my friend.” I nod.

  Within a half an hour the whole team is marking off the distance in the direction given, using the GPS apps on the satellite phone. As soon as we are near the distance indicated, Larry and his group in the lead start yelling that they found something from ahead. Joining them we see some glyphs carved into the face of a small buttress of rock, just where the cypher had indicated. They translate to a proper name of someone neither I, nor any of the others have ever heard of before.

  Just then Larry points up the small cliff. “Look! See that boulder right up there? That sure looks out of place. It shouldn’t have just stopped right there if from a rock slide.”

  He and his group of the young men climb up to take a look.

  “See anything Larry?” Kelly calls up to him.

  “It seems to be covering an entrance to a cavern. Yeah! I feel air coming from inside… cool air!”

  “Can you pry the boulder away?” Hector demands.

  “I think so, but we’ll need something stouter than this little pry-bar we have.”

  So we all start looking around for a log, or something. The best ones found are handed up to the men, and the rest of us clear away. A loud crack permeates the air suddenly, and Larry slides down the steep butte a ways before he stops his fall just before the five meter cliff where the glyphs were carved into.

  “Are you okay Larry?” Kelly shouts with worry.

  “Yeah… shit, give me a minute.” He huffs.

  He climbs back up, and we pass him another stout log. Then he and four of the other men get on it towards the end, using maximum leverage. On their third attempt the boulder creaks, and it rolls off its base, tumbling down the butte, and over the small cliff face to crash with a heavy thud through the brush. A cheer goes up from all.

  “I need a flashlight!” Larry calls down.

  Kelly clambers up with several lights handed to her.

  “Test the air first!” I shout.

  “With what Victor?” She hollers back down.

  “Shit. Wait here, I have an atmospheric tester back at camp.” I yell, and start to head back.

  Vicky stops me. “I’ll go get it Victor. Where is it at?”

  I give her a smile, and tell her. Then my mind is distracted thoroughly watching her very tight bum run off back towards camp. Oh, I am such a dirty old pervert. Still, I know full well I would ransack that tight ass thoroughly, and sound like a damn orangutan doing it.

  “Just wait a few minutes my comrades… it is better to be safe than sorry.” I yell back up.

  Then Larry tells the rest of the crew to string some ropes leading up to the cave entrance so we can all safely ascend and descend the treacherous route. Everyone springs into action.

  Shortly Vicky comes running back with the tester, and we pass it up to Kelly who takes the readings.

  “It’s safe!” She yells and then the first of the team enters the cavern.

  “Help me get up there.” I plead to the others left, and they rig a rope around my fat ass to help pull me up.

  I am breathing pretty hard as I get to the entrance finally, along with those helping me too.

  “Thank you my friends. I so want to see if there is indeed the Library inside.”

  Hector is right there ahead of me as we enter the cavern. Just then, Larry comes rushing back with his flashlight beam bouncing wildly.

  “Hector!” he then sees me behind him, “Victor! Everyone, come on! You won’t fucking believe it!” He rushes back the way he came, encouraging us further.

  We stumble after him, or at least my lard ass does anyhow. The passage leads slightly downwards in angle, and a brief look at the rock walls tells me that much excavation had taken place here many thousands of years ago. Suddenly the passage opens up into a natural seeming cavern after several dozen meters.

  “Kelly! Victor is here!” Larry shouts ahead.

  I see several flashlights beam towards us.

  “Victor! It is all here! It is true baby!” Kelly’s glee cannot be concealed. “We found IT!”

  Ahead I see their lights now reflecting from shinny yellow metal all around them making the whole chamber light up with eerie golden shimmers, and my heart beats wildly.

  Chapter 3

  I make my way over to a two meter tall section of carved rock which looks just like a long book shelf, with four levels to it. Kelly comes right up to me and hugs me as if we were lovers, squeezing me tightly.

  “We did it baby! Look at all of this!”

  I instantly forget the amazing find as her ripe melons press against my chest, and my first thought is to grab her ass cheeks in response, but just as I am reaching I raise my hands to her warm back.

  “This is amazing.” I almost stutter.

  “Look!” One of the other men who were first to go in shouts. “There are tunnels filled with shelves all over the place! They are all filled with gold tablets!”

  Kelly releases me as my member becomes fully engorged, and she pulls a tablet from the shelf nearest us.

  “This is in Cuneiform!” She is breathing hard. “Ancient though.”

  “This one is in Egyptian hieroglyphs Professor!” Another man yells.

  “Everyone! Don’t get them mixed up… please!” Kelly shouts. “Put them right back exactly where you found them. It is important!”

  Hector giggles and then he instructs, “Someone, start recording all this on camera!”

  Soon there are several more lights from their phone cameras shinning all around us.

  Larry mentions something important then, “There are glyphs on all the ends of the shelves… they are organized very neatly. Professor Carlson is right! We need to make sure they stay in proper order!”

  Kelly goes right away to the end of the center shelves we are by, and she looks at the Mayan glyphs there. “This translates to baktun number seven… after the flood!”

  Then Larry shouts, “This one reads baktun three hundred and twenty… before the deluge!”

  As I look at several of the plaques on the end of the rows, I notice they are all in Mayan hieroglyphs

  Suddenly I hear Vicky’s sweet voice announce, “This must be the very beginning… it reads the first baktun, of… oh hell! I don’t know what these last glyphs read.”

  We all go right to where she is, on the furthest most tunnel of shelves on the right.

  Kelly reads the carved inscription, “The first baktun of… what the hell? The gods from the stars!”

  Everyone is suddenly very quiet, except for heavy breaths.

  Hector also reads it and agrees. “This is beyond phenomenal people! Our full history as a people on this planet is here!” He starts weeping, and Kelly hugs him like a brother, patting his back.

  I immediately grab the very first of the tablets on the middle shelve, and see it is written in a totally unknown hieroglyphic language to me.

  “Does anyone recognize this writing?” I ask.

  Then Larry grabs the first tablet from the top most shelf by us. “This is cuneiform! It looks a bit different from the rest of the tablets though.”

  “What does it say?” I ask immediately.

  “Shit! I am sorry Victor, but I don’t read cuneiform… yet.” He hands it to me.

  I read it aloud for everyone to hear.

  “I Ah K’unhun, High Priest and studied Monkey-man scribe of our King Yax Pasaj Chan Yopaat the sixteenth, (or first dawned sky lightning god,) and keeper of the words of the ancients, do hereby present the sacred tablets handed down to me by my father, and through his fathers before him. Many have been carefully copied from the original tablets, and these sacred records are kept by our people, passed down from the Gods themselves. They are written in the four ancient languages of the peoples of this world. It has been decided to seal them up here as our world is coming to an end. Know that we were a great and majestic people, descended from an even mightier peoples, who descended from the Gods themselves.”

  “Holy shit!” Kelly gasps, and grabs me around my waist, pulling herself closer for a look.

  “Here woman, you read the next one.” I hug her in return, handing her the next tablet. “I’d much rather listen to your voice.”

  She leans her head against me and kisses my chest, then she reads:

  “Tablet number one: This is a record of the first sar cycle of our arrival on Sol Three, which I have named Ala-arth. I am Alalu, the first of the Anunnaki to guide the great project set by our Galactic Head of the Doxomedon Legacy of the Divine Self-Generated. I am the former ruler of Nibiru, who was deposed, and so I was given this cup as consolation. It is an important cup however. Our task is clear, and we shall not fail as before with the worlds of Sol Four and Five. The failure of these worlds was foreseen by the Lord Unknowable Himself, so now the limits we shall be bound by here will prevent such a catastrophe, which were not instituted for those worlds preceding the seeding of this world. His wisdom in these matters is complete, and we have already used the final base prototypes that these preceding worlds produced, to seed this world. Ala-arth would never have spawned life without these essential precursors necessary for this process which we garnered from the other, now dead worlds, though this world was previously engineered for many sar to support these precursors. All this is as it must be for this unusual system to bear fruit. My charge is to see the establishment of a functioning colony for our people first, and subsequently the manipulation of the best possible candidate of base life forms here, so they may eventually evolve to learn how to reach the stars themselves. The most likely candidate will of course be the bipedal primate variation which we seeded here more than five hundred sar in the past. Our planetary ship, Nibiru Planter, is in a far elliptical orbit, so as not to disturb the orbits of the other planets of this system. I have sent message to our capital city, Dilmun, to soon awaken the sleepers again and begin the transfer of personnel once our colony base is fully functional.”

  Kelly sucks air into her beautiful chest with sharps gasps. “Oh my god!” She is shaking now.

  “No way!” Vicky squeals. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

  Larry then hugs her tightly too, and they embrace as lovers would.

  Hector suddenly busts out laughing, “This is exactly why we must safely get these amazing records out of my country everyone! The Church would burn this all to the ground. This is forbidden knowledge, don’t you see?”

  “Definitely my friend.” I nod, and yet I don’t let go of Kelly. “Read some more baby.” I encourage her, and she grips me even more tightly. I love it!

  “Our first outpost is located on the equatorial plane; in the center continent of the smaller of the two main oceans. It is the only band of habitability between the massive ice caps, which are covering most of this world. We have much to do before the superior genetic manipulators of the Rae are sent for, namely in securing global bases from which we can be totally self-sufficient, allowing us to operate without direct support, as well as to begin extracting some of the precious element number seventy nine to use to replenish our Nibiru’s atmospheric thermal reflective layer. This is due to much of the atmosphere of our planet ship having frozen to solid form on the long trek between the stars. The proto species that developed here somewhat indigenously, though directly from the Legacy’s previous seeding efforts, will be gathered, and taught the basis of knowledge, as well as being slightly modified by our own measures. The Rae will perform the final genetic modification of your species though. We leave these records not for us, but for those of the inheritors of this world, so that you may know whence you came into being, and for what Divine purpose.”

  She finishes translating the first tablet. “This is unbelievable Victor!” Kelly now also squeals with delight.

  “Wait! Let me translate the first of the tablets that are written in ancient Mayan.” Hector grabs the first tablet from the shelf immediately below the one I had retrieved. It takes him only several moments before he declares, “It is almost exactly the same!”

  Larry is still holding his obvious lover Vicky, or soon to be it seems anyway, as he grabs the next tablet from the shelf below the one Hector had taken from. “It’s ancient Egyptian… crap! I’ll try, but it is not my forte, yet!”

  It takes him a bit to agree as to the general premise of the record. “It’s the same in all the languages as far as I can tell.”

  Vicky picks up one from the very bottom shelf, “What the hell is this?”

  We all look at in the light from several of our flashlights, and phone cameras as well.

  “That is a hieroglyphic language of sorts that I have never seen before!” I gasp, shaking my head.

  Kelly lets go of me, and takes it from her hands, then to say similar. I miss her touch already, as a cold shiver runs up my spine. Then she is in my arms again as she also shudders as if from cold. I rub her back to warm her, and to bring her closer to me.

  “You showed us right where this is baby.” She pulls my head down, and kisses my cheek. I so want to turn into her kiss, and make it passionate, but I can only sigh. How could this sexy woman desire a fat ass old man after all?

  Just then Roberta announces that she has found a whole section of blank gold tablets, with no writing on them at all.

  “There must be a ton of these blank gold tablets over here!” Clint verifies this.

  “Good, we can perhaps use those to barter and trade with to get the true treasure here to safety.” I grin.

  Hector voices loudly for the whole team to hear, as everyone is gathered near us by now, “We need to move camp into the cavern, and we must begin cataloging and photographing each tablet in proper order. Then we will need to have several groups begin translating also.”

  “If we are going to transport them Professor Villanueva, what will we pack them in?” Larry asks.

  Hector nods, looking down. “Yes… we will need to get some proper shipping containers up here immediately. I don’t know how we will do this.”

  “I have sufficient funds to have them delivered, but that will certainly draw unwanted attention.” I let them know.
  “I suggest we take the tablets that are not written in cuneiform first, and then come back for the rest, one group at a time.” Kelly sees the right way to do it.

  “Perhaps we can talk Captain Guillermo into fetching the containers for us.” Hector suggests.

  Larry then reminds us of our other problem, “What about the American treasure hunters? They will probably get suspicious from all that sort of activity.”

  “Yes.” I nod. “I will have to deal with them as soon as possible. I will go back to the boat in the morning.”

  Kelly takes charge, “Okay people, lets’ get the camp moved right away.”

  While the young people begin moving all the gear up to the cave, Hector, Kelly, and I begin making multiple photo records of the cuneiform tablets in order, and then I can’t help but to start translating them.

  Tablet number two: I Alalu further record the progress of our people during the first Sar of my reign, which is three thousand six hundred full revolutions around the local star, we named Sol. Our main bases have been constructed at the following locations; zero degrees latitude along the equatorial plane and ninety degrees longitude to the east of our main city ship located on the center continent of the smaller of the two main oceans; which marks zero degrees longitude. We have named this prime land base at ninety degrees longitude, Barbelon, and have been using it to gather the proto species who we will begin teaching agriculture to. The next base has been established at zero degrees latitude and one hundred and sixty degrees longitude east of our main city ship. We have named this base Hinkha, and it is also being used to teach the proto species the ways of agriculture. The last of the three new land bases is located at zero degrees latitude and ninety degrees west longitude. This is on a large island in the largest ocean, and we have named it Mukax. This base as well as our prime city ship have been finishing the eradication of the predominant species that survived the earlier Legacy extinction event some eighteen thousand sar in the past. These very large ground dwelling avian species are too much of a threat to the chosen race, for us to allow them to continue to exist.


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