Requiem for the Nephilim

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Requiem for the Nephilim Page 6

by Alan VanMeter

  “Please call me Victor, Ivan. Yes, I wish to make an arraignment with you to help us smuggle the Library contents back to the United States. We have quite a bit of gold to negotiate with.”

  Nicki makes the next toast, “To a more profitable venture then! Seeing how the Americans will not find what they are looking for.” He chuckles.

  “Although I am in complete agreement, I will have to clear this change of plans with my employer.” Ivan sighs. “He is usually very reticent to do such a thing however.”

  “I personally know your employer Ivan; please make sure to mention to him that it is I who am suggesting this change of allegiance. Oh, and there are perhaps a ton of the blank gold tablets to procure his approval as well. If he decides not, then we will have no other choice but to give it to the Belize Government, and our Government handler has assured us that the Church would definitely destroy the Library.”

  “Do the records really date back four hundred and thirty nine thousand years before the great flood?” Ivan asks.

  “Yes my friend. Records written by the extraterrestrial ancestors of us all.”

  “My god!” Ivan gasps. “I’ll contact him immediately. Please you two have some more vodka, and chat while I get on the satellite link.” As he pulls his lap-top out and begins sending his message, Nicki and I do have another shot, and talk.

  “So, is this the favor that you owed our friend for sequestering you and your lovely wife?”

  Nicki nods. “It is an easy favor for what he’s done for us.”

  “Good. You know I wanted to contact you before we set out, but I wasn’t about to try to involve you in another dangerous chase.”

  “For you Victor, I would fight the demons of hell themselves, you should know that.” He frowns at me.

  “I do know Nicki… thank you, but I would say that it worked out just fine as it is.”

  Nicki chuckles shaking his head. “Yes, I suppose so. When the American came back from your boat the other evening, and said that you were aboard… I really couldn’t quite believe it. What good fortune for both of us.”

  “For all of us. Say, do you think the Americans would agree to a deal with us?”

  “Nyet, they cannot be trusted. I am sure they would try to do away with you all, and steal the treasure for themselves… but I would never let that happen.” He grins.

  “They are fools then, or they have no idea who they are dealing with.” I laugh.

  “It is the later. Never betray your true strength until necessary.”

  “How many of them are there?”

  “Just two on board, and the other eight are searching up at the ruins.”

  “Are any of your men up there with them?”

  “Nyet. We only run the landing boats up to take them supplies, and taxi them back and forth.”

  “What will you do with them then? It is not that I really care, but I do hope there is no blood spilled over all this.”

  “They will be easy enough to give the boot to, with no loss of life. If our benefactor agrees that is. It is his call.”

  Just then the Captain interrupts us, “He wants to know how in the hell you found out about the Library, Victor.”

  “I saw the tablet on a video that the Americans had of their discovery of the Aztec Treasure Hoard, and as I translated it, I found the hidden cypher. Fortunately I know someone who had unknown inside information concerning where the Crystal Skull of Doom was really found. That is how I wound up here.”

  He nods, and begins to type. Both Nicki and I wait with baited breath for the answer.

  “He says that he will be most happy to make the arraignment with you for one ton of gold.”

  “Please tell him that we have a deal.” I nod.

  Just then there is a knock on the cabin door. A man shouts through in Russian that the Americans are demanding to see the prisoner.

  “Prisoner huh?” Nicki chuckles. “What do you wish me to do with them boss?”

  Ivan smiles, “We try to treat them with kid gloves, and explain that they won’t find their new treasure, as it has already been found. Then we will offer to leave them enough provisions until we return, and we will gladly give them a lift back to the US. Oh and our boss said that he will return their gold down payment when they return, with no problem.”

  Nicki nods and we all leave the cabin, following him to the control room.

  “Good. Now exactly what sort of proposition did you have in mind Professor Dorozney?” The arrogant American demands as soon as I enter.

  Nicki looks like he is tending to some control panels near the man, and he tells his men with the assault rifles in Russian, to watch the Americans. Suddenly the two men get panicked looks as they see the rifles leveled at them.

  “What’s this? A double cross!”

  Ivan chuckles and explains, “No such thing my friends. We have made a separate deal with our good friend here, that’s all. You will be given enough provisions to be comfortable until we return for you in several weeks, however you will not find your Library though, as it has already been found. Now fear not, we will treat you well, if you pose us no problems, and our benefactor has assured me that he will gladly return your down payment to you as well.”

  “This is bullshit, Ivan!” The arrogant one spats.

  The man just behind him makes a sudden move to reach inside his jacket, and in a flash Nicki has knocked him out cold. The other Russian guards raise their rifles at the arrogant one.

  Nicki comes up behind him. “Hands out to the side please Gary, I must disarm you for our safety.”

  The man obeys, and Nicki removes his should holstered side arm, then pats him down and removes a pistol from an ankle holster as well.

  “What do you mean the Library has already been found?” Gary looks at me and grows a scowl. “So you found the hidden cypher too, I see. Goddamn it! I knew we shouldn’t have posted that discovery video.”

  “Indeed, you let the cat out of the bag.” I smile.

  “Damn it! Pusilha? How did you fucking know it was there and not Lubaantun?”

  “I know someone who has the inside scoop on the Crystal Skull of Doom my friend.”

  Gary shakes his head in obvious denial, “That Library is rightfully ours you bastards!”

  “If you would have been the ones to actually discover it, I would agree with you. However that is not the case. Just so there are no hard feeling though, I would be glad to send you a copy of our translations… after we publish of course. Oh, and I will also be glad to list your previous discovery, along with you and your team’s names as being the essential key to locating it also.” I try to be compassionate, though with his sort it is not easy.

  “I don’t want your pretentious charity, asshole!”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “So you are just going to drop us in the jungle then, Ivan?”

  “With enough provisions for your slightly extended stay, as I said. We will be glad to come back and pick you up, so you don’t have to try to sneak out of the country. We wish no ill will, Gary.” Ivan holds his hands in a sign of peaceful offering.

  “I’d say it is a little late for that!” Gary huffs indignation.

  “Well, seeing as your men at the ruins are armed, I will have my men drop you a kilometer or two below Lubaantun with sufficient supplies, and if you wish we will be back in say five or six weeks to give you a lift home.”

  “Goddamn it!”

  Nicki moves in front of him and stares at him with a serious gaze. “Unless you wish to be hog-tied and gagged for the journey, I suggest you settle down.”

  “Fuck it!” Gary tries to swing at Nicki, who easily passes his fist and knocks Gary out cold with a lighting fast punch.

  “What an asshole.” Nicki chuckles.

  It turns out that I don’t have to send off for proper shipping containers after all, as the Americans had come prepared. We will simply use their containers which they had brought along.

  Chapter 4

>   As I get back in the skiff, I watch as the sub’s crew loads the two American’s into one of their inflatable skiffs, hog tied and gagged. Nicki gets in with the several armed Russian guards, and I shout to him that I will see him in the morning with more news. He laughs and wishes me well. Then we all depart from the old Kilo class submarine. It sure doesn’t surprise me that our benefactor, the Russian mob boss, has such viable equipment at his disposal. Hell, I wouldn’t be the least surprised if he actually had a nuclear submarine or two in his inventory. He is one of the richest men in the world after all.

  Captain Guillermo greets me and helps my fat ass on deck as usual.

  “You are not dead, so I must assume that you have brokered a deal?”

  “Yes Juan. I do not have to order the shipping containers though, so instead of making a run into Belize, would you and your crew help us transport the library from the site to the sub? Is this still an acceptable deal?”

  “Si, as long as what you have said is true.”

  I retrieve the single blank golden tablet that I had retrieved from the cave, and give it to Juan as a down payment.

  “Hoy! This is perhaps two kilos itself!” he hefts it. “Si senor Dorozney, we will help move the containers as soon as you are ready my friend.”

  “Good. There is more of that for you and your crew Juan, just be very discrete please.”

  “Si senor.” He grins with glad greed showing on his face.

  “Just so you understand though Captain; my friends on the submarine are expert in warfare.”

  “Oh… no, Victor! We would not betray you… not with such generosity for so little you ask of us.” His grin still spells greed to me though.

  “Gold is known to make men do strange things Juan. Just please work with us to preserve the true treasure of what the ancient star people have left us.”

  “The star people?”

  “Yes, observe my first translations my friend.” I get my lap-top from my pack, and show him what I speak of.

  “Hoy! This is very serious business Victor. I can understand Hector realizing this too. Our Government would perhaps kill us all for even seeing these things!” Then he hurriedly speaks to his men in Spanish, and they all grow wide, worried looking eyes.

  “Yes, it is very dangerous my friend… this is why we must be so careful.”

  “Si… Victor…Si!”

  Next, all the skiffs head over to the submarine to load up with empty shipping containers, before heading up river. The sub’s boats also join us as well, with the exception of the one that Nicki took to drop the Americans off with. He will join us later, as soon as he is able. I’m hoping that we can get one load of the tablets back to the submarine first thing in the morning, but we will have to hurry to accomplish this.

  It is nearing dusk by the time we get to the cave with the containers, and Kelly greets me with a warm, wet kiss.

  “We need to load the containers quickly, and have them ready to transport by first light. Maybe we can even get two loads to the sub tomorrow.” I inform her.

  “I’ll get everybody packing them right away, baby. Oh Victor, you have to read some of the translations that we’ve made since you were gone. They tell an amazing story… unbelievable!”

  “I’m all eyes.” I grin as I look her luscious body over.

  “Later lover, when everyone else is asleep, like last night.”

  I nod with a silly smile glued on my face. “I need some food as well, and I’m sure the boat pilots are starving also.”

  “Come on, you can read as you eat, baby.” She takes my hand leading me to the kitchen area.

  As I eat along with the boat pilots, Kelly shows me her latest translations on her lap top.

  Tablet nine: I am Alalu. This is the eight sar of our mission. We have very successfully taught the proto species many things. Namely some primitive agriculture, and mining arts. We exchange very limited knowledge with this species for them to mine precious metals for us. Our home world needs more of the element number seventy nine to be atomized into the atmosphere than what Enki and his efforts have been able to produce. The Rae have made their preliminary genetic modifications to the proto species, the result of which we have named the Adamu, and as such your predecessors are now much more intelligent than previously. Several thriving civilizations of your ancestors now exist, mostly in the area around our base of Barbelon, and then also seven degrees longitude to the west of there at one degree north latitude, where we have a major star port built. Here we ship much of the precious metals to our fleet. Another major area of your ancestors’ civilization is fourteen degrees west of Barbelon and at three degrees south latitude; along the mighty river which the Adamu have named the Nile. There are other areas where we are teaching the new people our arts as well, and as groups of Adamu grow in sufficient numbers, we will spread them around the globe, and begin the process there as well. Across the smaller of the two main oceans, which we have named Atalan, we will eventually also built several cities and a star port as well. These will be at approximately fifty degrees south of the equatorial plane and thirty degrees west longitude from our main base in the Atalan Ocean. You will undoubtedly find the remnants of our stone work, which will undoubtedly perplex you as to how these sites were constructed. When you realize that we have the science to nullify gravity flow, and also to melt stone; then it will not be so mysterious at all. We will leave these places so that you may be aware that we were indeed here on your planet.

  “This is pretty damn amazing Kelly!” I chuckle, and take another big bite of pasta.

  “Here, read the next one then. It gets better!” She taps the command on her screen for me.

  Tablet ten: I am Alalu, second in command of the mission of the Anunnaki upon this world. Our original number of colonists was two hundred, but our numbers have grown to three hundred and forty in the past eight sars. We reproduce very slowly compared to the Adamu, as the few females of our kind within the colony, have a very lengthy gestation. The Adamu females have a very quick gestation, even less than one simple solar cycle. This is quite necessary as their life spans are so very short compared to ours. We are still exchanging knowledge for the precious metals with the Adamu, and their genetic modifications that the Rae had made are fully stabilized in the pure bloodlines that had been manipulated, this was performed by inter-familial breeding programs. Unfortunately in some of their civilizations these new genetics are still being passed into undesired genomes of those who were not modified, thus we continually insist to them that they only breed with the correct bloodlines. We certainly don’t want their precious genomes to become widely corrupted by the old species. As such we have had to impose destruction of large numbers of the unmodified beings, especially those groups who migrate too close to our chosen ones’ cities. Still some inter species breeding continues to occur, although we strive to keep this from happening.

  Since we need access to more of the land that is under the ice, as will the Adamu eventually, the Doxomedon Legacy decided to give Ea-arth an axial tilt. Thus was accomplished by moving a large space station the size an appearance of a natural moon into close orbit with the planet. We are introducing a virus into the atmosphere that will help the flora and fauna adapt genetically to the seasonal changes this will bring. Also Enki’s half-sister, Ninhursag, has been deployed here with another group of colonists. She is the new Chief Medical Officer. There are still not nearly enough of our own women to suit our sexual needs though.

  “Holy crap! They were slaughtering proto humans! Perhaps Cro-Magnons?” I invite Kelly to speculate.

  She nods. “It sounds like it. Maybe that’s why they became extinct after all.”

  “That actually makes sense. If you have a new hybrid species made from an existing one, you certainly wouldn’t want to cross it back into the old gene pool.”

  “The inter-familial breeding reminds me of how it was written that the Egyptian Solar gods would breed in their own family with each other.” She grins.r />
  “Yes! That must be based in truth as well.” I agree with excitement.

  She laughs, “Incest is best!”

  “Especially if your sister is Isis!” I chuckle, then to scratch my beard. “I’ve known about the moon being a camouflaged space station for a while. How does that information sit with you?”

  Kelly just shakes her head with a look of displeasure written on her pretty face.

  “Aren’t you even curious as to who occupies it?”

  “No!” She growls.

  After dinner I begin to help translate more tablets, and all of us that can read Cuneiform are doing so as fast as possible. Everyone else is loading the already translated tablets, as well as the highest numbered ones, for transport, and it is quite obvious that after this first load that it is going to take us at least a few weeks to get all the tablets onto the sub. This means that for the foreseeable future we all will be translating them once home in a safe, secure location. It comes to me that we will have to be very secretive until we publish, as our own government would probably try to silence us as well. These are some seriously game changing historical documents here.

  “Where do you think we should take these to, in the states, Kelly, baby?”

  She cocks her head, obviously thinking about it. “We have to find someplace totally secure. This is dangerous stuff here, Victor, baby.”

  I nod, and ogle her body again.

  “Just you wait until later mister horny.” She shakes her large boobs for my pleasure.

  “Oh my goodness!”

  “Someplace safe Victor, remember?”

  “Back in the aisles sounds good, where we can make a bit more noise.” I giggle like a little kid.

  “No, I mean where to take all this to, baby, but the back aisles later does sound good.”

  “Oh, yeah… YEAH!”

  She nods with a sexy grin. “Now, where are we going to take all this?”

  I rub my chin. “Hmm, I don’t know if the sub has the range to go down around Cape Horn, and then back up to LA. We’ll have to ask the Captain tomorrow. I would say there, to my house. I’ll take the risk.”


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