Tequila Truth

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Tequila Truth Page 3

by Mari Carr

  “I decided to get my grading and planning for next week finished at school, so I wouldn’t have to drag it home. Now I have the weekend all to myself. Are you going out tonight?”

  “Nope. I’m in for the evening. Don’t you have a phone in that classroom of yours? You should have called. I was starting to get worried.”

  Kylie felt a tremor of confusion at his words. Although they typically called if they were held up, there was no hard and fast rule about checking in. “Sorry, Colt. I figured you’d be going out for the night. I didn’t think it mattered when I got home.”

  “It matters,” he grumbled.

  As soon as she walked in the house, Heath emerged from the kitchen with his hands on his hips.

  “Well, it’s about damn time. Where the hell have you been?”

  “Welcome home to you too,” she teased as she walked over to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek. “We didn’t expect you back until Tuesday.”

  She was shocked when Heath turned at the last second and her welcome home kiss missed his freshly-shaved jaw and landed straight on his lips. She tried to jerk back, but two strong arms wrapped around her and held her in place as he deepened the kiss before finally releasing her.

  The entire embrace couldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, but she staggered back when it ended as if she’d drunk a whole bottle of wine.

  “Now that’s worth coming home to.”

  Kylie shook off his actions and words, thinking perhaps it was her roommates who’d been drinking. She caught the light scent of beer on Heath’s breath.

  “Start the party without me?” she asked.

  “Nope. We were waiting for you.” Heath winked at her and returned to the kitchen. She stood for a moment trying to understand the unfamiliar tension she felt in the air, but before she could sort out her thoughts, she felt Colt’s strong arm encircle her waist. He pulled her back against his chest and his breath tickled the hair on the back on her neck.


  “You hungry, darlin’? We were about to throw some steaks on the grill.” At his words, he moved her into the kitchen with his arm wrapped tightly around her.

  She glanced over her shoulder, uneasy with his casual closeness. Heath smiled at them as they walked in and acted like there wasn’t a thing in the world wrong with the way Colt was holding her.

  “I picked up some T-bones on my way home from work. Hope you’re hungry.”

  She was completely flummoxed. “Are we celebrating something?”

  “The weekend,” Colt replied, releasing her with a quick kiss on her cheek. He crossed over to the refrigerator to pull out a bottle of her favorite wine. When he reached for three wine glasses, instead of one, she narrowed her eyes. Colt and Heath never drank wine—ever. They were strictly hard liquor or beer men.

  “Okay, that’s it. What the hell is going on here?” She placed her hands on her hips and struggled to stop her toe from tapping in annoyance. Her mother was an angry toe-tapper and Kylie had, much to her chagrin, picked up the habit. To add to her aggravation, both men merely laughed at her pose and continued about their duties as if she hadn’t spoken at all.

  Once Colt had the wine poured, he carried a glass over to her.

  “Watch your mouth, darlin’. Ladies shouldn’t cuss.”

  “Lucky for me I’m not a fucking lady. Now what the hell are you all up to?”

  Colt shook his head at her response, putting her wine glass down on the kitchen table. Then he even had the nerve to tsk at her. “I’m afraid that filthy mouth of yours is going to get you in a whole heap of trouble. What do you think, Heath?”

  She watched Heath’s expression flicker between amusement and anger before he turned his smoldering gaze toward her. “I think it’s a shame that ass of hers is too sore for what I’ve got in mind. You’re looking to get punished, Red, but after that stunt you pulled the other night, you no doubt need more time to heal. Best not push us too far.”

  She felt her face flush with embarrassment and fury. She whirled on Colt. “You told him?”

  “’Course I did, darlin’.”

  “It was none of his business. Shit, it wasn’t any of yours. This is unbelievable.” She felt betrayed and mortified and completely out of her element.

  “None of my business?” She flinched at Colt’s heated reply. “Is that what you just said? Let me tell you something, Kylie Halston, you made it my business when you brought that son of a bitch into our house and let him abuse you. You listen to me now and you listen good. Your willful, impulsive, reckless days are at an end.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She was taken aback by the anger in Colt’s face. Never in all their years of friendship had he lost his temper with her and she didn’t doubt she’d tested him plenty. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Heath coming toward her and was shocked to see the same intense look in his gaze.

  “It means,” Colt said, stepping closer, “that from this point on, you answer to us.”

  She burst into laughter at his haughty reply. “Ha!” she yelled before common sense kicked in. Neither man seemed pleased by her dismissal.

  Heath reached out and ran the back of his knuckles down her cheek. She gasped at how much the simple touch affected her. “Ah, Kylie. It would seem you need a bit of convincing.”

  “Can you two please stop talking in code? I haven’t understood a word you’ve said since I got home. It’s like I’ve dropped into the Twilight Zone.”

  Heath’s hand stopped caressing her face and ventured around the nape of her neck where his grip tightened and he pulled her closer to him. “You want plain-speaking? Fine. The terms of our friendship are on hold. For the rest of this weekend, you aren’t simply our roommate or our buddy. You’re going to become our lover as well. From this moment on, you’re ours.”

  Speech seemed to desert her. One word kept resonating in her brain. The only word she seemed able to process amidst the rest.


  Heath grinned as he repeated the word. “Ours.” Then he bent down and kissed her.

  Chapter Four

  Colt watched Heath kiss Kylie as if his life depended on it, and he couldn’t help but recognize the same sense of desperation in himself. Her resistance to Heath’s kiss only lasted a second and Colt grinned as her hands slowly began to creep up his friend’s chest and around his neck. He’d never studied a kiss this close up—at least not one he wasn’t participating in. He was struggling with the impact it was having on his libido. Damn, it was making him hot.

  Sensing the kiss was coming to an end, he reached over and pulled her toward him. “That looked pretty good. Give me a taste.”

  She never missed a beat and offered him the same luscious response she’d given Heath. Their girl was nothing if not resilient. Most women would be screaming the walls down if they’d been pounced on like this, but instead, here was Kylie clinging to him and playing tongue tag as if they’d been intimate for years.

  As he pulled away, he placed a playful kiss on her nose and watched her blush in response.

  She took two steps back and he started to follow, but she threw up her hands to ward him off.

  “Oh no—no more of that until I get some answers.”

  Colt nodded. “Good point. We have a few things we need to get straight before we get down to the fun stuff.”

  She stiffened slightly at his words, but he simply took her hand and tugged her toward the kitchen table, helping her into a chair.

  “Drink your wine.” He pushed the glass at her and she all but gulped it down.

  “Not so fast,” Heath admonished. “You’re not going to get drunk.”

  “Given the way you two are acting, I’m thinking drunk would be an excellent state for me tonight.”

  Colt fought against the chuckle growing in his chest. God, she was a spunky little thing.

  Heath, however, didn’t seem to be amused. “I mean it, Kylie. That stunt you pulled the other night was damn stupid.”r />
  “We are not discussing that subject.” She stood up as if to leave, but Colt rose first and pushed her back down.

  “Well, darlin’, I beg to differ on that point. In fact, that episode the other night seems to be one in a long line of asinine actions on your part. As of right now, those games are over.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Heath reached across the table and took her hands in his. Colt continued to stand behind her chair with his hands on her shoulders. There was no way she would escape until they laid out their scheme and did that little extra convincing Heath mentioned, if necessary.

  “If you wanted to try some kinky sex, Red, all you had to do was ask us.”

  “What?” Kylie squeaked.

  Colt bent forward until his mouth was next to her ear. “You’re sick of missionary style and you want to do some experimenting. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  He felt her shudder at his words and from his bird’s eye view caught sight of her hard nipples poking through her T-shirt. Oh yeah, she was listening.

  “Problem is you’re going about it all wrong. You need to experiment with men you can trust.”

  “And you and Heath are those men?”

  “Oh yeah,” he whispered in her ear.

  Heath leaned closer and Colt knew the action was deliberate. They were boxing her in so she could get used to being surrounded by their large, hard bodies. “One weekend, Kylie. This weekend. Every sexual fantasy our imaginations can cook up.”

  “And then? What happens Monday?”

  Colt wasn’t surprised by the question. Her main concern regarding sexual involvement with them had always revolved around preserving their friendship.

  “Monday, life returns to normal,” Heath explained, but Colt wasn’t entirely satisfied with that answer.

  “Except,” he added, “you have to agree to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations. No more sex clubs or assholes. We expect that promise from you, Kylie. It’s the one point of this deal that is non-negotiable.”

  “And if I promise to let you bully all my future dates, you’ll agree to do anything and everything I want this weekend?”

  Colt fought back a smug grin at her question. He’d had more than a few tense moments in the hours since Heath had made his proposal. Colt was terrified she would not only refuse their offer, but get so upset by it she’d move out. The woman had funny notions about how the world should work and his main fear was pushing her out of their lives altogether with this suggestion. Her question was accompanied by the “Hallelujah Chorus” in his head as he felt certain she was about to agree to their terms.

  Heath grinned up at him. “Oh, I think ‘anything and everything’ is definitely negotiable. Don’t you, Colt?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Kylie reiterated the terms once again and Colt knew she needed the reassurance. “So let me get this straight. You two are offering me one weekend of sexual fantasies with the promise that it won’t change or ruin our friendship.”

  Heath leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms across his chest. “I think that about sums it up.”

  Colt watched as she pondered their proposal before smiling. “Fine then. I accept your offer.”

  “Well,” Heath said, “I think we’re going to need a quick game of Tequila Truth.”

  “Why?” Kylie seemed surprised by his request. “It’s nobody’s birthday.”

  “I have a burning question I need answered and only absolute honesty will do.” Heath rose quickly to grab the bottle of tequila out of a cabinet.

  Colt seemed nonplussed by the impulsive game and grabbed the salt and shot glasses before opening the refrigerator. “No limes.”

  “We’ll have to do without.” Heath sat down and started pouring the liquor.

  “I’m guessing this question, like all of your others, will follow suit and deal with sex?” She was teasing him and Heath smiled. He and Colt were definitely about to drag her out of her comfort zone and yet she still managed to retain her sense of humor and fun. Thankfully years of friendship had built a solid foundation of trust between three of them because he was certain that without it this suggestion would never succeed.

  “Wouldn’t want to break the streak. Okay, what fantasy do you want to have fulfilled this weekend?”

  Colt nodded approvingly and Heath mentally patted himself on the back. By discussing what they wanted to do in the game, they made sure there would be no misunderstandings. He was determined to meet her needs, but at the same time, he knew he and Colt both had their own personal agendas in regards to Miss Halston’s lovely body. By talking it out first, they could gauge her reactions and minimize the risk of scaring or even possibly hurting her.

  Kylie reached down and picked up her glass, draining it. “If you’d made this offer a week ago, I think my answer would have been different.”

  “Bondage,” Colt said. “You would have asked to be tied up.”

  She nodded. “I’m afraid of that now.”

  “We’ll do it. Look at me.” Heath took her hands in his and waited until she raised her gaze to his. “We will never hurt you, Kylie. The point of this whole weekend is to allow you to ask for whatever you want without fear. It’s us,” he added with a shrug. “You know we’ll take care of you. Besides, one of the mistakes you made with that idiot the other night was in not setting a safe word. Pick a word right now. Any word and if you say it during this weekend, we’ll stop what we’re doing right away.”

  “Hitler,” she replied.


  “My safe word. It’s Hitler.”

  “Well, that’s disturbing.” Colt was teasing, but she merely shrugged.

  “We’re studying World War II in my class right now. It was the first thing that popped into my mind.”

  “Hitler it is.” Heath leaned back and picked up his own glass. “I want to watch you give Colt a blow job while I fuck you from behind.”

  Her eyes grew dark and she squirmed in her chair. “Oh yeah, we could do that.”

  Colt seemed to agree. “Damn that sounds good. Darlin’, look at me.” She watched as Colt picked up his own shot glass.

  He knew what his friend was going to ask for before the words left his lips. They’d discussed it earlier and it was the one thing both men wanted more than anything.

  “I want to fuck your ass while Heath takes your pussy. At the same time.”

  Heath watched and silently said a prayer, but Kylie never blinked an eye at Colt’s fantasy.

  “Oh yeah,” she said with a grin, “we can definitely do that.”

  Chapter Five

  “Bedroom.” Colt stood and pointed down the hallway. “My bedroom. The bed’s bigger.”

  The trip to the other end of the house seemed to take a lifetime as none of them could resist stopping for kisses and tantalizing touches along the way. Colt had worried it would feel strange having another man so close to him as he made love to a woman, but after years of friendship, he and Heath seemed to have a sixth sense about what to do. It was exhilarating to watch Heath and Kylie kiss as he wrapped himself around her from behind, his own lips trailing down her soft neck.

  When she turned around and offered her lips to him, he loved knowing Heath was watching them, loved how hot Kylie got from the things Heath was doing with hands that Colt couldn’t see.

  As they entered the bedroom, Colt kicked the door shut behind them and Kylie walked toward the end of the bed.

  “Undress for us,” he said as she turned to face them.

  He watched her face go through a gamut of emotions—from embarrassment to nervousness before settling on the one he’d only seen in his dreams.

  A sexy smile touched her rosy lips as she slowly pulled her shirt up and over her head. He expected to see one of the sports bras she usually wore and was shocked to discover his tomboy roommate owned a black, lacy concoction that was completely feminine and showcased more cleavage than he’d realized she
possessed. He fell back against the door. How could he have missed those babies in the last seven years? Fuck, she was built like a brick house.

  Not finished with her seductive torment, she released the clasp on the bra and let it fall off her arms to the floor. Then she brought her hands up slowly to cup herself and he felt his blood pressure rise to a decidedly unhealthy limit as she lifted her breasts up, taking the nipples between her fingers and squeezing. Glancing over, he saw her striptease was working its magic on Heath as well. The man was rubbing his immense erection through his jeans. Not a bad idea, he thought, and he reached down to try and relieve some of the pressure building in his own pants.

  “Kylie,” he whispered, spellbound by her sultry movements.

  Turning slowly, she looked back over her shoulder with a grin that proved she knew exactly what she was doing to them. Kicking off her shoes, she peeled her pants and panties off together, down over her hips, one torturous inch at a time. As she bent over, he and Heath were treated to a perfect view of her luscious round ass as she slipped the material off. There were some fading bruises there and he realized they needed to take care not to hurt her.

  He staggered toward her, but she skittered away until she stood beside the bed.

  “Come here,” he barked out, his voice betraying his need, but she just giggled at the sound.

  “You two come here.” She crawled up on the bed, gesturing for them to join her.

  Colt began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes never leaving her lovely body, and he sensed Heath doing the same thing. Her gaze seemed to eat them alive as she watched them undress and he felt the reins of control slipping through his fingers. Damn woman was trying to top from the bottom and they were letting her. He looked over at Heath and watched the same realization enter his friend’s face.

  “Open your legs,” Heath said sternly as he pulled his shirt from his shoulders, discarding it without a thought.

  Colt saw her face flush, though whether with excitement or embarrassment, he couldn’t decide. Unable to reign in his dominant desires, he reached over and roughly pulled her legs apart.


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