A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 2

by J. L. Clayton

  If my mom’s about to tell me I was this evil monster, someone like the Traveler then she had the wrong girl. I guess Mom needs to find out what happened to the right girl, apparently there was a baby swap or something. I’m not going to let my parents tell me I was one of his nasty, evil, followers. Eck! Even if I did think they have cool powers, that didn’t mean I thought the Traveler was cool.

  “Mom, besides, I could never be a follower of someone like the Traveler. Avani told me that the Traveler did awful things without any remorse.” I frowned, feeling forlorn. “Let me warn you right now, if you’re about to tell me that I’m one of his followers you better think again. I promise you one thing, I will not accept that!”

  Mom and Dad both smiled at me. “Sweetie, that’s not what I was going to tell you. I know more than anyone you are not evil like the Traveler.”

  Mom all but spat the name “Traveler” from her lips. The disgust on her face had me almost smiling. Go Mom. Mom shook her head. “I know you’re not heartless, Charlie. You are nothing like the one Avani refers to.” Mom let out an exasperated breath and rubbed her eyes.

  “Charlie…I don’t doubt what Avani told you. In fact, the Traveler and his followers do exist. And yes, you do have similar powers, but the Traveler’s powers succeeded your kind’s power plus other supernaturals put together.” Mom and Dad looked at me dead on. “Charlie,” she began again after half of breath. “That leads me to this point.” Mom sighed and looked years older. With a tinge of bitterness in her voice she said, “Unfortunately our friends and your blood parents faced the wrong end of Isha’s revenge.”

  I looked at them confused. Dad cleared it up. “What your mother is trying to tell you Kiddo, is that Lilly and Nathaniel were killed by one of Isha’s people. I think it was Tru’s grandfather.” I frowned and shook my head fiercely. “Sweetie,” Dad grimaced. “Isha left this earth telling all of his people about the Traveler. Therefore, when Tru’s grandfather saw Lilly and Nathaniel use their gifts, he thought they too were like the Traveler.”

  I put my head in my hands. I didn’t want to hear this. I just wanted to make it all stop, but Dad pushed on relentlessly. “He destroyed their lives. Charlie, do you understand?” I looked up at him disgusted. “Kiddo, no amount of telling him, or any of his people that your parents were not like the Traveler helped. We had to constantly hide and move from place to place just so we could keep you away from anyone out to destroy you.”

  I felt sick. This was a nightmare, a horrifying nightmare.

  Chapter Two


  I wanted to scream, but surprisingly I stayed calm. I understood now why we moved so much. All this time I thought they were lying. Well, okay so they were lying, but with good cause. Well, that’s one mystery solved, but a million more to go. Woohoo! If what my mom and dad say is true about my blood parent’s death, would that mean Tru would try to kill me if he found out what I am? No. He’d never do that, and I just don’t see his family killing over revenge. Yes, his great, great, great grandfather—woo, that was a lot of greats—set out seeking justice. But still, I couldn’t believe it. The people I met at the bonfire (even though they’re wolfshifters) they would never kill people that didn’t deserve death.

  I shook my head and asked calmly. “Why are we back? If they’re out to kill us, then why come back here?”

  “Charlie,” Mom began. “We are back because this place holds a portal to one of the supernatural realms.”

  Supernatural realms!? Way cool!

  Mom never missed a beat, even when my mouth was gaping open she kept on talking. “We have to go there tonight because tonight you will gain your powers. Oh Charlie, I know this is a lot to take in.” She just looked at me frowning. “You sure are taking this entirely too well. Are you okay with it?”

  Ha. I forgot, I haven’t told her about my fire experiences. “Yes, well, um, Mom about that-”

  “Uh-huh?” She closed her eyes bracing herself.

  “The night of the dance, and the other times when Max attacked me, plus a few more occasions... um, I seemed to manifest fire. And there was this strange person. I, well, I sort of forgot to tell you about it.”

  “Ahhhh-huh?” She frowned, as my dad leaned in.

  “See, while I was being held down.” Mom and Dad looked at one another with the same grim look on their face. I cleared my throat and the words rushed out of my mouth. “Uh, so, someone appeared at the end of the road – this humming noise started in my head – and then I got hot from the inside out.” I stopped and breathed. Mom and Dad exchanged looks, for all I knew they were probably reading each other’s minds.

  Joy. I hope that’s not one of their magical powers, because that would so suck.

  “Anyway, the humming stopped and then I started to get this strange feeling. It was like someone was pulling something out of my body. Then surprisingly, fire shot from my hands and feet and the two guys holding me down were blasted by the flames. Well, um, then I passed out.” I shrugged. “I don’t remember much more, other than what I’ve already told you and that now it seems when I am scared or mad I can conjure up fire. And I think it has something to do with that guy. However, the time we argued about Tru, um…I think my powers were trying to manifest then, because I got seriously mad and my body felt all hot.”

  Mom and Dad exchanged looks. “Yeah I thought I noticed something that day.” Mom shrugged.

  Dad chimed in. “So you didn’t see who was on the road? And you don’t know who this person is? Plus, you are already showing signs of your magic manifesting?” Dad asked. I shook my head and nodded.

  Mom looked at me,” Have you tried other times to conjure up your power when you’re not mad or scared?”

  “Yes…but like I said, the first time it really manifested it felt like something was being pulled out of me. Something that didn’t want to come. Or maybe because like you said my magical powers are still dormant within me. So maybe it had to be forced out of me? Do you think the person I saw on the road could have something to do with pulling my powers out of me?”

  Mom nodded. “Could be possible, but I’ve never heard of that happening before though.” She frowned in thought. “Charlie, the only one I can think of with magic that powerful is the Traveler, but he’s our enemy! I don’t see him helping anyone while they’re in trouble!”

  Dad groaned and rubbed his face. “Let’s hope for all our sakes it wasn’t him.”

  I swallowed. Boy, this truth stuff my parents are now so freely giving away blows. “Enough about the dark scary guy, tell me about you guys. My guardians.”

  Dad grinned. “But Kiddo, never keep anything like that away from us. Got it?”

  I nodded. “Ay, ay, captain.”

  Yeah right, if I want to keep things to myself, I will.

  “As guardians,” Mom started swiftly. Well I guess my theory on them reading my mind was just proven wrong because I’m sure I would have gotten into a whole lot of trouble for the comment I just made!

  Yippy Skippy!

  “We are your protectors. Our abilities act like a homing-device. With the homing-device we are connected to you. So if you are in trouble the internal homing-device lets us know.”

  I scowled, confused. I glanced down at my hands thinking. I just didn’t understand. If they’re able to know when I’m in danger, via homing-device, then why didn’t they come and help me the night of the dance? Or all the other number of times Max had me cornered? I wanted to ask so badly. I wanted to rage at them. I wanted to shout: Why Mom? Why Dad? Why not help me if you could? Why would you let me go through that? I don’t understand! Why would you let those men hurt me? Why? I felt like crying just then! I clenched my teeth and sat there feeling inadequately alone and sad. Then it happened, a flash of memory hit me.

  Hands, rough hands! Breath-nasty-sick-breath. A knife, coming down, down, down! Dammit, think of Jace, think of the flowers.

  I shook my head vehemently. I wanted to be over this already, I di
dn’t want to think about the night I almost died. I wanted to be the strong one. Max is locked away and the other guys are dead. I was safe. They could not hurt me. I closed my eyes and thought of Jace. I saw him pick up my favorite flower. Jace smiled at me and said, “All the bad that happened – I’m going to try and replace it with something good. That way when you think of what happened, it won’t make you want to cry. Instead, it will make you think of your wonderful flower. It will make you think of me.”

  I felt calmer and more peaceful. Jace was right, it did help a little. I was now thinking how caring he was when I needed him! Then I almost laughed. Jace might have a little ulterior motive behind his sweet gesture. By getting me calm and over my flash back, he also got me to think of him! Yeah he was smooth! Swallowing the bitter taste from that thought, I tentatively asked, “Mom, I’m sorry, but did you and Daddy know I was in trouble the night of the dance? And did you know the other nights when Max had me cornered?”

  “Oh Charlie!” Mom murmured sadly, closing her eyes.

  Dad shook his head. “Kiddo, No. Don’t think that.”

  “What should I think daddy? What should I think?” Then I did cry.

  Dad rushed over and wrapped his arms around me, holding me so tight I could barely breathe. “Never think that. Never think we aren’t there for you sweetie. God, if I could move heaven and earth to help you I would have! Kiddo, I promise you!” Dad said fervently.

  “We are so very sorry that happened to you sweetheart, your father and I had no clue you were in any trouble. Trust me when I say this, if we did, we would have been there. I promise you that.” Mom cried.

  I looked at them angrily pulling away from my dad. “Err,” I shouted. “What good are your abilities then?”

  “Kiddo,” Dad sounded sad as he looked at me. “Our powers will help out a lot.” He shook his head and stood. “However, they have yet to become fully functional and will not be fully functional until you gain your powers. It is terrible, tragic even to have the ability to save you only when you have your abilities. It’s the luck of the draw, Kiddo. Right now even though some of your powers are showing you are still technically human, and as a human our magic does not reach you. Humans and our kind are not on the same wavelength. Even though you are one of us, our magic will not consider you until you manifest. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, although I still felt inadequate.

  Mom asked, “Are you okay, Charlie?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” That was a lie.

  “Good. Then back to what I was saying,” Mom replied.

  Sure, let’s get back on the topic. Whatever. I didn’t care. Anyway, right now I think their powers suck. So why should I listen?

  “When you receive your abilities, your father and I will come fully into our powers. So then the homing device will not let us down. “Our second and most helpful skill is transportation.” Mom sounded way too happy for my liking. Well, I guess it’s cool just as long as it works! Man, I hope my magical powers work better than theirs; because on a scale of 1 to 10, their ability is not on the map.

  “Our transportation powers work kind of like a worm hole, Mom continued. “We call it ley-line jumping. Using a ley-line, you have to call on a great power source that runs across the land in selective areas. Inside the ley-lines are thick power corded ropes, running between the greater ley-lines are tiny web-thin lines of power that connects them all together in a vast net of pulsing ebb-and-flowing power.”

  Now this is getting interesting.

  “We, as your guardians, are able to call on the ley-line power. If we need to find you, we simply step right into the pulsing worm-hole. Surprise, we found you.” Mom laughed shaking her head. “However, we try not to tap into the lay-line in any supernatural world. Here on earth is fine, but over there, well there is just too much power. It’s hard for your father and me to hold all of it. We are not the strongest ley-line jumpers.” Mom leaned in. “As I was saying, guardians safeguard fledglings like you until he or she reaches the age of eighteen and so far we have succeeded in dodging any problems up until the night of the dance.”

  I hated how she was looking at me just then. “Now that’s freaking cool. You’re saying that you can just pull on this ley-line power to find me?”

  “Yes,” Mom’s eyes lit up. Mission accomplished. “But, you have to have your power first in order for us to find you. We can still jump ley-lines; however, it will be hard finding you without you having your own powers and it would take too long.”

  “So, when I get my powers you will be able to transport to where I am, via ley-line.” I quirked my eyebrows. Mom laughed a soft warm sound and although I don’t like to be laughed at, this time I didn’t care. Dad grinned too.

  “Yes, but don’t worry we won’t be sneaking up on you, only when you need us.”

  “Well that’s a relief.” I said with a snort and rolled my eyes. As if I would let her sneak up on me, yeah right! “So, when I turn eighteen you’ll not have your powers anymore. I really liked the whole idea of my mom and dad pulling on a ley-line and getting me out of trouble.

  “The only power we’ll lose is the homing device. The ley-line transport will still be in-effect, and we also know how to cast spells.”

  “Wow, that’s wicked cool, will I be able to cast spells?”

  “Kiddo, you will most differently be able to cast spells.”

  “Now, that’s so effin awesome.”

  Mom beamed placing her hand over mine as she tapped her index finger over her and Dad’s faces. “We, as your chosen guardians if you haven’t noticed, take on a new look. Hence,” She lifted up her hand and pointed at her face. “The now black hair and blue eyes.”

  I started to wonder if Jace’s mother and father were guardians too.

  “All guardians chosen develop this look.” Mom said it with a shine to her eyes and that really had me thinking that Jace’s parents were guardians.

  “It insures the supernatural world that we are chosen protectors, protecting something wonderful like you. It insures that all the supernatural beings in the supernatural realm will stay away from our fledglings while we are in the other worlds. Guardians are a sort of safe-zone in the other worlds, although it will not keep evil supernaturals away from trying to hurt you if they like.”

  That had me thinking about my blood parents. “Mom, I have to know and I think it’s time. How did my biological parents die?”

  She had a sad look on her face. Mom sighed and rubbed her eyes, weariness rolled off her body in waves. I guess she didn’t think it would be this hard explaining everything and maybe it wouldn’t have been this hard if both my parents came clean and were up front with me from the beginning.

  “Charlie, the terrible part about all this is that we did not tell you sooner. And trust me when I say this, you are not someone like the Traveler. You’re not one of his followers! However, to Tru’s grandfather and his tribe that doesn’t matter in the least bit. If it wasn’t for the Traveler killing almost all of his tribe, your kind might not be marked. In all honesty though, the Traveler did intently mark your kind as one of his. Therefore, Isha’s people fear you and would kill without a thought. It’s sad but true.”

  “Mom, that’s not what I asked,” I said disgustedly.

  She sighed. “I know, but I have to get this through your head, you have to understand—

  I cut in. “No. Tru could never kill me. I don’t care what you say. I believe his people aren’t cruel, not like the Traveler and his kind.”

  Mom shook her head and glanced at Dad. “Kiddo, when we came back here we were taking a big risk on your life. We hoped that when we returned to this place we would not be hunted by any of the tribal warriors. Thus far we have succeeded, but at any time they could find us and try to kill you.” Dad’s tone was all of a sudden sharp. He narrowed his eyes and said, “We are telling you this for your own good, Charlie. I know you like Tru and I believe he is a good young man, but when his second nature sets in a
nd he finds out what you are, I don’t know.”

  I guess the cats out of the bag, well, the wolf that is. I guess they know he is a shifter. However, I was ticked. Why do they think Tru’s family could do something like that? I started to say something mean, but Dad held up one hand to stop my words. Sulking, I closed my mouth. Ugh. I leaned back crossing my arms over my chest. Yeah it was childish, but who cares? I mean, hello, do they care that my life is so totally falling apart. Hell no. So why not be a little childish?

  “Charlie, I know you don’t want to accept it.” Duh! “But, the facts are right there. When your mother tells you the story, I’m afraid you’ll look at Tru differently.”

  Doubtful! Sheesh!

  Mom glanced at Dad. I saw a shudder visibly run through her entire body. All my snarky-ness aside, I didn’t want my mom to re-live that night. I could see sweat rolling down her neck. It took her a second to regain her composure.

  Whatever Mom was about to tell me must be horrible. She looked back at me with so much sorrow; it hurt me just looking at her. I glanced over at Dad. He was in his own world, totally removing himself from whatever Mom was going to tell me about Lilly and Nathaniel. Mom took in a deep breath. She reached out with one hand towards me. I took it without hesitating. She rubbed her thumb lightly over my knuckles then said, “Sweetie, this is what I have truly regretted. Knowing that there would come a day when I would have to tell you how Lilly and Nathaniel died.”


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