A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 21

by J. L. Clayton

  Freaking Vamp, he thinks he is so cool. Look at me, I’m fast! Whatever!

  Asher: Kitten, I can hear your thoughts. Don’t be mad, now is not the time, I am in a bit of trouble.

  My eyes went wide, I thought: What happened?

  Asher: Kate knows. I have to leave, but I’ll be back with help. My cover has been found out so now I can bring back help.

  I shook my head and thought bitterly: How did she find out? And now that I’m marked you don’t give a damn if I live, is that it?

  Asher: Kitten I am going for help. I WILL get you out and I don’t know how she found out.

  I folded my arms across my chest thinking: Don’t worry, I won’t hold my breath. Besides, I can get myself out just fine. Plus, why did you bond me when you could’ve gotten help all a long?

  Asher: Kitten, I bonded with you so that if you need me I can help and so that I can tell you when help is here.

  Aggravated with him, I did something remarkable. I shut Asher out of my head. I pictured a steal door closing and locking; I had a vague impression of Asher’s face and thought just as the door locked.

  Asher thought: Don’t.

  His face crumbled and I thought I heard him say aloud, “Impossible!”

  Yes it was impossible. How did I just do that when my powers are being blocked?

  Chapter Thirty

  The ring

  I paced back and forth in my cell - cage, whatever. I was pissed, and frustrated. How was I going to get out of here? Clearly Asher was out of the picture… So how? As I paced, I noticed that everyone around me was watching intently, probably wondering what plan I had come up with. Why did I have to go and tell them I was going to get them out of here? Only if I had my powers! Then I thought of something my dream guy said, “Use the ring!”

  I glanced down at the objet in question. My dream guy said to use it, but how? How can I use this freaking ring? I watched the colors in the ring swirl fading from gray into blue leaving that white metallic haze. I pulled it off my finger and rubbed over the top of the surface. Maybe if I could get a better look? I rubbed over the surface, something remarkable was happening. As I rubbed the crescent moon, the colors started to rotate the other way. As soon as I stopped rubbing the ring, it started to swirl back the way it did before I rubbed it. I gasped. Ziggy now curious, flew up and looked down at the ring. His eyes went wide. Ziggy flew back fast. I raised my eyebrows at him. Reese leaned forward, as did Thorn and Sal. Magpie tried to lift her head to see what the big deal was, but as she did I heard a soft whimper escape her lips. Dory looked at me then at Ziggy, she glanced down at the ring and hissed. Crap, what the heck was going on?

  “What?” I frowned.

  “That’s some powerful ring you got there sweet cakes. Where’d you get it?” Ziggy squeaked.

  “It was a gift, why?” I asked.

  “Like I said, that’s some powerful ring.”

  Was there something to do with me rubbing it? I didn’t know! But what the heck… What do I have to lose?

  I held the ring in the palm of my hand; I was a little scared of what might happen. I took in a deep breath; slowly I let it out and rubbed the ring counterclockwise. The swirling haze started going the opposite direction once again. I rubbed over it with my thumb a second time. I saw the swirling haze speed up. With my heart pounding in my throat, I rubbed it a third time. The walls in my head shattered. Boom! Boom! A searing-blinding light hit me between the eyes and a collision of noise pierced my ears. Heat burst up and through my body. Power seemed to emanate and ripple up my spine.

  Overwhelming feelings crashed into me. I gasped falling to my hands and knees, clutching my chest, my head, and my whole damn body. I screamed wordlessly, shaking and convulsing on the floor. I couldn’t open my eyes. The pain was too much, nausea rushed up the back of my throat. I gagged and then vomited everything I hand in my stomach, which wasn’t anything. I felt darkness pass over my eyes, and I think I blacked out for a second. I felt someone pull the ring out of my hand and slide it onto my left index finger. It helped calm the overwhelming feelings I was getting. Mercifully, I could think again.

  Asher: Kitten, are you ok? What is happening? I can feel your pain. Tell me!

  I didn’t like that the walls I had put up to block Asher out were now down and I didn’t like him giving me orders. I heard the concern in Asher’s thoughts, but he was also mad at me for blocking him out.

  I had all I could take; slowly I started building the wall’s back up. I was happy now that it seems I could put my walls back up and that my powers were back. Slowly, excruciatingly slow I was me once again. All the power that was surging around me and in me I was blocking, throwing up wall after wall. It seemed like hundreds or thousands of walls I had to erect. It was slow, but everything faded. All that was left was Asher and me in my head. But he had to go too!

  Asher: Kitten, what are you doing?

  Sorry Asher, I thought.

  I saw Asher shake his head.

  Asher: No. Kitten, you need me! Don’t.

  I frowned, but did it anyways. I heard Asher screaming, but it was too late. My walls went up. I felt a whoosh and then a pop, as if all the air around me suddenly got sucked back into my body. I shuddered and slowly stood up.

  “Are you ok?” Thorn asked.

  I nodded, I really couldn’t answer him. My mouth was too dry, but I was at least standing and I had my powers. I had my powers!

  “What was that?” I asked.

  Ziggy settled himself on my shoulder, I wanted to flick him off me, but I didn’t.

  “What?” I hissed, glancing at him sideways. Ziggy smiled his razor sharp teeth smile. I grimaced. “What?” I say again, “If you’re just going to smile at me, then get off my shoulder.”

  “Don’t you feel it?” Ziggy asked in his squeaky voice. “The power your ring let loose… I can’t feel it in my body, but I can feel it around you.”

  Yeah I felt it. I grinned.

  Ziggy hopped off my shoulder and floated to the floor. So did the ring break the power shield? Am I the only one with power now? Okay, so if I’m this big bad cypher, the chosen one, then shouldn’t I be able to get out of here now? “Okay guys, I am about to test this theory out.”

  Ziggy grinned, but no teeth this time-thank God. I walked over to the bars. If I was right, I should be able to pull them apart. Oh hell, if I was wrong, I would look like a complete idiot. But, I had to try.

  “What are ye doing?” Reese’s cultured voice chimed out.

  I smiled a brilliant smile and said, “I am going to bend the bars!”

  Thorn snorted, Reese shook his head. I looked over at Magpie. She believed I could do it. Well, at least someone did. Ziggy and Dory had blank faces, while Sally looked grim.

  “How, might I ask are ye going to do that?” Reese shook his head again.

  “Okay kiddie’s quick lesson, I am supposed to be the chosen one, right?” I sighed, “I have the ability to cypher off of someone else power. It’s kinda like I am borrowing it. So, I am going to borrow Sally, um Sal’s strength, because she can’t use it do to the almighty power shield, but now I can.”

  “Right,” Thorn said doubtfully.

  I just shrugged my shoulders, because I too doubted myself. Nevertheless, there was no need to let them know that. I shook my head and opened one of the metaphysical walls I learned to set up in my head. My walls helped me separate each individual’s person’s power. That way I don’t go and pull on everyone’s ability’s at the same time.

  Yeah, been there, done that and don’t want to go back. It sucked, and hurt freaking bad.

  I grabbed hold of Sally’s strength. It felt like a second skin. Then a cold chill crept up my spine and a dark eerie sensation spread over my body. I thought I heard my dream guy.

  I thought he said, “Yes.”

  But I couldn’t be sure. I felt power flow over my body and strength wash through my blood. I knew in that moment I had the power to throw a bus. A smile curved
my lips, I felt everyone’s fear. They were afraid of me and I liked it. I loved that I was scaring them. It felt good. Their fear felt thick on my tongue. I knew my smile looked wicked, but I didn’t care. The power, the strength and their fear was like an aphrodisiac. I shuttered. Then I heard his voice and I knew my dream guy had found me. Somehow I just knew he was the one making me love the feel of fear and power. It was he who had taken over my body.

  “Yes Love it is I.”

  His voice rolled over my body in a tantalizing wave; I shuddered and nearly fell to the floor. I felt him smile, and that was just creepy. To not see but feel someone smile. Yikes.

  “With me, Love, it will always be this good. The power in you is wonderful and you are mine now. I will claim thee, have thee. I am coming to get you out of there. I will take you away and we will join as one.”

  I thought about that . . . Okay so I was freaked, but I also wanted out of here. So I asked, “What about everyone else?”

  “What?” Reese looked puzzled.

  I put my hand up; I didn’t have time to explain to everyone that there was someone in my head talking to me. Besides, just thinking it, well, it sounded crazy.

  “What about them Love?” His voice sent a shiver up my spine, it promised all kinds of wicked things.

  “I am not leaving without them!” I say.

  Reese was frowning while Thorn gave me a go to hell look. I turned my back on everyone, I had to concentrate. The looks in their eyes was not helping matters.

  “Oh yes you will. I only want you and I am coming to get you. Now!”

  And with that cryptic line I felt him leave. All I knew in that moment was that we really needed to get out of here like now, and soon. I knew my dream guy was coming and this time he would be flesh and blood.

  Chapter Thirty One


  I shook the thoughts I was having out of my head and gripped the bars firmly. I felt Sally’s strength ebbing and flowing through my veins. I knew in that moment I could do it. I pulled with the strength of a Troll. There was an audible grown when the bars gave way. I stared, amazed that I did it.

  “Shit girl, look what you just did!” Thorn said surprised.

  I beamed. Everyone was looking at me in equal measures of shock and awe. If it wasn’t for the ring breaking the power shield, I might still be pacing my cage. However, I decided right then that no matter how cool the ring was. I was so not going to wear it once I was out of here. I had a bad feeling that this ring had more power in it then just breaking shields.

  Ziggy flew and landed on my shoulder, I was starting to get used to it.

  “Oh Sweet cakes,” Ziggy shook his little head. “Strength is cool and all, but how are we going to get past the high-tech-laser tripwire thingy? If not for that . . .” Ziggy looked amused. It was really funny looking on his small face, I almost laughed. “We could have flown out of here days ago.”

  I sighed, “Good point. Let me think for a sec.”

  Ziggy hopped off my shoulder giving me space to breathe. Again I was back to pacing and getting more frustrated with every step I took.

  “Um. Excuse me?” A soft voice whispered.

  Whoever was speaking sounded strange. There seemed to be a pause within their words. I turned my head in the direction it came from. Unfortunately, the voice came directly behind Sally’s massive body, so I really couldn’t see who it was..

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “I know - You can’t see me over the Troll’s head - But, I have been listening - To your conversation. Well, I was wondering - If you get out of here - Um. Are you planning - On taking all us all with you?”

  I scratched my head, “Yes, why?”

  I heard a sigh, “Thank you. Thank you. So, you are the chosen one? Am I correct?”

  “That’s what they say!” I joked. Boy this being I was speaking with was strange.

  “You just took the Trolls strength. Correct?”

  “Well, not exactly. Sally, um Sal will still have all of her strength once she is passed the power shield. I didn’t steel it from her, I just borrowed it.”

  “So? If - You cypher from me - I will still have my abilities?”

  “Huh, that’s what I am told. I am new at this whole supernatural stuff.”

  “Ok. Then cypher off me.”

  “What are you?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t matter - All that matters - Is that one of my powers - Will help you get pass the lasers.”

  “I don’t know about this.” Reese said, “Ye don’t know what that thing is, maybe ye shouldn’t trust it. Moreover, it won’t even tell ye what it is.”

  I go, “Yeah, but I don’t really know any of you, and so your point is moot. Besides, what else can I do? I mean. . . Come on if you have any bright ideas, then feel free to share!” Reese shook his head. I frowned then asked. “Okay, tell me what you can do?”

  “Currently!” It said. I had a creepy feeling that whatever it was, the thing was laughing at me. “I can - Astral-project myself - Outside of my own body. I promise - This is no tick. I want out of here too.”

  “Okay, how will that help?” I asked.

  “Astral projection—will allow you to experience a sensation of floating—outside of your body. So basically. You will be able to walk through the lasers. Unharmed and undetected.” The being said it all in a rush.

  “Okay, well before I do this astral projecting, I would really like to know what I am dealing with. Please tell me what you are, and I promise you I will get you out of here.”

  The thing sighed, “Fine. I am a spirit walker - Or you can call me wraith.”

  “Wait a second.” I spluttered. “I thought wraiths were like ghosts?”

  “Yes. Well you see I am all of those things. Ghost. Specter. Wraith.”

  I swallowed and thought about one of my powers. Other than being a cypher, I could also call on the five elements. However, I didn’t think that calling the spirit element would allow me to astral-project. The more I thought about it, the more I knew that the spirit element inside me was nothing like what the wraith could do.

  “What’s your name,” I asked. “I would like to know who I am speaking to. Besides, I am after all fixing to draw on your power.”

  “Sybilla. At your service.” She giggled.

  I smiled. “Okay, nice to meet you. Now I am going to try and cypher off of you.” Like a Vampire, I thought. Ugh.

  “Okeydokey.” She laughed.

  I shook my head. This being was crazy. Sighing, I drew on that metaphysical power deep inside me. I felt her power. It was much different than Sally’s, lighter and warm. You would think that a wraith or anything to do with spirit would feel cold, but it didn’t. Sally’s power felt hard and kind of cold. It was as if I had temporarily removed it from her, making it a separate entity. I stood there and pulled on her power, sucking it into my body—temporarily giving me Sybilla’s gift. Once I had her ability I just stepped outside of my body. That was bad. I turned in time to see my body hit the floor hard. Woops, that’ll leave a mark. I shrugged, giggling. I looked down; an outline of me was standing over my now still lifeless body. I should be scared, right?

  For some reason I didn’t care. I was happy; finally I didn’t have to worry about anything. I didn’t care. I could leave this place and walk forever free, not alive and not truly dead. No pain. No hurt. No sorrow. Finally I could be happy. I frowned, this wasn’t right. What was wrong with me? I’m happy. I have my mom and dad and all my friends. I heard someone saying my name. I saw Ziggy and Dory was zipping back and forth in the air around my lifeless body. I heard Sybilla tell them that it was normal, that I wasn’t dead. I laughed, normal. What’s normal? I laughed harder. Oh I was losing it. But this feeling of freedom, it was such a rush. I frowned then. Something was wrong.

  Someone was saying over and over, “What’s happening? What’s happening? What is happening?” I realized The Someone, was me. I shook my head.

  Finally, I heard a soft
voice. “You are not dead. You are ok. You are just disoriented. Pull your humanity back. You can control it. Do not let it control you.”

  I nodded saying over and over. “Okay. Okay. Okay.” I breathed out and in, out and in. I saw a flicker of something inside my body on the floor. My humanity! Maybe? Slowly an overwhelming feeling of freedom started to well up in the pit of my stomach.

  Riddle me this: If I am see-through how exactly can I feel the pit of my stomach?

  I knew if I didn’t pull that flicker inside my invisible body I would surely and truly be lost. I started to pull on the light. I watched as that flicker of humanity floated up out of my lifeless body and drifted into my see-through body. Once it was inside of me I heard an audible click. I sighed and felt like myself again. I gazed at everyone giving a dazzling smile, but I realized no one could see me.

  “Sybilla can you hear me?”

  “Yes,” she giggled.

  I saw Reese frown. Then he asked. “Who are ye talking to?”

  So Sybilla can hear me, but no one else can!

  “Why the chosen one,” Sybilla said.

  Reese looked pissed, “What have ye done to her?”

  “She is fine. Only I can see or hear her. She is after all using my power.”

  Reese slammed his fist into the bars. “Damn ye. If summat bad has happened, I will seek vengeance on her behalf.”

  “Please. Put a sock in it.” Sybilla giggled.

  I walked up too Reese’s cage and waved my hands back and forth. He was sulking and he didn’t see me. I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

  Sybilla asked. “Are you ok?”

  “Yep, I’m good. So, time to get out of here!” I said glad that I was me again and still I wanted to do all sorts of crazy stuff.

  I stepped through the lasers. It didn’t feel like anything and it seemed to me like everyone was holding their breath, but that was just my imagination. Once I was through, it was okay, we could all breathe. I walked to the other side of the cage wanting to see what Sybilla looked like, but instead I changed directions. I didn’t have time to go looking around. I would see her sooner or later. I decided to let down the one wall that had closed off Asher. Hoping in my incorporeal state that it would work.


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