by Zoe Blake
"I think my baby needs a nap, but first I have a present for you." He gestured to a large object to the side of his desk, covered in a blanket. Lily had failed to notice it when she entered. She crawled off Papa's lap and moved to stand over the object and after a nod from him, she lifted the blanket.
It was an expertly crafted wooden cradle. Larger than the typical child's, it was decorated with carved flowers and birds. Inside was a soft, pink blanket, a new doll and a pacifier.
"For me, Papa?" Lily asked as she ran her fingers along the smooth wood.
"Yes, baby," he responded as he lifted her up and into the cradle. He gently tucked her under the pink blanket as she curled on her side, hugging her new doll. Kneeling down on his haunches he stroked her hair, "I want my little one close as she sleeps." He held the pacifier up to her now swollen lips and waited till she dutifully opened her mouth to accept it. "Sleep, little one." He returned to his desk to finish his work as her eyes drifted closed.
A little while later there was a knock on the study door. Rand checked to see if Lily was still sleeping before softly issuing the order for the visitor to enter. His butler peeked his head in to announce Lord Haversham had arrived to meet with him. Rand grimaced. Lord Haversham was an unprincipled ass who gambled more than he could afford to lose, and Lord Stockton had no respect the man. He frowned; Lord Haversham was likely come to pay his debts and collect his marker.
"Show him in."
Lord Haversham hobbled into the study, his movements hampered by his massive girth. As he shuffled towards Lord Stockton, he grumbled about his ever-present gout. Hiding another grimace, Rand rose to greet him.
"George, nice to see you old chap. I assume you are here to settle your debt?"
Lord Haversham swiped a soiled handkerchief across his sweaty brow. "You had the devil's own luck at the tables last night, Rand. I will win it back before long," he said as he fished a roll of bank notes from his coat pocket.
Looking past Rand, he noticed Lily sleeping in her cradle. "What do we have here?" He hobbled further into the room and Rand moved to intercept him before he got any closer to Lily. "Why you randy bastard! I heard a rumor you had the temerity to ensconce your latest mistress in your own home but didn't believe it! You always were an arrogant sod.
Lord Haversham moved to look around Rand's wide shoulders for another glimpse of the sleeping girl. "Come on, Rand! Give us a look," he whined.
"I believe our business has concluded, Haversham," Rand said, motioning his guest towards the door.
"Treating her like a little girl I see,” Haversham continued, ignoring Rand’s hint for him to exit. “Heard you ran that way." He licked his lips lasciviously as he eyed Lily’s sleeping form. "What say you make taking my money up to me? How about you give me a go at her?"
Rand held a tight rein on his anger, and his chest heaved as he struggled to take a calming breath. Despite being a distasteful pig, Haversham held a great deal of power in the House of Lords. Rand could not afford to make an enemy of him.
But despite his power, George Haversham could sense he crossed a line and now sought to rectify it. "No need to get all puffed up, Rand. I meant when you were done with the girl. We all know you tire of your mistresses before too long."
But Rand knew he would never be done with Lily. He was never letting her go, and would die before seeing her fall into the hands of someone like Haversham. He decided against even acknowledging the older man’s repulsive suggestion, knowing he would not be able to resist planting his fist in his face if he heard it again.
"Haversham, I am very busy. My butler will see you out." Summarily dismissed, Lord Haversham left with a huff.
Rand went to stand over Lily's cradle, relieved she had slept through the whole exchange. He tenderly covered her bare shoulder with the pink blanket and returned to his work.
He missed the single tear falling down her cheek. Lily had heard every word.
Later that afternoon, Mrs. Temple left Lily on the floor of her nursery playing with her letter blocks as she went to see to their afternoon tea tray. When she returned, Lily was gone.
"God dammit!" Rand roared as he swept his desk, sending every object crashing to the floor.
Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Temple both started at the sudden show of violence. They both had the very unhappy duty of informing his Lordship they could not find Lily. When Mrs. Temple had returned to the nursery to find her gone, they assumed she had wandered into the garden. It was only after they’d searched both the garden and house that they realized they could delay no longer. Lord Stockton would have to be told.
Mrs. Temple stood before his Lordship, her face pale. "I am so very sorry your Lordship. I don't know what could have gotten into the child. She seemed perfectly fine, perhaps a bit quiet after her time with you, but that is to be expected." She continued, wringing her hands in front of her ample bosom. “I only left her but a moment. I will never forgive myself if something should happen to that sweet child."
Mrs. Oliver held Mrs. Temple by the shoulders offering comfort. She too had grown quite fond of Lily and wanted to see the girl safe.
Rand stood in front of the fireplace, hands braced against the mantle, head down. "Did you look in the garden?" he asked in a low controlled voice. "She loves to play in the garden." He had spent the last several afternoons watching her from his study window as she twirled in the sunshine.
"Of course, your Lordship," answered Mrs. Oliver. "I had the entire staff search the house and gardens, every nook. We um....we...," she stopped, reluctant to continue.
"Well?" he asked impatiently, still staring at the flames.
Mrs. Oliver's gaze met Mrs. Temple's and gestured with a nod of her head that the nanny should speak up.
"Well, you see your Lordship," Mrs. Temple started hesitantly, "one of my uniforms is missing. We think Lily may have taken it before running away."
Rand slowly turned. "Get the Watch," he instructed in a deceptively quiet tone that did nothing to hide his anger. "GET THE FUCKING WATCH!" he roared when both women did not jump to do his bidding.
He watched with a hooded gaze as they ran from his presence. They may not know why Lily fled but he did; she must have overheard that bastard Haversham's remarks. If he ever saw the man again, Rand would strangle him with his bare hands, political influence be damned. Rand paced his study like a caged animal till his butler ushered in two officers from the Watch.
"We understand a young woman has gone missing, your Lordship?" inquired the officer in charge.
"Yes. She looks to be eight and ten years of age, slight in form and height with long light brown hair and brown eyes. She may be wearing a gray nanny's uniform." Rand rushed through the details, eager for them to start their search. "Why are you not writing any of this down?"
"Hold on now there, sir. We need to see if this is matter for the Watch."
"There is a young woman alone and penniless wandering the streets of London." Rand ran his hand through his hair, desperately trying to keep calm. "Of course this is a matter for the Watch!"
"Well, now, sir, that is for us to decide. Many a young woman goes missing who don't want to be found," said the second officer. Rand took an instant dislike to him.
"If we may, your Lordship, what is the young woman's relationship to household?" the officer in charge finished lamely, his original intent clear.
"She's my ... my maid." Rand would be damned if he would explain the special relationship he had with Lily to these two buffoons.
"Well, now, sir," the officer continued in that slow drawl that was driving Rand mad. "Many a maid goes missing all the time in London. Flighty lot. I wouldn't worry about it none. Probably headed back to the country or perhaps she lifted her skirts for some beau who got her in the family way and she knew she needed to light out."
Rand grabbed the officer by his uniform and swung him in a violent arc till the officer's back connected
with the wall, sending several pictures and a small vase crashing to the floor.
Rand got up close to the man's face. "Don't ever speak about my Lily that way again," he snarled. "Do you understand me?" The officer nodded his head, unwilling to anger his Lordship further, especially since his fellow officer was rooted to the spot with an awestruck look on his face. He would get no help from that quarter.
"Now I want you to get out there and fucking find her." Rand gave the officer a shake. "Do you understand me? You find her now!" He threw the officer away from him and watched in disgust as he stumbled to the door.
Moments later the guilt and fear came crashing down on him. His beautiful, sweet Lily was out there alone and unprotected because of him. He knew the overheard conversation with Haversham was just the catalyst. If he had been honest with her - if he had just told her he loved her and hadn’t tried to keep her at arm’s length - she might never have run away. He threw the drink he poured himself into the fire, getting no satisfaction from the shattered glass and burst of flame. He stared out the window as it started to rain. He had to find her. He had to bring his little one home. Rand threw his study door open and ran into the entry hall, reaching for the entrance door.
Earlier that day, Lily had waited until Mrs. Temple had gone to supervise the afternoon tea setup to make her escape. She had run into the nanny's rooms just off the nursery. Selecting the first dress she could find, she’d rolled it into a ball and ran out. She’d quietly made her way down the servant's back stairs, ducking into a broom closet, where she’d changed into the nanny's uniform. It was far too big for her, so she used the bow from her dress to tie it up around her waist, shortening the length slightly. Then she’d waited until she heard Cook move into the larder for supplies, before running through the kitchen and out the back door.
The first thing that hit Lily was the noise. Somehow London felt harsher, louder and dirtier than she remembered. She had not realized just how much Papa had softened her world. With the thought of him bringing fresh tears, Lily ran down the alley and disappeared into the crowd.
She wandered aimlessly for hours. She had no money, no family, and no plan, but she did not care about any of that. Without Papa, she did not care about anything. Eventually Lily found herself at the gates of St. James’ Park. She walked along the paths and sat on a bench in front of a large pond, finally allowing herself to think. Now that she had a few hours to calm down, she realized she acted impulsively. Once again, she allowed her quick temper to get her into trouble. She had been hurt and angry when she overheard that horrible man's words. Even given his elevated station and her lowly rank, she’d allowed herself to believe there was something special between them. At the horrible reminder that she was probably only a mistress to him and nothing exceptional, she panicked. In her hurt and anger, she fled.
Lily thought of all the ways he had showed her he cared, for although he punished her when she deserved it, was that not also a form of caring? She loved being Papa's little one. She loved how he held her in his strong arms. She loved how he made her feel small and protected and cherished. She wanted to be with him, for however long he wanted her to be his little one. Eventually he would toss her aside but at least she would have her memories.
It had started to rain when Lily made her long way home, back to Papa. She knew she earned herself a severe punishment. But she decided she would gladly accept whatever discipline he demanded if he took her back. Lily was on the front stoop, soaked to the bone, ready to raise the heavy, brass knocker when the door suddenly swung open. Standing there in all his fury and fear was Papa.
Rand immediately crushed her wet form into his warm, protective embrace.
"Mrs. Temple! Mrs. Oliver! A hot bath, immediately," he shouted as he swept Lily into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her nursery. Without saying a word, he stripped a shivering Lily of the ill-fitting uniform as Mrs. Temple ran a hot bath. He surveyed Lily's pale naked form, searching for wounds or any evidence she had come to misuse. When he was satisfied she was unharmed, he gently placed her into the warm, soothing water. He ordered Mrs. Temple out of the room and then he himself stripped bare and slipped into the bath behind Lily. He needed to hold her.
Rand cradled her small form between his legs as he tenderly washed her with a lathered bathing cloth.
"Papa, I'm so...,"
"Don't," he ordered. "Don't say one word, Lily. Not tonight. We will deal with everything tomorrow. Tonight, just let me take care of you." He wrapped his arms around her from behind and held her close till the bathwater cooled. Drying them both off, then wrapping her snug in a bathing cloth he carried her out of the nursery to his chambers, unconcerned with his naked state.
Once in his chambers, Rand insisted Lily drink a full glass of brandy to warm herself up. She coughed and sputtered as the fiery liquid blazed a path to her stomach but did not object. He then tucked her into his bed, making sure to add an additional blanket.
"I love you, Papa," sniffed Lily, her words slightly slurred from the brandy. "I'm sorry," she said in a soft voice before the effect of the strong liquor took over and she drifted to sleep.
Rand stared down at her small form, curled up safe in his bed, for several moments before crossing the room to get a robe. He poured himself a large brandy and sat before the fire, watching the bed, watching her. He had almost lost her today - almost lost her because of his own stubbornness, his own unwillingness to give of himself after he demanded she give everything of herself to him. Tomorrow he would take steps to make sure that never happened again.
Lily opened her eyes, at first relishing in the soft warmth of Papa's bed, until the events of yesterday broke into her consciousness. With a groan, she buried her head under the covers.
She sat bolt upright in bed, looking in the direction of the sound. There was Papa, dressed and ready for the day, sitting in a chair by the fire. Lily scrambled from the bed and ran across the room, dropping to his feet.
"Please forgive me, Papa," she sobbed. Rand stroked the top of her head. He knew he was partially responsible for her running away and would address that soon, but for now, he needed to be stern. She could have come to serious harm out there all alone. He needed to make sure she understood the danger she put herself in.
"You know you need to be punished for acting so foolishly," he said in a calm and even tone despite his anger.
"Yes, Papa," Lily responded in a small voice.
"Mrs. Temple is here to take you to your nursery. She will be giving you an enema to prepare you for your punishment."
Lily paled at his words but made no argument as Mrs. Temple grabbed her upper arm and pulled her away.
"Mrs. Temple," Rand called out before she reached the threshold, still with a strong hold on Lily. "Restrain both her arms and legs."
"Yes, your Lordship," Mrs. Temple replied as Lily sobbed hysterically from fear at his words.
Over an hour later, Rand walked into the nursery bathroom to see a pale and weak Lily on her knees facing away from him, restrained to the rubber mat table. He had instructed Mrs. Temple to give Lily a particularly soapy enema and force her to hold it for forty minutes.
"Have you cleaned the nastiness of the London streets out of my little one?" he asked. Lily gave a start at his voice.
"Yes, your Lordship," replied Mrs. Temple in a respectful tone. She knew she was lucky she had not gotten sacked for letting Lily slip by her. She did not want to give him any reason to do so now. "I have also prepared the other items you requested. They are on that tray there."
"Very good,” he said. “I want you to gag Lily with one of her pacifiers. Secure it with a ribbon so she cannot spit it out. I have no wish to hear her beg.”
His Lordship shed his overcoat and began to roll up his shirtsleeves. Lily whimpered but kept quiet as Mrs. Temple pushed the largest of her pacifiers into her mouth and tied it around with a pink ribbon.<
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"Now leave us," he commanded.
Lily sent a pleading gaze to Mrs. Temple, not knowing what it meant that Papa did not want the nanny in the room, but certain it did not bode well. Mrs. Temple ignored Lily's silent plea and quickly left the room. Lily began to tremble as the room fell silent. Finally she heard movement as Papa stepped in front of her. He grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his angry gaze.
"Remember, little one. You need the discipline I provide."
Lily's eyes teared up. She knew he was right. She needed him to punish her. She needed to atone for the hurt she caused him. Without another word, he dropped her chin and returned to the side table, selecting the long, heavy leather tawse. He would warm her ass up with it before he began her real punishment.
Lily screamed into her pacifier gag at the first hit. Blistering heat erupted across the top of her thighs. She struggled in her restraints as a volley of hits struck her thighs and buttocks each more painful than the last. She tried to sway her hips to the side to avoid the onslaught, but Papa placed a large, strong hand on her lower back and pushed, staying her hips and forcing her bottom higher, as if she were asking for the next hit. Her poor, bottom glowed a bright, crimson red as it radiated heat and pain.
"Just one more shade of red, baby girl," he said ominously. "Then we will move on to the next phase of your punishment."
Lily screeched into her gag as he layered her bottom with another round of hits from the heavy, leather tawse. By the time he was done, her bottom was swollen and bruised.
Papa collected a small bowl and a towel from the silver tray and returned to Lily. Ignoring her wail of pain, he grasped her punished globes in his hands and pried them wide apart, exposing her vulnerable puckered hole. Lily felt something cold and wet being pushed past her sensitive ring. For a moment she thought Papa had changed his mind about punishing her further and had started to apply a cooling salve. Then the burning started.