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Sweetness Page 1

by Jude Ouvrard

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter ONE

  Chapter TWO

  Chapter THREE

  Chapter FOUR

  Chapter FIVE

  Chapter SIX

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter EIGHT

  Chapter NINE

  Chapter TEN

  Chapter ELEVEN

  Chapter TWELVE

  Chapter THIRTEEN

  Chapter FOURTEEN

  Chapter FIFTEEN

  Chapter SIXTEEN


  Chapter EIGHTEEN

  Chapter NINETEEN

  Chapter TWENTY




  Copyright © Jude Ouvrard 2016

  Published by Jude Ouvrard

  The right of Jude Ouvrard to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted

  by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000.

  License Notes: This novel is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This print may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead,

  or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Cover Artist: JC Clarke

  Editor: Debbie Williams

  Proofread: Megan Noelle, Susan Ramsey

  Other Books by Jude Ouvrard

  Under the Sun


  Lost Dreams


  Body, Ink, and Soul

  Music, Ink, and Love

  Not Afraid to Love you

  Safe to Love You

  Beneath the Stars

  Keep me warm (coming soon)

  If you want to spice up your life but aren’t in the mood for Mexican food, read Sweetness.

  I hope you enjoy it.

  Chapter ONE

  LAST SUMMER DIDN'T EXACTLY END the way I had planned. It was mid-June when I discovered my best friend was pregnant with my boyfriend's baby.

  Carolina and I had been best friends for over fifteen years. We grew up together, we have matching ‘Best Friend’ tattoos and we shared so many things in common. Unfortunately, one of the things we shared was the fact that we had slept with the same guy. Maybe sharing all my dirty secrets about Damien hadn’t been a good idea. Temptation had the potential of ruining everything, and in this case, it did. Damien had been my boyfriend for six years. He was my high school sweetheart, my first love, and my first lover. My first...everything.

  Apparently it was no secret to half of the University of Florida, but to me learning about Damien and Carolina was a shock. I had never been this humiliated in my entire life. People laughed, gossiped behind my back and it hurt me. I was devastated.

  I spent the whole summer trying to get transferred to the University of Columbia in New York City. For my own survival, I needed to get away. Thankfully, I had very good grades and I had a gift with communication. I spent hours writing letters and emails; calling the direction of the University and it worked. In September, I started a new life. Moved into the Broadway Hall residence on campus, it was a small room, but I had no options, I was in New York City after all and rent everywhere was expensive. At least I was far from the person whom I’d thought was my friend, and far away from the future daddy.

  Heartbroken almost covered how I felt. I had loved Damien with all my heart and part of me still did even though he had destroyed any trust I could ever hold in a man.

  My parents took it hard when I chose to move so many miles away, because it meant more work for them on the ranch. They were barely able to stop working to drop me at the airport. I felt bad and somewhat responsible for their misery, but my place was no longer in Florida. I had been betrayed enough.

  A true country girl living in the Big Apple. The adjustment was hard. Does this city ever sleep? I missed the nature, my house with the ranch, but mostly, I missed my parents, my twin sister and my horse. The only thing I had here which felt a little bit like home was Central Park and lucky for me, it took ten minutes to walk there from my dorm.

  It had been a few months now since I moved to New York and my money was running low. I had to find a job and soon. I tried to find a decent job, but no one was willing to take a chance on me. I’d worked on the ranch my whole life, and I had no other work experience. I applied to a fast food restaurant because I figured they would give me a chance and they did. Krystal, who lived down the hall from me, was working there too. I had been serving burgers and French fries for over eight hours today when I took the last order of my shift. My bed had been calling my name since I first got here.

  “A big coffee, please, with two sugars and two creams,” the city worker requested. He was a tall man with dust covering every inch of his overalls. He had a stern look on his face, not someone I would intentionally displease.

  He paid and one of my co-workers got his coffee. He took a sip and spit it on the floor.

  “I said two sugars, not two cups of sugar! I want another one,” he ordered angrily and almost spat in my face.

  I stood there speechless. This had never happened to me before.

  “Hey, blondie, I said I wanted another coffee. I don’t have all day,” he yelled, intimidating me.

  “One moment, sir, I'll get it for you.” I tried to smile, but I couldn’t do it. He was scaring me.

  I turned to the coffee machine and took a new cup and added the coffee, along with two spoons of sugar. I made sure it was well stirred and added the cream. “Here is your coffee, sir.” I hid my frustration. Some customers had no problem treating us like garbage, and he was one of them.

  “What kind of name is that, anyway? Iris?” His angry voice echoed through the restaurant and startled the other customers. He rolled his eyes, turned around and I walked away. He was supposed to be my last customer, but a man wearing a burgundy suit stood before me on the other side of the counter and smirked when the rude guy left. “Iris is a beautiful flower, an even prettier woman and a name I won't forget.”

  I had seen him before, but this was my first time serving him. We had exchanged a couple of shy smiles in the past, but I never thought anything of it. Today marked the first time he’d talked to me and he took my breath away. My name had never sounded better than it did, coming out of his mouth.

  I blushed, instantly forgetting the asshole I had served seconds ago.

  “Hi. What can... Want... Hummm.” Shit! “Thank you, you don't look bad yourself.” Since when have I stuttered because of a man?

  He chuckled and looked at me. It struck me how blond and thick his eyelashes were. “I'll have an iced cappuccino, please.”

  “Okay.” I pressed the correct buttons of the register. “Three dollars and thirty-four cents, please.”

  He handed me a credit card, I’d never seen an all black before and I slid it into the machine. After handing him back the card, I turned around to prepare his drink myself. One unhappy customer was enough for the day. Although, I doubted he would cause a scene.

p; “Here’s your iced cappuccino. Thank you.” Our fingers touched when he took the plastic container from my hand. I gave him my best employee smile, trying to ignore the delicate way he had touched me. If this moment could have lasted longer, it would have made up for all of the crappy days I’d worked here.

  “Thank you. You work here often?” he asked curiously, holding my gaze.

  I nodded. “I’m done for the day though. You were my last customer.”

  “Alright, I'll see you...soon, Iris.” I noticed how he waited before he said soon. Strange.

  He left the restaurant with the straw glued to his lips, sipping his drink. His hair was dark blonde, flicked towards the back of his head with style. He was good-looking, but not my style. I had noticed that he always wore tailored suits, with a matching tie. Most likely a young professional, businessman and the way he dressed screamed wealth.

  “Was he flirting with you?” Krystal asked, way too excited over a chance encounter.

  “I think he was.” We both chuckled.

  “I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before,” Krystal announced. “Anyway, GO. Your shift was over ten minutes ago. You need to go now, before the boss realizes you’re still here and asks you to stay.” She gave me a quick hug and pushed me toward the employee area.

  I hurried out of the restaurant with my skateboard in hand. As soon as I could, I dropped my board to the ground and started rolling.

  A black town car, with dark tinted windows, stopped a few feet ahead of me. As the window slid down, the blonde man poked his head out, startling me. “Do you want a ride, Iris?”

  Was he following me? “No, thanks. I'm good.”

  Giving a nonchalant wave, I moved along on my skateboard. As if I would accept a ride with him! We’d talked for the first time ever today and he actually believed I would agree to get in a strange car with him? Men are so full of themselves. Still he managed to make me smile, though.

  Exhaustion hit me on my way to the dorm; I was physically and mentally drained. I couldn't wait to get to my room and take a well-deserved nap. My legs were too tired to ride my board any longer, so I walked the last block, almost limping.

  “Hey, Iris!” Zach nudged me on the shoulder as I stepped into my dorm room. He’d obviously been waiting for me.

  “Hey, Zach.” I yawned.

  “No, no, no. Don't back out on me tonight. You promised,” Zach said, grabbing my arm.

  I rolled my eyes. “I'm still going, chillax. I need a little nap, okay?” My eyes were so heavy; I could barely see him.

  He nodded and then flipped me over his shoulder. “I better get you into bed, now.” He slapped my behind and dropped me onto the mattress. “Sleep tight, sugar crisps.” He kissed my forehead twice and tucked me under the comforter.

  “I will, lucky charm.”

  Only we could give ourselves pet names which referenced breakfast cereals. That’s how we had become friends. Zach had run out of Lucky Charms so I gave him a bowl of Sugar Crisps and the next morning, he’d shown up with a brand new box. We’ve been friends since that day and hang out together, as if we are joined at the hip.

  I set my alarm to get up in two hours of sleep. Then, I planned to study for an hour, get ready and leave for our night out. Zach and I had been planning this for a week. With the studying for finals and, we never had time to hang out anymore and I missed him, a lot. Zach had the brain of Einstein and the looks of Heath Ledger. Thankfully, he didn't have the Australian accent or I may have fallen for him already. We had been friends for over three months and we often pushed the limit of what friends should be to one another. He liked me, and I liked him. His beautiful brown eyes haunted my dreams, more than I wanted them to, given I’ve been celibate for months.

  Tonight, it was going to be the three of us. Zach, Krys and me. Together, we always an awesome time. There was something special about Krystal, she was a free spirit who liked to take advantage of life. Party after party, that’s how she rolled. Krystal had a thing for both girls and boys and she was at ease with her sexuality. I thought it made her special. She talked about it in a very open way, never skipping any details. Her bisexuality seemed to help her reach her highest levels of happiness. She never failed to remind me she was sexually content. Unlike me. I hadn't had sex since Damien. Trust me I miss it, but it’s as if I have some sort of mental block. With Damien, I thought we were it, together forever. Our sex life was great – at least it was until I discovered he’d slept with my best friend. It still gave me shivers thinking about it after all this time, which annoyed the hell out of me. The shit he’d put me through afterwards should have turned me off when it came to thinking about sex with him.

  During the last year of our relationship, we’d begun talking about getting engaged and renting a small apartment in town. We had already decided on the type of furniture we would get to furnish our new home. It was a done deal. All the money I made at the ranch, teaching horse riding to kids had gone into a saving account for our project, and I was very excited about it. Damien had meant everything to me, I believed he was the love of my life. I would have done anything for him, but I couldn’t accept what he had done to me. It represented way too much. All of the lies he told me, to be with Carolina, it killed me. When the pieces started to come together, I couldn’t believe what I discovered. I had never been so hurt in my life and I promised myself to never again become so blind because of a man. I left everything behind and only now, in recent months had I started to feel alive again.

  The last time Zach and I got carried away together, we almost did the deed. We were seconds away from having sex. A knock on the door stopped us. It left us with unfinished business, and desire still lingered between us. All I could think about was tonight, I expected him to ask if he could sleep with me and I wanted him. I had thought about this way too much and I was certain he had, too. From the looks he gave me, it seemed as if he was always undressing me with his eyes. Every time he touched me, my heart hitched.

  I put on a red mini skirt with a black top which flattered me in all the right places and paired the outside with knee-high black leather boots. In hopes of hiding the exhaustion in my eyes, I added a layer of foundation and did my best to add the perfect black line above my eyelashes. I kept my make-up and hair simple but I thought I looked pretty once I was done. The weather in New York had been one of the hardest things to adjust to. December brought cold weather and my thin jacket didn't do enough to keep me warm anymore. With my next paycheck, a winter jacket was going to be a priority. If only I made more money, it would make my life a lot easier. Christmas was coming and I was going to stay at the dorm alone, with no money available to afford the trip home. It sucked, my parents were angry at first when I told them I wouldn’t be coming, but at the end of the day, they’d come to terms with my decision.

  “Sugar!” When Zach entered my room, he just stared at me, drooling.

  “Hey, lucky.” I blushed. “I'm ready.”

  He stepped closer, his brown eyes filling with desire.

  “I’ve change my mind. What about staying here for the night?”

  I knew what he was suggesting, but there was no way I would cancel my night out. It represented my unique Christmas celebration. The only fun I expected to have until the beginning of January when he would return to the university. “I want what you want, lucky, but we have to go out. I want to have some fun. A crazy fun-filled night is ahead of us.”

  He took me prisoner in his arms and his lips found mine. God! Tingles overwhelmed my body. I had to stop him, now, while I could still think.

  “Zach, stop, not now, okay?” He looked down at me, lust plastering his eyes. “I feel it too. Whatever this is that we have... but Krystal is waiting, and I need a drink.” Lame excuses, Iris.

  “Later, then.” He kissed me one last time, making me regret stopping him in the first place. All part of a game I was meant to lose.

  Krystal waited at the end of the hall, all dolled up and looking sexy. She h
ad no partner for tonight. She was on her own, living the good life, she said.

  “If the party sucks, I know a place where we could have a good time.” Krystal had some connections here in New York. Her cousin was into the nightlife scene in a big way and always kept Krystal on speed dial if an opportunity presented itself.

  “Will your cousin be there?” Zach asked, without doubt, because he liked her. At the time, he hadn’t specified how much he liked her, but I knew he thought she was hot.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m hungry, I forgot to grab something to eat before leaving. I was distracted.”

  “Do you want to stop by work before we go out, then we can use our discount,” Krystal proposed, since we were both short on money.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I didn’t think Zach's love of fast food would ever die. Walking with heels on a cold night, and with a short skirt, soon proved to be a bad idea. I missed both my sneakers and my skateboard.

  The warmth of the restaurant was welcome and the smell had me convinced I was starving. Our coworkers eyed Krystal and me as if we had arrived from a different planet. “Hey, guys.” Krys broke the silence.

  “We'll have three number ones with Diet Cokes.”

  We sat at a table by the front window and ate in silence. My brain couldn't process anything other than eating. I was famished and zoned out until half way through my meal when Zach spoke. “Come on, girls. I don't want to get there after everyone is already wasted.” I took a last sip of my Diet Coke before throwing it into the trash. With a full stomach, I was ready to party the night away.

  We entered the house where the party was taking place. There were people everywhere. The house was crowded to the point that I feared for our safety. What if something happened?

  Zach grabbed three beers from the counter and offered us one. We stood face-to-face unable to move in the sea of people. The night wasn’t turning out as I had imagined. No dance area, no place to sit, just a big mass of people drinking and sweating. After five minutes, I wanted to leave. The parties in Florida were a lot more fun, and I’d expected better.


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