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The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light

Page 18

by Penelope King

  “It doesn’t bother you that he might like me?”

  “No, of course not. I mean, if you do hook up, of course I’d be totally jealous ‘cause he’s so gorgeous and all. But I know I’m not in his league…it’s not like I’d ever stand a chance.”

  She emerges from the tiny dressing room in her sweats, the gown in her arms. The saleslady instantly swoops in and takes it from her. Corrine rolls her eyes. “Let’s go.”

  I notice the time. “Sorry, Corrine, but I have to get headed back…”

  She nods. “I understand. Totally. Thanks for today—” She stops and grabs my arm. “Wow, speak of the devil.”

  I look at her surprised face and follow her line of vision. My heart sinks into my stomach. Sitting by the elevators eating frozen yogurt and laughing is Kieron…and Drusilla.

  My insides feel like ice as I watch them. I’m so stupid. So very stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  “Forget them,” Corrine says, pulling my arm. “Come on, let’s just go. You don’t want to be late.”

  Suddenly I want to get out of there as fast as I can…before Kieron or Drusilla happen to glance up and see me. What are they doing here together? Is he reading her some poetry, too? Is that his thing?

  Sickened, I spin on my heel and rush the other way, Corrine right beside me.

  Chapter 15. Lucky

  Sighing, I signal Gyan to bring me another drink.

  “Bones, you’re being ridiculous.” I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

  “Am I? Some demion shows up and the next thing I know you’re telling me we can’t hang out anymore because your feelings are all confused. Why shouldn’t I kill him? He’s a nobody…a nuisance…and he’s got you all messed up in the head.”

  I roll my eyes and take several long swallows. The way Bones is acting, I know I’m in for a long night. At least he’s speaking to me again, although listening to him plot Kieron’s demise isn’t much of an improvement.

  “Trust me, it’s not his fault, it’s hers. Like I told you before. You wanna kill someone, kill Liora. Be my guest.” I swish my hand like I’m swatting away a fly, and spin my chair around to check out the rest of the room. Same as always. And no Kieron in sight.

  Where is he, anyway? I haven’t seen him in a few nights…

  “You know I can’t do that,” Bones says and chugs his whiskey.

  I press my lips together and start tapping my feet to the loud music. I’m glad Bones stopped me at the Bridge tonight so we could come to the Bar together. But his attitude is testing my patience. I don’t even know what I’m feeling. How am I supposed to explain it to him?

  “Is it because he’s part human and I’m not…is that why you like being around him so much?” he asks a few minutes later.

  I sigh again, and twist a long lock of hair around my finger. If only Bones could understand. But he’ll come around eventually…he has to. I’m sure it’s just his precious ego being hurt that’s pissing him off. He’s not accustomed to having any competition for my affections; he’s used to having anyone he wants throw themselves at his feet.

  “Partly…I think. But that doesn’t change the fact that I still need you…he’s not replacing you. You’re my very best friend, and I don’t know what I’d do if that ever stopped. I just want to be friends with him, too.”

  His eyes meet mine. Despite my growing feelings for Kieron, Bones can still melt my insides when he wants to. “Yeah well, just remember, I’ve been around longer and I’m not leaving. No outsider’s gonna change that.” He sets down his drink and wraps his strong arms around me.

  I get the familiar flutters I always feel when Bones holds me close. This time, though, it’s my relief that things are okay between us again. I hug him tight, giving him a kiss on his warm cheek.

  “Thanks,” I whisper. “You don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that.”

  Bones pulls away and looks me up and down. “But I’m telling you now…if he steps outta line…if he does anything, even one thing to hurt you,” he holds up his finger before gliding it across his neck, “then all bets are off. I’m gonna let the whole pack loose on his pretty-boy punk-ass and scatter his limbs to the furthest corners of the territory. I don’t care who he thinks he is, nobody messes with my girl.”

  I roll my eyes again. Bones can be so dramatic sometimes. But the sentiment is sweet. “Everything will be fine…”

  Bones’ magnanimous mood ends abruptly as Kieron enters the Bar. He stiffens and clenches his jaw. I focus on remaining stoic, cool. Now is not the time for me to make it obvious how happy I am to see Kieron again. It has only been a few nights, but I’d been growing increasingly concerned…

  As Kieron casually makes his way toward us, I hear Bones growling softly under his breath. “Play nice,” I whisper. He turns back to his drink.

  I’d made the effort to look especially hot for Kieron tonight, hoping I’d see him. Even though I’m planning on tormenting later this evening, no long dresses here. The low-cut, teal-colored cat suit hugs my curves perfectly, and leaves little to the imagination. Although Liora certainly doesn’t have even the slightest clue how to be sexy, I don’t want there to be any doubt in his mind which of us is more desirable. I’m the one who’ll rock his world and blow his mind. Not her.

  “Good evening, Lucky, Bones,” Kieron says, taking the seat beside mine. Bones just grunts, but Kieron is unfazed by the rude greeting. “Bones, I heard there was another incident along the western border…do you know anything about it?”

  Bones takes several long, deliberate gulps of his drink before acknowledging Kieron’s presence.

  “Do I look like I’m on patrol right now? Why don’t you bug someone who doesn’t have the night off,” he says.

  “Bones…” I place my hand on his arm.

  “No, its fine, Lucky. I just thought he may have heard something. If he doesn’t know anything…”

  Bones jumps out of his seat so quickly he nearly makes me spill my drink. “Why don’t we go outside and I can explain to you exactly what I do and do not know,” he growls, eyes blazing.

  Kieron’s face remains passive as his eyes lock with Bones’. He slowly rises to his feet, but I push him back down.

  “No. Stop it. You, sit,” I say to Kieron. Then I grab Bones’ sweater and yank him to the back corner.

  “What the hell, Bones? Not two seconds ago you said you were gonna be cool with this.”

  “I just don’t like the guy, Luck. What can I say…he just rubs me the wrong way. I mean, you heard him…practically called me a clueless idiot back there just because I didn’t want to tell him what happened last night.” Bones scowls, his eyes still flashing with anger.

  I sigh. “You’re being overly-sensitive. He’s just making small talk. Settle down.”

  He rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated moan. “I only promised you I wouldn’t kill the guy…for now. I never said I wanted to be buddy-buddy with him.”

  “You don’t have to be buddy-buddy…just don’t be a total dick.”

  He smirks. “Can’t promise that, love. There are some things in this world that are just out of my control. You enjoy your evening. I’ll see you around.”


  He turns to leave, but stops when he sees the stunning red-head hurrying toward us. “Lucky, Bones, good you’re here.” Her normally jovial face is clouded with concern.

  “Hey, Catalina. What’s wrong? You seem upset,” I say.

  “I need to talk to you guys…it’s important. Have a minute?”

  “Of course,” Bones says, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Here, let’s get you a drink, and you can tell us what’s got you so worked up. Come on.” He steers her over to the bar, several seats away from where Kieron sits alone. I signal for Gyan to bring Catalina her drinks.

  She eases onto a barstool, giving us a pensive glance. “I’m sorry to bother you, and I’m sure I’m just making a big deal out of nothing…”

  “What i
s it?”

  She pauses to take several long swigs from the glass Gyan sets down. Bones and I exchange silent looks, both noticing the worry in her eyes.

  “I was just wondering…have you guys seen or heard from Ivy or Cody recently?” she finally asks.

  “No, not for several nights.” I’ve been so wrapped up in my own drama, I’m not sure when I last saw either one of them. “I just figured they were taking some time off or something…” I glance at Bones and he shakes his head.

  “That’s just it…everyone just assumed they were off doing their thing. But I stopped by their house today to get back some shoes Ivy borrowed and…” Catalina hesitates, then gulps the rest of her drink.

  “And what?” Bones and I ask in unison.

  “And, well, their house looked…weird…the way they left it. It was all done up as if they were going to have a romantic time…bed turned down, flowers everywhere, champagne bottles in buckets of water, the stereo was even playing soft music. But it was obvious no one had been there in a while. It seems really odd they would have left it like that…”

  “What are you saying? You think something happened to them?” I ask, my heart starting to pound.

  She nods, fear in her eyes. “Yes, but no one seems to care. Everyone thinks they’re fine, and why wouldn’t they be? Ivy’s more than strong enough to take care of both of them. But something’s not right here. It’s not like her to just take off for this long and not say anything to me. She didn’t even get a replacement for her post here at the Bar. She just didn’t show up…same with Cody.

  “That is weird,” I admit.

  Bones nods in agreement, his brow furrowed. “What should we do?”

  “That’s just it; I don’t know what to do. The few demons I’ve mentioned this to say I’m overreacting and not to start trouble where there isn’t any. But I’m not…I’m just worried, and I hoped maybe you guys could help…”

  “There’s been some fighting along two of the borders lately, and I know there have been several incidents of humans being murdered in the local towns. But I don’t see how any of that would involve Ivy or Cody,” Bones says.

  Catalina sighs, and nervously tugs at her crimson waves. “So you think I’m overreacting, too? I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.” Her pouty lips turn down in a frown.

  “I don’t think you’re wrong to be worried,” I say, “But what’re we supposed to do? If they’re in the territory and had trouble or something, Bones and the other boys would know. And if they’re out of the area, well, how would we find them? They could be anywhere…” I stop mid-sentence as I realize the answer to my question is sitting at the bar.


  He sees me looking at him, and I wave him over. Bones growls softly behind me. “Stop it. He can help us,” I mutter.

  Kieron comes to stand behind me, and I fill him in on what Catalina had said. He immediately looks concerned. “Any ideas why they might be in some sort of trouble? Did they have any problems with other demons that you know about?”

  Catalina and I shake our heads, and Bones glares at him silently.

  “No…none that I ever heard of. Everybody likes Ivy, and Cody’s as nice as they come….”

  “Hmm. Any first-searchers been sent out?”

  Catalina shakes her head again. “No, like I told them,” she says motioning to Bones and me, “no one’s worried about them at all.”

  Kieron’s gaze falls on me. “But you’re worried?” he asks.

  I lean back against the bar and nod. “If Catalina feels something’s amiss, I believe her.”

  Kieron presses his lips together for a moment. “Okay. I’ll go see what I can find. If I can stop by their house first to pick up the trail, this’ll go a lot faster.” He absently runs his hands through his hair. Bones looks like he wants to eat his face off.

  Catalina brightens. “You mean it? You think you can help?”

  “He’s a Latros,” I say proudly. Bones narrows his eyes and growls again.

  “Oh, thank you, thank you,” Catalina gushes. “I’ll feel so much better once I know everything is fine and I’m just being a hysterical drama queen.” She jumps up and gives Kieron a big hug. I know she’s just grateful for his help, but seeing her lithe body pressed up against his grates on my nerves.

  “I’m going too,” I say, leaning closer to him.

  “So am I,” Bones says.

  Well, this oughta be interesting.


  The three of us race through the night; me on Diablo, Kieron on his Ducati, and Bones as a hellhound. Following their senses, Kieron and Bones have both led us in the same direction so far. But I fear their macho desire to outdo one another will spell trouble for our little tracking party if either of them crosses the line.

  “Bones, knock it off!” I yell as he cuts Kieron off for the third time. Kieron swiftly dodges Bones’ sideswipe, and soon retaliates with a near-miss of his own. I groan inwardly and roll my eyes. Boys…

  Without warning, Bones screeches to a halt. Kieron skids his bike around once he realizes his racing partner is no longer beside him.

  I ease Diablo to a prancing trot. “What is it?” I ask. Kieron pulls up beside me and looks around suspiciously.

  Bones points his nose in the air and moves it in several small circles. Then his body shivers and shakes. Kieron averts his eyes from Bones’ nude form.

  “It stops here,” he says. Then he looks at Kieron. “Why’d you keep going? Did you sense something I didn’t?”

  Kieron nods, still looking away. “I’ve been following something else for several miles. An energy mixed almost indistinguishably with Ivy and Cody’s.”

  “Wait, someone care to fill me in…where are Cody and Ivy? What other energy?” I ask, surveying the surrounding area. It’s dark, but Illyria’s moons provide enough light, and my pupils are at maximum dilation. I can see perfectly. Problem is, there’s nothing to see.

  “Their scent was solid up to the meadow. It was especially strong by the river. But it trailed away from there and gradually faded…” Bones says.

  “Something else was with them,” Kieron adds. “An energy that started by the river. I think we need to follow it and see where it takes us—”

  “What kind of energy?” I interrupt him. “We’re looking for Ivy and Cody, not some mystical spark plug.”

  Kieron has a strange look on his face. “I think they’re connected. Follow me,” he says and revs his engine. He speeds off, Bones quickly transforms and chases after him, and I take up the rear. The three of us fly over the miles of open countryside.

  When we reach the border of Dryndara, we stop. Any further and we’ll be trespassing. Although these neighbors, the Hlbafa, aren’t as hostile as some of the others, we’re forbidden to cross over without permission. Otherwise we’re fair game for attack.

  “What now?” I ask.

  Kieron shakes his head and shuts off the engine. As he props the motorcycle on the kickstand, I dismount and walk over to him.

  Bones sniffs the air again, then resumes his human shape. “I don’t smell anything. Are you sure…”

  “I don’t think they came here of their own free will,” Kieron says under his breath. My heart starts racing. With Bones and Kieron at my side, I know we’re a force to be reckoned with. But not knowing what forces we face makes me uneasy.

  Kieron closes his eyes, tilts his head to the sky, and slowly turns in a circle. Bones and I exchange confused glances. I shrug.

  A moment later, Kieron opens his eyes. “There,” he says, pointing to a patch of trees in the distance.

  “What’s there?” Bones and I ask in unison.

  Kieron seems to be in a trance. He grasps my hand, and the vacant look in his eyes unnerves me; it’s as if he’s a million miles away. I sense Bones’ irritation as he moves to stand beside me. But Kieron ignores him, speaking to me in hushed tones.

  “Cody and Ivy are in trouble, and I’m not sure if the dang
er has totally passed. I’ve located their positions and will go check on them. For right now, I think it’s better if you stay here. Please wait for my signal that all is clear.”

  Despite my growing dread I give a low chuckle. “Think again. Those are my friends in there. If you think I’m staying here like some kind of…”

  “We’re all going,” Bones says, and wraps his hand possessively around my arm. “Lucky is one of the best fighters around. She doesn’t need you treating her like a Sapie child.”

  “It’s on the other side of the border, behind that grove. Crossing it has its own risks, but that’s not what worries me. What this is…what I think has happened…This is different than anything you’ve ever been prepared to face.” Kieron’s face has an eerie, haunted look to it.

  I jerk my arm out of Bones’ grasp, and my hand from Kieron’s. “You two work it out. I’m going in.” I run across the border before either of them can stop me.

  They dash after me as I leap over a fallen tree and make my way to a small, hidden clearing. The stench is overwhelming, and I scrunch my nose in disgust. I stop and glance around, my eyes suddenly freezing on a gruesome sight. Jumping back in horror, I let out a blood-curdling scream.

  Instantly, Kieron’s hand is over my mouth, muffling the cry. Bones makes a pained, whimpering sound, and I feel like I’ve just been whacked in the gut with an ax. I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to bear the sight of what is left of Cody’s bloodied, mangled corpse.

  “No, no,” I moan, pressing my face into Kieron’s chest. “Who would do this? Why?”

  “Shhhh…” he whispers in my ear. “They may still be here.” He wraps his arms around me. Instantly, rage overtakes me, and I push him away, sending him staggering back against a tree.

  “Tell me where so I can rip their heads off!” I yell, my eyes blazing with fury.

  Kieron rushes to me and slaps his hand over my mouth again, urgently signaling for me to be quiet. Only the terrifying intensity in his eyes forces me to remain still.

  Bones slowly pads over to the lifeless body and nuzzles it with his nose. His droopy eyes display an unspeakable grief demons rarely show. Bones and Cody had been close friends for over twenty years, and I know Bones is allowing himself to feel pain out of respect for his lost comrade. But he’ll soon shut off the feelings that are causing him such unbearable suffering.


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