The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light

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The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light Page 71

by Penelope King

  I stand up and stomp my foot on the ground. “Ugh! This is why I fell for Vincent so fast… why right away he was all I could think about. All I wanted. Even more than Kieron!”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Tell me more…”

  I glare at him. “This whole time.”

  He gives a beguiling smirk that’s classic Bones. “It’s really only been about a month… and you were asleep for the last week of it.”

  His words stop me cold. “Really, that’s all it’s been… really?”

  He nods, and I get a sudden lump in my throat.

  “Because it seems like much, much longer.” My voice breaks. I reach out to him and he moves closer, pulling my hands to his lips and covering them with kisses.

  “I missed you so, so much…” I whisper. And then I look into his eyes. Bones’s eyes. “But now I know why I didn’t miss you even more. You’re right. Somehow, deep down, I must’ve known. I just didn’t realize it.”

  He places a hand on my abdomen. “They knew.”

  My belly flutters happily under his touch, and I melt into him again. I put my hands around his neck and look into his eyes. He holds my gaze as our souls reconnect. Then he lowers his mouth to mine, and kisses me with unbridled passion.

  Cursed as I was, I had never really expected to find my happy ending. But now my heart is overflowing.

  And as Bones kisses me and I sink further into his embrace, and with our babies growing strong in my womb, I know this is the moment I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

  I am healed. I am whole.

  And I am loved.


  Hand in hand we make our way back toward the cabin where the others are waiting.

  I look over at him, and I can’t help but admire the way the day’s last rays give his skin a tawny, healthy glow. “So what do I even call you? Now that I know you’re Bones, it seems weird to call you Vincent. But it’s weird to call you Bones when you look like someone else.”

  He glances back with a half-grin. “You can call me King Sexy if that makes it easier for you.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. “Ugh. I’m being serious.”

  He squeezes my hand. “You can call me whatever you want. I promise I’ll always answer.”

  “Well… I’ve known you as Bones my whole life, but I’ve only known Vincent for a few weeks. Even though you look different, I can still see you… Bones. To me, you are Bones.”

  “Then Bones it is.” He turns to me. “Guess I could be asking you the same question.”

  I stop in my tracks. He’s right. “I… I don’t know. I mean, both Lucky and Liora feel right. I don’t know which to choose.”

  “Well, you were Liora before your split. Lucky came later.”

  “Yeah, but she’s… I’m here now…”

  He shakes his head and looks at me, and my heart turns to butter. “We don’t have to figure everything out right now. When the time is right, you’ll know.”

  I nod, transfixed by his eyes… his voice… his lips… Suddenly another thought hits me, and my jaw literally drops.

  “What?” he asks, amused.

  “I just realized what this means… what I think it means.”

  Puzzled, he cocks his head.

  “You’re no longer an incubus, are you.”

  He gives a sexy chuckle. “Not in this body.”

  I grab onto his sweater and pull him close, and look him in the eye. “Any more secret identities floating around out there I should know about, mister?”

  “What you see is what you get, darlin’. Unless I go native, of course.”

  “Of course.” Being a Hellhound will always be a part of who he is. “So you’re really all mine?” I tilt my head up to him and give a wicked grin, and he matches it with one of his own.

  “I’ve always been yours. But no, I don’t have to mate with virgins anymore. In fact…” He bites his lip and looks away, almost as if he’s embarrassed.


  “Well, technically, this body is a virgin. As ironic as that may seem.”

  “Wait, what? Are you trying to tell me that you… Bones… King Sexy, Lover of Legions, the Taker of Fair Maidens… you are a virgin?” I cover my mouth with my hand so as not to laugh. The thought is just too ridiculous.

  “I said this body is. I’m sure as hell not. I am still me, remember? Believe me, I know exactly what I’m doing.” The devilish spark in his eyes makes me want to rip off his clothes right then and there just to make him prove it.

  But I refrain. There’s plenty of time for that later. Plenty. Instead I stand on my tip-toes and plant a soft kiss on his mouth, while running my hand along the side of his chiseled torso.

  “Oh, this is gonna be so much fun,” I whisper.


  We’re greeted by the delicious aromas of spices and freshly-baked bread, and my mouth waters. “Yum, is that pepperoni?” I ask, eying the cheesy pie. I take a huge slice and Tatiana laughs.

  “I see the carnivore side won out over the vegetarian,” she says, referring to the fact that Lucky would never eat meat.

  “I must’ve not realized it would taste this amazing.” I pop some sausage in my mouth. “Gah, this is so good!”

  Demetri turns to me with a grin. “Thank you. Pizza making is one of my many hidden talents.”

  I stop chewing and stare at him, then I look at Bones pointedly. “So, is he someone I know too?”

  Bones nods. “You remember Alik?”

  I gasp, and even Demetri looks shocked.

  “I told her the truth,” Bones tells him. “She knows.”

  “Alik, that’s you? This whole time?”

  He recovers and smiles at me. “Nice to see you’re doing so well.” He turns back to chopping up some tomatoes, while Corrine looks at all of us, totally confused.

  “It’s about time,” Tatiana says with a smile from her position on the couch.

  I turn to her. “You knew about him?”

  She picks up her knitting. “Of course, dear. Remember, I see things quite differently than you do. I don’t use my eyes.”

  “Yeah, even a blind woman can see more than I can, apparently,” I say with a laugh.

  Corrine stares at us like we’re all insane. “Care to let me in on the joke?”

  I put my hand on Bones’s chest and beam at her. “Corrine… this is Bones. Turns out Vincent is just one of his shapeshifter forms. But he is Bones. My Bones.” I can’t get over the thrill of hearing myself say those words. I slip my arm around his waist, and he pulls me close.

  “Bones Bones? Dead Bones? Your babies’ daddy Bones?”

  I chuckle and roll my eyes. “Yes, one and the same.”

  “But how…? Wait. Never mind. I’m just so happy for you!” She runs over and gives me an exuberant hug, then gives one to Bones. “Congratulations on being alive!”

  Then she turns back to Demetri. “And they said you’re Alik?”

  He nods. “That’s what they called me in Thiberoux. But now, I am Demetri.”

  I lean closer to Bones. “So he can access his human body too? I thought this was a special case just for you.”

  He looks over at his friend, then back at me. “Alik was killed in the attack on Dryndara. He was at the Bar when the ambush happened. Like me, he woke up in his human body.”

  “Oh, Alik, I am so sorry.”

  He shakes his head and waves me off.

  Corrine looks back and forth at us, her eyes wide. “Wait, you’re dead too?”

  Demetri gives a throaty laugh and reaches out to take her hand. “No, Mon Chéri, I am most certainly not dead.” He gives the top of her hand a quick kiss, and her eyes light up at the unexpected gesture.

  Bones goes in for some more pizza, and I wander over to Tatiana. She sets down her yarn with a smile as I sit on the couch beside her. I put my hand on her arm.

  “How are you doing through all this?” I ask her softly.

  She turns to me with tear
s in her eyes. “I’m so proud of you. I knew one day you would find your way home. I never had any doubt.”

  “Thank you, Tattie.” I give her a hug. “But how are you? You feeling good these days? Strong?”

  She nods. “The best I’ve felt in years. It’s nice to relax some now that the Light-angels seem to have moved on. Of course, I’ll still keep up a level of protection and will be alerted if any danger should approach, but it seems for now they’ve gotten the message that the human girl they were after is no longer able to be manipulated.”

  I let out a huge sigh of relief. “So that’s it? We’re safe now?”

  “For the most part. Our lives will always be wrought with peril and potential dangers, but that is the world we live in. But yes, it seems for now the Light-angels have taken their leave. I no longer sense them anywhere in the vicinity.”

  “So it’s over… this really worked and it’s over.”

  She nods. “It seems that way for now. More than anything we wanted to avoid a conflict between the Light and Dark angels. Your role in that potential battle has been eliminated, but the threat will always remain. That’s just the nature of the world.”

  I sit back and take a moment to let it all sink in. I am reunified. Bones is alive. Tatiana is safe. We are no longer targets of Light-angels. There still might be drama in Thiberoux, but when is there not drama in Thiberoux? It’s nothing we can’t handle. I have true friends. My babies are healthy and happy and growing stronger every minute.

  Life goes on. As it should.

  Suddenly I remember something, and I give Tatiana’s arm a little squeeze. “I need to go somewhere real fast. It’s important.” I stand up and turn to the group gathered in the kitchen. “Bones, can you take me?”

  “Of course, love. Where’re we going?”



  After I change my clothes, Bones and I port over to Anastasia’s, landing on the beach just below her enormous mansion. I can’t help reflecting on the difference between this trip and the one Corrine, Kieron, and I had made in the car, not all that long ago. How much has changed since then.

  The sun is making its final descent over the horizon, and I pause a moment to admire the majestic views. For once it doesn’t mean the end of my time, but now signals the beginning of a whole new era.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” I murmur. Bones stands beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  “Nothing comes close to this, even in Thiberoux. There is a certain special beauty here that can only be found in Man’s world.”

  I turn and pull him close for a soft kiss, and he traces his fingers lightly against my bare abdomen. Shivers race up and down the whole length of my body. He may no longer be an incubus, but he hasn’t lost even one ounce of his seductive charm.

  “I’ll be right back… don’t go anywhere,” I whisper. I turn and sprint up the grassy hillside, careful not to go too fast lest someone see. It’s weird to think about having to control my powers in broad daylight again. I’ll just have to get used to it.

  Anastasia still has a protective shield over her property, but fortunately it’s much more muted now. Cautiously, I walk past the guest house and toward the main castle.

  “Anastasia!” I start yelling. “Anastasia! Are you home? I need to see you. Anastasia!” I hold my hands out in front of me as I slowly approach her home. The memory of running smack dab into her invisible electric fence has not faded from my mind.


  “I’m here, dear girl. No need to frighten the neighbors,” she says, scurrying around the corner of the rose garden.

  I stop and let her come to me. Her turquoise eyes are sparkling, and she looks like she’s trying to keep from smiling.

  Before I even realize it, I’m throwing my arms around her tiny body and pulling her close. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved my life. You’ve made us all safer, including your sister. I owe you everything. I don’t know how to repay you…”

  “You did the hard part. I only supplied the magic.”

  “The magic is what did it!”

  She steps back and shakes her head. “No, dear. You are what did it. You provided the courage, the strength, the self-sacrifice for the sake of others… That’s stronger than any magic I have. And I have to say I’m very impressed. You proved me wrong about you.” Now she does smile.

  “Well, I owe you my life and I just wanted to say thank you. I know that’s really nothing compared to what you did for me. So if there’s ever anything I can do for you, anything all all—”

  She holds up her hand. “Actually, there is… your timing is quite fortuitous. Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  She hurries off, and I wander around the rose garden, admiring the vivid display of colors. They seem unnaturally bright, even for this magical kingdom. Or is it just me? From the emerald lawn and manicured gardens, to the cobalt sea, to the pink and orange sky— it’s hard to believe so much beauty existed in the world that I could never really see before.

  A few minutes later, Anastasia returns. “Here you go.” She thrusts an envelope in my hand. “If you would, I need you to go to a town called Basile, Louisiana, and find my granddaughter. Her name is Calista McCoy. I need you to find her, and she must get this letter. Today. Now. It’s very, very important!” Her eyes are wide and her mouth drawn tight.

  Anastasia’s a grandmother?

  “But if you need to talk to her so badly, can’t you just call her up—?”

  “No, you don’t understand.” She shakes her head. “Another thing—she does not know she is my granddaughter, and you must not tell her! She lives with her father, and they are very poor. This letter is to get them to come live with me, and she needs to do it quickly. She could be in danger.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Never a dull moment for you, huh?”

  “I’ve never been happier. My granddaughter is coming home!” Her teary eyes are brimming with excitement, and I pat her arm again.

  “She will have this in her hands before sundown. I guarantee it.”

  “Thank you. One last thing… I want you to let me know when you near your birthing time. I want to be there for you.”

  “I definitely will. Is it okay if I call you with questions?”

  She nods. “Of course. But please... and don’t take this the wrong way… but for the sake of my granddaughter, while she’s here, I’ll have to ask that you not come back.”

  I lean over and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I promise. But you better come to Tattie’s cabin if I need you!”

  She grins. “Deal.”

  I give her a final hug, then race down to the beach where Bones is waiting for me.

  One quick stop, and then it’s time for us to go back home.


  I make my way along the winding path through the woods to where my family is gathered. Bones looks up and jogs over to take the picnic basket from my hand. He grimaces.

  “Your children are in time-out.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “My children? What now?” Nothing those two do surprises me anymore. I try not to chuckle, just in case they can see me.

  He takes a deep breath and brushes his hair from his eyes. “Well, Kayla took Michael’s ball away with some sort of telekinesis power I haven’t seen her use before. She just flicked a finger and it came right into her hands.” Despite his demeanor, I hear the pride in his voice when talking about his young daughter. “So naturally Michael retaliated by fireballing Miss Sadie—”

  “Oh, no.” Miss Sadie is Kayla’s favorite doll. I close my eyes. “And then what happened?”

  “Well, then she lifted Michael up with her finger doing the telekinesis thing and hung him upside down.”

  I shake my head and look at him. “Two! They are barely two years old!”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “I know. Ain’t it great? And the fun’s only just beginning,” he adds, rubbing my belly.

at least this time there’ll be only one.” I laugh and snuggle into him. I never grow tired of feeling his powerful body wrapped around mine and feeling his energy flow though me.

  “Speaking of, how’s Corrine doing?” he asks.

  Just then I spot Tatiana sitting on a blanket between my two toddlers, a pile of ashes in front of her. I give her a small smile. She nods back, mumbles some words and moves her hands over the ashes. A moment later Miss Sadie is back, intact. Kayla lets out a delighted squeal and clutches the doll to her chest.

  I turn back to Bones. “She’s doing okay so far. Still sleeping. Anastasia is right there with her, and Demetri of course. You can tell it’s tough on her, but we’re all keeping her as comfortable as possible.”

  His face is grim. “Yeah. Late stage pregnancy is much harder on a human when delivering a demon. But she’ll get through it. They always do.”

  I nod. “I know. I have complete confidence. She’s in the best hands, and all she needs right now is rest. In a few days it’ll all be over, and Kayla and Michael will have a new cousin to play with.”

  “That’s true.”

  We sit down across from Tatiana, and Bones takes some sandwiches out of the basket.

  “How are you doing, Tattie?” I ask, as Michael dives into Bones’s lap and Kayla crawls onto mine. Although my family’s cabin is less than fifty yards away from hers, I still feel guilty for not being with her more. But she’d insisted that she was fine and we should have our own place, so I had to respect her wishes.

  “These babies keep me young. I’ve never felt better.”

  I laugh. “That’s good, ‘cause they might drive Bones and me to an early grave!” I turn to my son, who is the spitting image of his father with his bronze hair and deep, chocolaty eyes. “Michael, did you fireball your sister’s doll?”

  “Yes, Mama. She stole my ball.”

  “That’s not very nice. You are not to destroy other’s property, even in anger. And Kayla,” I glance down at my raven-haired, blue-eyed mini-me. “You don’t take things without asking first.”

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  “Both of you… no using your powers for the rest of the day. I mean it.”


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