Kindred (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 3)

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Kindred (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 3) Page 8

by P. S. Power

  Which no one really knew about. That was something to keep in mind, of course. Even at the port, no one had any reason to try and go inside the unmarked deep red colored hut. Even if they needed a restroom, those were all larger and more clearly marked already. If a person did figure out how to get inside, most wouldn’t just start pressing sigils without being instructed on the topic. That kind of thing was too dangerous in general and almost everyone knew not to be that curious. Not where magic was concerned.

  Not that the thing wasn’t there for everyone to use. It just occurred to Dare that most wouldn’t even think of it as an option. Possibly even if they knew the devices existed.

  The people that came into the big room were all nice enough seeming, at first. There was an older man, who bowed to him and Wendra, for instance. He was dressed in a nice suit of clothing, complete with gray colored gloves, making him seem very special and official. Really, he seemed a lot like the butler at the palace always did to Dareg. Well-kept and tidy enough that the whole thing stood out.

  “Guests! Wonderful. I didn’t hear anyone come in. Ma’am.” The fellow bowed toward Patricia last, as if he hadn’t really noticed her before that moment, since he’d started staring at the new people from the door that led into the side room. “Do we need to set up rooms?”

  Smiling Patricia turned to look at the servant, and shook her head a little.

  “For three days from now? I’m just visiting today. You recognize Wendra no doubt? She’s grown a bit. This young man is Dareg Canton. My nephew.” There was no use of titles for some reason, which didn’t bother him at all. It wasn’t until he looked around that he thought he understood why that was.

  The other, older, woman bustled from the door about then, moving quickly. She didn’t stop at Patricia, or at all, actually, until she had her arms wrapped around Wendra, who was nearly ten inches taller than she was.

  “Wendy! We didn’t get word of you coming. Is everything all right?” There was a slightly nervous air under the motherly attention. The woman didn’t look old, but she had a few lines around her eyes, and folded her hands in front of her when she stepped back. Then she stared at Dareg for a bit, her look changing.

  From something rather polite and warm for her daughter, into a predatory expression that left Dare with the feeling that she was about to tear into him. Not just spoiling for a fight either, but in every way possible. It was intense enough that he reached out with his mind, carefully, and tested her, to make certain she wasn’t one of the Adversaries.

  Thankfully there was no sense of time or space distortion around her at all. Just a feeling that she was very attracted to Dare. On a level that would have been fine, most likely, if he hadn’t been on a date with her daughter at the moment. The thing there was that the lady didn’t know that was the case, so was already trying to turn her sights on him.

  “Hello.” He tried to keep his voice bland about the whole thing. “Wendra and I were just leaving. We were thinking of heading over to Afrak for the day?” It was probably still evening there, he thought, but the place had lights. All over in fact. It was also very safe, if a bit like walking through a garden really.

  The merchant sized woman waved that away instantly. Her left hand clutched at the front of her apron, but her right moved easily enough.

  “Nonsense! Wendra hasn’t been home in a year. You can’t just run off now. I’ll set up a special luncheon for you. Come along. You can sit in the kitchen while we catch up.”

  It wasn’t exactly the date that he’d had in mind, but even Dareg understood that telling the mother of the girl he was with that she didn’t get to visit with her own child might not go over all that well. On the good side, everyone else in the room seemed to get the idea as well, though no one tried to help them get out of things. That meant they were going to go and sit at a table, in the kitchen, while things were being prepared.

  Actually being cooked for them, even though there was a perfectly good magical food unit right there, that would have presented a meal in a few moments. Like Tam-Unit, it had to be filled with something to make things from, which Tyler could handle for them fairly easily. Someone would have to open the doors to let him in and out, but that was all. The rest could be handled very well that way, really.

  The same was probably true of Tor’s palace, of course. Which meant setting up each place with at least one of his new units each. Possibly two.

  The smaller woman chattered at them constantly, and Aunt Patricia didn’t try to join them at all. Stara did, sitting next to her sister, as fine glass goblets were set on the table, taken from the Tiera made food unit. Those were the best ones, from what Dareg had heard. Everyone wanted one, but few were able to get them, since the Queen was incredibly busy most of the time.

  “Now, you’re both staying here tonight?” This was spoken by the woman, who still hadn’t explained who she was, other than clearly in charge of the household. Even Patricia hadn’t tried to get in her way, after all. That was a sign of something.

  Wendra shook her head.

  “Not at all. Dareg has his own home. Out at the port, isn’t it?” It was clear that she was trying to change the subject away from sleeping arrangements, though it was also clear that mentioning that he had his own place wasn’t the way to do that.

  The mother turned and gave her younger daughter a very long, searching look.

  “You’ll end up pregnant and alone if you aren’t careful. True, this is a handsome young man, but a nice face can cover for a black heart. You… Derick, is it?”

  It was pretty clear that the mistake was being made on purpose, in order to try and lessen his value in Wendra’s eyes.

  “Dareg. Canton.” He did manage to smile, actually feeling slightly amused at the woman’s antics. She wasn’t his mother, after all. He did feel a tiny bit sorry for poor Wendy and her sister, however.

  “Right. I’m Mona, by the way. Seeing as how no one bothered to mention that for me. Wendra’s mother. This here is Stara, her older sister. My point is, what do we know about you? You could be evil incarnate for all we know. Show up one day with a pretty face and a fat purse, then be off the next, leaving us all with fat bellies, and nothing to show for it but a bastard. It’s how men are, like as not. Save the good ones that are willing to marry first, before getting their way with a woman.”

  Wendra looked ready to explode by about that point, and Stara was wide eyed, clearly knowing more about things than Mona did. Given that she’d been sent in to spy on Dare once already, that probably made some sense.

  Neither girl tried to stop the woman however, as she moved from one task to another, efficiently.

  “Now, I keep telling the girls that they need to trap a good man, and lock him down, for their futures, but both tell me they prefer the life of an old maid. Back in my day that meant girl love, but it was a simpler time. I guess now we’ll just have to settle for them being a constant shame to us all, running around with their brood of unclaimed children. Can you at least afford to provide for a child, if that happens? Otherwise I’d have to tell them to not bother with the likes of you.”

  The girls were both turning fantastic colors by about that time, but the waves coming off of Mona were incredibly teasing and playful, instead of being half insane like she sounded.

  “I should be able to, if it comes up. Though, really, I was hoping to work up to hand holding first, before getting anyone pregnant. You know, go slow and all that?”

  The words got a nod, which was tight and efficient, as the lady spun nearly in place, peeking into the open front of an oven, door in hand, where bread was busily being baked. That got closed again, even if it smelled like it was nearly done to him. Then, nearly wasn’t good enough, most likely.

  “That’s good then. Children never think about the future properly. After all, if you’re going to have pretty men around, you need to find a good one to marry first, just in case you catch a child. Then you have the luxury of playing where you will.”
/>   Wendra growled a bit, if under her breath. Dare had to fight a smile at the words.

  “Thanks mother. I’m sure that this will help me catch a man.”

  Stara gave the older woman a sour look as well, and then shook her head.

  “I have to agree. Prince Dareg really doesn’t need to be subjected to this kind of thing. Worse, I know that you’re doing it to try and set up your own position with him. He’s a trifle young for you, don’t you think?”

  Her voice was a bit tight, and the feeling coming off of her was one of embarrassment, since it was really clear that she recalled having done things with him that one time. Which, Dareg managed to pick up now, was why she’d left as quickly as she had. After he went away for a bit, it had become clear to her that servicing a young man that she’d just met not even an hour before, was a bit fast. It had been her idea, too.

  Dareg got that, though it had been both fun, and fit the act that she’d been playing at the time. That of a street walker, who was looking for work. He hadn’t even guessed that she wasn’t one until later, when Countess Thomson had shown up and admitted the woman had been spying for her. Then the game had been broken open rather quickly.

  Mona, for all that she’d been teasing with her daughters, and probably trying to do exactly what Stara had accused her off, simply giggled. Like a much younger woman.

  “A Prince now? I didn’t know that the Queen had produced another child. I must have missed that one. She must be a very busy woman.”

  Stara rolled her eyes, then looked at Dare directly.

  “He’s a Prince of Harmony, mother. Master Tor’s son. Also a Countier. Baker, naturally, as well as Lairdgren, I believe?” She smiled at him, knowing, instead of guessing at all of that, which got her sister to give the older girl, who was a woman in truth, a hard glare.

  “And why exactly do you know all that about my boyfriend? I barely knew all of that.” Her hands went to her hips, playing now, but also curious about what was really going on.

  Dareg just shrugged.

  “We’ve met. Stara is planning to set up some entertainments at the various ports, around the world. Singers, players and that kind of thing. Though we need to arrange for Austran style entertainments as well. Though…” He stopped and shook his head. “Sorry, Wendra, we’re on a date and shouldn’t be talking about work related things. How about this weather?”

  It was nearly like tapping a sigil. Stara suddenly seemed excited, which was clearly about the idea of setting up that kind of thing for the ports. They’d discussed that kind of thing before, but she’d figured that vanishing would end her part in it nicely. Now she had a chance, and an excuse, to do even more, if she wanted. Wendra relaxed a bit, since her sister actually having done that kind of thing seemed about right to her, given that Stara was smart enough really, and Mona went very still, and took a deep breath.

  She was about ready to beg forgiveness, for her flip attitude. Not that she loved groveling, but it was better than losing her position there, which she might, if master Timon heard about what she’d said.

  Stara looked at him from the side of her eye and shook her head a little.

  “I hear that Princess Karina is going to wed finally? This winter? The rumor is that she’s with child. That’s luck then, isn’t it? It took forever for Prince Alphonse and Princess Abbey to have William.”

  Dareg snorted a bit, since it wasn’t a great topic for his date, if he were going to be honest.

  “She isn’t pregnant. Now, Weather? I think things are about to turn chilly…”

  The rest of the afternoon was spent sitting there and talking, until it was time for them to move to the dining room, at two, where they were served the food being made. Of course Mona and Stara both managed to invite themselves along for the meal, ruining most of the date, though a lot of real catching up was managed for Wendra. At about four that part was done, and Dareg actually took the younger daughter by the hand, and walked out of the place with her.

  They didn’t talk much, until they got to the port, Wendra laughing a bit.

  “I… Guess it really is fair, if we hurry now. You have to be at the palace at six?”

  That had been mentioned, though it was kind of clear that Wendra figured that they were going to his pod house, to spend a few hours alone. Which was tempting, he had to admit. She was willing, and if he moved slowly enough, things would be fine. The thing there was that he wasn’t certain how much control he had that way yet, and didn’t want to test it with someone he thought of as a friend.

  At least not one as easily damaged as Wendra.

  That meant going to the slightly shining red box, which the girl noticed before they got to it. The first thing he did was tap the sigil for Printer, not explaining anything. That meant, when they got out, that there was a gasp.

  “Oh! I… Is this a seeming or illusion?” She turned to him and smiled, her tan face seeming pleased enough, even if it was.

  “Nope. We’re here. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have an excuse to not come and visit me. Now, back inside? I promised a trip.”

  Afrak was dark when they got there, except for the multi-colored lights all over the place. It was kind of pretty, he decided. The night was cool, but not cold, and the stars above were dimmer than normal, but still visible. Taking her to the edge of the port, Dare settled on the ground, followed by her a moment later.

  “There. This is closer to what I had in mind for earlier. Your family seems nice.” It wasn’t totally true, but they weren’t evil or anything. Besides, he was nearly certain that saying anything else would drive Wendra away.

  She smiled though, and sat next to him, making a point of moving her thin body close to him. Dareg wrapped his arm around her, since it was cozy enough for the moment. They were on a date, and since he wasn’t planning anything much more advanced than talking, it seemed fair.

  Right up until she kissed him. Then it didn’t seem that way at all, since everything in his body tried to respond to her. All at once. Making it worse, the whole thing, them sitting there, and gently nibbling the others lips, took forever for him, and left him aching, though he didn’t push for more. It was Wendra that did that, groping the front of his trousers openly, her fingers working him through the material.

  Right up until she stood up, and pulled a watch out.

  “Oh! You need to go… I… Can I come and see you soon? I mean, outside of class?”

  Dareg nodded, knowing that if they did that, he wasn’t going to be able to hold out with her, even if it was the smart thing to do.

  “Let’s do that? I… I had some changes made to me? On Harmony?”

  She nodded, since it hadn’t been all that secret or anything. It had come up in class, after all, since he was at least fifteen times faster now than before.

  “Right? I know about that. The speed and all that?”

  “Exactly, so I don’t know if I can… Um, control myself with a woman?”

  That got her to cover her mouth, and shake her head a bit.

  “I’m not that experienced, but you didn’t go in your pants, so I have to imagine that you’ll be fine that way. Not way too quick.”

  He grinned and shook his head.

  “Okay, I hadn’t even considered that. I was worried about moving too fast, and hurting you. That probably means that I’m selfish, not having considered the other idea yet. Well…”

  She just nodded at him.

  “We’ll just practice and go slow? It won’t be that big of a thing, I bet. Not if you can stand in fight practice and let people hit you like you do. Anyway, you really do need to be going. This new transportation thing is amazing, by the way. Are they going to be everywhere? Or just Printer, the Capital port and here?”

  As they walked back and he opened the thing with a touch to the star sigil on the outside, he pointed to the list of names.

  “I have a thousand of these ready to go already. Enough for most of the major cities, as well as the space stations,
Mars and the new fleet. Not that regular people will get to use them really. They’re a bit small for that, and no one will understand what they’re for, unless told. That’s my guess, anyway. Feel free to use it however.”

  He set the thing to let them out in Printer, knowing that she had to be there for school the next day, and spent a few minutes kissing her before opening the door. There was no one in the weapons square, but she didn’t dawdle after that, just walking away as if trying to make it seem like she wasn’t being furtive, while failing totally at it.

  Dareg showered again, quickly, before using the low flying feature of his shield to get him to the palace. There was a bit of rule breaking involved, since you weren’t really supposed to go much faster than a carriage inside the city and he probably broke that by about ten times, but he did manage to present himself at the front gate, dressed up in a fine enough looking blue and copper colored suit. Then he had to wait for a while, since the guards all moved very slowly, from his perspective.

  One of them, a rather tall woman with straight brown hair, which was tied back, and skin that was nearly as light as his own, smiled at him.

  “Name and reason for being here today, sir?”

  “Prince Dareg Canton, of Harmony. Here to discuss the coming wedding to Princess Karina with her mother?” He didn’t know how that part was going to work, but the woman seemed pleased enough with the idea.

  Meaning that she didn’t pull a weapon or scream about him being there to invade or kill them all. There was nothing approaching a smile from her, though the internal feeling was a bit wistfully pleased to hear about his intent. Then he got to use a Truth amulet, to prove what he’d said, and several others were called from the palace, to speak with him, in order to make certain that he was who he claimed to be.

  Not that any of that would have prevented him from being an Adversary, merely tricking them. At least not as far as they knew. Which was the point, ultimately. They didn’t know what might catch that kind of being out, so were making a point to try everything. It took longer, but Dareg didn’t complain, even if it was a pain for him in the moment to put up with.


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