Bought by a Billionaire Daddy_When a daddy dom bids at the slave auction

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Bought by a Billionaire Daddy_When a daddy dom bids at the slave auction Page 11

by S. L. Finlay

  "If this contract is not dissolved, it will be above us forever. We need to work to dissolve it properly, to get our closure, then if these feelings are real..." Daddy trailed off.

  But in those words, in that trailing off, there was what I needed to hear, Daddy had feelings for me. Real ones. I had seen them when he came to my home, I knew they were there and they were real. My heart was singing, even as I didn't want it to. The more my heart sung, the more I worried that I would get my hopes up. It sounded like Daddy didn't want that, even as he had his own hopes up. I admired him for that.

  "Okay." I agreed, "How do we dissolve a contract then?"

  The phone call I had made that was simply supposed to be a before-sleep call had turned into a monumental shift in our relationship. For better or worse, this was a massive pivot that frightened and excited me at the same time.

  "I will send someone over to pick you up day after tomorrow, and we can do it then." Daddy told me, and of course, I agreed to his terms and set the date aside. Daddy and I were either opening a new chapter, or permanently closing the book as far as our relationship went. Whatever happened, I felt sure we were doing things the right away.


  Daddy was a strange man. I understood that his whole idea of dissolving the contract then seeing exactly what relationship really lay underneath it made sense logically, but it also made me feel incredibly insecure. Here I was, getting picked up by Daddy's people - in a helicopter no less - and flown to his mansion where we would undergo some sort of ceremonies to un-bind us as master daddy/slave baby girl.

  I wanted to be un-bound by him, and from him, but the whole idea still hurt. I wasn't sure if I was really ready for this. Even as I knew the arrangement we had hadn't worked for me. What would happen if I saw him and felt nothing? What would happen if I saw him and felt everything just the same as before and wanted so much from him, yet he'd decided that he didn't want anything from me?

  As much as I craved stability, I also worried that perhaps Daddy wouldn't be able to give me what I needed when it came down to it. As much as our relationship felt special, and felt like it meant a lot to both of us, it also was never declared for what it was.

  Like some mistress trying to get her married guy to leave his wife and marry her instead, I worried that perhaps I was wrong about the love that lay underneath this arrangement. Perhaps the whole point of - and fun of - the relationship was that we were not properly together. Perhaps I just enjoyed the fantasy of being together and of being his partner. Perhaps I would not enjoy the relationship itself. Perhaps when I had run away I had meant it. Perhaps I shouldn't be coming back now.

  Taking a deep breath though as the helicopter shot into the air, I forbade myself from thinking any more about this. I had spent the night before up worrying about that day. I had had all of these worries and fears flowing through my brain and I needed to let them go. I needed to deal with them, and let them go.

  Because I knew when I saw Daddy, I would know what the right thing to do would be. I would know what the right things to say would be. I couldn't know anything before I had seen him. I couldn't really know what was going on until we were face to face with one another.

  Sitting there quietly, I looked out on the world from the air. Everything seemed so small from up there and it struck me how small my problems even were, even as I was floating up there, thinking they were the worst thing in the world.

  Daddy taking me in hand was a good thing, because my whole heart felt like such a mess. It felt like such a mess even as I might have looked like I knew what I was doing from the outside. Daddy, like all good Daddies, could see that I was struggling, and he had made a choice that would bring me to him, and hopefully make both our lives easier once it was done.

  Once it was done.

  I took a deep breath and looked at the pilot. I had never seen him before, I wondered how many staff Daddy had who I had never seen. How many people were on his payroll who I would never have a chance to meet now if this didn't work out.

  Before I could get into another spiral of, 'will it work out, won't it work out' I was there, we were landing on the mansions lawn.

  Getting out of the helicopter ten minutes later and being rushed over the lawn by Al, I was completely in the moment. Whereas before, I had been inside my head deciding on what the best course of action to take might be, now I was running across the lawn towards Daddy's home, laughing with Al.

  When we entered the mansion by a side door, I realized how even though this place had felt so far away it wasn't far in the helicopter. When I realized, too, that even though I had felt like I left this place so long ago, it had been less than two weeks.

  Then Daddy was walking down a staircase to my right, and I was turning to see him. When my eyes locked on his and he held my eyes there, all illusion fell away. I knew what this man wanted, and more importantly, I knew what I wanted, and what I needed now.


  It didn't take much to dissolve our contract. We were back in Daddy's office, only this time I had all my clothes on as I agreed with him that the contract must be dissolved as it was no longer valid. Then, together, we burned the contract.

  Seeing the contract go up with a flurry of flame and smoke was a strange experience. It was final, there was no going back now. We were saying goodbye to what we had before together. This was cathartic. I wanted to move into the future already. I wanted smile, to reach out and grab his hand, but something stopped me. That would be wrong. We were ending something. I felt as if I must give it time to end, and respect that it was truly over - or at least that the contract had done burning - then I could nudge him towards the relationship I so needed with him.

  When the contract was burned with the ashes swept roughly into Daddy's wastepaper basket, I sat up straight and looked Daddy in the eye.

  "So, are you mine now?" I asked in a voice that even to me sounded cocky and over-confident. I couldn't help it, the words needed to be said, and any more waiting I would force myself to do after that moment was obviously not happening. I couldn't wait. I needed this. I needed him.

  Daddy's face went from one that he'd kept carefully neutral to cracking into a grin. He was pleased with himself, but mostly he was also pleased with me too. I had grown cocky, but I felt like if there was a time for me to be cocky it was after my slave contract had been burned.

  "I don't know, girl." Daddy told me, his voice dripping with humor, "it seems awfully impolite that you are claiming me without so much as taking me to dinner or having bought me flowers or chocolates."

  Sighing deeply I told him, "I do love chocolates. Perhaps I should have bought some with me."

  Then, we were off, talking easily and warmly, as if no time had really passed. This felt good, natural. It felt like it was the way things were supposed to be. It felt like everything was finally right in the world now we were back in the same room, now we were back together.

  But were we back together?

  That easy conversation needed to be interrupted. I needed to know if we were back together, so I steered the conversation that way and Daddy gave little resistance. When I steered the conversation though, I could feel that he didn't want to have it. It wasn't comfortable talking about what was wrong in your relationship and what you had to do to fix it, let alone having the person who had run away from you want to have that conversation.

  I could easily justify my having run away from him as a sad result of his refusing to listen to me and to change, but even as I could make logical sense of my behavior, he couldn't.

  Daddy felt hurt, he told me. He told me that when I had run away it had cut him up. It had taken a big part of him. He had followed me, in part to make sure I was okay because he couldn't believe that I had run like I had without there being something very wrong. He also chased me home in part because he just needed to see me, to see how I responded to him so he could know if it was over.

  When Daddy told me that, his sad tones made my insides a
che. At the same time that I wanted to hold him and make it feel better, I also didn't want to be the one who threw themselves at someone as savior to their hurt feeling right after having been the one to hurt them in the first place.

  No-one wants to be that guy.

  So mostly I just stood still and I listened. I let every accusation of Daddy's fall on me. His accusations that I wasn't serious about him, that I was only there for the money, that I didn't care about him. Then when the smoke cleared, we were holding one another and apologizing for all the hurt we had caused one another.

  Holding me, he told me how much he loved me. He told me that he was truly sorry that he had hurt me in the first place with his stubbornness. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and together we cried. I had never seen a man as vulnerable as my Daddy in that moment, and after all the hardness of him as my master, I wasn't sure what to do with it. Or, at least, my body knew what to do as I held him tighter, but my mind was confused.

  That this man who was so stoic and certain of himself could also cry and be vulnerable was a shock to me. But then I thought about it as I held him and realized that he had really cared about me to follow me home in the chopper, and to accept me back after dissolving our contract.

  In that moment, I knew it was time. I kissed Daddy's lips and sighed once more. I told him words that came right from my heart without the filter of my head to get in the way, "Daddy, I am sorry. I never thought this would happen. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone, and then I blew it. I hope that some day you can forgive me."

  With my words, Daddy's arms held me closer. All the air was forced out of my chest as he held me, then, we were kissing.

  I knew as we kissed where this was going. It felt so raw and real, it felt like we were a set of very emotional animals who had to show one another how we felt using our bodies. And, like any good animal, I could expertly use my body to please him.

  Kissing me, his hands moved over my body. They were hot on my skin as he took each item of clothing off my body and those hands lingered. I felt like he couldn't get enough of me as his hungry kisses took my lips and I stripped him down at the same time.

  Where Daddy's hands were firm and knowing, my own were fumbling and getting nowhere. I fumbled with his buttons, he took my clothes off in one smooth, practiced movement.

  When I was naked, Daddy sat me on his desk. He was still wearing his pants, but that didn't matter. He was a man on a mission and the time it would take me to remove them would be too long.

  Daddy kissed his way down my body and to the softness of my pussy. His kisses turned to licks as he found my clit and gently caressed it with his soft tongue. Like velvet, it ran over my clit and I moaned slightly. Daddy knew what he was doing, he knew how to get a girl going. It wasn't long until those first little moans were joined by louder ones as my fingers found their way into his hair and started playing with it.

  As I played with his hair, poised on Daddy's desk as I was, I felt powerful. I understood the allure of having sex in the office with your secretary and briefly I even imagined it was me in control here, using my power and influence to illicit sexual favors from my secretary. It was a good fantasy, that it was so effective in changing Daddy from Daddy into a secretary, and flipping our power dynamic on its head.

  That thought didn't last long though before the reality of what Daddy was doing bought me back to the present. He was pushing his fingers inside me and coming up to kiss me. Daddy's kisses were soft and sweet before he pulled away from me, and with a wicked smile asked, "what were you just thinking about?"

  "I -ah - I ah-" I couldn't manage to finish my sentences as he thrust his fingers into me. The pressure was building inside my body, I could feel that orgasm marching towards us as Daddy used my pleasure to interrogate my fantasies out of me.

  "You what?" Daddy asked.

  I grinned for a moment before telling him, "I was imagining I was the dominant one." My breaths were short and close together. Daddy knew I was close.

  "Were you?" He asked as he gave a wicked grin and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "you dirty little slut, imagining yourself the dominant."

  Something in his voice really pushed me. I was sitting on the edge of orgasm as I asked him, "Daddy - can I-?" I couldn't quite manage the words.

  Knowing what I needed, Daddy sped up the rhythm of his thrusts slightly and pulled back from my ear to look me in the eye, "can you what, girl?" He asked.

  I felt a sense of embarrassment from somewhere in my mind at talking about this with an authority figure like my Daddy, but I didn't have time for that now. I needed to ask the question, "Daddy, can I cum?"

  Daddy's grin was immense and wicked as he told me, "yes, you may cum little girl."

  With Daddy's words and the thrusting of his quick fingers, I let out a final moan and my body began to shake. As I came, it felt like it had been the longest time since my last orgasm. It felt like this immense thing was inside my body, struggling to get out through my legs as they gave way under me and Daddy held me up.

  I could hardly breathe, and Daddy was holding me up as the waves of orgasm continued. My loud moans accompanied those waves and Daddy kissed me to mask them. With his kisses, I felt like he was taking my orgasm away through my mouth.

  The whole body experience of this orgasm seemed to last forever, but in reality probably only lasted a few minutes before Daddy had me propped back on the desk again, my senses returning as I came down from the orgasmic high.

  Daddy's kisses continued as my orgasm slowed and stopped and as he pulled away and stood up straight, I looked at him from under my lashes. Daddy's smile of achievement was pretty immense. He had gotten me off in a way I hadn't felt in a very long time and it made me happy to see how happy he was. Here was this man who could play my body like an instrument and it made my heart flutter to look at him.

  As he looked me over, naked as the day I was born on Daddy's desk, he looked proud too: of himself for getting me off, I was sure. But more because he knew I was now his. The conversation would of course be ongoing, but we both wanted this. We both wanted to be together.

  With a smile and a wink though, our little break from play that happened right after I came stopped and Daddy moved closer to me to give me kisses again. With his kisses, and almost without my thinking about it, my hand found its way to Daddy's stiff cock. I wanted to please him just the same way he had pleased me, and I was excited to try.

  I sunk to my knees and kept rubbing him through his pants while I looked up at him with a naughty grin on my face. As determined as I was to tease Daddy though, he wasn't having it. Quickly his hands went down to unzip his fly and he placed his other hand on the back of my head. Strong fingers guided my head to Daddy's cock as he pushed his cock past my pursed lips.

  Without time to tease him with my tongue as I looked up at him longingly, I was thrown off slightly at first by Daddy's taking control of my head and forcing his cock into my mouth. Quickly though, like a good girl, I grew accustomed to Daddy's thrusting into my mouth. His stiff cock was bigger than any I had seen before and I was pleased to see that. However, I wasn't sure how I was going to take his whole cock down my throat like I wanted to so badly.

  I wanted to please my Daddy, but I couldn't manage to do exactly what I wanted before he took what he wanted, which was actually pretty damn hot! He thrusted into my hungry mouth and I forced as much of his cock down my throat as I could before gagging.

  When I would gag on Daddy's cock, Daddy would move back slightly so I could get some air before beginning to thrust again. As time passed though, the breaks for me to get air became shorter and shorter until I was hardly getting a break at all before continuing on and allowing Daddy to use my mouth.

  I could tell that using my mouth turned Daddy on immensely and I wanted to please him. A mixture of seeing how much this was pleasing Daddy and the feel of his hard cock in my mouth were both turning me on and causing me to want more. I wanted to please him, I was being dr
iven by the desire to get him off.

  Just as I was getting into it though, Daddy pulled my head back from his cock and commanded me to stand.

  Doing as I was told, I stood beside my Daddy, naked as the day I was born. This felt perfect, just as it had felt when I was Daddy's slave.

  Daddy told me to bend over the desk and I felt the sweetness of Daddy pushing his cock into my body from behind. The feeling of bliss flooded my body as a big smile grew on my face. Daddy was inside me! Daddy was inside his little girl, and the grunts he was making were enough to tell me that he was enjoying the blissful feeling of being inside me as much as I was enjoying the full feeling of Daddy's cock in my pussy.

  Sighing deeply I pushed back. My pushing back seemed to egg Daddy on more as he thrusted inside me deeper and grunted all the while.

  Daddy's grunts, and Daddy's moans were like the cherry on my Sunday. Having my tight pussy stretched by this man as he thrusted into me and took his pleasure turned me on so much that I couldn't help my own moans from escaping my throat.

  "Mmmm... Daddy!" I moaned happily, as this position, and having Daddy inside me for the first time ever in the office where I had signed my first contract to him was pure bliss.

  After a while, Daddy pulled out of my pussy and sat in his big leather arm chair. I straddled his lap and gazed into his eyes for a moment before stealing a kiss.

  As Daddy kissed me back, he gripped his cock and pressed it inside my tight pussy. Without breaking the kiss I shuffled so I could take more of Daddy inside me.

  Feeling full as hell I let out a moan into Daddy's mouth before moving back from his face so I could gaze into Daddy's eyes as our bodies moved together, mine on top of his, smiles upon both our faces.

  "Mmmm... Daddy!" I said, this time in a deeper timber than the last, "that feels amazing!" And it did.

  It wasn't long until I felt my body readying for another orgasm and observing the look on my face and the question in my eyes, Daddy told me, "it's okay, baby girl, you can cum."


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