Hidden Realms

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Hidden Realms Page 201

by Unknown

  If he was unhappy with my delay, he didn’t show it. He still seemed pretty upbeat. “So a week from Saturday? It might be cool to spend more than three hours at a crack together.” Max clutched my hand and lightly brought it up to his lips.

  “You have no idea how much I would like that, I just . . . ” somehow I had to keep Paul’s name out of my reason for delaying, “want some time to hang out with a few friends. Most will be getting jobs this summer and, by the time we get back from our trip, they’ll be working or in grad school.” There - that was a perfectly plausible explanation, and not entirely a lie.

  The voice in my head spoke more clearly now, “Share your secrets with him, trusting someone that needs you is honorable. He will understand even if he does not agree.” It was Rewsna’s voice, and she obviously didn’t understand how touchy Max was about the whole Paul thing. “Do not keep secrets from your other half.”

  I concentrated on my response and thought as clearly as I could, “I am not keeping secrets. I am delaying a vacation so I can say goodbye to my friends, now butt out.” I must have thought loud enough because her voice didn’t reply.

  Max was happy with my answer, then surprised me again with, “Sounds good to me – I’m just glad you didn’t change your mind. I start my vacation after my shift Saturday night. I can go up to the farm; I’m sure Julio would love to have some help for a week or so. That’ll give me a chance to get everything ready, too.”

  “The farm, is that the place in Ridgeville you told my mom about? And what do you mean you thought I was going to chicken out?”

  He swung me around so we were looking eye to eye, “‘Chicken out’ are your words; I said ‘change your mind.’ But as long as you put it that way, I’m guessing you still haven’t even floated the idea past your parents, right? Are you planning on springing it on them the day I pull up out front with the horse trailer – or do you want me to give Molly a call and soften her up a little?”

  “I’ll tell them. I just don’t want them to get hysterical about it. If I don’t give them much notice, there won’t be much of a chance to be opposed to the idea.”

  “Lauren, you really have to give your parents a little more credit. They were our age once.”

  I started to argue, but my cell rang. “Hello?”

  “Lauren, it’s me, Paul. Are you busy?”

  Max mouthed the words – “Who is it?”

  “A little, can it wait?” The longer I stayed on the phone, the more likely Max would know who I was talking to, and I would get to see his mood dissolve in front of my eyes.

  “Sure, I’ve got that timeline you asked me to write down. Do you still want me to give it to you, or do you think I roll the dice with the police myself?”

  “Um, how about I call you back later?”

  “Oh, I get it - your boyfriend’s right there. Tell him I said hi.” The phone went dead – by trying to keep from agitating Max, now I had Paul ticked off. It’s like I can’t win. Rewsna’s voice boomed in my head again, “Stop trying to keep secrets that ought not be kept.”

  Max, out loud this time, “Who was that?”

  Without hesitation, “It was Paul. He’s got his timeline together and wanted to know if he should go directly to the police or if I should help him.”

  “I think he’s a big boy. You’ve done more than enough to help him. He should just do it himself.”

  Before I realized what I was saying, I answered, “Huh, I didn’t realize he had asked you what his next move was. Do you want me to get him back on the phone?” It’s strange how you can know that what you are saying is hurtful, or the look you are giving someone is close to a glare, but you are unable to put yourself in check in time to stop being a jackass. As soon as it was out and I was back in control – it was too late. Max let go of my hand and put the truck in drive without another word.

  Rewsna’s advice was a little softer this time, “Don’t shut him out. He can help you. He will understand.”

  I swallowed my pride, knowing I didn’t need his help, but believing Rewsna could only have the best of intentions. “Max, can you pull over somewhere so we can talk?” He looked sternly at me for a half a second but said nothing. Two blocks later he pulled into a parking lot. He parked the truck but left the engine running. He left both his hands on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead. His anger couldn’t have been more obvious if it were written on his forehead, but I deserved it. He would never talk to me like that.

  “I was out of line, and I shouldn’t have said that to you.” No change in his posture and he still wouldn’t make eye contact with me. “I think I owe you the absolute truth, hopefully you won’t leave me in this parking lot when I’m done.” This last statement got his attention. He leaned back in his seat and finally looked at me, but still said nothing.

  “You know how I told you about Rewsna?” he nodded. “How much did I actually tell you?”

  He blurted out, “I don’t know what all you keep from me, Lauren. Maybe you should try not keeping me in the dark like a fricken mushroom!” Wow, he was pissed.

  “You’re right. Okay here goes. Rewsna is somehow connected to us, I have no idea how. I haven’t talked to her since that day at the market, but I can hear her in my head. I know how that sounds - I’m not crazy. The day at the market she told me to keep to my path, and every time I start to veer off in another direction, like ignoring Paul when I know he needs my help, I can hear her in my head telling me to trust him, to put myself in his shoes…to help him.”

  I paused for a second, unsure how much to tell him, because realistically if someone told me they were taking direction telepathically from a voice in their head, I would have a hard time swallowing it. He didn’t say anything. After it had sunk in, I continued, “The truth is I feel responsible for his situation. I don’t think the police are looking for the real killer. At least if I’m helping him, the police may check his story – even if their motivation is to humor me.”

  I waited for an interruption that didn’t come, or a question, or some visual cue that Max was listening and in agreement that I was doing the right thing. Unsure how to proceed, I paused for a few more seconds arguing with myself that he was either pissed at me for being a jerk or was in shock and wondering if he should call for a straight jacket.

  I hated not being able to read him the way I could everyone else. “I know Paul didn’t kill anyone. I went to the jail and talked to him. I’ve always been a human polygraph, and I know he was being honest with me. I know he hasn’t lied to me the whole time. Saturday at the mall when I was getting strange vibes from him, it wasn’t because he was giving them off, it was because I knew if I didn’t delay him at the mall he could very well have walked in on the McMasters being murdered and been killed as a result. Of course, I didn’t put all of this together until after he was in jail, but at least I did before he was convicted.” My voice began to rise as I could feel the panic consuming me. Max still didn’t say a word.

  I continued on, babbling at full speed, “But by the time I realized the real circumstances, he was arrested. The police were sure they had their murderer and my face was plastered all over the television again.” I could feel emotion welling up, in me trying to break free, “Max, please say something.” I waited, I counted to ten, then fifteen, then twenty. Looks like Rewsna was wrong. Telling him everything was too much.

  I opened my eyes and stared into those amazing green eyes. “You’ve said all that before. So what more can we do for Paul? You kept him from being murdered, you bailed him out of jail, and if what Rachael told you yesterday is still true, you got him a date.” Max paused long enough to let it sink in that he thought I’d already done enough. “I get that you have a way with people. I know you believe he’s been railroaded. But what if he’s tricking you somehow?”

  “He’s not.”

  “So, what if I were to tell you that there’s a reason his mom didn’t bail him out?”

  “You talked to his mother?”
r />   “No, but did you? You just take him at his word, without even questioning him? Lauren, you’re smarter than that.”

  “Sometimes you don’t have to verify, sometimes you just know.”

  “Maybe that’s my problem – I like to see the best in people, but sometimes I just see what’s there – not what I want to see.”

  “I know he’s telling me the truth.”

  “This isn’t worth arguing about. If you’re going to keep helping him, then do it. I don’t hafta like it.” His agitation subsided a little, “Rewsna talks to you – in your head, about Paul?”

  “Talk isn’t exactly it. I can hear her. Most of the time it’s just a sentence or two, not a real conversation.”

  “What’s she saying now?”

  I listened for a minute and heard only silence. “Nothing. The last thing I heard was to tell you about helping Paul – not to be secretive.”

  “I like her already…So do you hear her a lot?”

  Great, here comes that straight jacket. “Not a lot, but enough that it doesn’t freak me out when I hear her now.”

  Max changed subjects. I could tell he wanted to be helpful, “You’re kind of chummy with that cop from the mall, right? Maybe he’s the one you should take Paul’s timeline to?”

  “That was my first idea, but he’s convinced Paul’s guilty. Maybe it would be better to go to the county prosecutor, district attorney or someone who actually has to try the case and point out the holes?”

  “Isn’t going to the prosecutor kind of like going over the cops’ heads? You won’t be their little darling anymore. I think you should try the police first, and if they don’t take you seriously, mention to them that you plan to meet with the prosecutor. That might get their attention better than anything.”

  I hadn’t thought of that, but that would be a great way to make them take me seriously. “You’re right, I’ll try that.”

  A tremendous weight had been lifted. Trying not to lie to Max but keep him distanced from all of my interactions with Paul was my problem. Rewsna was right: I needed to involve Max. He needed to know why I was trying so hard to help Paul.

  The rest of our afternoon flew by, and, before I knew it, Max was dropping me at my house so he could go in for yet another all-night shift. He never complained, but he couldn’t have gotten more than a couple hours of sleep today, and he looked dead on his feet. As I leaned over to tell him goodnight, I added, “I think when you get off tomorrow you should just crash. Don’t worry about picking me up from school or meeting me. If I see you, great, but I won’t expect you tomorrow.”

  The relief that I expected to see wash over him didn’t appear. “I’ll get some sleep after work. By the time you’re done with school, I should be a hundred percent again.” He yawned loudly and asked, “When’s your last class tomorrow?”

  Since Max had all but memorized my schedule, he must really be tired. “I’m done at one o’clock.”

  He looked exhausted, “Great, I’ll pick you up outside the main entrance. Wear something comfortable. I wanna take you up to Ridgeville.”

  I leaned in to kiss him good night. I was so excited that he was taking me to his place that my kiss was a little more enthusiastic than he was expecting. I put my hand on his thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. He exhaled deeply and moved his mouth to my ear and gently raked his teeth across my ear lobe.

  The sensation of his teeth on my ear lobe and the sound of his breathing in my ear revved my engine a few times. Max let out a gentle groan and I melted. My whole body went from tingles of pleasure to burning desire.

  Max slid his hand under my shirt to the sensitive skin on my lower back. As his hand caressed my skin, sparks rained all over my body, I couldn’t say goodnight. I could only think of wrapping myself around him, “You could always call in sick tonight.”

  Max removed his hand from under my shirt but kept his mouth near my ear, “I wish.”

  “Is it wrong to want some real alone time with you?”

  “Lauren, I hate saying goodnight every night.” His hand gently went to my cheek as his eyes held mine, “Just once I’d like to get home and have you there waiting for me.”

  “Early morning classes will be over this week. I think that can be arranged.”

  “Do you know how slow time passes when I’m not with you?”

  “Oh come on, you’ve got all that action: sirens blaring, blood everywhere; it’s like you work in an action movie. I doubt I even cross your mind.”

  “It’s bad enough that you’re beautiful and smart, but you’re so damn independent that half the time I don’t know if I should kiss you or wrestle you. But saying good night, knowing I can’t see you until tomorrow afternoon kills me.”

  I was surprised at the silky sound of my own voice, “Then don’t go to work.”

  Max kissed my forehead and pulled me in closer. “I have to go - they’re counting on me tonight.” He took my hand intertwined with his and brought it to his lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow at one.”

  I gently kissed his ear and whispered, “I’ll see you tonight in my dreams.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  As Max pulled away, I dialed Paul. I could have called Paul while I was still with Max, well maybe not in the last five minutes. After our conversation, I’m sure he wouldn’t have had an issue with it, but those few hours I spent every day with Max were just that – my few hours with him. Paul answered on the second ring, “He must be off to work if you are permitted to talk to me now.”

  “Well, hello, I’m doing fine, how was your day?” A part of me felt like hitting the END button. I had finally gotten Max to the point that he didn’t give me a hard time for helping Paul, now I had Paul all offended that I didn’t want him encroaching on my time with Max. It’s like I couldn’t win.

  “Oh, you know, more of the same. Someone threw eggs at my grandmother’s garage door, I went out front to get the paper today and found a strategically placed pile of dog crap. I guess I could be thankful that no one threw a brick through my window, right?” The edge in his voice was clear; this couldn’t keep up much longer.

  “So when can we get this timeline to the cops? I spent a few hours putting it together. I tried to remember as much as I could about the whole route and even remember seeing a car accident near Chambers and Fifth, as well as a window washer on the fourth floor of the Bank of America building. I mapped out the entire route and think you’re right: if the police decide to prove that I wasn’t at the crime scene, I would have had to drive by some security cameras. Mr. McMasters’ Porsche stands out a little; it’s not like a Honda on the road.” The edginess was still there, but at least it sounded like he was channeling it a little better.

  “Hold on, let me call Keith from the house phone. Don’t hang up, okay?”


  I put the cell phone on one ear while I dialed Officer Johnson’s phone number and put the house phone to my other ear. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have to write anything down or have both of them talking to me at once. Keith answered right away. “Officer Johnson? It’s Lauren, from the mall.”

  “Hi, Lauren, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you. Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine, but you know I only call you when I need to ask for a favor, right?”

  “Oh brother, I can hardly wait…Paul made bail so I’m of no use to you.”

  “Are you still investigating the McMasters’ murders, not the police as a whole, but you specifically?”

  “I’m on the task force, so I’m not the only one, but yes that’s my primary duty. Lauren, you know I can’t discuss an open investigation with a civilian.”

  “Oh, I know, and don’t worry, I’m not offended. I did want to ask you about who would be the best person to turn alibi evidence into, on Paul’s behalf?”

  “What kind of alibi evidence?”

  I wasn’t sure how to broach it. The last thing I wanted Keith to think was that I believed his investigative skil
ls to be inept. I knew he was sharp, but I also knew he couldn’t possibly be looking at other suspects if he believed he’d already caught the guilty person.

  “I’m sure I never told you, but I am a Law and Order fanatic. One of the things that the police always do on the show is to rule out suspects based on any evidence they discover. Paul wrote out his timeline from Sunday morning to include the route that he drove. I thought that the police could look at the route and bounce his timeline off of security cameras, you know like at intersections and businesses that he passed. Then you would know exactly where he was at various times.”

  “Sure, if he’s ready to cooperate, I’d be happy to look at his alibi evidence. Is this something you have?”

  “No, but I could have it in about thirty minutes.”

  “Do you want me to come to your house to pick it up?”

  Paul must have heard Keith’s offer because he nearly shouted at me, “No, tell him we can come to the police station so I can give a formal statement at the same time.”

  “Keith, hold on just a second,” I hit the mute button on the house phone, then quickly asked Paul, “Are you sure? You haven’t even talked to your lawyer yet. I thought you weren’t supposed to give statements without a lawyer if you’ve been charged with a crime?”

  “That’s if you’re guilty.”

  “You didn’t give them a statement last time?”

  “No, I was too freaked out! They’d just told me Mr. and Mrs. McMasters had been killed. I didn’t know what to say then. They were only interested in me telling them how I’d committed the murders, so I decided not to say anything. Now’s the right time, so tell him we want to meet him there.”

  I un-muted the house phone and put it on speaker. This way Paul could hear Keith, “Keith, you didn’t hang up, right?”

  “No, I’m still here.”

  “Paul and I want to come to the police station, if that’s okay?”

  “You mean Paul is ready to cooperate?”


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