Dixon's Duty

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Dixon's Duty Page 6

by Jenna Byrnes

  He grabbed her hands and held them firmly, speaking in a low voice for her and Bryan to hear, “Sami, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were dating the guy. I have a duty to uphold the law, and Adam popped up as a prime suspect. The latest victim gouged her attacker. Adam has fresh scratch marks on his arm.”

  “I gave him those! We had a fight, and we shoved each other around a little. But we made up. He never left my place last night. He sent me flowers to apologise today.”

  Bryan looked at Dix. “Book him.”

  “I’m working on it.” Dix squeezed Sami’s hands one last time. “No guy should put his hands on a woman. If the douche bag doesn’t know that, you’re better off without him.”

  “I hit him first,” she spouted defiantly.

  Bryan tried not to smile.

  Dix scowled. “Works both ways, kid. Women can be douche bags, too. Ask me about my ex sometime.”

  She relaxed her hands and leaned against him. “I know I was wrong, I was just pissed off. It wasn’t a big thing, or I didn’t think it was, anyway. Who knew the cops would get involved?”

  Her father brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. “I think you better get used to that.”

  Dix smiled. “Rule number three about being friends with a cop. Prepare yourself for the fact that we’re always going to be involved.”

  He released Sami and she stood on her own. “I need to interview you in one of the rooms.” To Bryan he said, “You’ll need to wait out here.”

  “He can’t come with me?” She sounded younger than her twenty-one years.

  “No, but if you want him to observe, he can stand outside with the homicide captain and watch.”

  She nodded. “That’s fine.”

  Bryan kissed her cheek. “Just tell the truth, honey.”

  “I will.”

  Dix led them to the second interrogation room and showed her inside. He told his captain, “This is Sami Scott’s father, Bryan. Bryan, this is Capt Alvarez.”

  The men shook hands.

  “He’s going to wait out here while I question his daughter.”

  “Cup of coffee?” Mac asked Bryan.

  “I could use one.”

  Mac went to get the drink.

  Dix glanced at Bryan, a hundred different thoughts going through his head. The only thing he could say in front of the captain was, “You sure you want to hear this?”

  Bryan nodded.

  Dix entered the room. He sat opposite Sami. “Did you want a bottle of water or anything?”

  “Bottled water is bad for the environment.”

  “It sure is. All righty, then, I guess we’ll get started. How long have you been dating Adam Reese?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “Are you asking this as a cop or as a friend of my father’s?”

  He rolled his eyes. “If you feel I have a conflict of interest, I can recuse myself and send someone else in to question you.”

  Sami studied him for a moment then sighed. “No, I like you. It’s okay. We’ve been dating about five months.”

  “You see each other pretty regularly?”

  “Every day. We have our own places, but he stays over at mine most nights.” She glanced at the mirror and looked away quickly.

  Dix realised this was a safe way for Sami to tell her father about the relationship without fear of his getting angry. He wondered how upset Bryan would actually be, and whether she had a legitimate reason for keeping the secret from him.

  He continued the line of questioning. “Adam says he was with you last night between the hours of ten and six a.m. I’d assume you were sleeping some of that time. Is there any way he could have left and come back without your hearing him?”

  “No. My apartment door squeaks. Daddy was going to put some grease on it, but I realised I like hearing when it opens and closes. Same with the door locks. I have three, and they’re noisy. I wouldn’t sleep through them being opened.”

  He nodded thoughtfully, wondering about his next line of questioning. Tread lightly. “You told us you put the scratch marks on Adam’s arm. What was the argument about?”

  Sami hesitated. “I’d rather not say.”

  He started to reply when the door opened and Abby stuck her head in. “Preliminary DNA is back, Dix. Adam Reese does not match the samples found on Samantha Marcus.”

  Chapter Four

  Sami grinned and jumped up. “It’s not him! I told you it wasn’t him!”

  Dix groaned and stood. Before he realised what was happening, Sami grabbed him around the neck and hugged. “I knew it!” she repeated. “Can I take him home now?”

  He walked her out to Bryan and the captain. “Cut him loose?” he asked Alvarez.

  “Cut him loose,” the captain agreed. “Thanks for coming in,” he told Sami and Bryan.

  She clung to her father, smiling ear to ear. “It’s all going to be okay.”

  He looked at her sceptically. “We’ll see about that.”

  Dix cleared his throat. “You two riding in one car?”

  She nodded. “Mine’s at the bar.”

  He turned to Bryan. “Why don’t you ride with me? Let Sami take Adam, they can swap vehicles and leave yours at the bar. We’ll pick it up later.”

  “Okay, but why?” Bryan asked.

  “Because I don’t think you need to see the young man right now. Let them go tonight. You can talk to them later, maybe this weekend or next week. Give it some time.”

  He sighed. “You’re sure he isn’t the guy you were after?”

  Dix nodded. “Sometimes the clues point in the wrong direction. It’s all a part of police work. Not the best part, but something we deal with.”

  Bryan handed his keys to Sami. “I’d rather you leave my car at home. Park it in the driveway. We’ll talk about things some other time.”

  She hugged her father and turned back to Dix expectantly.

  “Give me a minute.” He went back into the first interrogation room.

  Adam had beads of sweat running down his temples. “What’s happening?”

  Dix leaned over and unlocked the handcuff. “You’re free to go. DNA evidence does not match. But hang on. Sami and her father are here. I’m gonna do you a favour and take him home first. Sami can drive you over to the impound lot and they’ll release your truck to you.”

  Adam rubbed his wrist. “Bryan can’t be mad at me if the evidence says I didn’t do this.”

  “You think? Bryan’s upset because you and his daughter got into some kind of tussle and she put those marks on your arm. That’s the main thing right now. Let’s not even go into the fact that you’ve been sleeping over at the girl’s house most nights for the past five months.”

  “He knows that?”

  “We all know, kid. So cool your jets for a couple more minutes. I’ll get him out of here. My partner will come back in and sign you out, and explain where impound is located. Got it?”

  He nodded. “Thanks, Detective. And hey, I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I wasn’t really trying to blackmail you. I was scared and desperate.”

  Dix sighed. “I know. Look, this won’t go on the record as an official arrest, so your job should be okay. But you’ve got to get this domestic violence crap under control. Bryan and I are going to be watching you like hawks. The next time Sami turns up with the smallest bruise, we’re gonna find out about it. You got that?”

  His words came out in a relieved rush. “I do. I promise, nothing’s going to happen. I love Sami, and she loves me.”

  Dix nodded, and headed out of the door. For some reason he believed him. Stopping at Mac’s desk, he said, “I’m going to take Bryan home. Will you sign out the kid and tell him where to get his truck out of impound, please? Sami will drive him over.”

  “Can do. Have a good weekend. Hope I don’t see you.”

  “You too. Hugs to Cecile. Hope I don’t see you either.” He returned to Bryan and Sami.

  “Hope I don’t see you?” She raised her eyebrows at Dix

  He flicked a strand of hair off her shoulder. “If there’s another murder, we’ll both be called in to work this weekend.”

  She nodded. “So you hope there’s not another murder.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, even if it would put us out of our jobs. We can only hope there won’t be another murder. Ever.”

  “Got it.” She gave him a quick hug. “Thanks. I don’t like ‘Dix’. What’s your real name?”

  He gazed at her patiently. “James.”

  “Ooh, can I call you Jimbo?”

  “Not more than once.”

  She made a face. “Jim? Jimmy?”

  He shook his head. “That’s ex-wife territory.”


  “I could live with James. But the first time it gets shortened, I search your record for unpaid parking tickets.”

  Sami smiled. “Thank you, James. Have a nice weekend.” She turned to her father. “Bye, Daddy.”

  “See you, princess.”

  Dix grinned and grabbed a couple of things off his desk before heading out. “Nothing spoilt about that kid.”

  Bryan fell into step on their way to the parking lot. “Eh, it’s our little joke. I only call her ‘princess’ when she’s gotten away with something and she knows it.”

  “Got it.” He unlocked the Navigator and they both climbed in. Dix paused and looked at him. “So how pissed are you about this thing between her and Adam?”

  Bryan shrugged. “I’m more upset that they got into a physical fight. That can’t keep happening. As far as the relationship goes, I dunno. I always thought he was okay. He is a bit old for her.”

  “You’re not unhappy they’ve been sleeping together? I figured that might set you off.”

  “I’ve known for a long time Sami’s not a virgin. There was a pregnancy scare back in high school… Let’s just say we squeaked by on that one. Her mom got her to a doctor and on birth control. Since then, I’ve had this ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ thing going on.”

  “Yeah, I probably would, too, if Julie had lived longer. I escaped that particular horror. It’s different with a son, for some reason.”

  Bryan smiled. “Two daughters. I suppose it would be, but I don’t really know.”

  “I gotta tell you something, and I hope you don’t think I was presumptuous. I told Adam we were going to be watching him like hawks, so he’d better treat Sami right.”

  “Thank you. That was very cool.”

  “Got to thinking maybe I overstepped my boundaries.”

  “Not a bit.”

  He exhaled with relief. “Great. Then I’m hoping it won’t be presumptuous to suggest that I’d like to get on over to your place so we can fuck our brains out.”

  “Not in the slightest. That’s always been the plan, if you’ll recall.” He glanced at his watch. “We’re just about three hours behind schedule. Are you hungry? We could drive through some place.”

  Dix started up the car. “Only hungry for one thing. After that’s been satisfied, we can discuss dinner.” He drove towards the house.

  Bryan ran a hand over Dix’s thigh. “I like the way you think. And I loved watching you work tonight. Got me very excited, seeing you all police-like.”

  Glancing sideways, Dix waggled his brows. “Oh yeah? Maybe I should bring in my cuffs.”

  “Maybe. But you’re not going to need them tonight, stud. I’m ready for whatever you have in mind.”

  He pulled into Bryan’s driveway and parked. “First thing I need is a quick shower. There are some days, you just gotta take a rinser and get it washed off, you know?”

  “You bring your overnight bag?”

  “I did.”

  “Perfect.” Bryan led him inside, locking the door and turning on lights as they went. He set out some clean towels. “Help yourself to anything you need. Take your time.”

  Dix started to strip. “All I need is about five minutes to clean up. Then I need you, with a rubber and some lube, to join me in the shower. You up for that?”

  Bryan rubbed his lips over Dix’s. “I told you, I’m up for anything you suggest, handsome. Your five minutes start now.” He drew his tongue across lightly then pulled away and left the room smiling.

  Dix peeled out of his clothes then reached in and turned the shower on hot. He climbed in, allowing the water to flow over him before washing his hair with the fresh-smelling shampoo Bryan had on the ledge. As he was soaping up his body, the curtain parted and Bryan looked in.

  “Ready for some company?”

  “Damn straight. Been thinking about you.” He glanced down at his rampant erection.

  “Um, good thoughts, I hope.” His lover climbed in and closed the curtains. He jumped when the spray hit him. “Damn, that water is hot!”

  Dix chuckled. “Sorry. I’ll cool it down.”

  “Just a little.”

  “Just a little,” Dix repeated and adjusted the knob. He reached for Bryan’s waist and drew him close. “Just for you.”

  They gazed into each other’s eyes. “Do you know how happy this makes me?” Bryan finally asked.

  “Yeah. As happy as it makes me. It’s nice to have someone to come home to. Did you mean it when you said seeing me at work got you excited?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Bryan ran his hands over Dix’s back. “Definitely. I wish I had a more interesting job, so you could say the same. Not sure offering someone a Whisky Sour ever got them hot and bothered.”

  “Someone with an alcohol problem, maybe. But don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re more than a bartender, you own the place. Not that it matters to me. I’d still want to fuck you if you were the janitor.”

  Bryan smiled. “Because janitors can be pretty hot.”

  “You’re hot no matter what you’re doing. Face it, man. Seeing you breathe gets me excited.”

  “Aw, that just earned you dealer’s choice tonight. Care to give or receive?”

  Dix grinned, rubbing their groins together. “Both. But I’ll give, first. Turn around and assume the position. Hands on the wall.”

  “Oh, yes, Officer.” Bryan did as ordered, spreading his feet and placing his hands on the steamy tile.

  Dix reached for the lube and foil packet they’d left on the rim of the tub. After squirting the lube into his palm, he used a finger to ream his lover’s ass until the man squirmed. “Mmm, and that’s just one. Wait till I get four in there.”

  “Four? Holy shit! Who has time for that? Do two and call it good. I want your cock inside me, and your hands everywhere they can reach.”

  Dix inserted a second digit into the warm channel and stretched from side to side. “I love it when you’re hot for me. I could tease you a while longer, see how hot you can really get…”

  Bryan jutted his ass backwards a couple of times. “Don’t even joke about that. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Fuck me, baby, and fuck me good.”

  “Don’t need to ask me twice.” He removed his hand and greased the condom covering his shaft. “Here we go. Ready or not.”

  “Ready,” Bryan groaned, one fist pounding the wall. “So ready.”

  Dix inched his cock forward until he was balls-deep. He sighed for a moment at the glorious tightness, then drew out slowly and began the thrusting rhythm he knew they both loved.

  “Good. Yes, that’s it.”

  “You’re good,” Dix muttered through gritted teeth. “I could fuck you forever.”

  “Gonna hold you to that. Grab my cock and jerk me off. Won’t take much.”

  Dix rested his forehead against one of Bryan’s shoulder blades. He curled his fingers around the full, throbbing shaft and for a moment, he wished he could see it…taste it. But he was more than satisfied with his current position. Tightening his grasp, he thrust and tugged in motion with his fucking.

  “Damn, yeah. Oh, God. Told you it wouldn’t take much.”

  “Shame to waste that sweet cum, but you’re gonna have to spray the wall this time, lover. Wouldn’t miss this fuck for the

  “Come on, then. Do it like you mean it!”

  Dix groaned at the good-natured coaxing and quickened his pace. Bodies melded, he applied just the right amount of pressure to the pulsing shaft he could only envision… They both shattered. Moans filled the room as they came in unison. Dix stayed with him as long as he could then had to stop and catch his breath.

  Bryan rested his head against the wall. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered.

  “Again? So soon?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe. You bring out the best in me, man. I think I might be able to go again with you in charge.”

  Dix kissed all over his lover’s wet back and finally, regretfully, pulled out. He chucked the condom into the nearby trash can then adjusted the water temperature to make it warmer. “Gotta turn it up, babe. We’re cooling off fast here.”

  “Not me.” Bryan sighed as he turned to face Dix. “I’m still cranking at a hundred degrees Fahrenheit.” He grabbed Dix’s face and planted a loud, sloppy kiss on his mouth. “Damn, baby, it just gets better every time. That was amazing.”

  “Yeah, it was. You’re amazing.” Dix kissed him back, open mouthed, as hungrily as he’d ever kissed anyone. When he pulled back for air, he murmured, “I am totally, completely infatuated with you. I don’t care what else happens. If I died tonight, I’d be the happiest man on earth.”

  “After me, that is. I’m fucking giddy as a schoolgirl. But let’s not test out that dying thing. I’m not finished with you, yet.”

  Dix smiled. “Really glad I don’t have to leave tonight. I think we’re gonna have one hell of an evening.”

  “And it’s off to a very good start. What do you say we rinse off real quick then throw on a couple robes? I’ll whip us up something to eat. I make a mean stir-fry—it’s fast and tasty.”

  “Sounds like a blow job. Just kidding. I’d love it. But I didn’t bring a robe.”

  “I’ve got a robe for you, and I might have a blow job, too.”

  Closing his eyes, Dix stuck his face under the water. He pulled back and shook his head to clear the droplets. He smiled at Bryan. “That settles it. I’m never going home.”


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