Depravity's Child

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Depravity's Child Page 11

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  The results were almost instantaneous. A strange sort of pleasure gripped her body and she rode it hard until the vibrator was finally removed. Even then, she jerked as the spasms continued in a seemingly never-ending stream.

  Chapter Nine

  Late in the night, Antonia stood at her bedroom window looking down at the entrance to the house. She’d heard some commotion below and awakened from a troubled sleep, seeing that the outside lights had been turned on. She stood in the shadows now, making sure that she wasn’t seen.

  She watched as Rupert stood in the drive beside his Mercedes, talking with Miguel. When they finished their conversation, to her surprise, both men climbed into the car, Rupert driving. Speeding down the road, they were out of sight in seconds.

  Heart suddenly pounding with excitement, Antonia moved fast. She dressed in pants and a plain shirt, clothes she’d worn on her father’s ranch that hung unused in the back of her closet of dresses. Then creeping quietly into the upstairs corridor, she moved stealthily down the stairs and slipped into her morning room. The house was like a tomb; not a soul stirred. Her excitement intensified. She moved from the morning room to the garden, and then staying under cover, she made her way back to the pool house, where she’d find Rafael sleeping. Work on the addition was proceeding fast, and as if a hand reached down from heaven blessing her affair with Rafael, Rupert suggested that his contractor stay the night at the pool house when necessary so he wouldn’t need to drive the long distance home at night. Rafael, for appearances sake, hesitated to do so; what if the man knew about his affair with his wife and the arrangement was a set-up? But Antonia didn’t have that worry; she had only her lust to draw her to the one thing that gave her life meaning.

  She knocked lightly on the pool house door, then cringed in fear when outside light bathed her in white. She quickly darted into the shadows. When the door opened, Rafael, dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts, looked out.

  “Rafael…” she whispered.

  He turned to the shadows where the shivering Antonia stood with a finger over her smiling lips.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Please, let me in. Rupert’s gone.”

  Rafael looked at her strangely then turned around and walked back inside. The light went out.

  The stunned Antonia didn’t know what to make of it, but she didn’t move. Seconds later, she felt her lover’s hand on her shoulder from behind. “You could have at least used the back door,” he said.

  “I was so excited to see you that I forgot!” She fell into his arms and held him tight. Where they stood in the space between the pool house and the new addition, they wouldn’t be seen from the house, even if it had been light. In this small, safe cocoon, what had been denied them for so many days suddenly poured forth with little restraint.

  While groping as renegade lovers, Antonia was nearly stripped of her clothes by the time Rafael guided her around to the back door of the pool house. Tumbling to the bed where they first made love, her boy’s clothes were stripped away and his shorts disappeared. Naked, they made love in the dark, seeing with hands, and the feel of their flesh. Discerning with mouths. Noses smelling the pungency of love. Hearts thrummed, while their loins played a universal melody that only they could hear.

  They whispered terms of endearment as Antonia’s sex was breached with Rafael’s erection. She kissed his lips and neck in wonder as he moved inside her. He kissed her breasts and bit the skin, teeth nibbling in a playful tease. She rolled up on his body and rode him from above, Rafael grabbing hold of her ass and squeezing the tight, round cheeks until her body flooded with the magnificent pain that had her on the threshold of climax.

  “Oh, yes, yes!” her lips purred encouragement, body urgent and needy.

  Rafael answered her profanely, “Yes, yes, fuck me, slut. Yess…ssssssss,” seething, groaning, hissing.

  Instantly her sex tightened around his organ; she loved the sound of dirty words. And with the guttural tone of his baritone vibrating through her every nerve, she played the tramp he wanted her to be.

  Coming was easy; a swift beginning, middle and end that would set them up for more. Though for a time afterwards, they lay like children exhausted from running hard.

  Rafael came out of his stupor first and sat up, pulling Antonia with him. “You have a score to settle with me, Antonia.”

  “Score, what score?”

  “You really think Rupert’s gone for the night?”

  “What else am I to think when he goes roaring off at midnight?”

  “And he could roar right back; they probably went out for liquor. The man could be in your room right now, looking for a warm ass. What if we’re just seconds away from being found out? What if it’s over because you can’t restrain yourself?”

  “Good God, you’re serious. You’re scaring me.”

  “I should be scaring you. You’re too reckless, my darling.”

  She didn’t care about being reckless; she was tired of being denied.

  “I see you didn’t bother to object before we made love,” she noted.

  He leveled her with a glaring stare.

  A hurt look set in on her pretty face. “Well, if we’re not reckless, we’ll never see each other,” she declared. She realized the depth of her resentment for her husband. “Who cares if Rupert finds out! It would be just as well. I’d run off with you tonight. I’m not going to live my life with Rupert forever. I won’t! I can’t!” Her anger engaged, she tore up from the bed.

  “Settle down, Antonia,” Rafael said, curtly.

  “No,” her eyes flashed as they lighted on her lover. “I won’t settle down. And you shouldn’t either. It’s time you were man enough to do something about that blackguard. If you loved me you would!”

  The teeth in Antonia’s anger bit hard, and within the next instant, Rafael reached out, grabbed his enraged lover and pulled her over his lap. His hand came down on her behind with spanks so hard, she might have thought that it was Rupert paddling her bottom.

  “You bastard, stop!” she yelled quite loudly.

  Rafael stopped just as she asked, but only to issue a grim and determined warning, “NOT A PEEP from you, Antonia. Not a peep or I will gag you silent.”

  The command rifled through her body stunning her to silence, and Rafael resumed beating her sore behind with the palm of his hand until she thought it would incinerate from the heat.

  She twisted and turned, pounded her fists against his legs, but that only made the man gather her flailing hands in his one free hand and pin them firmly to her back. He kept on with the spanking hardly missing a beat. Trying her best to squelch her screams, she began pleading for mercy in tormented whispers. “I’m sorry, love, please stop… please, ouch! No please…” she went on and on in mounting desperation. When he finally quit, he let go of her and she landed butt down on the hard tiled floor.


  “That ought to teach you not to raise your voice to me! Or make false accusations. I love you more than I do my own flesh. And I’m here watching over you. If I thought you were in any danger, we would be gone. But these things have to be timed properly or you can end up going from one bad situation to another. Now’s not the time leave, but it will be soon. You have to trust me. Keep your head about you. Don’t make waves. Put a pleasant smile on your face when you’re with Rupert. And especially be careful about seeing me. Who knows what spies he has lurking about?”

  “You really think we might have been seen?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. But you can’t trust anyone. You have to be careful. You have to be sure it’s safe.”

  “Then I’ll never see you.”

  He shook his head. “Yes, you will. I can always come to your morning room.”

  She tried to see the wisdom of this, but it still didn’t feel right. “Doesn’t it bother you that he takes me to bed?”

  “Of course, it does. But a romanticist I’m not. I’m a practical man. You’ve put up
with him so far, you can continue a little while longer. If it were just you to consider there might not be such a problem. But now your mother is living in your husband’s house and if you run away, you have no idea what the man might do to her. I told you before; he has cruel ways with women. You know that; he’s hardly been kind…” He wouldn’t finish his thought.

  Her face turned ashen. “Oh, my! I really hadn’t thought about that. You don’t think…”

  “I don’t know what to think. And I have no facts to go on, but I can’t imagine Rupert having your mother in his house unless there is some ulterior motive behind it.”

  “I think he just wants to take over the ranch, which he has every right to do. This was in my father’s will. Besides, I think he’s supposed to find her another husband.”

  “Yes. But has he done anything about that…” he said, grimly. Rafael knew what was taking place between Rupert and Honoria, not because he’d seen it, but because he knew the man and his kinks. He knew the way Rupert looked at the beautiful woman and what was behind that look. He knew the expression in Honoria’s eyes and what that meant. The two read like open books, and the daughter was the only one not to see the truth. For the time being, he’d leave her in the dark but wondering. Too much truth in the hands of an innocent girl like Antonia, and her impetuous response could lead to disaster.

  Antonia smiled and moved back to the bed and into Rafael’s arms.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a fool,” she said.

  “Not a fool. You have a right to be young and careless, but just maybe not now.”

  He squeezed her sore bottom.

  “Ooo, my, that feels wonderful!” Her entire body began to sway as the erotic heat charged through her system. She ran her hand through his hair as he kissed her milky breasts and breathed in the sweet musk on her skin. “Maybe you should spank me more often,” she said, with a playful purr in her voice.

  “I will. Trust that.”

  “Oh, you think I’m going to be bad?”

  “Bad or not, I like spanking this pretty behind.” He gave it another rough squeeze.

  “Oooo. I think I like that.” He gave the squeezed cheek a firm smack. “Oh, my.” She wanted him again planted firmly in her sex.

  “And you like to be tied up. I’ll bet you even liked to be flogged. I already know you like to screw hard, little girl.”

  “You’re discovering all my naughty secrets,” she said with a playful pout.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get your share of the hard ass bastard in me that you love so much.” He pushed her back. “But not tonight.”

  “What do you mean, not tonight?”

  “I mean, that if you don’t get caught sneaking back into the house, and Rupert hasn’t come home and found you gone, and you manage to get in your room without being seen, there will be other nights for us to play.”

  “You’re sending me back?” She looked incredulous.

  “What did you expect?”


  This time he covered her lips with his finger to silence her. “Put your clothes on. It’s almost two and if we’re lucky everyone will have gone to sleep. No better time to slip inside unseen.”

  She knew it was no use arguing. Moving swiftly on Rafael’s orders, she dressed, kissed her lover a longing goodbye kiss and crept back in the house and into her bed.

  Chapter Ten

  An unusually pleasant dinner party took place some days later with Rupert acting as a gracious host for a wealthy Marquis. There were several other of Rupert’s friends attending, four couples—an oddity for a man who seemed to prefer men to women in social situations. Rupert would rather have his women naked and at his feet, where he had absolute control of them. Those women disinclined to his peculiar desires, women with aggressive controlling spirits that could not be conquered annoyed him, even made him nervous, although no one would know that. He put up with two such females on this occasion, since they were married to male friends he specifically wanted at the party.

  The most unusual guests at this gathering were his wife and his mother-in-law. Although there had been few occasions for Honoria to attend an event like this since she arrived nearly two months before, the entire household and Honoria herself were surprised she had been invited. To everyone but her daughter, she was considered no more than a lowly servant in the master’s house. At the table, Honoria sat at Rupert’s right hand, Antonia at his left. The seat at the other end of the table normally reserved for the hostess or wife was filled by the kindly smiling Marquis. While some might find the seating arrangement odd, it was hardly surprising for a man like Rupert who valued women so little.

  The evening hummed along like the festive occasion it was, with a lingering dinner, wine, rich deserts and an after dinner aperitif that made everyone a bit woozy in a pleasant satiated sort of way.

  As the Marquis and Honoria were the only unattached people at the party, she wondered if the charming gentleman was there because of her. With no explanation about the man and how Rupert knew him, her mind filled with speculations. After listening for some time to the Marquis’ amiable conversations with the women at the other end of the table, Honoria concluded that he was a newcomer in Rupert’s society—or at least a stranger to this group of friends. The banter was light and a bit formal to start, although it warmed considerably as the long dinner wore on.

  The Marquis had been a widower for several years. As an eligible bachelor, he was the kind of man who’d easily attract single women looking for a wealthy mate. His hair was silver-gray, his square face well-defined and handsomely tan, his eyes, though dark and a bit mysterious, shone with warm congeniality throughout the meal. His confidence was rooted in a noble past and a hard work ethic—his shipping business was still guided through his day-to-day, hands-on involvement. He remained physically active, playing polo throughout Europe and sailing in major boating races in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and South Pacific. His opinions were firm on many matters, particularly his clear dislike of the United States and Western ideas. “I find the country far too diverse for me. Although I realize the diversity is one of its assets, I am at heart an Old World man, with simple tastes and a need for a less harried life. I prefer structure, order, and routine. I suppose that would make me dull by some people’s account. I wouldn’t last a week in the bustle of a city like New York.”

  “You’ve never been to New York?”

  “Never,” he said, proudly. “I can tell without going there that those rowdy Americans and their revved up lives would quickly rub me wrong. I’d be walking the streets with a shot gun, taking no prisoners.” He chuckled playfully with the two women at either side of him, who were totally entranced by the man’s no-nonsense talk. If his views seemed antiquated, they didn’t seem to mind. “I’m afraid I’m not a tolerant man,” he added. “I like my quiet. I like my peace, my home, my drink, my dogs, my ponies and my money—probably in that order.” He smiled.

  “And your women?” a blushing brunette wife asked.

  “I like them contentedly at my beck and call.”

  The woman’s pink face flushed a little deeper, while Honoria’s tummy had a terrible case of the jitters following that remark. The longer the man held court in the room, the less certain she was that she could hang on to her poised, compliant manner. She trembled so badly inside that she almost asked to be excused—but there was no opportunity with the conversation flying back and forth so rapidly, and Rupert totally engaged with his guests, paying no attention to either his wife or his mother-in-law.

  The Marquis thought himself ‘dull’? Honoria wondered to herself. He wasn’t a dull man at all. He was witty, humorous and flirtatious without disrespecting the women he spoke with. He was far more handsome than her husband, despite the fact that he was probably older by several years. Her only complaint was that he showered his attention on the attached women at the table and not her. Of course, she wasn’t close enough for them to have a personal conversation, but with
her own demeanor being naturally reticent, she failed to attract even one glance.

  By the time the meal was over, Honoria was certain that Rupert had plans for her and the Marquis. She could think of no other reason why the man was there, and why she’d been asked to join the party. Devious Rupert always had a reason for everything. Maybe, it was just hope that fed her conclusions. But there were a few small hints during dinner that led her thoughts in that direction.

  “The Marquis has been in mourning for sometime,” Rupert announced. “I only met her once, but his Anna Maria was a fine beauty, the perfect compliment to a man who owns his world and dominates it with a firm rule. She understood his needs and has been terribly missed.” Rupert smiled at the man in admiration, holding his wine glass as if he were toasting the occasion. The rest of the table looked at the self-effacing gentleman with expressions of sympathy carefully manipulated by their host. “The Marquis has been a mentor to me. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to give my friend a proper return to social life. Something intimate and casual.” Rupert’s smile then turned a bit wicked. “We’ll have a few parlor games later that I have planned especially for our honored guest.”

  The room buzzed in apparent knowingness; all but Honoria and Antonia understood what Rupert meant by parlor games. However, while Antonia was completely in the dark, Honoria found the master’s short speech deliberately suggestive, filled with insinuations that could easily lead directly to her. She quivered in anticipation, growing more lightheaded and apprehensive every second. She realized that she’d hardly eaten a thing, and with three drinks in her system, she did clear-headedness no favors.

  When this revelation hit like a bolt out of the blue, she set her drink glass down with an unusually resounding thump, the glass clanking against the one beside it. The room was at that very second in a lull before another conversation began; everyone turned and stared.

  “Excuse me,” she apologized blushing.

  “Are you okay, my dear?” Rupert asked. “You look pale.”


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