Turn & Burn: Revenge is a Red-Headed B*tch (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 2)

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Turn & Burn: Revenge is a Red-Headed B*tch (The 'Cuda Confessions Book 2) Page 24

by Eden Connor

  Rowdy pushed my shoulders to the hood. His warm breath and the heated metal made such a contrast with the cool evening air, my nipples tightened. Egged on by Caroline’s moans, I cried out when he raked my clit with his teeth through the thin fabric that covered me. I shuddered under the sensation of his hands gripping my bare breasts. His method of torture was to roll the rigid peaks between thumb and forefinger. Between that touch, and the hard pressure strafing my clit, it wasn’t long before I arched, but Rowdy’s efforts were assisted by my memory of Caine in the high school parking lot.

  He straightened. “Can’t come for free, young lady. Gotta earn that. I’m thinkin’ Caine’s right. That Corvair’s a sleeper. Get ready.”

  Jonny’s chuckle floated from the darkness behind us. “Don’t worry, Shelby. I’ll help you improve your sucking game.”

  “Or, I’ll help you with yours.” With a grin, I slid off the hood, just as Caine’s headlights lit the road. I gave Rowdy a final kiss and slid into the Camaro.

  Caine pulled around us, parking behind the Corvair. Jogging down the centerline, he slapped a hand against the passenger door. I set the hand brake and started my burnout. Jonny turned to blow me a kiss, then smoked his tires, too. My heart pounded from the sheer excitement. Sex and speed ruled here. As long as I had horsepower and gasoline, I could ride the wind.

  Spinning, Caine set his legs apart and raised both hands. I gunned the engine and pushed in the clutch. Releasing the hand brake, I stared as he raised both index fingers, then circled them.

  Ready? His lips moved in the familiar chant I didn’t need to hear to understand. Both engines growled, making Caine grin.

  Set? I caressed the shifter and took a deep breath, foot tensed on the clutch.

  Go! The Camaro didn’t rear, but it shot forward. Jonny kept pace. I moved into second, then third, unable to shake him. Fourth gear and he was still by my side. I hit fifth, but his taillights flashed, throwing a red stain across the hood.

  Howling with dismay, I shot past the tiny light cast by Colt’s cell phone. Jonny geared down faster than I did, whipping the smaller, lighter convertible around in the road.

  I got the Camaro stopped. Heaving a deep breath, I reversed toward the side of the road and spun the wheel, growling with frustration.

  Jonny waited in the winner’s circle. Flames danced above the barrel in the center of the asphalt. I got out and slammed the door.

  “All the other boys warned me about you.”

  He laughed, moving to the front of his car. “It’s turbocharged. One of the first. Everyone gives her the side-eye and laughs at her hundred and eighty horsepower, but she’s got a wicked bite. No one seems to remember, I’m dragging around a lot less weight than your big block Fords and Chevys.”

  “Is this the car your father rebuilt?”

  “Same one.” Jonny left his headlights on, but stood above the beam. Still, I caught the grin in his voice. Plopping onto the hood, he placed his hands at his sides. “I’d die before I sold her.”

  I realized why my brothers didn’t like Rowdy. They put their cars together with their own sweat and blood, while he just wrote a check. Nothing wrong with buying a car to compete with, but to build one—and win with it—was a different level of elite.

  Caroline came whizzing up the quiet lane. “Goddammit,” I muttered. “She won.”

  Jonny just laughed. Reluctantly, I knelt and undid his button fly. Reaching in, I slid my fingers around his shaft, easing it free.

  Caroline parked and flung her door open. “Aw, Shelby’s gotta suck cock.”

  “Bite my ass,” I retorted, eying the shaft in my hand. It was nicely shaped, and thank God, neither as thick as Colt’s nor as long as Caine’s, but it was bigger than Robert’s.

  Colt roared past in the Mustang. Swinging wide, he parked on the far side of the barrel. Rowdy took a spot in between him and Caroline. He left the door open on his Monte Carlo and turned the volume down, but the strains of country music filled the quiet night.

  “Train her up right, Jonny,” Rowdy yelled. “Save me the time.”

  “Go eat cat,” I snapped, but I had to laugh. Colt jogged to my side.

  Going down on one knee, he gathered my hair into his hand and leaned close, blocking my view of Rowdy and Caroline.

  “Just open your mouth, Shelby,” Colt crooned. “Wrap your tongue around the head. Tease the sweet spot underneath the rim with the tip of your tongue.”

  Colt glanced up at Jonny. “I should warn you, she has sharp teeth.”

  Caine pulled into the cul-de-sac. He took the remaining spot beside Colt’s Mustang.

  The circle of headlights lit Jonny’s face—and Colt’s. I realized Jonny stared, not at me, but at Colt. And Colt stared back. The heat arcing between them nearly singed my skin. My heart kicked because these two couldn’t act on their attraction.

  I had to let Colt feel Jonny through me. I inhaled Jonny’s scent, mingled with the familiar Hugo Boss and Colt’s own fragrance. The heat from their bodies sank into mine. I lowered my head. Jonny’s taste exploded on my tongue, slightly tart and salty.

  “Flatten your tongue. Ease down on the shaft. Gentle suction, now. Work him up nice and slow while you get him wet. Let the man see those pretty eyes.”

  A sidelong glance confirmed that I wasn’t the only one looking into those dark eyes. Colt lifted my hand and brought it to Jonny’s cock, pushing my head down at the same time. Jonny groaned. Colt chuckled. The two subtle vibrations collided inside me, making me into a human tuning fork.

  Colt gripped my fingers. “Nice, firm squeeze. It won’t break. Put the top of your hand close to your lips. Now that you’ve got him all wet, slide your hand along his shaft while you suck. Drive him crazy real slow.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” Caroline moaned. “Harder, Rowdy, lick it harder.” The wicked thrill of listening to someone else have sex, as always, added a layer of pleasure. Colt slid a hand through my thighs and found my clit.

  “Firm touch on the balls,” Colt murmured in my ear, ceasing my delicious massage to lift my other hand. “Just keep ‘em moving between your fingers. You wanna make him feel good, don’t’cha? This is the way.” I relaxed my fingers, allowing him to knead Jonny’s sac with my hand. He brushed my cheek with his lips before he let go and returned to my clit. I pressed my mound into his hand and swirled my tongue around Jonny’s shaft, needing him to groan again so I could feel Colt’s reaction.

  Jonny dropped onto his elbows.

  I realized what I could do for them, and at the same time, put Caine in a position of little choice. One all around win. Lifting my head, I stroked Jonny, but whispered to Colt. “You want to feel him inside me, don’t you? Feel his cock slide across yours?”

  Desire flamed in his eyes. “Hell, yeah.”

  I raised my voice. “Go get condoms. They’re in the Camaro. The lube’s in your trunk. I want you both at once.”

  “Fuck racin’. I want what she’s gettin’,” Caroline announced.

  While the guys donned condoms and passed around the lube, I gave Caroline a sly wink. She made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, bringing it to her eye. That damn giggle floated in the crisp air, taking my heart along for the ride.

  I took Colt’s hand and got to my feet. “Not taking him up my ass,” I informed Jonny.

  “God, I love this family.” Jonny slid to the ground. Colt took his place on the hood.

  I placed a knee beside Colt’s thigh, giving his cock a doubtful look, but the need to let them touch drove me to scramble onto Colt’s lap. I positioned him at my entrance. Jonny gripped my hips. I worked myself down on Colt’s rigid cock, moaning at the hard thrust from Colt, and the way Jonny urged me lower.

  To my left, Caine hesitated. I had no breath to hold, since Colt forced it out of me, but under Rowdy’s stare and Caroline’s soft smile, he finally snatched the box of condoms off the Corvair’s hood.

  I turned back to Colt, exulting in my victory, and Caroline’s. He slid h
is hand behind my head and tugged my lips to his.

  “One more gift I don’t know what to do with.” I kissed him before he could say anything else. Then Jonny was pushing into me, but from the side of my eye, I watched Caine lift Caroline into his arms. Rowdy moved in behind her. Somehow, those three ended up pressed to the side of the Corvair.

  I could barely breathe, but began to rock. Being penetrated by two cocks felt like racing in every sense. I was flying, and at the same time, pinned down by forces that both thrilled and terrified me, but the pistons fired and pleasure built like a raging wind, sweeping my fear aside in a whirlwind of sensation.

  Caroline’s cries sparked mine every bit as much as the two cocks thrusting inside me. The grunts and moans melded, each note vibrating through me. I spied Caroline stretching past Caine and leaned to my left to meet her lips. Her tongue became one more thrust into me, the softest, and yet, somehow, the one that hit me the hardest and kindled my orgasm.

  I wrenched free and turned to kiss Colt, but saw that Jonny had beaten me there, as well.

  Colt’s cock began to jerk. That sensation, along with his groans, might’ve set Jonny off. Both gripped me, but on the hood by my knee, Jonny’s hand clenched Colt’s. I stared at their interlocked fingers, gasping for breath and feeling the car sway on its springs as Rowdy strove for his finish, and Caine cried out his.

  I dropped my head to Colt’s chest, staring at Caroline as Colt stroked my back.

  Rowdy stepped away and stripped his condom off. “I reckon it’s time for me to roll.”

  “Later, Rowdy. Good to see you haven’t forgotten how to be a dirty boy.” I gave him a drowsy smile from beneath heavy lids, wishing I could just roll over and fall asleep.

  He bent and dropped a kiss on my cheek. “Merry Christmas, Shelby. Thanks for the invite. Guys, see y’all at the track, if not sooner.”

  Everyone added his or her goodbyes. His engine fired. I struggled to sit, wishing there was a spare hand around to drive the Camaro home.

  The Monte Carlo swept past. Blue dash lights cast his face into planes of light and shadow, but a different shadow caught my eye.

  The bastard’s got a dash cam.

  I was sure Rowdy hadn’t seen Colt touch Jonny, or their kiss, but the camera had a different view. He’d already sent one clip to Dale.

  I scrambled off Colt, knocking Jonny backward in my haste. Bending, I muttered an apology and snatched my pants off the ground. “Where’s she going?” Jonny muttered. “Come back here, woman.”

  Shoving my feet into the legs, I yanked them around my waist and stumbled for the Camaro. I didn’t bother with the seat belt. As soon as the engine caught, I slammed the tranny into reverse and raced out of the circle.

  When I hit Old Cottonmouth Road, the Monte Carlo’s taillights were glowing dots in the pitch dark, about an eighth of a mile ahead. I gunned the engine, not caring if I tore up the car before Caine could sell it. I caught him before we reached the barricades. Sliding into the other lane, I hit fifth, jumping ahead in time to cut in front of him and race through the opening. Slamming the turn signal on, I geared down, moving to the side of the road.

  “You’d better pull over, motherfucker.” To my relief, he swerved to the side of the road behind me. Jumping out, I ran to his side. He lowered his window with a cocky grin.

  “Missed me that much?”

  “The memory card, Rowdy. Give it to me.”

  Even in the low light cast by his dash lights, something flashed in his eyes. Guilt? Jealousy?

  “Give it here,” I repeated, shoving my hand through the window. “You aren’t leaving with footage of our party this time. I don’t appreciate knowing you recorded us years ago.”

  “Never done nothin’ with that footage. Jesus, Shelby, chill.” He sighed and reached to eject the card. “I record every race.”

  He laid it in my hand and started to speak again, but I shook my head. “Don’t even. Just go on home.” I stalked to the Camaro, heart pounding, and slid into the car. I dropped the small plastic chip into the leather surrounding the gearshift, then gripped the wheel and leaned my forehead against the horn, willing my heart to slow.

  I thought about turning back, but Caroline passed me, tapping her horn. Caine’s truck stayed on her bumper.

  I thought about running, but where? I needed space to think. I doubted I’d get it here. I could go to Dale and Mom’s new house, but after the spat we had when Macy found out I planned to stay at the old house, that wasn’t going to happen.

  With nowhere left to go, I fell in behind them, leaving Jonny and Colt to their own devices.

  As soon as I turned into the driveway and started down the slope, my lights struck Caine and Caroline. They leaned against Caine’s truck, kissing. No doubt, Jonny was nailing Colt on the hood of the Corvair.

  “Merry fucking Christmas,” I muttered, parking in front of the garage. Since I’d blocked Caroline’s car, I left the keys in the switch and stalked past, furious with Rowdy because his dumb ass had ruined the party. I slung the sliding glass door open, and hustled to the bedroom to grab my stuff for a shower.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The television boomed in the den. Every male voice was raised in an effort to speak above the racket. I staggered down the hall, rubbing my eyes.

  Caroline was seated on Caine’s knee with her arms wrapped around his neck. Ignoring her soft greeting, I grabbed the remote out of her hand and jabbed the volume button, wondering why in the hell they were watching a shopping network.

  “Aw, somebody’s not a mornin’ person.” Caine leaned forward, causing Caroline to shriek. He wrested the device from my hand. “Don’t know why in the hell either of you think you can operate one of these.”

  “Y’all are just rude,” I snapped, moving toward the bar. Dishes and glasses filled the kitchen counters, but the vibrations coming through my knee said the dishwasher was running. I grabbed the coffee pot. “It’s empty.” Turning to glare was a waste of time. Not a soul looked my way.

  “I have to go.” Caroline groaned. “Little Shelby’s gonna be up any minute.” She bent her head to kiss Caine.

  I ripped the plastic lid off the container of Maxwell House. If he kept his tongue down her throat much longer, she’d need CPR.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  I shoved the scoop into the aromatic grounds and decided to just dump the fresh ones on top of the soggy ones in the filter. Lifting the lid covering the coffee maker’s reservoir, I watched through narrowed lids while he got to his damn feet with her in his arms. Seriously, what was up with his He-Man bullshit?

  “Hey now? Where’s my goodbye kiss?” Jonny demanded, lifting his feet off the coffee table to stand.

  Caroline’s giggle made me cringe. Way too early to listen to that. Or to watch Jonny’s hand slide over her ass. Didn’t these guys ever get enough sex? I dumped four scoops into the filter and wrenched on the cold water.

  “Bye.” I nodded once as Caine strode toward the side door with Caroline in his arms, looking away to jam the carafe under the stream. Standing at the window, I couldn’t help but see him jog down the stairs, like she was some feather. He set her on her feet and pulled her into his arms. Well, Merry fucking Christmas, Caroline. Gee, I left my camera at school.

  “When this goes bad, I’m gonna spank your ass till you cry.”

  I jumped, twisting to glare at Colt. “Fuck off.”

  He ruffled my hair like a kid and leaned close. “Not kidding and not the sexy kind, either.”

  “Not scared.” Cold water flowed over the top of the pot. I turned away from Colt and tipped the excess out before filling the reservoir. Frost edged the windowpanes, sparkled off the grass, and made their breath into fog. Caine finally opened Caroline’s door. She slid behind the wheel. He had to practically get on his knees to kiss her again before she finally backed out of the driveway.

  He just stood there like a moron, watching her pull down the street out front of the h

  I whirled, colliding with Colt. “Could you move your ass out of my way?”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re grouchy for a woman who had her brains fucked out last night.”

  “We could give her a quick tune up,” Jonny offered. “Know what time the old folks are coming over?”

  “Touch me and lose a hand. My eyes are still closed, so I could mistake anything for a thumb right now.” I drove my shoulder into Colt’s chest and made it to a barstool. “I did not get enough sleep. Why the fuck are y’all awake, anyway?”

  “Caroline’s damn alarm started going off at five-thirty.” Jonny groaned. “Then Caine must’ve gone down on her for an hour. Didn’t even matter that he shoved his cock in her mouth, that woman can do some damn screaming. We gave up and came up here.”

  I pictured them in the sixty-nine position on top of the pool table. Shuddering, I eyed the coffee pot. There was barely an inch of go-go juice in the bottom of the carafe. I thought about just going back to bed, then remembered the point to hooking up Caroline and Caine was to annoy Colt. Caine bounded up the stairs and jerked the side door open so hard, the little spring at the top shrieked.

  “Finally feels like Christmas.” He shivered and closed the door.

  “Might help if you put some fucking clothes on,” I muttered.

  He grinned. “Goin’ to do that right now. Soon as I shower.”

  I jumped off the stool. “Oh, hell no. I’m going first.”

  He shrugged, running his hand down his bare abs. “Better move your ass, then. Guess I’ll grab some firewood and get a fire goin’. Dad and Macy should be here in about an hour.”

  I stuck my head underneath the warm stream a few minutes later, wondering why my chest ached. Maybe running around bare-assed had given me a cold. Groaning, I propped my hands on the shower wall, enjoying the rush of hot water over my skin and tried to breathe deep. I couldn’t afford to get sick. Not now. Not before the race.

  Mom and Dale arrived by the time I’d finished blow-drying my hair. Everyone was in the living room when I got there, so I curled up beside Dale’s feet on the floor. I was more excited about Dale opening his gift from me than I was about opening my own, but he stubbornly avoided the large package.


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