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Gage Page 29

by Emilia Hartley


  Ditching the dragon man had been easy. He was fast asleep on the back porch and she was more aware of the sound her footsteps made now that the dragon inside of her was awake. Quietly, she crept out of the house. She didn’t bother with her car. There was too much energy pent up inside of her now. It made her palms hot and her muscles twitch. Rhiannon traded her jeans in for a pair of spandex leggings and a pair of black trainers.

  In what felt like no time at all, she was standing outside a small government building. It was the offices of many of the higher ranking GOE officials in Wales. Most of the lights above the first floor were off for the night. Officials had the luxury of going home when the clock struck five. The security guards, on the other hand, had no such luxury. Rhiannon watched the two security guards patrol the first floor through the tall glass panes that surrounded them. Every once in a while the two would stop, exchange a few words, and move on while laughing about some joke she couldn’t hear.

  She hoped that Everett had a plan for getting them out of the building before it was destroyed. The guards were GOE; they were one of them.

  But she wasn’t one of them, she reminded herself. She was a dragon shifter. The thought made her stomach roll anxiously. She hoped that she would be able to ignore the voice in her head long enough to seem like nothing had changed. She didn’t need Everett figuring out that she was no longer the human he laid with once upon a time.

  As if in response to the thought of their past love making, her beast growled unhappily. She was getting better at gauging the beast’s emotions from the sounds it made. She couldn’t, however, figure out why the idea of laying with Everett pissed the creature off so much.

  “I didn’t know if you would come,” a familiar voice said from behind her.

  She spun around, barely able to hide the snarl that touched her lips. It was so unlike her usual self. She knew that it was the beast inside of her, grabbing for control. It had been locked away for all of her life. It made sense that the beast was wary of everyone.

  Except for Gareth.

  Rhiannon locked that information away for further inspection later. She rolled her shoulders and looked Everett in the eye. She was ready for this. He nodded, falling into their old rhythm. Everett placed a small explosive in her hand. Its weight was heavy in her hand, carrying all of the implication of what they were about to do with it.

  Rhiannon didn’t see where he had pulled the plastic explosive from, but she couldn’t see evidence of any more. The mission had called for several to be placed in specific spots all around the building. She wondered if he had begun without her because there were no more explosives to be seen.

  “This is going to be a riot,” another voice joined them.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. A jolt raced up her spine when his scent hit her nose. It was frost on a cold day.

  “Why is Raphael here?” Rhiannon asked through clenched teeth.

  “Because this was his idea,” Everett informed her. Her partner slapped a paper map into her hand and left without saying another word.

  Beside her, Raphael watched her with sparkling eyes. He had to know. He could smell it on her, she thought. Her hand clenched around the map in her hand. The beast inside of her thrashed and growled at the white dragon standing ten feet away. She did not like him.

  The smell of burning paper greeted her nose and she looked down. A small bark of surprise escaped her when she saw the paper burning in her hand. She shook it out and held it by the corner to keep from burning it further. Avoiding Raphael’s gaze, she set about her own mission. The further she could get from him, the better she could control herself.

  Her eyes roved over the map, combining with her own familiarity of the building in question. She was supposed to go around the back side and slip into a basement window. From there it was her job to place the small plastic explosive beneath the furnace. The resulting explosion would make the end result look like fire damage.

  She slipped through the alley between the buildings, but, to her dismay, Raphael followed her. The beast inside her thrashed from side to side. She swayed on her feet from the beast’s movement. Her teeth clenched. She couldn’t give in to the thing’s fear. She couldn’t let it give her away.

  Everett would kill her on sight.

  “Are you doing okay?” Raphael asked, petulantly. He could see the strain that her fight for control was putting on her. It was a wonder that he hadn’t outed her from the get go. He could have easily sniffed her and told Everett the truth. If he hadn’t by now, he was waiting for something else to happen.

  He was waiting for her to give away the secret herself.

  “Just dandy,” she tossed back at him when, in fact, she was not doing okay.

  The window she was supposed to slip through was just ahead. It was low to the ground and narrow. When she knelt to push it open, the glass warped under her touch. The heat radiating from her hands was uncontrollable. She fisted her hand and closed her eyes, trying to summon her inner calm if only for a second. Turning inward, all she found were frayed nerves and the low, rumbling growl of her beast.

  It screamed at her, but she couldn’t understand what it was trying to say. All the beast was succeeding in doing was making her head throb. She could barely feel the prickle of her nose that announced the arrival of someone else.

  Her head snapped up.

  Raphael was gone. She hadn’t even noticed his exit. Instead, at the head of the alley stood a uniformed security guard. She could hear the voice of her partner coming closer. What she heard made her stomach roll. The beast inside her revolted.

  “She’s a traitor!” Everett’s voice filled the alley. “Find her before she blows up the building!”

  She was never more aware of the small plastic explosive in her hand. It was damning evidence. She gripped it harder. If she dropped it, there would be no getting out of this. The security guard raised his weapon and his flash light at the same time. The light blinded her newly sensitive eyes. She threw her arm over her face.

  Unable to see, she mentally plotted her path of escape. There was no way that she could run forward. The security guard had a gun and she was sure that she’d heard Everett coming around that direction. The path behind her was still open, but she didn’t know where Raphael had gone.

  There was another option. When she opened her eyes, she looked up into the sky. She had no idea what she was doing, but it might be her best option. Swallowing back the nagging feeling of reluctance, she let go of her control on the beast inside of her. It flowed out like a crashing wave of water. Magic filled the air around her until a solid, scaled body filled that space.

  She was dark against the night. Two shots rang out in the narrow alley. The brick of the building beside her exploded. Vertigo made her sway as she took in her new shape and height. It was awkward to adjust to, but there was little time. She pushed her claws into the brick wall and climbed toward the roof. From there she could spread her wings wide and try to fly.

  Try was the key word.

  She’d obviously never tried anything like this before. Adjusting to the new form happened quickly in the heat of the moment, but flying was a whole other thing. She hoped it was like her time paragliding. She had a little experience with that kind of sport.

  Another shot rang out. Stinging pain hit her in an unfamiliar area. The beast thrust its tail back and forth. The resulting sting of pain told Rhiannon that she’d been shot in her tail. She had a tail…

  Get moving, she reminded herself. She poured herself onto the roof and snapped open her wings. The sky ahead of her was dotted with buildings of varying height. All she had to do was avoid them all. Easy, right? Not so much. Her wide wings beat against the air as she ran forward. Her beastly heart thumped in her ears. Below her, shouts rang out from every direction. More guards were pouring out of the building.

  This was a trap.

  Her beast tried to warn her. That was what it was trying to tell her wit
h the shrill sounds it screamed at her.

  She jumped from the building’s roof and took to the air. Her great form wavered in the air, unable to hold the wind beneath her. Her stomach flipped from the sudden drop in air. Her back foot clipped the edge of a building and she veered too far to the left. Another building rose before her. She leaned hard to the right, her wings nearly perpendicular to the ground. Tucking her feet into her body at the last moment, she narrowly missed the building.

  Bullets streamed through the air around her. She made a mistake. She’d given herself away as a dragon. It was clear that the time with GOE was officially over, but that wasn’t what bothered her in that moment. She knew that changing shape then and there put a dragon with a weapon outside a GOE building. She’d fallen for their trap one way or another. She could only hope that no one thought to take a picture of her in the chaos.

  Her attempt to fly was failing her as she fumbled through the air. She had to land somewhere, quickly. Her beast’s eyesight caught the shape of a park to her right. She banked toward it. Losing altitude quickly, she clenched her jaw and prepared for impact. Before she hit, the flow of magic passed over her. The soles of her trainers hit the ground and she ran with it. In the dark, her human form slipped through the park. She spared a moment to wonder where her clothing had come from, but there were other pressing matters.

  There was the betrayal of her friends and family to worry about for they most certainly wanted to kill her. She couldn’t fathom why she’d been set up. Had Wilson planned to use her like that all along? She was his ticket out of prison. Everything that he had done could now be blamed on her.

  Because she truly was a dragon.

  The rumble of an old engine approached her as she burst onto the street. She ducked back into the park for cover to wait for the truck to pass her by. Instead, it rolled to a stop next to where she hid. Impatiently, the truck honked its old horn at her.

  “Damn it, woman!” Gareth’s voice barked into the darkness.

  She shot forward, propelled by the strong faith of the beast inside of her. The beast trusted this dragon man implicitly. So far, Rhiannon figured he was the only one that hadn’t betrayed her so far. In the distance, she could hear GOE’s sirens. She was thankful that her beast’s scales were dark enough to blend into the night when she made her break for freedom. It was probably what had actually saved her this night. Not her spectacular flying skills, sarcasm implied.

  “What the hell is going on?” Gareth growled as she slid into the passenger seat of his truck. Even though his voice was filled with anger, he reached out and laid a reassuring hand on hers. Almost as if to assure himself that she was there with him and alive.

  “Wilson’s plan was a trap,” she breathed. The adrenaline and magic were wearing off. Her eyelids were getting heavy. The beast inside of her settled back, trusting that Gareth would keep them safe. “Why do I have clothes after shifting?”

  “Why can a dragon turn into a man? Magic is the only answer I have for you.”

  She barely registered his response before sleep gripped her. She slipped into unconsciousness in the safety of the cab of his truck.

  Chapter Seven

  Rhiannon woke not where she’d passed out. At first, a wave of panic gripped her. It quickly washed away as the night’s events returned to her. Her trusted friends had betrayed her and she’d been forced to put her faith in a man that would have been her enemy weeks ago. Hell, he had been the enemy.

  She let her head fall back with a sigh. A sharp pain stabbed her in the back end. It made her hiss.

  “Are you okay?” Gareth’s voice held a tinge of panic when he stepped into the room. His massive form was at odds with the soft concern in his eyes. It wasn’t the first time he had aimed that look at her, she remembered. Just the day before he had mopped her up after she performed a minor surgery on herself and immediately fallen into a psychological shock.

  “I think I’m fine. GOE managed to land a shot in my tail last night. I must be healing.”

  “I gathered that you shifted when you asked why you had clothing. How did that go for you?”

  “It was… different. Also, I suck at flying.”

  Gareth nodded as he picked up her feet and sat on the end of the couch. He replaced her feet in his lap, his hands never leaving her. “Flying is a tricky art. I mean, airplanes make it look easy and all. I guess it’s not too accurate to compare an airplane to a dragon, though”

  She laughed. It was impossible to compare the lithe, muscled body of a dragon to an airplane. She knew how it felt to command the body of one now. She knew, without a doubt, that she was not human. She’d never been human. It was a lie that tainted her entire life. As she was raised, she was taught to associate dragons with evil and selfish.

  Her eyes fell on the man that was cradling her feet in his lap. Despite the anger that she’d seen burning inside of him, he was not selfish or evil. He was almost human.

  Rhiannon rubbed her face with her hands. She had no idea what she was going to do. Everett and Wilson framed her during their so-called mission. It was out now that she was secretly a dragon that had been working for GOE. Undoubtedly, her house would be under constant surveillance. There was no going back home.

  “You’re quiet,” Gareth said. “What are you thinking about?”

  She let her hands fall away from her face. They fell slack in her lap. “I’m homeless. I’m officially a traitor.”

  Gareth shook his head while avoiding her eyes. He looked down at her feet. His think fingers touched the tips of her toes. “You have a home here, on the Territory, if you want. I’m not asking you to move in with me. Far from that. The Territory is vast, hundreds of miles wide. There are homes you could move into. Most of them would probably need work, but the family would pitch in. Then… you could live in anonymity if you wanted.”

  He was babbling nervously, Rhiannon thought. The beast inside of her surged forward at the thought of living here, on the Territory. It welcomed the promise of safety, purring loudly. It yearned to be close to Gareth. She was getting better at reading the emotion behind the beast’s sounds, even if it still couldn’t use words.

  Rhiannon, on the other hand, didn’t know what she thought of the proposition. It was comforting to know that she could disappear into the depths of Snowdonia, but her human rationality reminded her that GOE was still gunning for the Territory. Especially her former mentor. The safety that Gareth proposed would be short lived if Wilson had his way. And he might, given her performance last night.

  “I can’t,” she whispered. Rhiannon threw her feet to the floor. They felt cold without Gareth’s warmth, but she couldn’t sit here all day. She had to do something.

  “You can’t seriously be thinking about going back to GOE. Are you insane?”

  She threw her hands in the air. “What else can I do? I put you in danger with my own idiocy. Wilson framed me for an attempted attack on GOE and I used my dragon form to escape. There’s no doubt in their minds now that the dragons are a threat. Do you know what that means?”

  “What could they do to us that they haven’t already?” He growled as he turned his eyes up toward her.

  “How about a full-on assault? How about large scale weapons and the levelling of all Snowdonia?”

  She watched the color drain from his face. She felt terrible for pouring this awful truth on Gareth, but he had to know. He needed to know what terrible thing she’d done to all of them. The guilt weighed heavily on her. It sat on her shoulders and pressed on her until she felt like her feet were breaking through the floor beneath her.

  Gareth surged from his seat. He gripped her face between his hands and turned her chin up so that she had to look him in the eye. “This is not your fault. Nothing that has happened is your fault. You are a victim trying to do the best with what life has dealt you. You did what you had to do to live. I am forever grateful for that. Do you hear me? I will forever be grateful that you managed to survive last night.”
br />   Rhiannon found herself leaning into the dragon man before her. The urge to raise her own hands and grab him was overwhelming. They moved of their own accord, running over the flat planes of his stomach. They moved upward without her consent. She stopped fighting and let her hands have their way. Gareth’s eyes lowered to her lips.

  She knew what was happening this time. She could push away from him. She could leave the house, but she didn’t. Instead, she gripped the sides of his waist and pulled his body into hers. When his lips descended upon hers, she opened to him.

  His tongue pushed into her mouth while his cock grew hard against her. She moaned into his kiss and rocked her hips into his bulging erection. His hands fell away from her face. They gripped her hips and jerked her closer to him.

  Her hands moved through his hair, pulling hard until he groaned into her mouth.

  Neither of them heard the visitors outside until the door crashed open. Rhiannon jumped away from him as if electrically shocked. She fumbled to pull the hem of her shirt down from where it had ridden up between them.

  A force unlike any she had ever seen before filled the doorway of Gareth’s home. The man had brooding eyes that looked as though they were made of ice. There were streaks of silver on either side of his trimmed beard that gave him an air of kingly authority. Maybe that was the smothering presence that followed him.

  Beside her, she heard Gareth audibly swallow.

  “I don’t even know where to begin,” the intruder said, his glare locked onto Gareth. “Why was a dragon spotted at GOE last night?”

  Instinctively, Rhiannon stepped between them. She held her head high with her chin up despite the force that was pressing in on her. The intruder’s eyes studied her from head to toe while his nose flared.

  “What the hell?” he muttered.

  “I was that dragon,” Rhiannon informed him. She desperately wanted to pull this man’s attention from Gareth because the promise of violence in his voice was palpable.


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