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Gage Page 50

by Emilia Hartley

  “Okay, okay, one question at a time,” Nick tried to joke, but chuckling made him wince. “Like I said, Tom and I know bears. You could even call us experts on all things bear. We know how to beat ‘em, we know how to join ‘em, and everything in between. Tom’s fine, he’s back at the shop, practically unscathed. Me? I just got a little caught up in the action and the big boy caught me by surprise,” he said, indicating his wounded shoulder. “Nothing a little gauze won’t fix. I consider it a lesson learned.”

  “Oh,” Jo nodded. “I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.” Though the look on her face was more worried and less amused.

  Nick gently lifted her chin with his finger. “Hey, don’t worry about me. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  She gave him a quick smile, but it fell flat before he could truly appreciate it. “Yeah, I’m fine. I mean, a bit shaken up, more than a bit exhausted, and I spilled scalding hot coffee on my hand, but ultimately fine.” She peered around to his shoulder and grimaced, watching as the blood seeped through his t-shirt from the wounds he’d sustained. “You didn’t have time to put anything on… those?” she asked, jutting her chin at the bleeding claw marks.

  “Oh, uh… no,” Nick replied, daring to look slightly apologetic. “All I was really worried about was getting back here. I may scar a bit, but this is nothing. Your life is way more valuable than my flawless skin.”

  “Oh,” Jo replied, and he could tell she was genuinely grateful. “I… thank you.” She smiled. “I’ve never had someone say they felt the need to run to my rescue before.”

  “All in a day’s work, ma’am.” He grinned and tried to give Jo a mock salute, but winced hard when he raised his arm. It hurt like hell, but it made her laugh, so it was worth it.

  Her smile faded back to concern as her eyes drifted back over the wound. “But I mean, there has to be something small at least that I could do to help with the bleeding? Consider it a thank you. Also, you’re beginning to drip.” She pointed to the little droplet of blood on the porch, both watching as a second drop fell from the hem of his shirt to join the first on the concrete.

  She looked back up at Nick. “Is there a First Aid Kid or anything around here?”

  As much pain as Nick was in, he couldn’t help but feel immediate arousal at the thought of her touching his bare skin again. He swallowed past the thick feeling in his throat and replied, “There should be. Somewhere in the kitchen.”

  She smiled up at him. “So you don’t mind if I…?” She let the question trail off, turning towards the kitchen and waiting for a response.

  Not really trusting his voice, Nick only nodded. Shifters don’t mate with humans, he told himself. Shifters don’t mate with humans. He would have to make that his mantra before it was over and done with.

  “I’ll boil some water,” Jo called from the kitchen, tossing him a glance. “You might want to take that mess off,” she said with a light smile.

  “Right.” As Nick awkwardly pulled off his shirt, even he had to admit that he was flustered and there was no denying it. He could see the amusement on her face as she watched him stare off into space or fumble over words. He didn’t have time to feel embarrassed about it though, because he was too busy being happy that she was happy. It made him feel at peace, like he was doing the right thing. His bear felt the same. Plus, when she smiled, she looked absolutely jaw-dropping.

  Shifters don’t mate with humans. Shifters don’t mate with humans…

  Jo sucked in a soft hiss. “These look pretty bad,” she murmured. Nick’s skin sizzled anywhere her gaze touched, and he fought not to shiver in delight.

  He shrugged and then winced. “Like I said, file it under a lesson learned.” She chuckled, placing one soft hand on his good shoulder. It was his turn to suck in a hiss.

  “Yeah I know, this probably isn’t going to be too comfortable for you, so I apologize in advance,” Jo murmured, too focused on the wound to notice his reaction to her touch. She ran the warm cloth down her open wounds in gentle pats, slowly cleaning the gashes that the attack had given him.

  “This might hurt a bit,” she warned, before pressing firming on the center of the wound. Nick held back the growl that wanted to spring forth, but even to an alpha like him, that was painful. “Yeah, I know,” Jo said, as if reading his thoughts, “but the bleeding wasn’t stopping. I needed to apply pressure.”

  After a thick layer of antiseptic cream, Jo dressed the entire wound in gauze, sending shocks electricity down Nick’s spine with every press of her fingers as she sealed the bandage closed. “There,” she said after what had felt like a torturous, amazing eternity. “I’ve done all I can.” Her nose scrunched as she thought, and Nick felt the overwhelming urge to kiss it. “Though it really looks like you might need stitches.”

  Nick chuckled, voice breathy from both his arousal and the pain, but overall just loving the attention she was giving him. “I’ll be fine.”

  She tut-tutted playfully at him, feigning disapproval. “If you say so, bear wrestler. At the very least, promise me no more learning lessons this way, you hear? Doctor’s orders.”

  He grinned up at her, internally struggling with the urge to sweep her into his arms and carry her to bed. “I’ll be a good boy from now on. Scout’s Honor.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Okay, go ahead and stand up. See if the dressings hold…and don’t forget to breathe.” Jo stepped back from the chair, thankful for a moment without the sparking electricity that ignited between them when they touched. It made it hard to be helpful when all she wanted to do was run her fingers over his body until he used those huge muscles to carry her all the way upstairs and introduce her to bliss.

  Nick did as he was told, standing and stretching gingerly to the left, then the right, then leaning forward. With no shirt on, Jo was painfully aware of how each movement flexed a different muscle group, his entire body rippling like ocean waves trapped beneath his skin. “Breathing appears to be top notch,” he declared with a lopsided grin.

  “All in a day’s work, sir,” she replied, repeating his earlier words with a smile, but she had to turn away at the last moment. That smile was just too much. She decided to busy herself with cleaning to keep from making eye contact. “So, do you have any shirts here? You’re probably going to need one.”

  “Oh, yeah. Upstairs. I keep a few stashes of spare clothes in case I…” He trailed off for a beat, and she glanced at him inquisitively. “In case I need to get away, you know?” He laughed at his umpteenth blubber, and it made Jo smile. She liked a guy that could laugh at himself from time to time. “Sorry. That’s, two shirts I’ve ruined and left here.”

  Jo shrugged, deciding to go for the plunge. “Oh, I don’t mind… besides, it’s not like I’d wanted you to leave last night, or anything…” she finished, her sentence trailing off as she finished up the last of the cleaning.

  She watched satisfactorily as a shudder ran through him, and he tilted his head to the ceiling. “I know, I know, but I had to,” he replied, his voice soft and slightly husky. “I can’t do this, Jo.”

  “Why not?” she snapped back softly, trying not to convey the full hurt that his words had caused. “Look, Nick, I get it. I mean, I understand why you might have… reservations.”

  “You do?” Nick asked, looking thoroughly perplexed and mildly alarmed.

  She laughed at his expression. “Yes. I know I’m…” she looked away, a bit of shyness in her gaze. “I know I’m only here for four more days, max. And I mean, I’ve never really been a fan of the quick and easy, either, but honestly, Nick, what harm could it do?” she asked.

  She gently ran a hand over his good shoulder, sliding it down his chest as she watched his face intently. She took pride in seeing the raw need he had for her in his eyes and feeling the way his body shuddered against her touch. “I know we just met, and this probably all sounds totally crazy, but it’s obvious that there’s something between us, Nick. There’s no denying that.” She slowly brush
ed her fingertips down his torso, lower and lower. “So what’s the harm in seeing where a bit of fun takes us,” she murmured seductively, barely speaking above a whisper.

  She saw him, so close to the edge that he could topple end over end at any moment into passionate oblivion with her at any moment, and then with a deep breath, she watched as he took a big mental step backward. He closed his eyes and pressed her hand firmly against his chest before finally pulling it away and placing it back in her lap. “That’s not it,” he said, softly.

  Defiantly, Jo curled her hands back around him, watching him react in ways he couldn’t control. “Then why?” she pleaded.

  “I just can’t”

  Her fingers curled around his back, and she contemplated if kissing his full lips would seal the deal. “That’s not a reason, Nick.” Her voice was husky with desire, her lips an inch from his. She could feel his breath coming quicker and quicker, panting against her lips as he fought the wants and needs inside of him

  He groaned deeply, the sound resonating through his entire body. “I can’t… be myself with you, Jo,” he tried to explain, neither daring to pull away. “It’s dangerous.”

  A thrill sizzled down her body, making her shiver, and something must have shown in her eyes, because she watched with exhilaration as Nick’s grew dark with arousal. She leaned in even closer, their lips just barely brushing. “Maybe I like dangerous,” she whispered into his mouth. She let their lips meet, pressing her herself up against him.”

  A growl rippled from Nick’s throat, she felt every vibration as he shuddered and finally lost control. He grabbed her and spun her around, pushing her down against the dining table. Jo could hardly breathe as he pulled her shirt up, his hands exploring the soft warmth of her skin. He nibbled roughly down her jawline, each time bringing a small whimper to her lips. He worked his way lower and lower, biting down on the tender skin along her shoulder. His hands roamed lower still, as if he were starving for her body. And boy did she want to give it to him. Excitement coursed up her body as he tugged hungrily on her waistband.

  “Nick,” Jo breathed, yanking his head back up by the hair so that she could kiss him again. “Promise me you won’t stop again this time.” She hated to ask, but she had to know, had to be assured that he wouldn’t run away from her again. Last night has been terrible in a way she never wanted to repeat.

  “I…” Nick faltered in his efforts to remove her pants. His bear roared angrily, and everything screamed within him to stop thinking and keep going, but he knew it wasn’t right. “I-I want you, Jo.”

  “Then don’t stop,” she whimpered, leaning back against the table and pressing the soft mounds of her covered breasts up to his face.

  “I have to,” Nick gasped, and he looked to be in physical pain. “This isn’t right, Jo. I’m so sorry.”

  Jo pulled him down against her, ignoring his denial. Every ounce of her was calling for him, growing louder every second, and she knew he couldn’t help but answer. His lips and hands moved almost instinctually, exploring whatever bare skin was available to him. Kissing his way up her stomach, he grabbed the hem of her shirt in a vice and to lift it above her head.

  “Nick,” Jo breathed, sliding her arms around his neck. “Don’t stop this time.”

  Nick bit back a roar as pain blasted through his recently bandaged shoulder. Before Jo could even thing to apologize, Nick tore the thick fabric of the university sweatshirt to ruins, nails scratching her body as the material of the shirt gave way.

  “Ouch!” Jo exclaimed, jumping up with a start from a sudden pain just below her neck. She pushed him back a moment with a small frown. “What happened?”

  Nick looked off for a moment, curled over her body and breathing roughly, but at the sign of her pain, he finally stepped back. She lifted her chin, touching what felt like two long raised lines on her collarbone.

  A haunted look flooded Nick’s eyes, flushing every last trace of arousal that had been there only a moment before. “Jo, I’m so sorry,” he breathed, staring at the marks in horror. “I didn’t mean to.”

  Jo shrugged. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s just a little scratch, don’t worry. You just do things a bit more rough than… I’m used to, but I like it,” she reassured, trying to pull him close again. “I like that you want me so much that you lose control.” She tugged him toward her with seductive eyes. “Come back. Don’t you want to carry on? Maybe finish what we started this time?”

  Nick’s mouth worked as he floundered for a response, but none came. She knew that his lust for her was still in him somewhere, but by the look in his eyes she could tell that he was done searching for it for the time being. “I shouldn’t have done that,” he whispered.

  “Oh, come on, it’s just a couple of scratches!” she exclaimed in frustration as she jumped down from where she’d been perched on the dining table. “It’s nice to feel wanted, I definitely take it as a compliment, Nick, so don’t worry about it.” She gave him direct, heavy eye contact. “I mean it.” Her eyes slid towards the stairwell, suggesting playfully that they move things to the bedroom.

  Nick wasn’t paying her any attention. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the inflamed marks he’d accidentally put on her chest. He shuddered, and Jo noticed that it was definitely not in arousal.

  It was in fear.

  “Nick, come—”

  He was already shaking his head. “No, I—”

  A tinkling melody sounded soundly from the upstairs bedroom.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and get that,” Nick suggested sadly, “I’ll go grab another shirt.

  Jo looked down at the torn remains of her own shirt. “Same.” She smiled at him tightly, her eyes filling with disappointment. Two times he’s pulled away from her and he won’t tell her why. What the hell could he possibly have to hide?

  Upstairs, her phone stopped ringing, and then started up with the same mechanical tune, yet again. With one last worrisome glance at Nick, she took the steps two at a time. She stepped into the room, taking an irritation-filled dive-bomb into the bed. As expected the number was unknown. “Hello?”


  Her heart sank. Brian. He must be borrowing a phone or something, she thought miserably. Her freedom didn’t last very long at all. “What do you want?”

  Of course, that response granted her a long expansive phone rant about how she was ungrateful and rude and how unprofessional she’s been, all made worse by his fake British accent. “Yes, Brian,” she murmured noncommittally, not entirely sure what she’d just agreed to. She’d started tuning out his rant a while ago; it was obvious that he was making up for all the hours he’s had him blocked. She could already feel her face falling back into familiar lines, the old stress of her job setting in like usual.

  “Okay, Brian,” Jo submitted, weakly. “I think you’ve said enough by now, don’t you think?” She just wanted to go and enjoy the rest of her free time.

  “Enough?” Brian screeched, taking a deep breath—a telltale sign of another lecture coming on. “It has hardly been enough, as you say, or you wouldn’t continue to be so dizzyingly incompetent! Am I getting through to you at all, Jo? Hmm? Hello? Am I?”

  Surprisingly, tears sprang to Jo’s eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but she didn’t trust her voice to not crack. She’d never shown weakness to Brian, and she wasn’t about to start now. She allowed herself a couple moments of silent composure before trying again.

  As she opened her mouth to speak, Nick snagged the phone right from her hand. His eyes were dark with anger as he placed the screen to his ear. “Don’t call back until you can treat your employee with at least an ounce of respect,” he barked angrily into the phone, promptly ending the call without another word. He tossed the phone back on the bed, stomping back downstairs and muttering something about coffee.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jo stared dumbfounded toward the stairway, still a bit confused about what had just happened. As she found yet another shirt to wear
, the recent memories of the event flashed before her eyes; the way he snatched the phone from her, the dark anger in his eyes, the venom he spewed down the line. It was a shock, to be sure… but Jo was surprised to find that she wasn’t the least bit upset. How could she be angry at someone who had the guts to say to Brian what she’s been too scared to say for a full year? Heaven knows he deserved it.

  Slowly, Jo crept downstairs to see Nick slamming things about the kitchen, clearly getting out some pent up frustration. “I’m sorry,” she managed to say. “I know a lot of this anger is probably because I tried to persuade you to—”

  “No!” Nick interrupted, surprised. “No. I mean, yeah, maybe I’m a bit… frustrated, about things, but I stopped that between us. Not you. That’s all in the past, so let’s not worry about it. Point is, I was already kind of angry, and your crappy boss just seemed like a good outlet at the time to get out some pent-up irritation, so I took the chance.” He bit his lip before choosing to continue. “The way that man speaks to you, and how defeated he makes you look… it’s not right, Jo. I don’t know why you put up with it.”

  “He’s my boss,” she said, as if it explained everything.

  “So?” Nick retorted. “That doesn’t give him the right to treat you that way.”

  Jo felt the beginnings of embarrassment that always showed up when she found herself begging forgiveness for her boss’s personality “So you heard all that, huh?”

  “Well, he was shouting pretty loudly,” Nick replied, his voice softer. She sank down in the sofa, and he sat down next to her. “You don’t need to put up with that, you know.”

  Jo felt the heat trickle up her neck and hid her hands in her face. “I’ve never really been good about standing up for myself. I was always the type to keep my head low and keep moving at a steady pace. Not the easiest life, but guaranteed to be… something useful. So that’s just how I chose to operate.” She sighed, finally lifting her head. “I guess that’s things have never changed for me at Liberty Art.”


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