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Gage Page 58

by Emilia Hartley

  To Nick’s dismay, seeing Jo there, propped against the wall, eyes closed tight, throat bare and vulnerable as he sat sheathed deeply within her rekindled some of his old doubt. How far could he go? How much could he do before it was just enough? Too much? Reluctantly, he rolled his hips, and she shuddered appreciatively.

  “Don’t hold back,” she whimpered, opening her eyes slightly to give him a heavy look. It was filled with want and need, hunger and heat. And love, more love that he’d ever imagine she could have for him. “Don’t be scared. This is right. You know it is.”

  He allowed himself one final moment of gentle admiration—cradling her cheek softly as he laid a tentative kiss on her lips—before doing what he’d wanted to for a long time. He let go.

  Drawing almost completely out of her, he slammed back inside, the clap of skin meeting skin singing in his ears with the impact. Jo cried out, long and ragged, and Nick had a moment of terror before she raked her nails across the top of his back, clawing him closer.

  “Don’t stop!” she cried. “Don’t you dare stop.” She kissed him roughly, drawing away and catching his bottom lip in her teeth. As she bit down hard enough for Nick to see stars, he rammed her again. And this time he didn’t stop.

  He knew he wouldn’t last very much longer by going so vigorously, but in the moment, it didn’t matter. He felt the pressure and the pleasure building up inside of Jo, coiling her up tightly like a spring, and all he could think about was making her feel like she’d spontaneously combusted. It was his only goal. His teeth found her neck, grazing not so lightly against her skin, his hand gripped her thigh in a vice that was sure to leave a bruise. Every pinch, scratch and nibble he laid upon her resulted in a gasp or a moan, and it drove them both ever closer to the edge.

  Suddenly, his body gave the first violent quake. “Jo, I—”

  “Don’t,” she squealed, “Don’t stop, Nick, please. Come for me.”

  A snarl ripped through him, and he put every ounce of power he had left into one final thrust, bringing them over the precipice together. Nick bellowed a satisfactory roar that echoed harshly off the porcelain walls, but he was much too enthralled to care. She tensed and tightened around him, pulling all of his attention away from anything that didn’t have to do with this moment. There was only Jo. His human. His mate.

  The bear stood tall and broad within him as he orgasmed, like he normally did when he wanted to force a change, but there was no snapping of bone or tearing of muscle—there was only Jo. The bear only looked to her as she writhed and shook, the pleasure spilling over the brim as Nick’s warmth entered her. She was their home.

  As they both came down from the high of climax, Nick slid the two of them gently to the floor of the bath. They lay there panting and exhausted for a bit, warm water cascading gently upon their lazed bodies.

  When he could find the energy, he laid a tiny kiss on Jo’s forehead. “I love you, so much, Jo,” he breathed into her soaked hair.

  “And I love you,” she whispered back, resting her head contentedly on his chest.


  Tom stopped by a few hours later as planned. He grinned uncomfortably at the picture of innocence that Jo and Nick presented. They were both showered and dressed in comfortable PJs, Nick lying on Jo’s lap with his eyes closed while she sipped a mug of coffee. Her legs were tugged under her on the couch as she read a book from the bookcase.

  “Well aren’t you two the perfect picture of domestic bliss,” he quipped, sitting in the soft armchair across from them.

  Nick grinned, not bothering to open his eyes just yet. “Jealous?”

  “Not at all,” Tom answered, not missing a beat. “Just making an observation.”

  “How’s Dan?” Jo asked, closing her novel with mild concern in her eyes.

  Tom shrugged. “Sleeping. Not much has changed in the few hours y’all have been gone. He woke up once, tried to stand almost immediately, threw up everywhere because trying to stand up immediately on a body as broken as his is painful, and then passed back out.” He looked to Nick. “If he makes it out of this without lasting complications, I’ll eat my boot.”

  Nick finally cracked open an eye. “That bad, huh?”

  Tom nodded. “Definitely. He won’t even be able to attempt to shift for… a few weeks at least.”

  Nick sighed, reluctantly rising from the sofa. “That’s troublesome.”

  “Why is it troublesome?” Jo asked. She had a feeling it was going to take a while before she didn’t always feel so out of the loop.

  The brother’s exchanged a look. “Because he’s the enemy,” Nick finally said, matter-of-factly.

  “A month at least before he has the health necessary to not die out there on his own,” Tom added. “Four weeks in our home. Not some secondary hovel that we can use as a decoy.”

  “He could learn a lot of secrets about us, even locked up in that room all day,” Nick agreed, nodding. “It could be anything. A note on the fridge, someone leaving a voice mail that we listen to on speaker.”

  “He could track when and how we navigate about the shop, getting our move patterns to better understand how we fight and defend ourselves.”


  “Okay, okay, I got it!” Jo interrupted. She saw Nick pout a bit before promptly ignoring him. “So, what are our options?”

  Tom looked slowly from Jo to Nick. Nick shook his head in silent warning. With a smile Tom looked back to her. “Well, we could always toss him back out on the street,” he answered cheerily.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Jo replied, face deadpan in mock seriousness. “Anything else?”

  Tom sighed. “Not really. If you insist on keeping him until he’s strong enough to go limping back to Lucas, then I know Nick will back you.” He shrugged. “I’m out-voted before it even began.”

  Nick nodded. “You got me there.”

  “So he stays,” Jo confirmed, breathing a sigh of relief. “We’ll just have to be careful.”

  “Seems so,” Tom said. “And you?”

  It was Jo’s turn to shrug. She hadn’t really thought about what she would do after quitting her job. As she spent more time back in Rawlins, she was made all but certain that the rest of her days would be spent with Nick.

  “Can you liaise from here?” Nick asked, mistaking the reason for her silence.

  Jo shook her head. “No, no, I quit Liberty Art, so that’s not—”

  “Really?” Nick asked, eyebrows rose in wonder. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “There’s been a lot going on,” she retired with a smirk.

  “Well, how’d it happen? What changed your mind?” Nick asked excitedly.

  Jo averted her gaze a bit, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I thought of you.” She smiled warmly at him as he sat back in stunned silence.

  “I see,” he muttered to himself. She watched as he worked over some things in his head before steeling his resolve. “So, since you’re finally free… how would you feel about maybe living here?”

  Jo’s smile grew. “With you?”

  He grinned in return. “Of course with me!”

  “Mostly because we’re out of beds at the shop with, tall, large, and broken taking up my old pad,” Tom quipped.

  Nick shot him a look. “Or maybe because I love my mate?”

  Tom shrugged with a smile of his own. “Maybe that, too.”

  “I’d love to,” Jo finally answered, surprised when tears sprang to her eyes.

  Nick leaned in and laid a soft kiss on her lips. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Hey,” Tom perked. “Actually, if you’re hurting for a job now, we’ve been talking about getting someone to organize our mess for eons, it feels like. Haven’t we Nick?”

  Jo’s nose scrunched up. “You mean like a maid?”

  Nick chuckled. “No, he means like a secretary. Not really something currently on your resume, but I’m sure you could handle it.”

  Jo grinned. “I’ll take it,” she a
greed, voice tinged with relief. She liked the thought of having pocket change and a bit of independence in her life, despite loving her newfound mated life.

  “You sure?” Nick asked, eyes looking down with love, hope, and happiness.

  She turned that grin up to him, full-force, and loved how sparkles danced in his eyes. “I’ve never been surer about anything than I am about my new life here with you right now.”

  Ignoring Tom’s groan, she pulled Nick down into a long, loving kiss, happier than she’d ever been before.

  Saved by the Alpha Bear

  Alpha Bears Book 2

  Emilia Hartley


  A fierce roar and rusting forestry signaled the return of the fearsome pack leader. There was pain and agony evident in the call; the challenge had not gone the way he’d planned.

  The leader and his minions thundered out of the tree line to where bears sat waiting for their return. There were many; newcomers left behind because they were thought to be a detriment, a burden. But with a leader as terrifying and ruthless as Lucas, most were just happy he hardly saw them at all.

  They stood and watched Lucas arrive. As he slowed to a halt, heads lowered, not daring to look their angry leader in the eye. Whispers of “What happened?” and “Status report!” filled the air in grunts and growls before Lucas promptly silenced them.

  “Bested by trash!” he snarled.

  When he didn’t continue, the bear named Flood reluctantly said, “The human girl was with them.” His eyes swept over the pack, meeting the eyes of every bear present. “She killed Dan.”

  Shocked noises and roars filled the night sky as the news set in. Dan, the second in command, killed by a human? How?

  “We wanted the alphas for our pack! But after this… not anymore,” Lucas sneered. “Change! We have much to plan for.”

  The snaps of bone and grunts of pain began almost immediately as the Northern Wind pack morphed to human almost in unison. Many couldn’t remember when they were last in human form; the sting of the cold biting against their skin as they became re-accustomed to the sensations of being human once more. They shivered unendingly in the breeze, passing out blankets as they waited warily for the next order.

  The leader didn’t seem fazed. He paced angrily within the field, impatient and bothered. He was thinking, his eyes washing a glare colder than the night winds over his pack as idea after idea was visibly discarded. Suddenly he halted in his path, a frigid glare flashing in the moonlight as it froze one scared bear in place.

  He stalked slowly forward, like a predator that’d locked onto his prey. He closed the distance by snaking his hand out, snagging the blanket wrapped tightly around the transformed bear’s shivering body. “You,” he hissed. “What’s your name?”

  “S-Savannah…” the bear whispered, almost too quiet to hear. Lucas tugged hungrily on the blanket, but despite her fear, she wouldn’t let it budge.

  He gave it one last hard tug, and when she held fast to the fabric, he grinned. “You’ll do nicely.” She didn’t dare speak, eyes averted as she waited patiently for Lucas to finish his thought.

  He dropped his hand, turning away. “You’ll go there.”

  “Go… there?” Savannah dared to repeat.

  “To the alpha territory, you imbecile!” Lucas snapped. “You’ll go there, make friends, and be unassuming. Do whatever you can to make them accept you as their own.” His lips curled into a sickening grin. “And when they least expect it… we’ll be there.”

  Savannah shivered, but not from the cold.

  Lucas speared her with a glare. “Don’t tell me this is something you’re incapable of doing?”

  She was already shaking her head. “No, no, of course I’ll do it!” she assured franticly.

  “Good,” he growled, as he reached down behind a fallen tree and pulled out a long chain. Something on the end glinted silver in the moonlight, a key. He walked back to her, slowly and deliberately.

  As he slipped the cold chain over her head, his hand trailed down her cheek and across her collarbone in a sickening caress. “If you fail me…” he whispered, breath hot on her cheek as he leaned even closer to her ear. “I’ll deal with you personally.”

  Chapter One

  Tom walked into the office to a nervous Jo and a rather amused looking Nick. He knew that he and Jo hadn’t exactly gotten off on the best foot, and that was kinda his fault, but he was working to mend those bridges, and it seemed to be going well… until now at least. He could hear Jo’s heart hammering in her chest and her breath coming quickly as she focused not to avert her gaze. It wasn’t quite fear, but she was definitely nervous.

  “Hey guys,” he greeted with a bit of confusion. “What’s up?”

  Nick grinned down at Jo. “It’s going to be fine,” he murmured, laying a light kiss on her temple. He looked up at Tom. “She has something she wants to tell you.”

  “Yeah, I kinda figured that. Jo?” Tom prompted, giving her an inquisitive leer, which only seemed to make her fret more.

  “Oh, she replied glancing desperately up at Nick. “It’s just about the cabin.”

  Tom frowned. “Okay? What about it?”

  Jo lifted her hands in defense. “I might have moved some things in.”

  Tom looked from Jo to Nick, his confusion only growing. “O… okay? Is that it?” He could see Nick holding back a bark of laughter. “What, did you think I’d been mad or something?” She averted her gaze even more, remaining quiet. “Oh come on, Jo. I thought we’d moved passed this. You both agreed you’d be moving into the cabin weeks ago.”

  “She was just worried that saying it and actually doing it would be totally different for you,” Nick replied, pulling an embarrassed Jo to him. “I told her you were cool with it then, and you’re cool with it now, but—”

  “I just don’t want you to feel… bothered by me anymore,” Jo interrupted, finally finding the courage to speak for herself. “I don’t want you to think I’m… I don’t know, taking your brother away from you or something. I know you two have had only each other for a long time.”

  Tom thought about it. Did he feel like Nick finding his mate and moving on without him was a bad thing? Not really. He’d learned from a very young age how important finding one’s mate was, and though he was initially apprehensive about the two of them being together, he saw how happy Nick was with Jo by his side. That’s all that mattered.

  “Go right ahead Jo. We might be brothers but it’s a bear’s purpose in life to find a mate to make life worth living, you know? It’s not my place to impose on that.” He shrugged. “I still have the live-in here at the shop. And hey, if I ever get bored, there’s always Dan to talk to in the back.”

  “How is he, by the way,” Nick asked, mildly concerned.

  “Fine, I guess,” Tom replied with a wave of his hand. “Healing slower than we’d originally expected, but fine.”

  Jo squirmed, and Tom could smell her telltale guilt from the damage she’d caused. “Tell him I’m sorry.”

  “Eh, he doesn’t deserve an apology,” Tom muttered. “Besides, I think he’s just happy to be alive, you know?”

  “Still,” Jo asserted. “I’d like for him to know I didn’t mean for him to suffer. I was just protecting Nick.”

  “He knows that,” Tom said, rubbing the back of his neck. “He might not like it, but he understands why what happened, happened.” Jo opened her mouth to protest further, but Tom continued, “Fine, fine, if you really insist, I’ll apologize to him, but I’m telling you, he doesn’t really care either way. I think he just wants to hurry up and get out of here, if we’re being honest.”

  Nick nodded. “That makes sense. We did run him over with a car,” he quipped.

  “You mean I ran him over,” Jo corrected.

  “We’re a pack. What one of us does, we all take responsibility for, love.” They exchanged a look that Tom didn’t quite understand and it made him feel left out.

  “Alright so,
it’s settled,” Tom spoke up. “You two are moving into the cabin, I’ll have this place to myself once the Northern Wind brute is out on his own, and then everything can return to some semblance of normalcy.”

  “Well…” Jo muttered.

  “Well?” Tom mimicked, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Well what?”

  “Well, there’s a bit more news," she said apologetically.

  Tom looked to Nick who shrugged his shoulders. “News to me too, apparently.”

  “Well, you know how you both agreed that I could work here as a secretary and maybe get the books in order?”

  “Yeah,” the brothers said in unison.

  “Well, that’s what I’ve been doing, and it turns out I may have bit off more than I can chew.” She grimaced. “The organization of the business seems easy enough, I can do that no problem, but I only know enough about numbers to know that we’ll more than likely need an accountant. It’s not really my thing.”

  Tom rolled his eyes with a groan. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah,” Jo sighed. “I know how you are about… outside people, so I’ve been a bit worried about bringing it up.” She steeled her gaze. “I would say anything else if I could, but I can’t. It has to be done. You’re due on your tax returns soon.”

  “Fine, fine,” Tom succumbed. “Part time, days only. And you have to put out the advert.”

  Jo smiled, and Tom could feel how relieved she was that he hadn’t put up much argument. Did she really think him that big a hassle? “Fine by me!”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna go check on our patient before you find any more bad news to throw my way.” He paused at the door, turning back to Nick. “You think we should put out a message or something that Dan’s alive?”


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