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Gage Page 108

by Emilia Hartley

  Pulling the truck into her driveway, he cut the engine and wrenched up on the emergency break. He reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. “Hey. You okay?”

  Closing her eyes, Amara shook her head.

  “No,” he agreed. “I didn’t think you would be. Come here.” Unbuckling her seatbelt, Amara scooted closer to him, letting his arms come around her, and she leaned back against his chest. He breathed deeply for a moment or two, letting their heartbeats align. “That’s never going to happen,” he assured her. “Kal is locked up. He’s under twenty-four-hour guard. We aren’t going to let him get away.”

  “You don’t know that.” Amara fidgeted with her hands. “And last time he was out and running around, he kidnapped my sister and almost killed you. You know, along with like half my town.”

  Despite the seriousness of the situation, Nova chuckled. “Don’t worry, love. He isn’t going anywhere. And I promise you, I am not going to let him hurt you—or your town—in any way, shape, or form. Nemoy is negotiating peace with the Valley Clan as we speak. You are completely safe.”

  Still, she didn’t look convinced. “It just doesn’t feel right trying to start a life together, start a family together, when danger follows us everywhere.” Amara sighed. “Nova, I haven’t really felt safe since I was twelve years old. When my dad was killed by wolves…and then Sadie with Kal last month. I just, I can’t lose you, too. I’m not sure I would survive it.”

  Nova pressed a kiss into her hair, holding her tighter. If he could, he would take all her worries away. “You won’t lose me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  This time, it was Nova who sighed. She was right, and he knew it, but her answer didn’t have to be the only answer. “Look, love, there are always going to be dangers. Always. That’s part of being a wolf. But that doesn’t mean that danger is all there is. We’re getting married. We’re starting a life together. I want to build a home with you. I want to start a family with you. Are you really telling me that you’re willing to give up a family, a future, because of fear? Because that isn’t the Amara Townsend I know. That isn’t the woman I love.”

  For a moment or two, she was silent. “I’m scared,” she admitted. Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

  Lifting her hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to the tip of each finger. “I know,” he told her. “And honestly, I would think you were crazy if you weren’t. But we can get through this, Amara. We’re stronger together. We’ve proven that repeatedly, haven’t we? No matter what the Valley Clan tries, no matter what the Trials put us through, they won’t break us.” He placed a gentle kiss on the center of her palm, then gave her hand a squeeze. “I promise.” Though he could tell she didn’t quite agree with him, Amara nodded. “It’s just you and me, baby,” he told her with a wink of his eye. “Just you and me.”

  Getting out of the truck, Nova went around to the passenger side and opened her door for her. There were clouds in her eyes, and he promised himself that before the night was over, he would make those clouds disappear. In fact, he was looking forward to it. He always was one who was up for a challenge. Offering his arm, he helped her climb down and held her hand as he walked her to the door.

  “I’m sorry,” Amara told him, and he could hear the nerves coating her voice. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Kal is…well, I know he’s locked up. I do. And I know he’s being watched around the clock.”

  “Both Nate and Ian insisted on being in the rotation.”

  Amara smiled. “Good. That’s good. And I know that should comfort me. In a way, I guess it does. But still, I can’t help but feel anxious. You weren’t there, Nova. You didn’t see the look in his eyes when he cut me. He didn’t just want to kill me, Nova. He wanted to torture me first. He wanted to make me suffer.” Frowning, she rubbed her fingers over the mound of scar tissue at her collar bone—a remnant of the first time Kal Vann had sunk his teeth into her. Literally. Amara’s voice shook when she spoke, and her eyes were haunted. “I can still feel the steel of the blade biting into my skin.”

  Nova resisted the urge to let go of her hand. Fury ripped through him, stirring his inner wolf, and his hatred for Kal burned like an inferno in his soul. He and Kal had never gotten along. Even as kids, they had been enemies, though Nova had never truly understood why. He had always assumed Kal’s dislike for him and his brother, Nemoy, had stemmed from jealousy or some other useless emotion. Nova and Nemoy were the sons of the Mountain Clan’s Alpha, destined to inherit the throne and become the next Alpha and Beta of the Pack—if they could prove themselves worthy. They were legacies. The Lowery line had been in existence for generations, and each generation, one of them ascended those steps to the throne, and participated in the ancient ritual that would grant them leadership and a direct line to the spirit of the First Wolf. From the moment they were born, every wolf clan in the area knew who they were.

  Nobody knew Kal Vann.

  When Nova had first met him, Kal had merely been the son of one of the Valley Clan’s guards. Callahan Vann hadn’t even fought his way up to his pack’s Beta yet. No one ever believed he would have the balls to make it all the way to Alpha. And yet, somehow, he had. But Kal had never forgotten that feeling of inferiority he had when he was around Nova and Nemoy. Nor, it appeared, had he forgiven them for it. Whenever they were forced to spend time in each other’s company at Clan summits, Kal would seek them out to prove his dominance. And every year when he and Nova would fight, Kal would lose. Although, Nova had to admit, each time, Kal got just that much more lethal. And he hated Nova just that much more. Over the years, Nova had gotten used to the animosity.

  But this thing with Amara was different. It was like he was obsessed.

  Before she was attacked, Amara was just another human. She didn’t stand out to Nova or Kal, as far as he knew. Not as much as she did now, at least. Nova could admit (even if it was only to himself) that he had been watching her for weeks before he finally made himself known. There had just been something about her that called to him. Something about the way her dark hair flowed around her shoulders in shiny waves, or the way her gray eyes seemed to look right through him even though he had been certain she had never even known he was there. And the wicked look that filled her face when she laughed, or when she smiled that wild smile of hers, had drawn him to her like a moth to a flame.

  And apparently, he hadn’t been the only one.

  Before Kal had set his sights on her, Amara Townsend had only been a pipedream for Nova. He hadn’t even considered breaking Pack Law for a human. Even that human. She was forbidden, and therefore, untouchable. He hadn’t even known her name, for crying out loud. But all of that had changed when Kal and his friends attacked.

  Nova remembered it like it was yesterday. He and Nemoy had been on patrol that night. Nova had heard the enemy before his brother had. He had already been running when the wolves attacked the three girls. He had seen Amara get separated from her friends as she had run for her life. And he knew—beyond reason or explanation—that Kal would go after her. It was like a rule of the Universe or something. Because she appealed to Nova, she would call to Kal’s senses as well. It was almost as if the two of them were connected. Maybe even the three of them.

  He had been terrified he wouldn’t reach her in time. Just as he had been terrified when Kal attacked her again ten years later. But after he had defeated Kal and sent him loping off with his tail between his legs, Nova had stood over Amara’s still body, and he had never been more mesmerized. In that moment, he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.

  Just as Kal knew he would do whatever it took to destroy her.

  It wasn’t something he could explain, Nova knew. Kal was connected to Amara just as much as he was, even if he hated to admit it. But while it had awakened something protective in Nova, it was like it had broken something in Vann. He became obsessed with hurting her in any way he could, almo
st as if he were punishing her for getting away that night. As if he were punishing Nova through her for being the one who had rescued her in the first place. And, once the treaty between their clans had broken for good, Kal had resumed his mission with a vengeance.

  In truth, he couldn’t blame Amara for being scared. Hell, he was terrified himself—not that she needed to know that. But, just as he had sworn he would when he was seventeen years old, Nova knew he would do anything in his power to protect her. Even if that meant that one day, he would kill Kal Vann.

  Chapter 7

  Nova squeezed Amara’s hand again before taking her keys from her and sliding it into the handle. He turned the key until he heard the satisfying click of a lock being opened, before holding the door for her as she went inside.

  A wide, pleased grin split his face as he stared at the scene before them.

  Rose petals were scattered across the floor, covering the living room with a sheet of red and pink. The trail they made wove around the room and down the hall, creating an intricate design in the shape of an ornate heart that found its destination in the bedroom. Vases full of lilies and orchids and every shade of rose one could think of filled every table in the room. Candles sat in clumps on the coffee table and the end table. They lined the mantle, giving the room a soft, amber glow. The sweet aroma from the petals and blooms permeated the air, leaving a romantic sheen in their wake.

  “Wow, she really outdid herself,” Nova muttered, completely awestruck. “I said a few candles, some flowers, maybe a trail of petals. I never imagined this.”

  Speechless, Amara gaped at him. Her gray eyes were wide with wonder. “You did this?” she asked. Her voice barely came out as more than a whisper.

  Nova shrugged. “Well, Sadie helped. But yes, I did. Things have been so hard lately, and we haven’t really gotten a chance to just, you know, be you and me. I just wanted to give you at least one night where you could forget everything else going on in our world and really enjoy the fact that we’re engaged.” Smiling, he pulled her close to him and twined his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his nose against her skin, nipping lightly at that place where her delicate shoulder slid fluidly into the languid line of her neck. Just the scent of her had the capacity to be his undoing. “Amara,” he whispered, and was pleased when her only response was a thick, throaty moan. “We’re engaged. We are getting married.” He grazed his teeth lightly along her shoulder, running his hands up and down her arms. “You are going to be my wife.”

  Nova let his fingers trail over her clothes like a feather touch in the breeze. She shuddered as he hovered above her chest, letting one finger travel south down the line of her breast, dipping beneath the lacy fabric of her bra to caress her nipple. Amara’s breath was cut short in a sharp inhale, and Nova felt himself go hard against the curve of her behind. Reaching up, she hooked her elbow around his neck, and let her head fall back against his shoulder, her eyes closed.

  Nova took a moment to just stare. He had seen beautiful women in his life. Too many to count. He’d even been lucky enough to see a few of them naked. But never before had he experienced a woman who could take his breath away with a simple sigh the way Amara Townsend could without even trying. It was amazing and ridiculously frightening all at the same time.

  He kissed her skin, licking the gentle curve of her jaw before making his way up to draw her earlobe into his mouth. She moaned when he sucked it in between his teeth and wound his fingers through her hair. He loved the way it got tangled around him, the same way she got tangled around him. It was as if he were being surrounded, as if everything that was Amara was enveloping him within her grasp, consuming him until there was nothing left to separate them. It was as if he were being burned alive by the mere feel of her, and he didn’t regret it one bit.

  He let his hands roam up and down her body, cupping her breast with one, while the other explored the hidden mysteries beneath the stiff band of her jeans. He slid his right hand up her shirt, prying away the padded material of her bra until all that was left was velvety fresh. Amara sighed again, and Nova felt the length of him strain against his own pants as if he were yearning to be inside her.

  With swift fingers, he undid the buttons of her pants and sank into the hot, wet abyss. Amara trembled in his grasp as he played over her, stroking that sweet spot that he knew would make her melt over and over again. And, just when it seemed she was about come, he plunged his fingers into her center, thrusting her over the edge without mercy. She cried out, and he silenced her with a kiss, feeling elated when she went limp against him.

  He chuckled, turning her to face him. “I am nowhere near through with you yet.” Nova tipped her back and swept her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. Amara’s hands explored the muscles of his back as he followed the trail of rose petals into the bedroom. Her lips took the same journey over him as her hands had, and everywhere she touched, Nova felt chills that had nothing to do with the cold.

  More flowers and candles lit the bedroom, and the trail of rose petals led right up to the bed. Even the comforter was filled with them.

  Nova tossed Amara down on the bed, none too gently, loving the way she laughed. He made quick work of both their clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor. He only managed a second to hope he didn’t knock something over and burn the house down. But, seeing Amara laying naked before him in a bed of rose petals, he decided there were worse ways to die.

  He gazed down at her, seeing her like this, right now, would be forever engrained into his memories. He sure was lucky. Spreading her legs, he climbed up between them on the bed and decided to slake his thirst. His tongue lapped at her in slow, torturous strokes at first, letting each shudder build upon itself until he knew they were both as hot as a volcano waiting to explode. He ached to be inside her.

  Amara’s fingernails clawed down his back, leaving bright red welts in his skin, but Nova didn’t care. He would obey those hands and that sexual demand without hesitation. She pulled him up on top of her, locking her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him so intensely that any remaining thought he may have had was gone.

  Nova throbbed against her, and cried out when her hand clamped around his cock and guided him into her slick, hot center. Then he began to move.

  Never had he ever felt this undone by one woman. If it hadn’t already, the tenderness mixed with the possession in her eyes would have made his heart trip and fall right into the palm of her hand. Everything he had, everything he was, was hers. He would do anything she wanted. Give up anything to make her happy, to keep her safe. This was the woman he would defy his Pack for; defy his gods for. This was the woman who was all his hopes and dreams for a future personified.

  Amara clung to him as he moved inside her, each thrust bringing them closer until their heartbeats combined to create a gentle rhythm that sounded more like a primal song in the candlelight glow. Nothing was ever going to come between them. Not war, not some secret admirer, and definitely not Kal Vann. In that moment, every doubt or misgiving Nova had ever had about his relationship with her vanished. He may not be the best person for her; he knew that. His world was a dangerous one, and even though he promised he would, he may not always be able to keep her safe. No matter how hard he tried. But for some reason, this fantastic woman wanted him. And he was never going to let her go.

  Linking his fingers with hers, Nova stared down into her eyes as he let himself go, and the two of them erupted together.

  Chapter 8

  The sweet aroma of bacon and eggs aroused Nova from sleep the next morning. He woke with a smile. He loved it when Amara made breakfast for him. She didn’t do it often—to be honest, she didn’t cook very often—but he adored her for thinking of him and taking the time to do something nice for him. After a brief shower, he dressed quickly and followed the scent down the hall to the kitchen.

  Amara stood at the stove turning the bacon, a bowl of fried potatoes and sausage
already beside her. She smiled at him when he walked in and turned her attention to the eggs. “Hey, handsome. How’d you sleep?”

  Walking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. A low purr emitted from her throat, and he had to admit, he found it incredibly sexy. “Good morning, gorgeous,” he whispered in her ear. “Is all of this for me?”

  “Nope,” she said, a grin splitting her lips. “It’s for my other boyfriend. You really should go. He’ll be here any minute.” She turned her head and caught his lower lip between her teeth. “And I should tell you, he is really built.”

  Nova felt himself go hard against her backside. He chuckled. “Is that so? Well, I don’t know if you’ve seen me, but I think I can take him.”

  She gave him an appraising look with a twinkle of mischief and amusement in her eyes. “Eh.”

  He raised a brow. “Eh?” Laughing, he began to tickle her, causing her to shriek with laughter. “Eh? Seriously? You can look at all of this,” he ran a hand up and down to display his torso, “and all you have to say is ‘eh?’”

  Giggling, she shoved at him. “Okay, okay!” She laughed. “Get off of me, you psycho! You’re going to make me burn the eggs.” Kissing him square on the mouth, she pushed at his chest, and he reluctantly stepped back. Amara lifted the pan and dumped the eggs into yet another bowl. “And yes, all I have to say is ‘eh.’” She winked at him. “Just kidding. Ooh. The bacon’s done.”

  Nova licked his lips. His stomach grumbled and he glanced at his watch. “You know what, baby, that looks amazing, but I really do have to go. I was supposed to meet the guys for patrol, like ten minutes ago.”

  Smiling brightly, Amara turned to him and held out a perfectly wrapped breakfast burrito. “I know. That’s why I made yours to go.”

  A goofy grin turned Nova’s lips up at the corners. It was just food, but God, did he love that woman. Leaning in, he planted a kiss on her cheek. “Good Lord. You are an amazing woman.” He bit into the burrito and an explosion of tastes went off in his mouth. Closing his eyes, he moaned. “Mmm. Marry me?”


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