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Gage Page 135

by Emilia Hartley

  “Seriously, gross,” he said.

  “What, wiping up snot?” she asked heartily. They followed Greta back toward the house but took their time walking. “You know, when you’re a father, you’ll have to do all the gross stuff, too.”

  “Isn’t that your job?” he asked, knocking some loose dirt off his shirt.

  “I hope you’re joking,” she replied.

  “Yes?” he laughed awkwardly. Tess puffed out a breath of frustration and stopped in her tracks.

  “Connor, I love you. But, if we’re going to be parents we need to be in this together. Through dirty diapers, and even through the first shift. You know what that was like,” she said.

  Connor stood beside her, scratching at three day old stubble.

  Dammit, he’s so sexy with that stubble.

  “I’m in this, with you, together,” he said. He held out his arms as a peace offering. Tess looked him up and down, he was filthy from playing but she was never one to turn down one of his hugs. He was so warm. His hard body cradled her softly. She could have stayed there the whole day.


  Together they loosened their grasp, turning toward the source of the commotion. On the patio of the house stood the bear alpha talking to another one of his pack; he looked ready to murder someone.

  “How the hell did he get out?!” he continued.

  Connor and Tess half-jogged up to the patio. Tess could just make out the topic of conversation.

  “I don’t know what happened. Went to bring him lunch and he was gone. The lock was still there, someone must have slipped him the key,” the bear said.

  There was only one prisoner right now, Torque, the bastard that led the biker gang that almost killed Connor. Tess threw a hand up to cover her mouth from the surprise.

  “He can’t have gotten far,” the bear continued, “I already sent out a bunch of guys to look for him.”

  “Well you better find him,” the alpha commanded, “cause if you don’t, you’ll be eating your lunches through a straw.”

  “What happened?” Connor asked. The alpha they’d come to know as Henry was red faced and furious.

  “What happened? That asshole Torque managed a miraculous escape,” he said. “Maybe it was even one of you that let him out!” Henry furiously stamped toward Connor who made no effort to move away. The bear held his hand up to stop his alpha.

  “Let me past, you stupid sonovabitch,” Henry said.

  “They haven’t left the yard all morning,” he said, “That was the first thing I checked. They couldn’t have helped him out. If it was anyone, it was one of ours.”

  Henry clenched his teeth, the veins popped in his neck, it looked like he was about to shift into his terrifying bear form. Tess hid behind Connor who still didn’t move.

  “This changes nothing,” Connor said, “We already got the information we needed from him. If anything, he’s a liability to the rest of the wolves he used to work with. If they find him first, there’s a good chance we’ll find him dead in a bush somewhere.”

  Henry’s hands were so tightly balled up that his knuckles were turning white, but it seemed that Connor’s words were having an effect. He breathed deeply then exhaled the fire in his chest.

  “If I find him first, I’ll kill him myself,” Henry said, “But, I know you’re right. We got everything we needed out of him before he ran.” His right hand man patted him on the shoulder before stepping off the patio. “This shit needs to be over with soon. Tomorrow we find that damn hunter and I get to have my revenge.” He disappeared inside.

  Tess still held on to Connor’s meaty arm.

  “It’s alright, Tess,” he said, “You know how us alpha’s can get. When shit doesn’t go right, it’s kick ass first then ask all the questions later.” He chuckled, “Does my vein pop out of my neck like that?”

  Tess slapped him on the shoulder. Together they walked inside the large house. The house itself was bigger than the farmhouse in which she grew up. Over two stories tall but the space was expansive. Most of it seemed hand built from wood nearby, but the size of the logs would have taken two people to lift, or one bear. The solid oak door shut behind them with a solid ‘thunk’.

  The interior was tastefully decorated. A grandiose stone fireplace dominated the center of the house, pushing up through the second story. A round hood sat over the top of the open cage and the heat filled the entire house with ease. To the right of the front door a simple staircase climbed to the second floor landing. The walls were white, covered in old family photos. These photos were the only way that Connor and Tess had come to know Henry’s wife, may she rest in peace.

  The alpha was standing over the round kitchen table in the back of the house, entertaining a few of his bears. Each one of them eyed Connor with anger. Even thought he’d done his best to befriend them, there was still a lot of animosity. Even the alpha, Henry, showed his discontent.

  “As you all know, we got a madman on the loose. Torque confessed that this hunter … Eli,” Henry enunciated his name sharply; “He’s the one I’m supposed to be after. I’ll question him myself.”

  “Don’t forget, he’s got a lot of tricks up his sleeves,” Connor added.

  “I know,” Henry replied, “which is why if you spot him, don’t go after him alone.” Henry paced around the table as he talked. “There are three places those bikers have to fall back to. We beat their locations out of Torque before he escaped. We’re going to hit all three at the same time.”

  Connor flexed his muscles under Tess’s hand. She could tell he was ready for a fight. However, it felt to Tess like someone was missing. She scanned around the room, at first she couldn’t put her finger on it, but had an ‘aha’ moment when she realized. She leaned close to Connor’s ear.

  “Where’s Samantha?” she whispered, “She’s supposed to be here too, isn’t she?”

  Connor shook his head no, and then whispered back.

  “She was excited to join in the raids, but her grandpa won’t let her go. She got upset about not being able to help so we gave her a mission. She’s gone to Cliff Walker den to relay our plan to Alex.”

  “Oh,” Tess replied. She liked Samantha. The more she got to know her, the more she felt like the younger sister that Tess never had. “You should have told me so I could have said goodbye,” Tess scolded.

  “Are you two going to share with the rest of us, or do we have to sit here and wait for you to finish your conversation,” Henry asked with his arms crossed and stern faced. “We can wait.”

  Connor coughed into his hand. Tess hadn’t felt so embarrassed in a while. Not since one of their first dates, anyway. The memory flooded back to her and she couldn’t hold back a giggle which she tried to stifle by holding her hand to her mouth.

  Henry continued to stare.

  “Sorry!” she said. Tess waved her hand while backing out of the dining room, trying to hold her laugh in the entire way. Only when she was back outside on the patio was she able to fully allow herself the chance to let it out.

  A few passing bears gave her some awkward glances, but she paid them no mind. She was still too caught up in her own stupid memories. She didn’t even notice Connor walk up behind her.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she replied, still giggling beneath her breath.

  He rubbed at the bridge of his nose, a habit that Tess was getting used to seeing. It usually meant that he was thinking about something, so she would do her best not to bother him when he held that posture.

  “Since it’s probably our last night in the bear den, I have a surprise for you,” he said. He took Tess by the hand and stepped down from the patio. She smiled at the idea of a surprise. The gears in her mind started turning, trying to figure out what it might be. She leapt from the patio, into his arms. He was a beacon of warmth in the cold early afternoon.

  “Onward,” she said. She planted a kiss on his cheek as he started his way toward the edge of the thicket.
The surprise didn’t matter so much as the company, so she already had her present.


  She smelled intoxicating. He could have just held her all day, like they had in the past. The past few months had been frustrating, but having her around made them tolerable. His own stress would melt whenever he had her in his arms, or whenever she would stand on her tip-toes to kiss him on the cheek. There was no other woman alive that could make him feel that way, which is why he wanted to make her feel like the queen that she was.

  He’d spent the last couple days gathering what little he could to surprise the woman in his life. Even Henry was willing to lend a hand, albeit reluctantly. There was something about Henry that was still not forthcoming. Connor could see Henry’s feelings for his wife being worn proudly on his sleeve. But, anything past that was enigmatic. He was like a riddle; Connor hated riddles.

  He carried his beloved past the rows of tents where the bears had setup a makeshift campsite. There were so many of them. If what Samantha said was true, bears don’t stick together. They compete for the same resources. Sure, they come from the same blood, but none of them stick together for long. They’re an independent breed, which is why it was so odd that there were so many here.

  It wasn’t only the adults either; whole families were camped in the back of trucks or under hastily built huts. Nothing looked permanent, everything temporary. The mood around the camp was solemn every time Tess and Connor would walk through. Even now they knew they were in enemy territory, they were only alive by the grace of the alpha.

  For Henry to have as much command of the bears was astonishing. This many families for this long would be a nightmare to manage. Connor was already feeling that with just a few extra shifters setting up camp near the farmhouse. Henry must have been something special.

  The thicket itself had a dense canopy that blocked out almost all sunlight. Tiny pin pricks of light pushed through, appearing as stars amidst a night sky. The bears didn’t seem to mind the darkened space. They’d sleep for hours without a care. A luxury not afforded to the wolves.

  “Are we almost there?” Tess asked.

  “Almost,” he replied. He could hear the guards that were assigned to them following close behind. Connor hated that he couldn’t spend five minutes with Tess alone, but at the same time he knew he would have done the same thing in Henry’s position.

  The camp ended at the edge of a fresh water stream that ran through Henry’s property. At about twenty feet across it was large enough to provide water for the entire camp with ease.

  “We’re here,” Connor said, releasing Tess to the ground. He’d brought her to a small blanket, strewn out over thick dirt and solid sand. On top of the checkered quilt was a bundle of hastily prepared food. It was nothing special, but Tess was excited nonetheless.

  “Connor! It’s great,” she said. She hopped over, taking a seat on the blanket, then falling to her side to get comfortable. She still continued to giggle for whatever reason.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing,” she replied.

  Connor eyed her suspiciously.

  “Honest!” she said, “I was just thinking about one of our first dates.”

  If she was laughing then there was only one that she would be thinking about.

  “Remember when you took me out to see that herd of horses?” she asked. She continued to laugh to herself while she opened the bundle of food.

  Connor rolled his eyes; yes, he remembered. It was a disaster for them both. He’d tried his best to forget, but it was not so easily forgotten. She’d told him on their first date how she loved horses and wanted to learn how to ride someday.

  He remembered that little factoid. It took him a couple weeks to prepare everything for her; he wanted to impress her after all. One of the local farmers owned a large herd and had a vast property for his animals to run. It was perfect; Connor could have taken her there. She could have spent as much time as she wanted just running around and playing with the object of her desire. Meanwhile, he had prepared a small feast for them to enjoy.

  “You had me blindfolded the whole way. I was nervous you were trying to kidnap me. I guess you sort of were,” she said.

  Connor joined Tess on the blanket. Her hair cascaded down her neck while she lied on her side, exposing her supple, vibrant skin. The smile she wore on her face could have melted an ice berg, amplified by her wide-eyed gaze. Still, Connor was instantly turned on by the way her shirt opened just enough to show her cleavage, her perfect breasts were barely contained by the tight fitting article. Her body was like a masterpiece, soft, tender and gorgeous. The hem of her jeans sat on her hips that stuck out past her tiny waist.

  His cock pressed uncomfortably against his shorts. He wanted to be between those thighs, but the guards that followed them made being intimate impossible, even though his wolf was screaming at him to mate. He let out a sigh from the frustrated feeling he would have to deal with for just a little while longer.

  “Yeah, that was probably a dumb idea,” he said.

  “Looking back, yeah. But, you were so excited to show me that herd,” she said. “I’ll never forget when we were standing at the edge of the fence. The second you took off the blindfold I died.”

  Connor smiled to himself, somewhat pleased.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you change that fast,” he said, “Or any other shifter for the matter.” He gobbled into a sandwich from the bundle. He couldn’t take his eyes off Tess.

  “It was the first time I’d seen that many horses in one place. I hate to admit it but the change was involuntary. I was on autopilot,” she giggled.

  “I could tell,” he replied. He leaned in for a kiss which she obliged him. “Sorry I’m not a better cook.”

  “I like sandwiches too, you know. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to get into my pants,” she said with a wink while she wiggled her hips on the blanket.

  Why does she have to be doing this now? Connor shifted in his seat, trying to keep his dick in a place where it wouldn’t ache. It felt as though he was holding on to a delicious slab of fresh meat but he wasn’t allowed to eat it.

  “Which reminds me, was it your plan to have us almost die on that date?” she asked.

  “No,” he replied, waving his hand, “Definitely not.”

  She still giggled while tearing pieces of bread from her sandwich.

  “I had zero idea the landowner was there with his shotgun,” Connor continued. He could laugh at himself now because he’d survived, but at the time it was quite frightening.

  He’d set up their lunch on a rocky outcropping that looked out over the plains. It was one of the best views of the entire ranch, the perfect place to impress a woman. They played with the horses, running close, hoping they would play back, but none of them seemed interested in getting too close to a couple of wolves. After what seemed like hours, Connor brought them to the picnic site.

  It was the first time he’d ever seen Tess completely naked. The sunlight licked at the sweat on her skin, while her chest heaved with heavy breathing after the run. That memory was one that Connor would never forget as long as he lived.

  The second memory that he’d never forget happened shortly afterward.

  “You had such a goofy look on your face,” she said, “when that farmer popped out of the brush with that shotgun I swear it looked like you were ready to shit yourself.” Her belly laugh filled the forest, echoing between the swaying trees.

  “You know, you’d think an old geezer like that would be too busy ogling your ass,” Connor replied as he rubbed at the bridge of his nose. Tess slapped him playfully on the arm.

  “Maybe he was more into men,” she smirked, trying to keep a straight face, but finding that impossible she continued to laugh.

  “It was the first time I got to see your cute butt running for the hills,” Connor quipped.

  “Yeah? Well it was the first time I got to see that hammer you’re p
acking,” she winked.

  Here we go again.

  He leapt out and tackled his woman. He was careful not to be too hard; he didn’t want to be so rough that it might hurt the baby. Once she was on her back, her hands held over her head by just one of Connor’s powerful hands, he tickled at her stomach. She was incredibly sensitive. Her body reacted instantly to his touch causing her to double over to protect her belly.

  “Ah!” she shouted between laughs, “I give up, I give up!”

  Connor stopped his attack, hovering over her face, absorbing every detail he could. She craned her neck upward while he leaned down to her and they fell into their passions. Their mouths locked in a wordless embrace.

  A yawning bear knocked them from going any further. Connor released her completely; she lied smiling on her back.

  “You know,” she said, “I always found you attractive before that day. God you were so sexy I could have just eaten you up. But, after the excitement, when we were both exhausted from running so fast; I think I saw part of you blushing.”

  “You were the first woman that I ever got to have fun with,” he replied. His father was so strict while he was growing up. The girls in the pack would rarely leave him alone, but anytime he would try to get close his, father wouldn’t approve. “My dad would always make sure that I had my eye on the prize. I was destined to lead, not to love,” he said.

  Tess crawled up and over to sit beside Connor. She leaned against his expansive chest with her arms around his abs.

  “I think I knew that,” she said, “You deserve to be happy.”

  She was right. He valued her as though she were part of him. She made him into a better man and he knew that deep in his heart.

  “I know I never told you this before, but on the drive home that day it was the first time that I realized I loved you,” she said. She caught his attention with a soft-hearted smile that begged to be kissed.

  He gave in to her demands. He didn’t care if the bears were watching. This was his woman and whatever she wanted, he would to make sure she had.


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