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Gage Page 139

by Emilia Hartley

“Don’t you have any guts,” Cynthia chided, “A real wolf would fight tooth and nail, not with something as cheesy as a pistol. You know what I see? I don’t see a king, I see a coward.”

  Torque’s face scrunched up in rage. His face became flush and his bruises pulsed. He tapped the gun against the cage, trying one last time to intimidate her, but she wouldn’t fall for it.

  “If you kill me, you might as well point that little chunk of metal at your head and pull the trigger yourself. A real coward’s way out. Otherwise, Alex and Crunch will hunt you to the ends of the earth,” she said.

  “That is, IF they find you,” he said.

  They were interrupted by the sound of a gunshot just outside the cave.

  “What the hell is that?” Torque shouted. A bullet echoed softly from the lake side. Gunfire only meant one things, allies.

  The guards outside dropped their cigarette and readied their rifles.

  “This isn’t over, you little bitch,” Torque said, pointing his gun one last time to threaten Cynthia.

  “Hope it isn’t Crunch,” Cynthia said, smiling back through the bars. Torque’s eyes widened. He snatched a rifle that was leaning against the wall and marched out of the cave. For the first time, they were alone.

  “What’s that sound?” one of the kids asked.

  “Fireworks,” replied, winking at the adults, “Just some fireworks. Do you want to go Cynthia see them?”

  “Yeah!” came a collective shout from the group.

  “Okay, you’ll have to follow me, and stay close, okay? Don’t want a stray firework to get you while we’re out there,” she said.

  The kids nodded.

  Still, there was the matter of stacking the boxes right. Cynthia pushed a few on the ground to make a base to stack them. But, the larger ones were just a little too heavy for her to lift by herself. She had to try. As she dug her heels in to lift, she was greeted by Gloria who came to her aid.

  “I’m ready to see some fireworks as well,” she said with a wink.

  Together, their efforts were just enough to lift and move the heavy boxes of drugs. They hurriedly built a tower three boxes high. It wasn’t the most stable of structures but it would have to do.

  Cynthia hefted herself up first. If she could get through the hole then she could help out the rest of the kids. The wobbly structure leaned left to right. She squatted low to gain her balance before standing to her full height on the top box. It was just high enough that she could hook her fingertips outside the hole.

  With her strength, she easily lifted herself through the crack in the ceiling of their cage. It was a good thing she was pretty skinny herself or she might not have fit as easily. Once she was out, she examined her surroundings. The lake she recognized from a few days ago spread out behind her. From this angle, it didn’t look so big.

  The tallest cabin stood proud on the hillside. She could see Torque and a few of his goons start winding behind it, through a path she didn’t recognize. Maybe that was where they were keeping Alex. She tried to hold out a hope at the very least.

  Having gained her bearings, she leaned back to the hole.

  “Okay kids, one at a time!”

  They did as they were told, climbing up the stacks of boxes carefully. Cynthia grabbed their tiny hands and pulled them up to relative safety. After the fifth kid, she lifted Gloria out to aid her.

  Within minutes, they were all clear and standing atop the hill. Cynthia began to lead them in the only direction she knew that might be safe, but they’d have to pass the lake. It was out in the open, if anyone was watching they would be easily caught. Maybe even captured or killed.

  She perished the thought. Right now she needed to get these people out of here.

  “This way,” she said. She paced down the side of the hill. The kids seemed to be having fun climbing down. Some even rolled to safety. At the bottom was a large patch of rocky sand. Cynthia made sure to keep an eye out for any movement.

  Now was the hard part, the large clearing where the cabins were built. From where she stood she could see three bodies, all of them bikers, and all of them knocked out. She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that was all of them. Maybe she wouldn’t have to worry about being caught.

  She started walking across the open expanse. Slowly at first, hunching over to be ready to dive to the ground if she heard shooting. When none came, she considered herself lucky.

  “I think we’re clear,” she said, “Let’s get these kids out of here!”

  Gloria started to bring the kids out with her. Their little legs pumped through the thick packed sand and patchwork grass easily enough. Then Cynthia heard something she hoped he wouldn’t. Motorbikes. Lots of them.

  “Go back!” she shouted, “hide!”

  It was already too late. The first of the bikes pulled to a stop, Scab riding proudly in the lead. He turned into quite a cocky little shit in no time at all. As he pulled to a full stop, he spotted Cynthia.


  “You!” he shouted.

  “Run!” Cynthia screamed. She ran back to the group, hefting one of the slower kids into her arms. There were three directions, toward the bikers, back to their cage, or towards the path where Torque had just run.

  Rifles were being cocked. In her haste she chose the least of the three evils. Maybe if she could get to Torque she could use him as a hostage. Couldn’t hurt to hope.

  She urged the kids through the small path that lead into dense foliage. Gloria huffed and took up the rear. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


  Part of her hoped that going this direction would allow her to meet up with Alex. He was her knight. He always rode in when she was in danger and made everything right. She wanted to be held by him again. Or hold his waist while they bumped and trundled down the road on Mutt’s old motorcycle.

  Damn their luck. It had held out so far, but it going only be stretched so thin. When would it finally snap? It seemed like it was doing exactly that right now.

  Gloria was in the rear, she was old and nowhere near capable of running away from Scab. How many new bikers did he bring along with him? Ten? Fifteen? She lost count.

  Her inner wolf was begging to be let out. It wanted blood. She was fast; she could easily outrun these bastards. If only these kids weren’t here. Every instinct inside her wanted to abandon them. Survival of the fittest. But, every ounce of humanity drew her back, kept them close. They were people’s children. Daughters and sons. They represented the future of the pack. If they were to die, then the pack would die. No, she had to save them all.

  Still, maybe she could buy them some time to get away. If she was fast then maybe she could go on the attack. She could hit them hard and retreat to safety before they could retaliate. At this point it was beginning to become her only option.

  “Gloria!” she shouted, “Make sure they get to safety!” She tossed the child in her arms to Gloria while she sprinted against the pack.

  “Cynthia!” she shouted. There was no time to register regret. She’d made her decision. There was freedom in knowing that there was no other path available. Exhilaration took hold within her chest.

  She saw Scab and his boys running after them. The smallest of them was still twice her size, but that just meant they were all slow. She slipped off her jacket, letting it billow to the ground, then the tiny tube top around her chest that she called a shirt. With a flick of her finger she undid the top button of her jeans.

  It felt like riding a roller coaster. The rush of adrenaline latched on to her and wouldn’t let her go. She rid the wave as it cascaded through her body. Is this what they called a warrior’s high? Fur sprouted from the back of her hands as they reshaped into the paws she always knew. Bloodlust overcame her senses as she fell to all fours, ready for a fight. Her bones stretched into her wolf shape while her muscles snapped to cover them. She growled from somewhere deep within her throat. A place she’d never touched before.

  If she had a mouth s
he would have laughed.

  Where are you Alex?

  She wanted to be held by him again, at least one more time. She wanted to pet her hand through his raggedy hair and feel his muscles under her fingers. If she knew where he was, she would at least have had some measure of hope to drive herself forward. But, maybe hope had become her crutch. It was time to face facts.

  Her body lurched forward as fast as she could. The thick underbrush whipped at her eyes as she passed. The air in her lungs mixed with the fire in her belly as she exhaled fire.

  Just a few days ago she’d stared down the barrel of a gun, Scab’s gun, the same one that Torque had threatened her with just earlier today. Now she was facing down at least fifteen men, all of them with guns. Each one loaded with silver bullets. Just one shot would be enough to put her down. So, she had to be faster.

  The first barrage of bullets came. One grazed her shoulder. A line of thick crimson spread out to meet the sky. Still she charged. There was only one neck she wanted first, Scab’s. That skinny, silver-haired bastard was the one that betrayed her father. If she could take at least one guy with her, she wanted it to be him.

  Another barrage of bullets followed soon after. This time one found its way through the tip of her ear while another clipped at her cheek. More blood flowed through her open wounds. Her frantic running was doing no help it aiding to stop the blood flow, if anything she was making it worse. But, still she charged forward.

  “Stand still you stupid bitch,” Scab shouted.

  Not in your dreams

  She barked loudly as she leapt with all the strength her hind legs would allow. She watched as his eyes went wide. Her powerful jaws sunk deep into his neck as she tackled Scab to the ground. His gurgled screams horrified his comrades who stopped firing their guns.

  When she lifted her bloody muzzle she could see that her attack had weakened their resolve. But, it hadn’t killed it. With Scab dead on the ground beneath her feet she howled into the air. The blood curdling scream echoed past the lake, through the trees, deafening her would be attackers. Then she leveled her eyes at the rest of them.

  The first few began to back away, more keen on running rather than fighting the demon dog that had just killed their leader. She dared not stop, otherwise the sting of the silver that scraped at her skin would set in and she would be unable to fight onward. Even now it was begging her to stop, but she dared not listen.

  She dashed forward again. Within a second she was on the next wolf, who was trying his hardest to run away. She tackled him to the ground, wrapping her jaws around his neck.

  More gunshots rang out. She wasn’t even fazed by the bullets anymore. Accepting death gave her freedom she’d never known. She thought back to all the times her grandmother kept her inside the house. It felt so small, so insignificant now being kept inside by something as simple as a scolding.

  She wondered what happened to her grandmother. She was supposed to be at Cliff Walker den, but when Cynthia arrived, hoping to revive their unfinished conversation, she was nowhere to be found. Had she run off? Or was she killed by the hunter as well? Whatever the case, it didn’t matter now.

  “Screw this,” said one of the wolves. He cast off his gun, tearing his jacket from his chest, roaring as he began to shift. A few other dogs got the same idea.

  Good, let them come.

  Four of them stayed in total. In wolf form they were quite intimidating. Scars stood out against their patchy fur. The largest of them had an old wound that tore out part of his lip. Perhaps an old fight for dominance?

  Why couldn’t I be an alpha?

  The four of them started to surround her. Seeing her chance, she sprinted away. They gave chase but were too slow. Their heavy bodies weren’t made for speed. Without their guns they wouldn’t be able to catch her. A glimmer of hope returned to her mind. Maybe she really could make it out.

  That came crashing down when she hit a hidden tree root, raised just far enough from the ground to catch her leg, and just low enough that it didn’t breach over the top of the thick brush.


  She tried to stammer back to her feet to continue the run, but the leg wouldn’t listen. She’d hit it too hard and twisted it too sharply. It was broken. The fight was slowly leaving her as the wolves eventually caught her. They circled around her like buzzards eyeing fresh meat.

  She rolled to her stomach to defend herself. She was still in this fight, one way or the other. Looking down the pathway she didn’t see any of the children or the women that accompanied them.

  Good, they must have escaped.

  She had at least accomplished that one feat. For that, she was proud.

  The wolves all took turns, prodding her defense. One would advance and try to nip at her dead paw, she’d turn her head to bite back and fight him off. Then another would strike at her from another angle, she would whip around with a bark.

  They were trying to tire her out. She clenched with her broken paw. The bone was definitely broken. There wasn’t an escape from the jaws that were clamping down tighter and tighter around her.

  Fuck them.

  She heard a rustle of leaves. It wasn’t the wind. It was loud, like someone running through them. She wheeled her head around to investigate the noise, as she did, a thick furry body leapt over her head, tackling one of the wolves to the ground and biting at whatever part his teeth would sink into.

  His fur was black from head to toe. His body was lithe and agile; his movements were fast and precise. Cuts covered his body, sending blood dripping down his dark fur, staining him a rich dark crimson.

  There was only one wolf with fur that dark; Alex. She’d spent so much time worrying about him. Having him appear from nowhere to save her life sent her heart aflutter.

  The other wolves turned to meet their new foe. Despite his bloodied, torn body, he made short work of them as though they were puppies trying to fight a bear. He lumbered over to Cynthia, his body changing as he walked.

  “Cynthia!” shouted Tess from behind.

  Cynthia reached out to her human side, letting it return. Her arms lengthened, returning to the pink fleshy things they normally were. Her fur faded as her hair grew back to its regular color.

  Alex fell to the ground just a foot away from her, collapsed from the strain of his fight. He deserved the rest.

  “We found him not long ago. I assume they’re with you?” Tess asked.

  The group of children ran playfully behind Tess. Connor held a couple of the kids over his shoulders; one was playing with his short hair. Gloria still huffed and puffed her way alongside the group. Samantha came along with Alex’s clothing, dirty from the ground in her arms. Cynthia allowed herself a smile.

  “Cyn!” Samantha screamed, “You’re okay!” She tossed the clothing at Alex who was beyond exhausted. “He couldn’t stay away from you. When he heard your howl he took off like lightning.”

  How about that?”

  Cynthia clasped his hand tightly then pulled herself along the ground closer. She kissed him on the lips, his eyes opened to greet her.

  “My hero,” she said. He smiled and they lied together for a moment, broken but satisfied.


  “What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Samantha asked, “It’s not like we can just walk out the front door.”

  “Why can’t we?” Alex said with an exhausted laugh, “We got enough muscle.” He struggled out a smile.

  Tess was busy splinting Cynthia’s wound. The broken arm wasn’t going to help her much if the situation called for fighting.

  Connor was trying to be as pragmatic as possible. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose. They had found everyone that needed to be found or rescued, but getting them all out safely would be difficult at best.

  “There’s no way we can fit this many people in my truck,” he said.

  “Why don’t we take the truck that brought us all in here?” Cynthia offered, “I know where it is, and the keys are still in the ign

  “You waited until just now to provide that piece of information?” Alex asked. She punched playfully at his shoulder but the broken arm made her wince from the pain and she stopped short.

  “I was going to say so sooner but you people just wouldn’t shut up long enough for me to say so,” she said.

  “Okay, let’s make for that truck,” Connor said. He pulled Alex up to his shoulder to be his crutch. “Let’s not make this a regular thing,” Connor sighed into Alex’s ear.

  “Deal,” Alex replied.

  Cynthia led the way. It was a good thing it wasn’t one of her back legs that was tripped up because there were enough people unable to fight. If someone popped up right now they would be like fish in a barrel.

  They crested over the slight hill behind the tall cabin. Connor surveyed the scene. The entire camp was swarming with wolves. Torque was barking out orders this way and that. Connor eased back behind the hill.

  “There’s no way we’re getting past that,” Connor said. Maybe they could go back to the cave where Mutt was knocked out, and fight their way out with some guns? Or maybe they could ignite the ammunition, like Connor had with Eli’s truck. Any distraction might be enough.

  “Wait here,” Samantha said. She stuffed her hand into Connor’s pocket. Connor looked up to her smiling face, and then he turned to face Tess who scowled at him. There was no winning here.

  She pulled his truck keys from his pocket.

  “Wait for my signal,” she said.

  “What signal?” Connor asked.

  “You’ll know it when you hear it,” she replied. She stayed low through the brush, passing quickly over the hill, just barely out of sight of the bikers down below. When she could go no further, in the brush, she paused to watch the bikers. Their luck came through when Torque started addressing the crowd.

  “This shit is almost over, boys!” he shouted. The bikers gathered around him. Some sat on the crates they’d carried; others snapped open beers from a cooler planted at Torque’s feet. “Once we’re rid of those den lovers, we’ll own this mountain. Not a single bear or wolf will stand between us.” The group cheered. “We’ll live like the kings we were born to be!”


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