A Dash of Desire (Spiced Life #2)

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A Dash of Desire (Spiced Life #2) Page 9

by Charity Parkerson

  Riley let it happen. Her gaze remained locked on his face. She couldn’t look away. With his head bent over his task, his closed expression gave nothing away. She wanted his thoughts. His words. Everything. His eyes followed his hands, carefully avoiding her stare. As he swept her hair from beneath the collar of the shirt and pulled it over one shoulder, his knuckles brushed her nipple. She gasped. A wave of pleasure rolled through her. Every nerve ending in her body fired to life at his touch. He did it again, making her realize the contact had been intentional. Tristan knew exactly what he was doing to her. Her sex quivered. Another slow, torturous stroke moved over her beaded nipple. Her body reacted as if he toyed with her clit. A moan rose in her throat. At the sound, Tristan’s gaze moved to hers. The heat radiating from his stare caused her mouth to go dry. Her fingernails bit into her palms as she fought to keep from touching him. Riley knew if she did, it would break the spell.

  Tristan slowly lowered his head. Riley was almost scared to breathe for fear of spooking him. When their slightly parted lips met, they clung. For a moment, they simply shared each other’s oxygen. Even the night seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. The solid warmth of Tristan’s chest hitting her palms made her realize she was sliding them up his body. It was beyond her control. He captured her wrists in a light grip. She knew he was trying not to hurt her already bruised arms, but it was equally obvious he didn’t welcome her touch. Nothing was ever going to change between them. A hint of disappointment rolled through her. His tongue swiped her bottom lip, carrying it away. With her wrists held in one hand, Tristan used the other to continuing torturing her nipple.

  Riley was torn between savoring the delicious flavor of Tristan’s mouth and fighting the urge to press her knees together. She needed relief. The way his tongue teased the roof of her mouth before curling around hers and then repeating the pattern had her near to dancing in place in her desire. Her body was on fire. She’d never realized before that her nipples possessed a direct line to her cunt. With every tweak and roll of Tristan’s fingers, she was left with no doubt in the matter now. Her muscles clenched. She rubbed her thighs together. The pad of his thumb brushed the tip of her nipple lightly. Riley whimpered. As if it was the cue he’d been waiting for, Tristan ate at her mouth, coming at her with such force Riley had no choice but to tilt her head back and surrender to his will. Her channel pulsed. Her lips stung. The world spun. Using his forefinger and thumb against her, Tristan rolled the distended bud between his fingers. Light exploded behind her closed lids. The orgasm slamming into her took Riley by surprise.

  The knowing grin shaping Tristan’s lips against hers, made Riley realize he’d known what he was doing. Never had such a thing happened to her. She didn’t even know it was possible. Tristan had known. She gasped for air beneath the impact of spasms. Pulling away, Tristan set his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes while she tried to catch her breath. Riley desperately wanted to touch him, but he kept the hold on her wrists, denying her. She knew then, she’d never have his heart. No matter what Riley did, she would always fall short in his eyes. This man was going to destroy her. The knowledge settled on her shoulders like a two-ton brick. Her throat tightened and her nose stung.


  Tristan thought if he covered Riley’s nudity, it would be enough to save him. When that didn’t work, he tried bringing her to release in hopes of easing his torment. As she came apart beneath his fingertips, Tristan recognized his mistake. There was no walking away from his desire for her. He thought he was holding her wrists until her wet hair touched his palms. His fingers tightened on the locks.

  He wanted to lie to himself, saying he couldn’t hurt her by denying her a moment longer. Tristan knew the truth. It was him. It was her. Them. They’d been meant to find their way here…together. When he touched his lips to hers, Riley didn’t push him away. She should have. Pure lust exploded. He ate her mouth and she tore at the button of his jeans. At the first brush of her fingers along his erection, Tristan hauled her forward by the globes of her ass. When her thighs found their way around his hips and his knee hit the ground, Tristan didn’t kid himself. He wasn’t going to stop.

  Riley was the first thing he’d wanted just for himself in a long time. When it came to her, he was selfish. Greedy. She was the only person who looked at him as if she was starving for him. She kissed him like she was desperate to have him. It was irresistible.

  The moment Riley’s inner walls gave way, making way for his cock, Tristan drew a deep breath into his lungs, realizing something important. It was the first real breath he’d taken since meeting her. He’d been on edge, anticipating.

  Lost in ecstasy, Tristan sucked hard on Riley’s tongue as he reached between their bodies. Her juices coated his fingertips as he toyed with her bud. The way she writhed beneath him combined with the noises coming from the back of her throat, making him desperate to feel her orgasm milking him. He pounded inside her almost frantic. Her body tensed. His fingers quickened. When she exploded Tristan ripped his mouth away. The air was too thick to draw into his lungs. Pleasure stole the oxygen from him. As Riley came, the pulsing of her pussy massaged his dick, making it impossible for Tristan to hold back. The delicious pressure that had been climbing up his shaft exploded into waves of pleasure. He rocked against her, riding it out until the very end before collapsing into her. Her fingers brushed his waist as she accepted his weight. Their gazes met. Realization struck. His fall from grace had been an epic one. Not only were his jeans barely pushed down his hips, he was also in the wide open, and at the same place his wife had been killed. Regret hit. He tried to hide it. Riley deserved better.

  “Riley, I…”

  As a mask fell over her features, shutting him out, Tristan knew he hadn’t been quick enough. The loss of warmth from her eyes shocked him to the point where he didn’t argue when she scrambled from beneath him. With his knees planted firmly in the dirt, Tristan watched in silence as she whipped his shirt off her back, and swiped it between her legs. His eyes fell closed in horror. He hadn’t even worn a condom. Damn. It was like he didn’t care about her at all. What was wrong with him? The shirt hit him in the chest bringing his gaze back to her.

  For a moment, her mask slipped. Hurt and disappointment stared out at him. His stomach churned at the sight. It was nothing in comparison to the broken note to her voice when she finally spoke.

  “Please stay away from me.”

  The tightening of his throat cut off every argument. He dipped his chin. She walked away, taking her pride and his heart with her.

  Chapter 8

  The sun peeking through the curtains pulled Riley from her dreams. Reality slammed into her chest with enough force to steal the oxygen from the room. She had managed to sleep off and on for a few hours, but every time she closed her eyes, Tristan appeared—his lips swollen from their kisses. His eyes filled with regret. It was over. Rolling onto her side, she stared at the lace pattern sewn into her curtains and tried to convince herself to get out of bed. It was pointless. There was nothing waiting for her. Shifting her gaze from the window to the clock, she took note of the early hour. She snuggled deeper into the mattress, pulling the covers tighter as if they could protect her from life. Her arm brushed something solid. A crinkling noise filled the air.

  With a pat, Riley realized it was a box. Upon closer inspection it was a pink package with a yellow ribbon. Acid rose in her throat. She knew without a single doubt where it had come from. With a tug, the ribbon slipped loose. Inside were several papers and a smaller box. Horror clawed at Riley’s skin as she inspected each one. There were dozens of photos of her and Tristan, including shots of them by the pond. They were good quality to say the least. At the bottom of the stack was a copy of Graham’s divorce papers. He’d filed. A legal separation had already been granted. Her hands shook as she opened the smaller box. A chocolate diamond stared out at her. It was at least six carats—possibly more. The threat was subtle but Riley read it loud and clear. M
arry him or he’d destroy Tristan.

  “Unlike my marriage with Bella, I won’t ask you to sign a pre-nup.” A choked gasp left her throat at the sound of Graham’s voice. Flying upward, she took the blankets with her, making sure to keep her body covered as she found him with her gaze. On the floor, with this back against her bedroom door, Graham sat with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. “I know you’re not going anywhere, and you’ve never wanted my money.” Tilting his chin, he appeared almost thoughtful before adding, “I’m not sure why I didn’t see it sooner. This whole thing is my fault.”

  It was a trap. Riley knew it, but couldn’t see exactly where it would spring. She cleared her throat, doing her best to calm her racing heart, but not show it. “How so?”

  He shrugged. “Some people cheat because the grass is greener on the other side. Other people cheat because everywhere they look the grass is dead. I’m one of those people. The only time I feel alive is when I’m with you. The day I met you, I should’ve filed for divorce. You’ve always deserved to have all of me. I see that now.”

  “Seth,” Riley said, intentionally using his middle name in hopes of keeping him calm. It was the right move. His eyes softened. It didn’t last. “This has nothing to do with Bella. I wouldn’t have married you even if you’d been single when we met.”

  Graham came to his feet. He kept his movements slow. Riley had never been more scared. She locked her back teeth against it. Bending at the waist, Graham lifted a bouquet from the floor. She’d been so intent on keeping her eyes on him, Riley hadn’t noticed it before then. “It doesn’t really matter what you would’ve done, only what you’ll do now.”

  As he moved in her direction with the flowers in hand, Riley wondered if this would be her final sight. He nudged the pictures scattered across her bed as he set the flowers on top of them. “This guy is going to bore you shitless in a matter of weeks.” Before Riley could move away, he snagged her waist and hauled her against his chest. With his fingers buried in her hair, Graham dropped his voice into the seductive tone Riley knew all too well. “There’s no way in hell he’ll go down on you in the corner booth at Crane’s Bar and Grill.” An image of the night he spoke of flashed across her mind, making her chest ache. Things had been different once.

  A low, sexy chuckle brushed over her skin as Graham’s mouth touched her jaw. Graham had talent and looks. Those things had never been an issue. He wasn’t hers, and his version of love was twisted at best.

  “I don’t know. He might,” Riley lied, knowing Tristan would never do such a thing and that she was only making things harder for herself. Graham’s hold on her hair tightened.

  “I’ve let you have some time. Even though I’ve always had the power to destroy you, I’ve allowed you to have a little freedom, hoping you’d find your way back home, but the time has come for you to accept the truth. No one will ever give you the world the way I do. No one can do the things for you I can.” He was right. No one could break her the way he did.

  “I still won’t marry you.”

  A smile stretched his lips. There wasn’t anything pleasant about the sight. Her bravery fled as a spike of fear set in. “Yes. You will.”


  “Somebody’s in a black mood today? Did things not go well with Riley out at Hunter’s pond last night?” Tristan’s mind went blank. Emma chuckled at his obvious shock. The girlish sound did nothing to disguise her malicious glee. “Oh, please, Tristan. There’s nothing that happens in this town that everyone doesn’t know about…” He hoped she didn’t literally mean nothing. “…Really though, you’re better off without her. You don’t want someone else’s kept woman tied to your name, tarnishing your reputation. Any woman willing to spend two years sleeping with a married man, living in a house he bought for her on the beach.”


  At his interruption, a sly look passed over Emma’s face, and Tristan knew he’d fallen right into her trap. Knowing it didn’t ease his curiosity one whit. Even though he didn’t believe it for a second, Tristan needed to know what people were saying about Riley. Emma blinked innocently.

  “What did you think she was doing out there in California all alone? Her mom is still living over in Nashville. She doesn’t have any family out that way, and she hasn’t tried finding a job since she’s been in town. Either she doesn’t need the money or doesn’t intend to stay.”

  “She has a job.”

  “Oh sweetie, playing around on the internet all day isn’t a job.” Actually, it was, but Tristan wasn’t about to waste his breath trying to explain that someone like Emma. “If you ask me, it’s the latter. It’s only a matter of time before she gets tired of playing the small town girl and goes back to Mr. Megabucks.” Tristan shook his head. He was tired of listening to baseless gossip.

  “It’s not nice to spread rumors,” Tristan admonished without any real heat. “I’m not sure where all that started, but I can’t see supporting such an awful lie.”

  Emma’s voice went from sweet to bitter in an instant. “It’s not a lie. Look.” She snagged her phone from the top of her desk. After a full minute of toying with it, she held it out to him. “Check it out for yourself.”

  As Tristan reached for the phone, Emma said something else, but Tristan couldn’t hear it over the sound of his pulse beating in his ears. He also couldn’t look away from the picture in his hands. It was unmistakably Riley. Even draped in a designer dress and diamonds, her natural beauty outshone it all. Her eyes were closed. A mischievous half-smile hovered on her lips. A man dressed her equal kissed her cheek. They were obviously in public, but the picture captured an intimate moment between the pair. They hadn’t known anyone was watching. He was sure of it. The image was part of a news article. Tristan scrolled down. He may as well know it all.

  Reclusive billionaire and music label tycoon, Graham Whitaker may be best known for his cutthroat business dealings, but lately he’s been hitting the headlines for a new reason. The forty year old, married, father of two was recently spotted inside a tiny Santa Ana restaurant with a woman in which he is rumored to be having an affair. The Ana Examiner has identified the woman as Riley Henderson, a 27 year old social media specialist. Sources close to Henderson confirm the couple have been dating for over two years and share a beach house in Orange County. We reached out to Whitaker’s wife, Bella Whitaker, about the rumors. When confronted with the photos Mrs. Whitaker waved off the incident as a misunderstanding, saying the pictures had been taken out of context.

  A hint of relief seeped in at the final words. “Even the man’s wife says this photo was taken out of context.”

  Emma snorted as she reclaimed her phone. “Don’t be naïve. She’d be insane to give up her position as his wife. Girlfriends come and go, but a wife holds the purse strings, and billions can buy a lot of happiness. Not to mention, if it isn’t true, then tell my why Betty Joe says Graham Whitaker was at Hidden Gems all night last night and Selene saw him coming out of Southlands flower shop a couple of hours ago. A man like that doesn’t travel all the way across the country to personally deliver flowers to a misunderstanding.”

  He couldn’t have heard her right. “Well. Either way, this is none of our business.” He was seething. Only the phone ringing on his desk saved him from making an idiot of himself. Billy’s name flashed across the caller ID. For a moment, Tristan considered letting it go to voicemail. In the end, he knew couldn’t do such a thing. With a prayer for strength, he lifted the receiver to his ear.

  “Brother Daniels.”

  “Oh. Thank goodness you’re there, Brother Daniels.” Despite the urgency in Billy’s voice, she was still whispering, making it almost impossible to understand her.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No,” she dragged out the final syllable as if trying to impress exactly how not all right things were. A wave of fear swept over him.

  “What’s going on? Is Riley okay?”

  Silence met his ques
tion, forcing his panic to new heights. Just when he thought he might explode, she blew out a sigh. “I think you should come out here. Honestly, I don’t know who else to call.”

  He didn’t want to go. As ridiculous as it might seem to anyone else, learning about Graham Whitaker from Emma May instead of Riley felt like a betrayal. Not to mention, Riley had asked him to stay away.

  “Um, yeah, give me fifteen.”

  “Hurry. I’ve already had to get my good shovel out,” she whispered before hanging up without saying goodbye.

  As he pushed to his feet, Emma tried to intercede. “You can’t seriously be considering going to see Riley after what I’ve told you.”

  A spurt of irritation ran through him. “I don’t recall you telling me a single thing about Ms. Upchurch.” She huffed. He didn’t meet her gaze. Tristan almost made it to the door before he thought of something else and retraced his steps. “I almost forgot. Yesterday, I talked to Brother West over at the Nashville Mission. He’s currently shorthanded and overworked. I agreed to send some help his way. Starting tomorrow, you’ll report to work there.” For now, it was a total lie, but he intended to make it the truth before the end of the day. He couldn’t stand another day of Emma’s hate-filled gossip and the shock on her face was worth every extra prayer for forgiveness he’d have to put in later.

  The fifteen-minute drive to the Upchurch place wasn’t nearly enough to clear Tristan’s head. Every second of the night before ran through his mind. He wondered if he’d relive the moment he’d spent holding Riley for the rest of his life. The way she tasted, the sounds she made as she came apart beneath his touch, and the expression on her face when he’d shut her down. All of those things were seared into his brain. He wanted to keep her. The house came into view. Nothing seemed visibly out of place, but an ominous sense of foreboding hung in the air. Even the wind seemed eerily calm as Tristan slid from his truck. The front door opened and Billy stepped out. Without a word, she pointed toward the open field to the left of the house. He spotted Riley right away. The grass needed mowing, but her bright yellow sundress stood out like a beacon. With a nod in Billy’s direction, he headed for Riley.


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